Wayland Baptist University Mission Statement: Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging, learning-focused and distinctively Christian environment for professional success and service to God and humankind. COURSE NAME: NURS 4342 Leadership and Management in Nursing TERM: Winter 2015 Faculty: Richard P Diaz, DNP, FNP-BC, FPMHNP-BC Office Phone: 210-324-3619 Mobile Phone: 210-324-3619 Email: Richard.diaz@wayland.edu Dr. Diaz’s Office hours: Virtual Office Hours: Evenings Monday thru Friday 5pm7pm CST Call my Mobile Phone (you can call me anytime, I will answer if I am not lecturing or in clinical) 210-324-3619 (if you reside outside of the Continental United States, Email will be answered within 24 – 48 hours Richard.diaz@wayland.edu ** Federal regulations mandate that we contact students at their University issued e-mail address. Please set up your @wayland.wbu.edu email account by following the instructions located at: http://www.wbu.edu/academics/online_programs/resources/student_email_a ccess.pdf CLASS MEETING TIME AND LOCATION: Virtual Campus CATALOG DESCRIPTION: This course explores concepts of leadership and management through an examination of various leadership/management theories, application of ethical and legal principles, organizational and resource management styles, meeting consumer needs and delegation of nursing care. The course will emphasize the use of critical thinking in the leadership/manager role. PREREQUISITES: Successful completion of all previous Course work up until the final quarter REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS AND RESOURCE MATERIAL: (You may purchase through the Bookstore or alternate means that you so select as long as you have the current edition) American Psychological Association (2009). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. (6th Edition). Chicago: APA LaCharity, L, Kumagai, C. and Bartz, B. (2011). Prioritization, Delegation, and Assignment. Mosby/Elsevier. (2nd Edition). ISBN: 978-0-323-06570-2 Marquis, B. & Huston, C. (2012). Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. (7th Edition). ISBN: 13: 978-1-60831-685-4 OTHER REQUIRED READINGS: http://www.dosagehelp.com/ Excellent resource for Dosage Calculation Problems https://www.ncsbn.org/index.htm http://learningext.com/pages/home Click on Student, then Student Resources http://www.cdc.gov/hicpac/pdf/isolation/Isolation2007.pdf Thoroughly Read and Understand Parts: I, II, III & IV STUDENT THEORY LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Recognize the use of organizational theories in structures and environment. 2. Identify leadership versus managerial traits and functions. 3. Discuss fundamental aspects of the budgeting process including: productivity measures in today’s healthcare environment. 4. Identify the concepts of conflict management using appropriate communication tasks. 5. Identify and define the delegation process. 6. Discuss staffing resources including recruitment and retention of staff and the allocation and evaluation of staff performance. 7. Describe collective bargaining, its legal structure and its role in today’s healthcare environment. ** Federal regulations mandate that we contact students at their University issued e-mail address. Please set up your @wayland.wbu.edu email account by following the instructions located at: http://www.wbu.edu/academics/online_programs/resources/student_email _access.pdf EVALUATION AND GRADING: A point system is used to determine the grade in Leadership and Management in Nursing. A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 75-79 an average of 75 or better is required to pass Nursing courses. D = 70-74 F = 69 and below * Final grade will be rounded to the nearest .10 decimal place. 0.5 And above rounds to the NEXT whole number. For example: If your grade is 89.49 the grade will be rounded to 89.4 which equals a ‘B’. 89.50 will be rounded to 89.5 which rounds to 90 which equals an “A”. GRADING CRITERIA: Unit One Exam: Marquis & Huston Leadership Book Chapters: 1, 2,3,7,8 + LaCharity Prioritization, Delegation Book Chapters 1-5 + Dosage Calculation Questions 10% Unit Two Exam: Marquis & Huston Leadership Book Chapters 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17 + LaCharity Prioritization, Delegation Book Chapters 6-10 + Dosage Calculation Questions 10% Unit Three Exam: Marquis & Huston Leadership Book Chapters: 18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25 + LaCharity Prioritization, Delegation Book Chapters 11-15 + Dosage Calculation Questions 10% Comprehensive Final: Marquis & Huston Leadership Book All Chapters to also include: 4,5,6 + Texas Jurisprudence Nursing Exam Review Packet (entire packet) + LaCharity Prioritization, Delegation Book Chapters 6,7,8,13 + Dosage Calculation Questions 20% Leadership/Manager Interview Paper 20% Discussion Board Assignments & Required Student Participation 30% 100% Testing Test Chapters will be published in the course syllabi for the students at the beginning of each term. Test dates are found within the Student Calendar. Exam blueprints may be provided by the instructor prior to each exam. The Online Students will continue to use Proctor Secure as the secure mode for testing or Live Proctor (Dr. Diaz) for make-up Exams. Students are required to follow the mandates as identified by Proctor Secure as this is a security camera that videos the student during testing which is then sent to the Dean of Nursing if questionable behaviors are videoed. Refer to the Student Calendar for testing dates. The Exams will only be offered one time (will be opened at 8:00 pm CST and will close at 9:30 pm CST). Student is to follow the Student Calendar for the dates when the various Unit Exams and Final Exam will be administered. If the Student fails to take the Online Exam at the time it is offered, the Student will take an alternate paper test at the next Clinical Weekend on