Lecture 2: Control Structures

Control Structures
Hierarchical Statement Structure
• Standard in imperative languages since
• Exceptions: Early FORTRAN, COBOL,
early BASIC, APL. (Fortran kludged
definite loops.)
Control structures within function
Sequence: { S1, S2 … Sk }
Conditional: if statement, case statement.
Loop: while loop, for loop.
Jump: goto, exception raising
Expression evaluation
Ambiguity of grouping: is 1+2*3 interpreted
as (1+2)*3=9 or 1+(2*3)=7?
• Operator precedence. * binds more tightly
than +, so 1+2*3 = 7.
• Order precedence. Always compute left to
right so 1+2*3=(1+2)*3 = 9
Best to use a lot of parentheses.
Short circuit evaluation
If Y <> 0 and X/Y > 5, compute Z.
• if (Y <> 0 and X/Y > 5) Z = …
--- but operators evaluate their arguments
• Lazy evaluation of Booleans:
if (Y <> 0 && X/Y > 5) Z = …
• Explicit conditionals
if (Y <> 0) then if (X/Y > 5) Z= …
Prefix and postfix notation
Prefix: Operator precedes its arguments
Postfix: Operator follows its arguments
e.g. (1+3*N)/[(1+N)*(1+2*N)]
Prefix: / + 1 * 3 N *+ 1 N + 1 * 2 N
Postfix: 1 3 N * + 1 N + 1 2 N * + * /
If each operator has a fixed number of
arguments, then prefix and postfix are
unambiguous with no need for brackets,
precedence, or associativity conventions.
Control structure between functions
Function call and return
Coroutine yield
Parallel synchronization
Exception raising
Assembly language
In assembly language, (essentially) the only
control structures are:
• Progression: Move to the next statement
(increment the program counter).
• Unconditional jump:
Jump to address A
• Conditional jump:
JMZ R,A If (R==0) then jump to A
Possible forms of conditions and addresses vary.
• Pascal: begin … end
• C, C++, Java: { … }
• Ada: Brackets for sequence are
unnecessary. Keywords for control
structures suffice.
for J in 1 .. N loop … end loop
• ABC, Python: Indicate structure by
• Pascal: Semicolons are separators
• C etc.: Semicolons are terminators
begin X := 1;
Y := 2
{ X = 1;
Y = 2;
if Condition then Statement -- Pascal, Ada
if (Condition) Statement -- C, C++, Java
To avoid ambiguities, use end marker: end if, “}”
To deal with alternatives, use keyword or bracketing:
if Conditions
then Statements
elseif Conditions
then Statements
else Statements
if (Conditions)
{ Statements }
else if (Conditions)
then { Statements}
else { Statements }
if-else ambiguity
if Conditions
if (Conditions)
then {
if Conditions
if (Conditions)
then Statements
{ Statements }
else Statements else { Statements }
end if
end if
Compiling conditionals
if (Cond) then Statement1 else Statement2
Compute Cond in register R
Code for Statement1
L: … Code for Statement2
END: … Next statement
Multi-way selection
“The case statement is the most useful control
structure because most programs are
interpreters.” (Ed Schonberg)
Can achieve same with conditionals, but case
statements are clearer.
case (NextChar)
{ I: N=1;
V: N=5;
X: N=10
L: N=50
The well-structured case statement
Discrete type.
No flow-through (hideous C misdesign).
Every value is in exactly one option.
Default option for values not covered.
Labels are computable at compile time.
• Finite set of possibilities: can build a table
of addresses, and
• convert expression into table index:
– compute value
– transform into index
– retrieve address of corresponding code
– branch to code fragment and execute
– branch to end of case statement
• while loop: test at beginning
while (Condition) Statement
• repeat loop: test at end
repeat Statement until Condition
do Statement while (Condition)
• breaking out: test in middle
loop Statement
if (condition) then exitloop;
end loop
Multiple exits
If you want to exit from imbedded loops, you need to
specify which one you’re exiting.
Ada solution: Label loops
Outer: while C1 loop …
Inner: while C2 loop …
Innermost: while C3 loop …
exit Outer when MajorFailure;
exit Inner when SmallAnnoyance;
end loop Innermost;
end loop Inner;
end loop Outer;
Definite loops
for J in 1 .. 10 loop … end loop
for (int I=0; I < N; I++) …
Design issues:
• Evaluation of bounds (only at start, since
• Scope of loop variables
• Empty bodies
• Increments other than 1
• Backward iteration
• Non-numeric domains
Definite loops
Since the C for loop
for (start; test; increment) body;
allows arbitrary test conditions and arbitrary
increment actions, this is not really a definite
loop at all, just an distinctively formatted while
However, the compiler is sensitive to the particular
for (int I=0; I < N; I++)
and optimizes the code for this.
C: break and continue
break: exit innermost loop (exitloop)
continue: go to next iteration of innermost
Loop counter
Local to loop?
If not, what is the value on exit?
Settable in body of loop?
Multiple loop counters?
Non-numeric domains
Ada: for M in months loop … end loop
Other data types:
iterator = Collection.iterator();
element thing = iterator.first;
while (iterator.moreElements()) {
thing = interator.next();
Implementation of loops
loop Statement1;
if (condition) exit loop;
end loop
L1: … Code for Statement1
… Compute not(condition) and put in R;
… Code for Statement2
L2: Next statement
If you don’t have hierarchical statement structure, you need goto’s.
“Go To Statements Considered Harmful” --- Dijkstra, 1968
Many more recent languages (e.g. Java) don’t have them.
Certainly must prohibit jumping into the middle of a embedded
structure; e.g.
{ …
go to L
for (int I=0; I<N; I++) {
L: …}