INTRODUCTION TO TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION LECTURE 1 Introduction Technical Communication Technical Writing Ethics in Technical Writing Introduction to Tech. Comm. Communication means writing, speaking, and showing visuals to other people, as well as listening to and observing others and reading their work. These two productive skills are seen as the most daunting tasks by most of us. Nevertheless, writing and speaking well are critical for the success of an engineer (Hart, 2005). Many surveys have proved the importance of good communication skills for engineering careers. Most graduate engineers forget that apart from communicating with fellow engineers, they also need to communicate with nontechnical audience – managers & administrators who, most of the time, make the decision in a company or organisation. Engineers must communicate with listeners and readers from a variety of educational and professional backgrounds. Each of these audiences has different needs when reading the documents written by the engineers. The Relevance of Tech. Comm. Types Letters and memos Advertising & promotional materials Documents Examples inquiry letter, complaint letter etc. magazine advertisements, business cards, brochures, pamphlets, leaflets etc. annual reports, operating and repair manuals, parking tickets etc. Oral presenting a new product, communication informally explaining etc. Characteristics of Tech. Comm. Necessity for a specific audience audience driven: respond to a specific audience’s needs eg.: writing a memo, a letter or a report The use of visual elements illustrations: diagrams, headings, font types and size pictures etc. Ease of selective access Because readers have other demands, they may have little time to read. So, the presentation of information should be easy to understand or catchy, for example, the use of headings, important words in an advertisement. Has time limit (timeliness) The useful life of technical communication is relatively short. eg: Manual for Microsoft 1999, last year’s advertisement on Pulau Langkawi Holiday Package. Structure Ideas are presented in the shortest manner, for example, a word for advertisement. Direct and simple Some ungrammatical structures are allowed, for example, you may begin a sentence with “and” or “but”. Introduction to Tech. Writing What are the differences that you can identify from both excerpts? Which can be considered as a part of tech. writing? Time is a river flowing from nowhere through which everything and everyone move forward to meet their fate. Time is a convention of measurement based on the microwave spectral line emitted by cesium atoms with an atomic weight of 133 and an integral frequency of 9,192,631,770 hertz. What is Technical Writing? precise objective direct clearly defined Characteristics of Tech. Writing Deals with technical information Relies heavily on visuals Uses numerical data to precisely describe quantity and direction Accurate and well documented Grammatically and stylistically correct What is a Technical Report? a structured presentation of data or information gathered from research / experiment / investigation prepared for a group of audience at the request of a supervisory authority to fulfil the specific needs of the audience Classification of Tech. Reports 1. Function/purpose of writing records of activities that have taken place (progress report) provide information for various types of decision making persuade and influence readers’ attitudes motivating them to act in a particular manner (proposal) 3 categories: investigative/analytical descriptive of a design construction process, software or product development 2. Audience analysis formal follow certain conventions on format style (headings, illustrations, etc. documentation of sources multiple audience presentation of comprehensive and relevant information informal disseminate necessary information of ongoing activities provide info for decision making often for a single or restricted reader structure, tone & style vary Ethics in Technical Writing Ethics is “a set of rules and standards for using communication skills and resources with the intention of doing good” (Finkelstein, 2005) The following is the ethical constructs that are traditionally used in technical writing: Be accurate – present precise and correct information all the time Be honest – write the truths Be objective – do not inject personal bias into your reports Honour your obligations – produce documents and materials within the agreed-upon time frame Do not substitute speculation for fact – clearly separate opinions from accepted truths Do not hide truth with ambiguity – do not play down facts that would be contrary to your report Do not use the ideas from others without giving proper credit – document the sources of all nonoriginal ideas, except for common knowledge Do not violate copyright laws – document the use of copyrighted materials when used with permission. Do not lie with statistics – do not manipulate data or graphical representations of data Give Credit Be objective Be accurate Be Factual BE GOOD DO GOOD Be honourable Be legal Be truthful Don’t deceive Figure 1: Ethics model for technical writing From: Finkelstein, L. J. (2005). Pocket book of technical writing for engineers and scientists – Second Edition. New York: McGraw Hill. Key areas of ethics in technical writing Plagiarism An act of theft in which you take other people’s idea, or his expression of idea, and represent it as your own, without acknowledging the source. Image Alteration An act of manipulating (change, combine or remove etc.) image or graphic representation to suit your claim in the report. - THE END -