GenChem Week 12 Patient Project: Ion Selective Electrodes Today’s Agenda: Review patient project. Use an ISE to measure [Na+] & [Ca2+] Diagnose patient. Plan poster. GenChem Looking Ahead 13 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 Ion-selective electrodes (12) 20 Lecture Exam 4 Lab Final Exam (Practical) (13) 27 28 29 Last Makeup Lab 30 Patient Project Poster Presentation (14) Final Exam: Monday, May 11, 10:30 1 GenChem Instructor & Course Evaluation We are using the University’s Teacher & Course Evaluation (TCE) Online course evaluation tool. A. You will receive (or may already have) an email from TCE with the URL when the evaluation is available. B. You will have about two weeks to respond. The site will be closed and data downloaded on Sunday, April 26th. GenChem Poster Presentation Things you need to know The poster presentation will be in-class on April 27th & 28th. Your poster will be graded on the spot. The grading rubric is posted to the syllabus. All group members must be present for the grading unless excused by the TA. You are required to evaluate two peer posters. Form available from D2L content section. GenChem Practical Final Exam The Problem Clinical researchers are investigating the effects of a new drug designed to lower blood glucose levels in diabetic patients They have blood and urine samples taken from lab rats to whom the drug has been administered. These need to be tested and compared to the “before” results. A Study Guide is posted to D2L. The Patient Project GenChem Patient case studies Patient interview data Urine analysis (test strips) CK and LD tests Glucose tests Ion-selective electrodes Diagnosis and presentation as a poster GenChem Testing for sodium & calcium: ion-selective electrodes. An example of sensor technology. GenChem What is an ion selective electrode? • a device that generates an electric potential proportional to a particular ion’s concentration. • a device for determining the presence and/or concentration of a particular ion. GenChem Let′s think! Potentiometric measurements In your groups discuss • What are the necessary characteristics of an ISE? • How is it able to “read” concentrations? E cell 0.0591 V C log [ion] z The Nernst Equation GenChem Reading a potentiometric graph. Potentiometric measurements Potentiometric measurements 200 250 What happened here? mV mV 150 150 100 50 0,00E+00 2,00E-02 4,00E-02 6,00E-02 8,00E-02 1,00E-01 2+ [Ca ] 50 0 1 2 3 4 - log [ion] 5 6 7 8 GenChem Ion selective Electrode Pre-lab Let′s think! GenChem Preparing a Primary Standard In your groups review your responses to the following pre-lab question and come up with a consensus answer. Write a procedure for preparing a 0.500 M standard solution from solid sodium chloride, NaCl. This procedure must include answers to the following questions how much of the solution should be made? what glassware should be used to measure the volumes? Let′s think! GenChem Preparing another Standard In your groups review your responses to the following pre-lab question and come up with a consensus answer. The guide recommends standards to prepare. Describe in detail how you would go about making the 0.0500 M sodium standard solution. GenChem Let′s think! Expected Outcome In your groups review your responses to the following pre-lab question and come up with a consensus answer. Consider the standard solutions recommended by the guide for the calcium assay. Between which standards do you expect a sample containing a normal calcium level to fall? Explain why you made that choice. Serum SODIUM Determination Flowchart (per 4 students), CHEM 102 Spring 2011 Solutions in the fume hood DO THIS FIRST Solutions on your bench 4M NH4Cl/ 4M NH4OH (Sodium ISA) Roughly 15 mL pH 10 Buffer Sodium ISA in a small beaker 0.5M Sodium Standard Roughly 100 mL in a small beaker 0.5M Sodium Standard in a small beaker GenChem Patient Sample XX Exactly 50.00 mL in a small beaker Exactly 50.00 mL of Patient Sample XX in small beaker Serum SODIUM Determination Flowchart (per 4 students), CHEM 102 Spring 2011 Solutions in the fume hood DO THIS FIRST 4M NH4Cl/ 4M NH4OH (Sodium ISA) Roughly 15 mL pH 10 Buffer Solutions on your bench Sodium ISA in a small beaker 0.5M Sodium Standard Roughly 100 mL in a small beaker GenChem Patient Sample XX Exactly 50.00 mL in a small beaker 0.5M Sodium Standard in a small beaker Exactly 50.00 mL of Patient Sample XX in small beaker DO THIS SECOND Parallel dilutions (perform in 50.00 mL volumetric flasks) 5.00 mL 0.5M Sodium Standard + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.05M Sodium soln 25.00 mL 0.5M Sodium Standard + 25.