the Sunday after all students have been dismissed. The Alternate (Make-up) Test will be between 10 to 20 Questions in length and will be questions that may require answers of: Listing, Short answer, Matching, Multiple Choice / Multiple Selection. There will be no Blue Print for Alternate (make-up) Tests but the content will come from the same chapters of the Online Exams (Marquis & Huston Textbook and LaCharity Delegation Book). If the Student does not log onto the Final Online Exam at date/time being administered, the Student may place him/herself in a situation whereby he/she will have to arrange to make an additional trip to San Antonio to take a paper-pencil make-up Final Exam which will have to be taken prior to the current academic Quarter closing out. Again the Final Makeup Exam will not be the same Exam as the Online Final and will be similar question profile as the Unit Makeup Exams (10 to 20 Questions in length and will be questions that may require answers of: Listing, Short answer, Matching, Multiple Choice / Multiple Selection. Due to multiple occurrences whereby Students in the past have not been taking exam(s) when the exam(s) have been assigned, it was decided that the above was the best option to deter students from negating academic responsibilities. Online Students are permitted to have only 1 make-up exam occurrence; thereafter, the Exam Grade assigned will be 0 (ZERO) for missed online Exams (this also includes the Final Exam). It is your responsibility to ensure your Remote Secure Proctor Device is functioning appropriately. It is also your responsibility as an Adult Learner to view your Student Calendar as well as check your Blackboard Course Announcements at least twice a day, once in the early morning and then prior to you going to bed at night in case there have been changes. Online Students will receive the Exam Grade once the Student submits the Exam. No reviews of Exams are permitted by students due to having to maintain Test Security. The Face-to-Face Students may have either a computer-generated or a paper-version of the Unit Exam and will utilize the appropriate Scantron Sheet to complete the Unit Exam if the Exam is the paper-version. Refer to the Student Calendar for specific times which the Exams will be open if the Exam is administered as a computer-generated Exam (online students). The Face-to-Face Student Calendar will be provided to the Students in class on the first day. The on-line Student Calendar will be posted on the Blackboard Course Site. In the event a faculty must change a test date, they will notify the students as soon as possible. If the student must miss an exam, they must notify the faculty that they will not be present for the exam and schedule a date for the make-up exam within one week of the date of the exam. Make-up Tests (Face-to-Face Students) For Face to Face Students, occasionally a student will miss a test that is scheduled for a class. A student should contact his/her instructor to arrange for the Make-up Exam. Test must be completed within one week from date of missed exam. The Make-up Test may not follow the Test Blue-Print, but will be over content covered for the specific chapters covered for the Unit of Content. Class Attendance 1. The student must attend the class (es) for which he/she is enrolled. 2. A student enrolled at Wayland Baptist University should make every effort to attend all class meetings. All absences must be explained to the satisfaction of the instructor, who will decide whether the omitted work can be made up. If enrolled in the online course weekly online participation to include appropriate academic construction of Discussion Postings is required. Refer to the Discussion Posting Rubric that is contained within this Syllabus. 3. A face-to-face student who misses twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the regularly scheduled class meetings will receive a grade of “F” for that class. An online Student not engaging in the weekly discussions will be considered Absent and thus more than 2 weeks absent of online engagement would be considered a failure for the online course 4. When a student reaches a number of absences considered by the instructor to be excessive, the instructor will so advise the student and file an Unsatisfactory Progress Report at the San Antonio Campus. DISABLITY STATEMENT: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), it is the policy of Wayland Baptist University that no otherwise qualified person with a disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity in the university. The Coordinator of Counseling Services serves as the coordinator of students with a disability and should be contacted concerning accommodation requests at (806) 291-3765. Documentation of a disability must accompany any request for accommodations. Student Conduct (This is a statement of conduct standards. It is enforced in conjunction with the Discipline Policy and Substance Abuse Policy found elsewhere in this handbook.) Wayland proudly adheres to high standards of intellectual, moral, ethical, and spiritual values. Convinced that selfdiscipline is more desirable than outside force and that the truly educated person must pursue what is right under all circumstances, Wayland entrusts each student with the solemn obligation of preserving these standards. However, in the light of revelation, reason, and the custom of the Christian community from which Wayland has sprung, certain practices are evaluated: 1. Personal integrity in keeping with New Testament standards is expected of all students. 2. Respect for the property, knowledge, and rights of other people must prevail. 3. The use or possession of alcoholic beverages and/or illegal drugs is forbidden. 4. Gambling, hazing, and the on-campus possession of firearms or deadly weapons are prohibited. BB Guns and Paint Ball Guns are also prohibited. 