RAMP Rapid Mobile Phone-based (RAMP) survey Changing the way we plan and manage health and development surveys Version September 10th 2012 www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Presentation overview Introducing RAMP: an overview 2) How does RAMP work? 3) Stakeholder benefits 4) RAMP survey sampling approach 5) How much does a RAMP survey cost? 6) Costs of the RAMP pilot surveys 7) RAMP malaria survey 8) Reporting and dissemination of results 9) RAMP survey toolkit 1) www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Introducing RAMP: an overview www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Purpose of RAMP To provide a survey methodology with which Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies, governments, NGOs and other partners can conduct health and development surveys: at reduced cost with limited technical assistance to achieve high standards of survey design and quality To decrease dramatically the time and effort needed to complete data collection and have results available for decision-making www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Background IFRC and partners (WHO, CDC) developed and refined the RAMP methodology and tools over several years Based on: improvements to the EPI survey method (WHO EPI) improvements based on scientific article published by Donna Brogan, Emory professor of biostatistics, Emory U, Atlanta, USA, specialist in survey methods and analysis, and Emory and CDC colleagues in 1994 public-domain mobile phone software Pilot tested in four surveys in Africa 2011-2012 (Kenya, Namibia and Nigeria) www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. Improvement over old EPI method RAMP Survey activity Old EPI method Improved RAMP method Choosing start point (first household) in the cluster Biased: “Spin the bottle method” Simple random random direction sampling Choosing subsequent households (2nd, 3rd, etc.) Often biased in practice: next nearest door Fixed number of households visited per cluster Biased: quota sampling without weight adjustment Simple random sampling Yes Attempt to re-interview missing households No Yes Adjusts for non-response, household and individual No Yes Adjusts for inaccurate population estimate of clusters No Yes (as option) Analysis based on weight adjustments No Yes www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Key features of RAMP Simplicity of sampling design to facilitate survey implementation and reduce field costs Use of standard survey sampling methods Use of mobile phones and internet for data collection that enables: web-based questionnaire design downloading of questionnaires onto standard mobile phones data collection using low-cost mobile phones Real-time, web-based dataset that can be easily accessed and exported for rapid analysis and reporting Availability of many tools to guide survey planning and implementation www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Changing the way we work The “old” Paper questionnaires filled out in the field Data entered into a computer at a central location Data analysis and reporting often takes months to complete Local capacity is often underutilized and there is a dependence on external experts www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. The “new” Mobile and internet-based technologies are used to reduce the time taken from data collection to reporting RAMP changes the way that data are collected and enables rapid reporting of results RAMP empowers local ownership of evaluation and research RAMP When might a RAMP survey be suitable? Surveys where rapid results are key Surveys where cost is a significant issue Sub-district surveys involving multiple villages that are typically carried out by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) National, provincial or district-level surveys carried out by Ministry of Health (MoH) or government departments (immunization, maternal and child health, malaria, HIV/AIDS, nutrition, water and sanitation, etc.) to collect intervention coverage data quickly and at low cost www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP When might a RAMP survey be suitable? (cont’d) District-level surveys conducted by the district health management team Baseline and endline surveys for donor-funded projects/programmes Repeated surveys to track time trends for key indicators www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP When might a RAMP survey be suitable? Flexibility Items that can be adjusted Comments Adjust precision ±10%, 5%, 3%, etc. Adjust indicator type (denominator of indicator) including mixtures of indicator types - Adjust number of domains - 1 domain with 30 clusters - 2 domains with 30 clusters to compare statistically - 10 domains with 30 clusters each to compare Adjust overall sample size - www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. Person all ages Children <5 years old Pregnant women Households Schools 200 to 5000 households RAMP When might a RAMP survey not be suitable: limitations? Very long questionnaires with a large quantity of skip patterns Paper method or commercial mobile phone software might work better www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP How does RAMP work? (Short version) www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP With RAMP you can transform a standard mobile phone into a cutting-edge evaluation and research tool Conduct surveys and capture data from a standard mobile phone Manage surveys, people and data from your web-based server www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP How does it