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.25M Sodium soln Exactly 50.00 mL 0.5M Sodium Standard in a small beaker Serum SODIUM Determination Flowchart (per 4 students), CHEM 102 Spring 2011 Solutions in the fume hood DO THIS FIRST 4M NH4Cl/ 4M NH4OH (Sodium ISA) Roughly 15 mL pH 10 Buffer Solutions on your bench Sodium ISA in a small beaker 0.5M Sodium Standard Roughly 100 mL in a small beaker GenChem Patient Sample XX Exactly 50.00 mL in a small beaker 0.5M Sodium Standard in a small beaker Exactly 50.00 mL of Patient Sample XX in small beaker DO THIS SECOND Parallel dilutions (perform in 50.00 mL volumetric flasks) 5.00 mL 0.5M Sodium Standard + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.05M Sodium soln 25.00 mL 0.5M Sodium Standard + 25.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.25M Sodium soln DO THIS THIRD Serial dilutions (perform in 50.00 mL volumetric flasks) 5.00 mL 0.05M Sodium soln + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.005M Sodium soln 5.00 mL 0.25M Sodium soln + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.025M Sodium soln Exactly 50.00 mL 0.5M Sodium Standard in a small beaker Serum SODIUM Determination Flowchart (per 4 students), CHEM 102 Spring 2011 Solutions in the fume hood DO THIS FIRST 4M NH4Cl/ 4M NH4OH (Sodium ISA) Roughly 15 mL pH 10 Buffer Solutions on your bench Sodium ISA in a small beaker GenChem 0.5M Sodium Standard Patient Sample XX Roughly 100 mL in a small beaker Exactly 50.00 mL in a small beaker 0.5M Sodium Standard in a small beaker Exactly 50.00 mL of Patient Sample XX in small beaker DO THIS SECOND Parallel dilutions (perform in 50.00 mL volumetric flasks) 5.00 mL 0.5M Sodium Standard + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O 25.00 mL 0.5M Sodium Standard + 25.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.05M Sodium soln 0.25M Sodium soln Exactly 50.00 mL 0.5M Sodium Standard in a small beaker DO THIS THIRD 5.00 mL 0.05M Sodium soln + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O Serial dilutions (perform in 50.00 mL volumetric flasks) DO THIS FORTH Solutions with Buffer added 5.00 mL 0.25M Sodium soln + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.005M Sodium soln Add exactly 1.00 mL pH 10 Buffer 0.005M Na+ Add exactly 1.00 mL pH 10 Buffer 0.025M Na+ Add exactly 1.00 mL pH 10 Buffer 0.025M Sodium soln Add exactly 0.90 mL pH 10 Buffer 0.05M Na+ Add exactly 1.00 mL pH 10 Buffer Add exactly 0.90 mL pH 10 Buffer 0.25M Na+ 0.5M Na+ “XX” Serum SODIUM Determination Flowchart (per 4 students), CHEM 102 Spring 2011 Solutions in the fume hood DO THIS FIRST 4M NH4Cl/ 4M NH4OH (Sodium ISA) Roughly 15 mL pH 10 Buffer Solutions on your bench GenChem 0.5M Sodium Standard Patient Sample XX Roughly 100 mL in a small beaker Sodium ISA in a small beaker Exactly 50.00 mL in a small beaker 0.5M Sodium Standard in a small beaker Exactly 50.00 mL of Patient Sample XX in small beaker DO THIS SECOND Parallel dilutions (perform in 50.00 mL volumetric flasks) 5.00 mL 0.5M Sodium Standard + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O 25.00 mL 0.5M Sodium Standard + 25.