5. The use of tobacco by students is prohibited on the grounds of the Alamo University Center. 6. Follow online etiquette rules whether you are an online student or a face-to-face student. Refer to this website: http://online.uwc.edu/technology/onletiquette.asp 7. Unprofessional behavior as outlined in the Wayland Baptist Nursing Handbook to include disrespectful verbal or written comments either direct or indirect toward Nursing Faculty or fellow Nursing Students. The authority of the University is exercised over all student groups or organizations bearing the name of the university, or any student enterprises to the extent necessary to safeguard the good name and well-being of Wayland. Specifically, each student is expected to conduct himself in such a manner as to uphold, not detract from, the good name of Wayland Baptist University. If one feels that he/she cannot subscribe to the moral and social practices of the University, he/she will find greater acceptance elsewhere. Discussion Posting Grading Rubric INTERPRETATION Weekly Discussion Grade GRADING CRITERIA The comment is accurate, original, and relevant, teaches us something new, and is well written. Four pt. comments add substantial learning presence to the course and stimulate additional thought about the issue under discussion. Referencing your postings is a requirement. Excellent (A) 100 Student must log on a minimum of three times a week and Post to 3 Discussion Question(s). Additionally, Student must post to a minimum of two student postings a week Initial Postings must be posted within 24-72 hours at the beginning of the business week (Monday) Unless specified as per the Student Calendar The comment lacks at least one of the above qualities, but is above average in quality. A 3 pt. comment makes significant contribution to our understanding of the issue being discussed. Referencing your postings is a requirement. Minimum (C) 75 Student must log on a minimum of three times a week and Post to 3 Discussion Question(s). Additionally, Student must post to a minimum of three student postings a week Initial Postings must be posted within 24-72 hours at the beginning of the business week (Monday) Unless specified as per the Student Calendar The comment lacks 2 or 3 of the required qualities. Comments which are based upon personal opinion or personal experience often fall within this category. Substandard (F) 50 Student must log on a minimum of two times a week and Post to 2 Discussion Question(s). Additionally, Student must post to a minimum of two student postings a week Initial Postings must be posted within 24-72 hours at the beginning of the business week (Monday) Unless specified as per the Student Calendar Unacceptable (F) 25 The comment presents little or no new information. However, 1 pt. comments may provide important social presence and contribute to a collegial atmosphere. Student must log on a minimum of one time a week and Post to 1 Discussion Question. Additionally, Student must post to a minimum of one student posting a week Initial Postings must be posted within 24-72 hours at the beginning of the business week (Monday) Unless specified as per the Student Calendar Unacceptable (F) 0 Student fails to log on to course for the week. *The numeric number listed is the weekly grade that will be assigned for the weekly Discussion Postings. 8 CHARACTERISTICS OF A QUALITY ONLINE DISCUSSION POSTING 1. SUBSTANTIAL: Messages should relate to the subject matter and provide information, opinions or questions about that subject matter. They may relate the subject matter to something personal, but they should remain academic in their focus. 2. CONCISE: Studies have shown that messages that are several screens long do not get many replies. To write an effective message, attempt to use a single screen if possible. Try to get the point and focus of your message across so that it is clear what you are saying. 3. PROVOCATIVE: The discussion board is an interactive medium. The more interaction there is between students the better. A good message is one that prompts others to reply or object. A focused and pointed message that produces replies from other learners in that class in moving the discussion forward is having an impact on the learning environment. 4. HERMENEUTICAL: The discussion board is a place where ideas are interpreted and language is explored. To be hermeneutical is to interpret. A good message should explore, explain, or expand on a concept or connection. The message should not simply state something, but rather expand upon an idea. 5. TIMELY: A good message appears in the context of similar messages in the message log. If you get on irregularly, your message will appeal late and out of context with what is currently happening on the board. Log on regularly and reply to messages in a timely fashion. 6. LOGICAL: A good message that is not a question should contain a logical argument. This means is should contain a clearly stated conclusion of thesis supported by premises, reason, evidence or grounds of belief. 7. GRAMMATICAL: A good, clear, concise message should be well-written and free of typos and sentence fragments and referenced appropriately using APA format. 8. Be Polite to others online. Again, please refer to the website: http://online.uwc.edu/technology/onletiquette.asp BENCHMARKS OF A SUCCESSFUL ONLINE COURSE 1. An online semester BEGINS the same week that an onsite semester begins. Student needs to access and post on the first day of classes in session. 2. To obtain the maximum grade (100) - Every online student should log into the online course no less than three times per week to read instructor and/or student postings and produce no less than four responses to Discussion Questions and four responses to other student postings per unit of content (total of 8 Postings) unless otherwise directed by the Online Instructor (refer to Student Calendar for weeks where student is not required to post). Initial Postings must be posted within 24-72 hours at the beginning of the business week (Monday). Refer to Student Calendar as a Guide. 