Annex A – Compliance Response Includes: Section 1. Administration (for information only) - To be completed by all bidders. Section 2. Eligibility (Pass/Fail) - Items 2.1 to 2.16 to be completed by all bidders. Item 2.17 to be completed only by bidders applying for Lot 2 and/ or Lot 1 AND Lot 2. Section 3. References (Pass/Fail) - To be completed only by all bidders applying for Lot 2 and/ or Lot 1 AND Lot 2. Section 4. Declaration (Pass/Fail) - To be completed by all bidders. SHG_Design Services FA_Annex A – Compliance Response 1 Section 1. Administration (for information only) Note to Section 1 1.1 Items in this section are applicable to both Lot 1: Ad-Hoc Jobs and Lot 2: Campaign Jobs and must be completed by all bidders. Lot/s Please clearly state which Lot/s you wish to bid for: 1.2 Lot 1: Ad-Hoc Jobs Yes No Lot 2: Campaign Jobs Yes No Contact Details of Principal Contact Name/ Position: Address: Tel: Email: 1.3 Contact Details of Secondary Contact Name/ Position: Tel: Email: 1.4 Bidder Details Bidder Name: Trading Name: SHG_Design Services FA_Annex A – Compliance Response 2 Date Bidder formed and incorporated: Legal Status (ie PLC, Limited Liability Partnership, Partnership, Sole Trader, etc): Address from where this Project would be managed: Tel: Website Address: Company Registration No. (where applicable): VAT Registration Number (or equivalent): Previous company name(s) (if applicable): Is the Bidder a subsidiary of another company Yes No Yes No The holding or parent company: Would your Ultimate Parent or Holding Company be prepared to guarantee your contract performance as its subsidiary? 1.5 Print Management Company The successful tenderer will be required to develop and maintain a good working relationship with our chosen print management supplier. SHG may from time to time wish to procure design services from you via our Print Management company. Where this is the case the Print Management Company will be contracting with you to provide your services in furtherance of SHG's objectives. Payment will be made via the print management company on the same terms as SHG are contracted to. SHG_Design Services FA_Annex A – Compliance Response 3 I/ we confirm that you are willing to work with SHGL’s chosen print management provider. Confirm Do Not Confirm Comments: 1.6 Accessibility Please confirm that you are aware and will abide by the RNIB best practice print guidelines. Confirm Do Not Confirm Comments: 1.7 Brief History of the Bidder including primary business of the company and experience within the services detailed in this document. (not more than 300 words). 1.8 Please provide an organisation and management structure chart for the services detailed in this document. Attach this to your ITT response and provide the reference point (e.g. Appendix A). Enclosed: Yes No 1.9 Please give details of the Bidder’s average annual staff resources and the number of managerial staff for each of the last three (3) years and the staff turnover (%) for each of the last three years for the services detailed in this document. Please also state the number of staff currently involved directly in the performance of services similar to those to which this questionnaire relates for each of the last three years. 1.10 Please give the names and responsibilities of the Executive Directors/Partners of the Bidder (if applicable). Name Responsibility SHG_Design Services FA_Annex A – Compliance Response 4 1.11 Sub Contracting and Consortia Please indicate if you at this stage intend to sub contract or are a consortium: I/ we intend to sub contract Yes No Please note that where a Bidder becomes aware of the intention to sub contract at later stages in the procurement they are required to notify the Group of this and provide the information requested below at that time. Where a Bidder is a consortium they should indicate which members are proposing to deliver the services. If you answered YES to the above: A) Please confirm that you are going to be the prime contractor? Yes No If No, please provide an explanatory statement. B) Please provide: o a brief outline of your policy on sub contractor usage; o detail how you ensure sub contractor performance (please provide examples and details on your track record); and o if applicable, the extent to which it is envisaged they may be used in any contract. C) Please indicate in the table below the composition of the supply chain, indicating which member of the supply chain (which may include the Bidder itself) will be responsible for the elements of the requirement: Requirement Company/ Organisation How much of the requirement and what will they deliver directly (%) SHG_Design Services FA_Annex A – Compliance Response 5 Section 2. Eligibility (Pass/Fail) Note to Section 2 Items from 2.1 to 2.16 are applicable to both Lot 1: Ad-Hoc Jobs and Lot 2: Campaign Jobs and must be completed by all bidders. Item 2.17 is applicable to Lot 2: Campaign Jobs only and should be completed only by bidders applying for Lot 2 and/or Lot 1 AND Lot 2. Items from 2.1 to 2.16 to be completed by all bidders. 2.1 Insurance The following Insurances are required: Public Liability: Minimum cover £1m Employer’s Liability: £5m cover, as stipulated by the Employers Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969. Please provide details of your organisation’s Professional Indemnity, Public Liability and Employer’s Liability insurance, including the policy number the extent of the cover and the expiry date Insurance Public Liability Bidder’s Employer’s Liability Level of Cover: Insurer: Policy No: Expiry Date: Please Note: That if you do not have any of these insurances available at this stage please confirm that these will be provided prior to contract commencement at no extra cost to the Group. Confirm Do Not Confirm Comments: 2.2 Financial Standing Please provide us with an up to date copy of your Dunn & Bradstreet (D&B) or equivalent financial report dated within a maximum term of 2 weeks prior to the return of the Tender date. Please also include your Companies House Registration Number for us to carry out our own D&B Report check. The Group will not accept a “higher than average risk of business failure” financial report rating. D&B Enclosed: Yes No File name Company Registration No.: SHG_Design Services FA_Annex A – Compliance Response 6 If you cannot provide a Company Registration number and/ or you are a Partnership you should provide the information as requested at Annex F – Non D&B Financial Evaluation Test. This alternative information will only be acceptable where a D&B report on your organisation does not exist. Where a D&B report does exist this will be requested by the Group and evaluated as above. Enclosed: Yes No N/A File name 