work? www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Web-based server Create a free account using Datadyne’s Episurveyor software Access EpiSurveyor’s webbased server from a web browser anywhere in the world Design your questionnaire with embedded logic and in multiple languages Monitor, manage and communicate with your team Export data and analyse results in real-time www.episurveyor.org/user/index www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Why use mobile phones to collect data? Real-time data entry on mobile phones Daily upload of data from mobile phone over 2G mobile network to internet database Real-time data monitoring and data quality checks Real-time data cleaning Real-time data analysis Rapid production of survey results within hours or days of last interview www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Mobile phone application Transforms complex logic into an effortless step-by-step process • Install Java application onto a standard mobile phone • Log in to EpiSurveyor using user name and password, and download form • Capture data in the field, even without network coverage • Enter data using the interface of the mobile phone • Automated submission of data when 2G reception is available www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP How does RAMP work? (Longer version) www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP RAMP takes advantage of two technologies Low-cost, standard mobile phones Web-based, easily accessible software application (EpiSurveyor) that enables mobile phones to become a data collection platform www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP How does it work? www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Web-based server • Get started and set up your team to work with the EpiSurveyor software • Create a free account using EpiSurveyor • Assign privileges • Access the webbased server from anywhere in the world www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Design your questionnaire • • • • Collaborate with others to design the web-based questionnaire Easy to master Supports multiple languages Embedded logic and skip patterns www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP • • • Store questionnaire on phone Survey questionnaire is downloaded onto the mobile phone Install Java application onto a standard mobile phone Log in to EpiSurveyor using a user name and password and download the forms www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Collect data in the field Fieldworker retrieves the questionnaires on the mobile phone Enters data directly into the mobile phone during interviews www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Data sent to web-based server … Fieldworker submits data when 2G reception is available Data are available immediately for processing and analysis Can transfer data from phone to computer if 2G cell network is not available www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Data monitoring and analysis Real-time data monitoring Real-time data cleaning Real-time analysis Allows for preliminary analysis even before the data collection is complete www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Produce survey results, rapidly RAMP deceases the time between data collection and the production of the survey results The results can be available within days of the last interviews www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP So, why use mobile phones to collect data? Real-time data entry on mobile phones Daily upload of data from mobile phone over 2G cell network to internet database (eliminates paper-to- electronic database transfer) Real-time data monitoring and data quality checks Real-time data cleaning Real-time data analysis Rapid production of survey results within hours or days of last interview www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Stakeholder benefits www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Stakeholders <Insert a photo collage illustrating the various stakeholders (decision-makers; programme managers; evaluators/researchers; fieldworkers)> www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP • • • • • • Stakeholder benefits: decision-makers Scalable solution for studies of varying sizes Optimizes resource usage and reduces environmental impact No software licensing or subscriptions No consultants needed Maintain control of data; data not analysed by third party Data rapidly available for dissemination and decisionmaking www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP • • Stakeholder benefits: programme managers Do not have to reinvent the wheel. The RAMP toolkit offers a variety of knowledge and tools to use and adapt for needs and context of programme managers Enables monitoring of survey team work rate, productivity and quality www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Stakeholder benefits: evaluators and researchers • Incorporate a multitude of question types with custom logic and validation • Manage and upload surveys in multiple languages • Export data for custom analysis using any statistical analysis package www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP • • • • Stakeholder benefits: fieldworkers Builds local capacity for monitoring and evaluation Use standard and familiar mobile phones No more paper to collect, transport or return Automated submission of data when network reception is available www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP RAMP survey sampling approach www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP RAMP survey sampling approach Simplicity of sampling design to facilitate survey implementation and reduce field costs Uses standard survey sampling methodologies Uses segmentation to break clusters into small pieces makes fieldwork more manageable lowers the cost of field surveys Households are selected by simple random sampling at the last stage Described in detail in the RAMP toolkit (Volumes 1 and 2) www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP RAMP: a two-stage cluster survey First stage: selection of clusters using probability proportionate to estimated size (PPES) Second stage: selection of households segmentation of clusters into smaller segments using PPES (if there are too many households for simple random sampling [SRS]) SRS of a fixed number of households in a selected segment www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP How is the RAMP method different from MIS/DHS? MIS/DHS RAMP Complex design, uses external consultants to design survey Simple design, external consultants not needed Listing of all households is done in all clusters; expensive, often taking several days in each cluster Divides clusters into manageable-sized segments using standard survey methods; takes <1/2 day Simple random sampling of households (from the cluster list) Simple random sampling of households (from the final segment list) Real-time data cleaning not possible Real-time data cleaning during the survey Real-time data analysis not possible; results take several months Real-time data analysis and results/draft report finished within 3 days of last interview Data analysis done by third-party consultants Organization performs analysis, building capacity and maintaining control of data www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Accuracy of the estimates Sampling bias Very, very small theoretical bias related to potential errors in the estimated sizes of clusters (there is an option showing how to eliminate this potential bias) related to potential errors in the estimated sizes of segments (bias likely to be nearly non-existent) Potential non-sampling bias generally more important than sampling issues Examples including non-response, information bias including social desirability, faulty questionnaires, interviewer recording errors, data processing errors and others www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP The RAMP survey team www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP RAMP survey team Programme manager Survey coordinator Local data manager/data analyst Field survey team field supervisor, interviewers, drivers, local guide Supervisory support and monitoring team www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP How much does a RAMP survey cost? www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Cost of a RAMP survey (average) Description Training (4 or 5 days) including two facilitators Cost (US $) 10,623 Field survey, including transportation, daily allowances 12,415 and accommodation Mobile phones, accessories and air time 3,806 Survey administration 2,243 Total in-country expenditure (US $) US $ 29,087 www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Costs of the RAMP pilot surveys www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Cost of the Kenya RAMP survey Description Cost (US $) Training (4 days) including two facilitators 8,792 Number of trainees 20 Field survey, including transportation, daily allowances and accommodation (vehicles provided free of charge by KRC) 6,767 Number of survey teams 6 Mobile phones, accessories and air time 3,261 Survey administration 3,355 Total in-country expenditure (US $) US $ 22,175 www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Cost of the Namibia RAMP survey Description Training (5 days) including two facilitators Number of trainees Field survey, including transportation, daily allowances and accommodation (vehicles rented) Number of survey teams Mobile phones, accessories and air time Survey administration Total in-country expenditure (US $) www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. Cost (US $) 12,425 18 17,134 6 3,433 1,782 US $ 34,774 RAMP Cost of the Namibia II RAMP survey Description Training (4 days) including two facilitators Number of trainees Field survey, including transportation, daily allowances and accommodation (vehicles rented) Number of survey teams Mobile phones, accessories and air time Survey administration Total in-country expenditure (US $) www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. Cost (US $) 10,912 18 14,531 6 6,203 3,247 US $ 34,893 RAMP Cost of the Nigeria RAMP survey Description Cost (US $) Training (5 days) including two facilitators 10,362 Number of trainees 20 Field survey, including transportation, daily allowances and accommodation (vehicles rented) 11,229 Number of survey teams 6 Mobile phones, accessories and air time 2,326 Survey administration (includes locally hired data manager) 3,943 www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. Total in-country expenditure (US $) US $ 27,860 RAMP RAMP malaria survey www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Initial focus of the RAMP survey tool: malaria First RAMP surveys were done to evaluate malaria bed net mass distribution programmes Sample size was calculated to provide results to guide management decision-making Questionnaires created based on alignment with MIS/RBM; core RBM/WHO indicators related to nets are measured Training curriculum and fieldwork procedures have been developed and can be adapted to the local needs and situation Rapid reporting of results (a survey