Online Recruitment request form guidance

Guidance for managers and selection panel members on recruiting and
selecting staff using our online recruitment system
The Online Recruitment Request Form
To view the Online Recruitment Request form login using your username and password, this is the
same as your University login details. You can login from the current vacancies link or from the
login – register tab which is under Welcome to YSJ tab.
Click on the Online Recruitment Request Link which opens the welcome page, you can search for the
role or the details will show on the tabs below.
Click on create new request form at top right hand corner which will open the form.
Complete first tab section Request Details
Online Staff Request Form
Enter Post title
Request type – New Position or Replacement Position – if this is a new position a new tab will open
‘Has this post been evaluated’ Yes or No. If the answer is No an attachment section will open at the
bottom of this section requesting you to upload new document. You would attach the job
description here.
Job Type – choose one of the following - Full time, part time, Full term time or Part-time term time
Working hours – if part time is chosen type in number of hours in the working hours box, the FTE will
be worked out and show, a box opens to type in Working Pattern
Faculty/Directorate – Drop down list to choose from
Department – Drop down list to choose from
Programme/Section – Drop down list to choose from
Category – Drop down list to choose from
Line Manager – add name of Line Manager
Mentor – add name of Mentor
Contract Status
Job Grade – Drop down list with grades to choose from
Contract type – choose from Permanent, Temp, Fixed term, Fixed task
If temp is chosen a box opens below Please state reason for temporary contract
If Fixed term is chosen – Contract duration – Can pick date from calendar for end date or can type
into box the length of the contract
Preferred start date – Can type in the date
Click next
Additional Information
Advertise – Can pick Internal or Internal and External
If you choose Internal only a box opens below – Details (with wording If you require the post to be
advertised internally only please provide a justification for this (eg fixed term secondment
opportunity, internal restructure, attached to funding etc)
Academic/Senior roles are advertised using and either THES or Guardian. Professional Support roles are advertised
using Fish4jobs or other suitable web sites as well as the University’s jobs pages. If you wish to consider different media,
please give details below.
Please note if you want the advert to appear elsewhere the Faculty/Dept will bear the cost.
Shortlisting Arrangements
Panel Chair
) To enter the details you can search
Assistant to Chair
) for names from list that opens
Panel Members
) If you cannot find a panel member in this list enter the name, email and
username of panel members in the box.
Interview Arrangements
Interview date – can choose date from calendar
Interview start time – can choose time from drop down list
Length of each interview – can choose from drop down list eg 45 minutes
Room – Can enter details of where the interviews will take place
Candidates to report to – Can enter details in box eg Holgate reception
Candidates will be met by – Enter name of who will meet
Campus tour – Yes or No – if you choose Yes box opens for details to be entered of who will conduct
(If you do not have all the details for the above these can be entered after shortlisting apart from the
interview date which is mandatory. The more information you can enter at this stage the better
prepared you are, if any of the details have changed these can be edited after shortlisting has been
completed and the number of candidates is known)
Presentation – Yes or No – if you choose ‘Yes’ further details appear
Does the presentation require different scheduling to the interview Yes or No (if you choose No the
Venue and who to meet the candidates does not show)
Preferred length – Can choose from drop down list of times
) Would only appear if clicked Yes for presentation. These would
Who to meet candidates ) only completed if the venue is different and the person meeting them
Title – Type in details of presentation title
Details for candidates – type in details of presentation in box
Notes – Can type in any further information in the notes box
Teaching/Assessment – Yes or No (If you choose Yes further details appear)
Does the teaching/assessment require different scheduling to the interview Yes or No (if you choose
No the Venue and Who to meet the candidates does not show)
Preferred length – Can choose from drop down list of times
Details for candidates – type in details of the teaching/assessment.
Notes – Can type in any further information in the notes box
Other Assessment Methods
Other assessment methods (if applicable) eg Assessment DayPsychometric testing, Presentation
Group, Skills Test IT
Click next
Job Advert
Please include wording for the advert in this section. The wording should provide the applicant with
details of the job requirements and the key criteria from the person specification that would
determine whether they could fulfil the role. The advert should not contain anything that the job
description or person specification does not.
HR will check the advert and make any necessary amendments before advertising
Can cut and paste wording or type into space provided
Click next
Killer Questions
A killer question can be chosen or a number of questions can be set. These must be answered yes
for the applicant to move on, otherwise if No is picked they are not allowed to answer any further
queries. For example if it is essential to have a PhD or be working towards this then this can be set
as a killer question. Careful consideration should be given before choosing if a killer question should
be used.
Selection Criteria
There is a drop down list for choosing how many criteria is required – once the number is picked a
list opens with the first box being Type - you should enter section criteria heading here e.g.
Knowledge & Experience, the second box Details is where you enter the specific criteria e.g.
Experience of working in an office environment. The details section shows on the application form
and under this the applicant would enter their information in the section below, this would then be
scored when shortlisting. You can choose criteria that are Essential and also have criteria that are
Desirable, if you wish. Once you have picked your criteria against each box you can choose how this
would be scored e.g. Application Form, Shortlisting or Interview, if they are to be scored against all
leave all the boxes ticked. If you have chosen Interview this criteria would only show on the
interview assessment form. (If there is a test/presentation as part of the criteria e.g. A/I/P this would
be tested at the interview stage).
If you find you don’t have sufficient sections, you can add to the number of criteria by clicking on the
drop down. If you add a section and you wish this to show higher up, click on the arrows on the lefthand side and this will move the criteria up or down.
This criteria is:
This criteria will be assessed at:
Application Form
Complete then click on save – if any errors have been made or information missed a message will
show in red where amendments need to be made. Make changes and save.
Once all the form has been completed click on the submit request button
When the form has been submitted HR receive an email notification and also there is a message on
the new online request form under Finished and requiring job creation. Once approval is given by
HR the job can be created and the advert will appear on the web site. The Vacancy Chair would
receive an email to notify them that the job is live. If approval is not given as some of the details
need amending notification will be sent to the Chair with the reason why. The changes would then
be made and resubmitted.
Please still give sufficient time for the job to be created and for it to be advertised on external web
sites (if this is required).