3. At least 90% of the messages in a discussion board should be from learner to learner. It is required that students comment and expand upon the ideas of their virtual classroom peers. This interaction and participation is a huge part of what transpires in the virtual learning environment. Instructors are encouraged to engage themselves more as discussion guides and monitors of discussions and less as lecturers in online classes. Grading Rubric for Leadership/Manager Interview Paper Face-to-Face Students Only This Paper is required for traditional Face-To-Face Students and is worth 20% of your Leadership Course Grade. You may select to interview any Nursing Manager from a variety of health care areas: Hospital Unit Managers; Chief Nurses; Home Health Director of Nursing; Nursing Home Director of Nursing or if not listed you may approach your Clinical Instructor to determine if the individual you want to interview is appropriate. As with all papers, utilize APA format. The Interview Paper should have: a Title Page; Body of the paper should be a minimum of 3 but no more than 5 pages, double-spaced with a 12 Times New-Roman Font and a Reference Page. Please refer to the Grading Rubric below for specific areas to cover. Grading Rubric Student Name: Items to include in the Paper Part I: Introduction - Provide a detailed interview Consider to include: The selected Nursing Leader’s Education Level - - - - - - - - - Years of Nursing Experience (to include if this Nursing Leader was a Licensed Vocational Nurse) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Back-ground Work history - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of Unit / Hospital that Leader is in charge of - - - - - - - - - - - - Number of employees that she manages - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Philosophy that the Leader subscribes to in terms of style of Leader - - - - ------------------------------- Who is the Nursing Theorist that the Nursing Leader most closely resembles in his/her opinion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Discuss the positive and negative aspects of being a Nursing Leader/Nursing Manager (Provide an example of each) - - - Elaborate what he/she looks for in a new Nurse that he/she is considering hiring to work on the unit / facility - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Where does this Nursing Leader/Manager see himself/herself in the next 5 years (does he/she believe that he/she will be in the same capacity in terms of present Leadership Role) - - - - Part II: Student Views of what a Nursing Leader/Manager should be This should be a well thought out reflection of what you as an emerging BSN and newly emerging Registered Nurse should consider in regards to yourself becoming a future Nursing Leader. You should consider in this section of the paper the following about yourself: What you believe your Leadership Style is and why What Nursing Theorist do you consider most closely resembles your creative attributes and why Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years. Do you see yourself as a Bed-side Nurse; a Nursing Unit Manager or other role and elaborate why Paper represents APA Format and is electronically emailed to your Assigned Clinical Instructor on date assigned. The Grading Rubric Page with Student Name should be first, then the Title Page, then the body of the paper and finally the Reference Page. Total Points Possible (50) – see breakdown below 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 (30) See breakdown below 10 10 10 20 100 Points Earned Wayland Baptist University BSN Program NURS 4342 Leadership and Management in Nursing STUDENT SIGNATURE PAGE Summer 2015 This is to certify that I, (print) _______________________________________________________ A student in NURS 4343 Leadership and Management in Nursing Has received and read the policies set forth in the syllabus for this course. I hereby acknowledge that I understand the policies. STUDENT SIGNATURE: _______________________________________DATE: _____________ SOCIAL MEDIA RESPONSIBILITIES The undersigned is responsible for what he/she posts on his/her own site and the site of others. Individual bloggers have been held liable for commentary deemed to be copyright infringement, defamatory, proprietary, libelous, or obscene (as defined by the courts). Be sure that what you post today will not come back to haunt you tomorrow. STUDENT SIGNATURE: _______________________________________ DATE: _____________ HIPAA CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The undersigned herby acknowledges his/her responsibility under applicable federal law and regulations including but not limited to regulations under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”), to keep confidential any information regarding all Clinical Facilities/Agencies. The undersigned agrees, under penalty of law, not to reveal to any person or persons any specific information regarding any patient, except to authorized clinical staff and associated personnel of the Clinical Facilities/Agencies and, as necessary, to other Program Participants/Students at the Clinical Facilities/Agencies who are supervising or assisting the undersigned in the provision of services at Clinical Facilities/Agencies. The undersigned further agrees not to reveal to any third party any confidential information of Clinical Facilities/Agencies, except as required by law or as authorized by Clinical Facilities/Agencies The signature below signifies that I have read and understood all of the above course policies, the social media responsibilities, and the responsibilities re: the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. I hereby acknowledge that a copy of this form will be kept in my permanent student file: