Lesson Plan 2

Lesson Plan 2
Conductors & Insulators Lesson Plan
Grade 6 Electricity
6.2 Investigate the characteristics and applications of static electric charges, conductors,
insulators, switches, and electromagnetism. [SI]
d. Pose questions related to the physical properties of conductors, insulators, simple
circuits, and electromagnets (e.g., “How can we determine if an unknown material is a
conductor or an insulator?”, “How does a switch work in a simple electric circuit?”,
“What materials work best to create an electromagnet?”).
f. Identify appropriate tools, instruments, and materials (e.g., bulbs, batteries, and wires) to
use when investigating the properties of conductors, insulators, simple circuits, and
electromagnets and use those tools and apparatus in a manner that ensures personal safety
and the safety of others.
g. Test the conductivity of a variety of solids and liquids, following a given set of
procedures, to identify which materials are conductors and which are insulators, and draw
conclusions about the types of materials that work best as conductors and which work
best as insulators.
- Create a circuit using different insulators and conductors to determine which ones will
complete the circuit.
- Have students analyze and examine the reasons the conductors light the bulb and why
insulators do not.
Materials (per group): Eraser, paper clip, plastic button, glass marble, craft stick, paper, nail,
pencil, battery, wires, bulb
Time: 60 minutes
Day Plan
Set: (5 minutes)
1. Ask the students why we need conductors and insulators. Have the students classify the
words in the second slide of the power point into either conductors or insulators.
- Conductors are used to carry electricity and insulators protect us from that
2. Ask the students how they can test materials to determine if they are conductors or
- Create a circuit using the object. If the material is a conductor, the light bulb will
light. If the material does not light, it is an insulator.
3. Divide the students into groups, explain what they have to do, and pass out the procedure
and supplies/materials. How to Build a Circuit is there if they need help building a
circuit. .
Exploration Procedure: See attached page. (40 minutes)
Clean Up: 5 minutes
Follow up Discussion & Power point:
Conductors and insulators power point attachment (10 minutes)
Assessment / Evaluation:
- Use their findings of which are insulators and which materials are conductors to
determine their understanding of the terms.
- Use their extend questions to evaluate their knowledge about insulators and conductors.
Explore Results:
Material: Conductor or Insulator?
Paper Clip
Plastic Button
Glass Marble
Pencil (wooden part)
Pencil (metal part)
Conductor or Insulator?