Properties of Matter Choice Board Project

Properties of Matter
Choice Board Project
You will choose activities from the lists below to complete. You may choose any combination of
activities to do, but the total points must equal 12 points when you add them together. This
project will be a MAJOR grade in Science. It is due on Monday, October 5th.
Activities = 2 points
 Make a list of materials that conduct electricity and a list of materials that insulate
electricity. Try to include at least 10 materials.
 Find 10 items in your house or classroom. List the items in a chart and predict if the item
is magnetic or not magnetic. Use a magnet to determine if the object is magnetic. Add
your findings to your chart.
 Create flashcards to help you learn the definitions of the properties of matter
vocabulary. The vocabulary words are: Matter, Solubility, Solid, Liquid, Gas, Conductors,
Insulators, Magnetism, Relative Density, Mass, Volume.
Activities = 4 points
 Use magazines to find pictures and create a collage of examples of the properties of
matter: Solubility, Physical State (Solid, Liquid, Gas), Conductors, Insulators, Relative
Density, and Magnetism.
 Write an acrostic poem. Pick two of the following words: Solubility, Conductor, Insulator,
Magnetism, or Volume.
 Make a foldable to teach a younger student about the three physical states of matter.
Include pictures, descriptions, and examples.
Activities = 6 points
 Create a picture dictionary using the vocabulary: Matter, Solubility, Solid, Liquid, Gas,
Conductors, Insulators, Magnetism, Relative Density, Mass, Volume.
 Create a rhyme or song that will help students remember the difference between a
conductor and an insulator.
 Write a short story or comic strip that describes how matter changes when it goes from
one physical state to another.
Activities = 8 points
 Design an investigation to test three physical properties of a pencil. Be sure to include a
detailed procedure that another student could follow.
 Create a model for a cup that will keep your drink cold on a hot summer day. You may
draw your design or actually create it. Be sure to include a paragraph explaining why this
cup will keep your drink cold.
 Design an investigation to test the solubility of 3 solids (sugar, salt, and sand). Create a
chart to report your findings.
To help you keep track of your points, complete the following table as you work.
You may not fill all the rows, and that is ok.
# of points
Total Number of Points = ________
Check when