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.05M Sodium soln 0.25M Sodium soln Exactly 50.00 mL 0.5M Sodium Standard in a small beaker DO THIS THIRD 5.00 mL 0.05M Sodium soln + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O Serial dilutions (perform in 50.00 mL volumetric flasks) DO THIS FORTH Solutions with Buffer added 5.00 mL 0.25M Sodium soln + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.005M Sodium soln Add exactly 1.00 mL pH 10 Buffer 0.005M Na+ Add exactly 1.00 mL pH 10 Buffer 0.025M Na+ Add exactly 1.00 mL pH 10 Buffer 0.025M Sodium soln Add exactly 0.90 mL pH 10 Buffer 0.05M Na+ Add exactly 1.00 mL pH 10 Buffer Add exactly 0.90 mL pH 10 Buffer 0.25M Na+ 0.5M Na+ “XX” DO THIS FIFTH IMPORTANT! Configure (set-up) for mV before taking readings! IMPORTANT! Allow probe to equilibrate for 1-2 minutes for each reading! Potential (mV) readings with Logger Pro Start with the most dilute (0.005M) solution and work stepwise towards the most concentrated (0.5M) Read 0.005M Na+ Read 0.025M Na+ Read 0.05M Na+ Read 0.25M Na+ Read “XX” Read 0.5M Na+ IMPORTANT! Patient Sample “XX” must be read at the same time as the calibration dilutions! Serum SODIUM Determination Flowchart (per 4 students), CHEM 102 Spring 2011 Solutions in the fume hood DO THIS FIRST 4M NH4Cl/ 4M NH4OH (Sodium ISA) Roughly 15 mL pH 10 Buffer Solutions on your bench GenChem 0.5M Sodium Standard Patient Sample XX Roughly 100 mL in a small beaker Sodium ISA in a small beaker Exactly 50.00 mL in a small beaker 0.5M Sodium Standard in a small beaker Exactly 50.00 mL of Patient Sample XX in small beaker DO THIS SECOND Parallel dilutions (perform in 50.00 mL volumetric flasks) 5.00 mL 0.5M Sodium Standard + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O 25.00 mL 0.5M Sodium Standard + 25.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.05M Sodium soln 0.25M Sodium soln Exactly 50.00 mL 0.5M Sodium Standard in a small beaker DO THIS THIRD 5.00 mL 0.05M Sodium soln + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O Serial dilutions (perform in 50.00 mL volumetric flasks) DO THIS FORTH Solutions with Buffer added 5.00 mL 0.25M Sodium soln + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.005M Sodium soln Add exactly 1.00 mL pH 10 Buffer 0.005M Na+ Add exactly 1.00 mL pH 10 Buffer 0.025M Na+ Add exactly 1.00 mL pH 10 Buffer 0.025M Sodium soln Add exactly 0.90 mL pH 10 Buffer Add exactly 1.00 mL pH 10 Buffer Add exactly 0.90 mL pH 10 Buffer 0.05M Na+ 0.25M Na+ “XX” 0.5M Na+ DO THIS FIFTH IMPORTANT! Configure (set-up) for mV before taking readings! IMPORTANT! Allow probe to equilibrate for 1-2 minutes for each reading! Potential (mV) readings with Logger Pro Start with the most dilute (0.005M) solution and work stepwise towards the most concentrated (0.5M) Read 0.005M Na+ Read 0.025M Na+ Read 0.05M Na+ Read 0.25M Na+ Read “XX” Read 0.5M Na+ IMPORTANT! Patient Sample “XX” must be read at the same time as the calibration dilutions! DO THIS SIXTH DO THIS LAST Potential vs. Concentration calibration plot with Logger Pro or Excel “0.005M ” to “0.5M” readings are used to construct the calibration plot (Potential vs. Concentration) Patient “XX”’s sodium ion concentration Serum CALCIUM Determination Flowchart (per 4 students), CHEM 102 Spring 2011 Solutions in the fume hood 4M KCL Calcium Ionic Strength Adjuster DO THIS FIRST Roughly 15 mL 4M KCl Solutions on your bench 4M KCl in a small beaker 0.03M Calcium Standard Roughly 100 mL in a small beaker 0.03M Calcium Standard in a small beaker GenChem Patient Sample XX Exactly 50.00 mL in a small beaker Exactly 50.00 mL of Patient Sample XX in small beaker Serum CALCIUM Determination Flowchart (per 4 students), CHEM 102 Spring 2011 Solutions in the fume hood 4M KCL Calcium Ionic Strength Adjuster DO THIS FIRST Roughly 15 mL 4M KCl Solutions on your bench 4M KCl in a small beaker 0.03M Calcium Standard Roughly 100 mL in a small beaker GenChem Patient Sample XX Exactly 50.00 mL in a small beaker 0.03M Calcium Standard in a small beaker Exactly 50.00 mL of Patient Sample XX in small beaker DO THIS SECOND Parallel dilutions (perform in 50.00 mL volumetric flasks) 5.00 mL 0.03M Calcium Standard + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.003M Ca2+ soln 25.00 mL 0.03M Calcium Standard + 25.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.015M Ca2+ soln Exactly 50.00 mL 0.03M Calcium Standard in a small beaker Serum CALCIUM Determination Flowchart (per 4 students), CHEM 102 Spring 2011 Solutions in the fume hood 4M KCL Calcium Ionic Strength Adjuster DO THIS FIRST Roughly 15 mL 4M KCl Solutions on your bench 4M KCl in a small beaker 0.03M Calcium Standard Roughly 100 mL in a small beaker GenChem Patient Sample XX Exactly 50.00 mL in a small beaker 0.03M Calcium Standard in a small beaker Exactly 50.00 mL of Patient Sample XX in small beaker DO THIS SECOND Parallel dilutions (perform in 50.00 mL volumetric flasks) 5.00 mL 0.03M Calcium Standard + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.003M Ca2+ soln 25.00 mL 0.03M Calcium Standard + 25.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.015M Ca2+ soln DO THIS THIRD Serial dilutions (perform in 50.00 mL volumetric flasks) 5.00 mL 0.003M Ca2+ soln + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.0003M Ca2+ soln 5.00 mL 0.015M Ca2+ soln + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.0015M Ca2+ soln Exactly 50.00 mL 0.03M Calcium Standard in a small beaker Serum CALCIUM Determination Flowchart (per 4 students), CHEM 102 Spring 2011 Solutions in the fume hood 4M KCL Calcium Ionic Strength Adjuster DO THIS FIRST Roughly 15 mL 4M KCl Solutions on your bench GenChem 0.03M Calcium Standard Patient Sample XX Roughly 100 mL in a small beaker 4M KCl in a small beaker Exactly 50.00 mL in a small beaker 0.03M Calcium Standard in a small beaker Exactly 50.00 mL of Patient Sample XX in small beaker DO THIS SECOND Parallel dilutions (perform in 50.00 mL volumetric flasks) 5.00 mL 0.03M Calcium Standard + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O 25.00 mL 0.03M Calcium Standard + 25.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.003M Ca2+ soln 0.015M Ca2+ soln Exactly 50.00 mL 0.03M Calcium Standard in a small beaker DO THIS THIRD Serial dilutions (perform in 50.00 mL volumetric flasks) DO THIS FORTH Solutions with KCl added 5.00 mL 0.003M Ca2+ soln + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O 5.00 mL 0.015M Ca2+ soln + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.0003M Ca2+ soln Add exactly 1.00 mL 4M KCl 0.0003M Ca2+ Add exactly 1.00 mL 4M KCl 0.0015M Ca2+ 0.0015M Ca2+ soln Add exactly 0.90 mL 4M KCl 0.003M Ca2+ Add exactly 1.00 mL 4M KCl Add exactly 1.00 mL 4M KCl Add exactly 0.90 mL 4M KCl 0.015M Ca2+ 0.03M Ca2+ “XX” Serum CALCIUM Determination Flowchart (per 4 students), CHEM 102 Spring 2011 Solutions in the fume hood 4M KCL Calcium Ionic Strength Adjuster DO THIS FIRST Roughly 15 mL 4M KCl Solutions on your bench GenChem 0.03M Calcium Standard Patient Sample XX Roughly 100 mL in a small beaker 4M KCl in a small beaker Exactly 50.00 mL in a small beaker 0.03M Calcium Standard in a small beaker Exactly 50.00 mL of Patient Sample XX in small beaker DO THIS SECOND Parallel dilutions (perform in 50.00 mL volumetric flasks) 5.00 mL 0.03M Calcium Standard + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O 25.00 mL 0.03M Calcium Standard + 25.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.003M Ca2+ soln 0.015M Ca2+ soln Exactly 50.00 mL 0.03M Calcium Standard in a small beaker DO THIS THIRD Serial dilutions (perform in 50.00 mL volumetric flasks) DO THIS FORTH Solutions with KCl added 5.00 mL 0.003M Ca2+ soln + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O 5.00 mL 0.015M Ca2+ soln + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.0003M Ca2+ soln Add exactly 1.00 mL 4M KCl 0.0003M Ca2+ 0.0015M Ca2+ soln Add exactly 1.00 mL 4M KCl 0.0015M Ca2+ Add exactly 0.90 mL 4M KCl 0.003M Ca2+ Add exactly 1.00 mL 4M KCl Add exactly 1.00 mL 4M KCl Add exactly 0.90 mL 4M KCl 0.015M Ca2+ 0.03M Ca2+ “XX” DO THIS FIFTH IMPORTANT! Configure (set-up) for mV before taking readings! IMPORTANT! Allow probe to equilibrate for 1-2 minutes for each reading! Potential (mV) readings with Logger Pro Start with the most dilute (0.0003M) solution and work stepwise towards the most concentrated (0.03M) Read 0.0003M Ca2+ Read 