bulletin and a survey report are produced) www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Survey methods Cross-sectional, population-based survey Sampling frame: First stage: selection of 30 clusters/PSUs using probability proportional to estimated size (PPES) sampling Second stage: segmentation of the cluster/PSU; one segment chosen using PPES Simple random sampling (SRS) to choose 10 households in the segment Sample size: 300 households Precision: +/- 7-8% for each key net indicator www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Questionnaires Survey questionnaires (modelled and adapted from MIS/RBM) Household questionnaire number of sleeping spaces IRS household characteristics (wealth asset questions, etc.) Person roster number and age of persons slept in household last night diagnosis of malaria/fever in children under five and its treatment Net roster type of nets, source of nets who slept under each net last night www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Recruitment and training Interviewers and field supervisors recruited and trained Training: 4 to 5 days RAMP toolkit: Volume 3, Guide for trainers, provides sample agenda, curriculum, tools and forms www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Content Training content and methods survey background and purpose questionnaires informed consent mobile phone basics interview techniques field procedures field logistics/reporting supervisor training Methods presentations, role play, group discussion, demonstrations, field practice (2 outings), review of data collected www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Household questionnaire v www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Persons roster www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Bed net roster www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP RAMP malaria questionnaires: job aid www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP RAMP malaria questionnaires: job aid (cont’d) www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Fieldwork Most surveys can be finished in one week (5 days)! 6 teams, 1 cluster per day per team, 30 clusters in 5 days www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Fieldwork Survey teams: 6 teams of 1 team supervisor and 2 interviewers per team Survey supervisory support and monitoring team (eg., RCRC, IFRC, MoH): Planning, logistic and financial responsibilities, field support, daily “quality” rounds, and remote monitoring of data quality www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP A typical day’s schedule Morning briefing and travel to cluster Meeting with community leader and guide, preparation of sketch maps, segmentation, selection of households to be interviewed Conduct household interviews Fieldworker sends data to server Debriefing at day’s end with supervisory support and monitoring team Data monitoring, cleaning and preliminary analysis www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Survey results bulletin and report www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Precision <slide to be updated> Key indicators Point estimate Width of confidence interval, ±% ITN use, all ages 60 6 ITN use, children <5 years old 71 6 Percentage of ITNs hanging % households with > 1 ITN 79 4 82 6 www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Reporting and dissemination of results www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Survey bulletin A brief, spreadsheetbased results bulletin can be produced 24 hours from last interview Visually displays the data from analysis tables contained in the analysis plan Shows main indicators and the results www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP Survey report Full survey report provides a detailed description of background, methods, results, and discussion of results Disseminate report to stakeholders and others to prompt action on the survey findings www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP RAMP survey toolkit www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP The RAMP survey toolkit Three linked publications plus files on the website (www.ifrc.org/ramp) make up the RAMP toolkit Volume 1: Designing a RAMP survey: technical considerations Volume 2: Implementing a RAMP survey: practical field guide Volume 3: Training a RAMP survey team: guide for trainers Files on the website: dynamic and kept up to date Example database and STATA files for data cleaning and analysis of a sample malaria survey Latest up-to-date malaria questionnaires and STATA files for data cleaning and analysis Country reports and results bulletins, information, useful links Together these provide a methodology, operations protocol and numerous tools to carry out a RAMP survey www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. RAMP RAMP website: a dynamic resource <Insert images of the RAMP website, with “www. ifrc.org/ramp superimposed in large font over the images”> • See key documents from RAMP surveys being done around the world. Survey questionnaires, training curricula, fieldwork tools and forms, survey reports—and more! • Become part of a network of those using RAMP for development work www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON RAMP, PLEASE CONTACT: IFRC HEALTH DEPARTMENT JASON PEAT, SENIOR OFFICER, MALARIA TEL. : +41 022 730 4419 EMAIL: jason.peat@ifrc.org THIS PRESENTATION IS PUBLISHED BY INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF RED CROSS AND RED CRESCENT SOCIETIES P.O. BOX 372 CH-1211 GENEVA 19 SWITZERLAND TEL.: +41 22 730 42 22 FAX.: +41 22 733 03 95