0.0015M Ca2+ Read 0.003M Ca2+ Read 0.015M Ca2+ Read “XX” Read 0.03M Ca2+ IMPORTANT! Patient Sample “XX” must be read at the same time as the calibration dilutions! Serum CALCIUM Determination Flowchart (per 4 students), CHEM 102 Spring 2011 Solutions in the fume hood 4M KCL Calcium Ionic Strength Adjuster DO THIS FIRST Roughly 15 mL 4M KCl Solutions on your bench GenChem 0.03M Calcium Standard Patient Sample XX Roughly 100 mL in a small beaker 4M KCl in a small beaker Exactly 50.00 mL in a small beaker 0.03M Calcium Standard in a small beaker Exactly 50.00 mL of Patient Sample XX in small beaker DO THIS SECOND Parallel dilutions (perform in 50.00 mL volumetric flasks) 5.00 mL 0.03M Calcium Standard + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O 25.00 mL 0.03M Calcium Standard + 25.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.003M Ca2+ soln 0.015M Ca2+ soln Exactly 50.00 mL 0.03M Calcium Standard in a small beaker DO THIS THIRD Serial dilutions (perform in 50.00 mL volumetric flasks) DO THIS FORTH Solutions with KCl added 5.00 mL 0.003M Ca2+ soln + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O 5.00 mL 0.015M Ca2+ soln + 45.00 mL Nanopure H2O 0.0003M Ca2+ soln Add exactly 1.00 mL 4M KCl 0.0003M Ca2+ 0.0015M Ca2+ soln Add exactly 1.00 mL 4M KCl 0.0015M Ca2+ Add exactly 0.90 mL 4M KCl Add exactly 1.00 mL 4M KCl Add exactly 1.00 mL 4M KCl Add exactly 0.90 mL 4M KCl 0.003M Ca2+ 0.015M Ca2+ “XX” 0.03M Ca2+ DO THIS FIFTH IMPORTANT! Configure (set-up) for mV before taking readings! IMPORTANT! Allow probe to equilibrate for 1-2 minutes for each reading! Potential (mV) readings with Logger Pro Start with the most dilute (0.0003M) solution and work stepwise towards the most concentrated (0.03M) Read 0.0003M Ca2+ Read 0.0015M Ca2+ Read 0.003M Ca2+ Read 0.015M Ca2+ Read “XX” Read 0.03M Ca2+ IMPORTANT! Patient Sample “XX” must be read at the same time as the calibration dilutions! DO THIS SIXTH DO THIS LAST Potential vs. Concentration calibration plot with Logger Pro or Excel “0.0003M ” to “0.03M” readings are used to construct the calibration plot (Potential vs. Concentration) Patient “XX”’s calcium ion concentration GenChem Performing the analysis safely. Don’t forget to wear gloves Performing the analysis reliably. For your sodium standards, use ONLY the NANOpure Water for your dilutions Volumetric glassware is available for your use. GenChem Two different kinds of electrodes The Calcium ISEs are made by our preproom team. The Sodium ISEs are purchased from a vendor. Do you have these instructions? Both are plugged into the They’re in D2L – content – computers and managed Logger Pro Guides – NaCa ISE by the Logger Pro software Instructions GenChem Sodium ISE Special Need The “Distilled Water” contains enough sodium ion to invalidate your measurements with the electrode. For this reason you MUST use NANOPURE water for all your sodium ion solution preparations. GenChem Let′s explore! Your Challenge Prepare your standards Measure your samples Available resources: solid NaCl and CaCl2 . ionic strength adjustors Implement your experimental procedure! NANOpure water volumetric glassware Ion-selective electrodes You have 90 minutes Progress Report You will now complete and submit the progress report covering this week and last. GenChem These are to be individual efforts although consultation is highly encouraged. Identification: name, TA name, group members and patient identification. Glucose standards. List of standards prepared, sample calculations and description of how solutions were prepared. Glucose calibration plot [glucose] found in patient samples, comparison to normal levels and diagnostic conclusions. Sodium and Calcium calibration plots Description of standard solutions prepared including all calculations [Na+] and [Ca2+] values found in patient samples, comparison to normal levels and diagnostic conclusions. GenChem Group Meeting As a group review your results for all three weeks. decide on a diagnosis for your patient. plan your slide show. assign tasks.