2.3 Framework Agreement and Call Off Contract Please state your unequivocal acceptance of the terms and conditions within the Framework Agreement (Annex D) and the Call Off Contracts (Annex D). Accept Do Not Accept Comments: 2.4 Bidder Profile A) Is there any pending, threatened or past material litigation or other legal proceedings connected with similar projects against your organisation, parent company, subsidiary and/ or any of the named supply chain members (sub contractors) that may affect delivery of this project? If they do apply please provide an explanatory statement. I/ we confirm that none of the above situations/ circumstances apply to our organisation, parent company, subsidiary or any of the named supply chain member (as appropriate). Do not apply Do apply If they do apply please provide an explanatory statement. B) Please provide details of any contract in the past three years where there has been a failure to complete the contract on time or at all, or where there have been claims for damages, or where damages have been deducted or recovered. Also details of any contracts terminated. (Suggested word limit 500 words) Does not apply Does apply If the above does apply please provide an explanatory statement. C) Is the Bidder affiliated or associated with any other Bidder who intends to express any interest in tendering for these services? If so, please provide details including the name and address of its registered office. Does not apply Does apply If the above does apply please provide an explanatory statement. SHG_Design Services FA_Annex A – Compliance Response 7 D) Has your company ever had any of the following occur within the last three years: 2.2.1 Contract end by mutual agreement following dispute or complaints? Yes No 2.2.2 Suffered deduction for liquidated and/or ascertained damages in respect of any contract? Yes No 2.2.3 Contract terminated or its employment determined under the terms of the contract? Yes No 2.2.4 Failed to have a contract renewed on the basis of unsatisfactory performance or failure to perform to the terms of the contract? Yes No 2.2.5 Terminated a contract or determined your own employment under the terms of a contract? Yes No If you answered YES to any of the above, please provide a brief explanatory note. 2.5 Compliance with EC/ UK Procurement Legislation Please Note: The Group may seek evidence at a later date in confirmation of your answers to the below. A) Please confirm that none of the circumstances as set out in the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 (SI 2006 No: 5) Regulation 23 (amended in line with The Public Procurement (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2011) apply to your organisation or parent company, or to your directors or any other persons with powers of representation, decision or control. (A summary of the circumstances of Regulation 23 is provided at Supporting Information, Section 4). I/ we confirm that none of the above situations/ circumstances apply to our organisation, parent company, subsidiary or any of the named supply chain member (as appropriate). Do not apply Do apply B) Please confirm that none of your key personnel are: i. bankrupt; ii. being wound up; iii. having their affairs administered by the courts; iv. have entered into an arrangement with creditors; v. have suspended business activities; vi. are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters: or vii. are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations. I/ we confirm that none of the above situations/ circumstances apply to any of my/ our SHG_Design Services FA_Annex A – Compliance Response 8 company’s key personnel. Confirm Do Not Confirm C) Please confirm that none of your key personnel have been; A) convicted of a criminal offence concerning the conduct of their business or profession; B) guilty of grave professional misconduct in the course of their business or profession; C) guilty of not fulfilling obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established; D) guilty of serious misrepresentation in providing any of the information required by this ITT. I/ we confirm that none of the above situations/ circumstances apply to any of my/ our company’s key personnel. Confirm Do Not Confirm Please Note: If you are unable to confirm any of the above, please provide a brief explanatory note. D) Please confirm that, where applicable, your organisation has complied with and/or will be able to comply with all UK statutory obligations, including (but not exhaustively) the Equality Act 2010 and Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (or European equivalents). I/ we confirm that we do abide by all UK statutory obligations. Confirm 2.6 Do Not Confirm Conflict of Interest Please provide details of any projects you are currently undertaking with the Group or any relationship which may constitute a conflict of interest including personal relationships with staff and board members detailing proposals to ensure adequate separation of work and staff and mitigation of the said conflict of interest e.g. “Chinese walls” and commercial sensitivity/privacy. Does not apply Does apply If the above does apply please provide an explanatory statement. 2.7 Account Manager SHG_Design Services FA_Annex A – Compliance Response 9 Please confirm you will provide a single Dedicated Project/ Account Manager who will oversee the whole project on behalf of the Bidder Confirm Do Not Confirm Comments: 2.8 Intellectual Property Rights Please confirm that you will provide SHG with the intellectual property rights to all the work commissioned and paid for as part of this Framework. Confirm Do Not Confirm Comments: 2.9 Artwork Please confirm that you will be able to provide artworks both in print and low resolution quality. Low resolution: Confirm Do Not Confirm Print resolution: Confirm Do Not Confirm Comments: 2.10 Final Artwork Please confirm that you will provide SHG with final design files (such as InDesign files) on disc at the end of each project and/ or on request. Confirm Do Not Confirm Comments: 2.11 Data Protection Act Please confirm that you are registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 (or equivalent) and provide your DPA Registration Number Confirm Do Not Confirm DPA Registration Number: Please Note: That if you are not registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 please confirm that you will register prior to contract signature at no extra cost to the Group. Confirm Do Not Confirm Comments: SHG_Design Services FA_Annex A – Compliance Response 10 2.12 Legal Frameworks Please confirm that you are aware of the legal frameworks within which the Group operates (e.g. Data Protection Act, Copyright licensing agreements, etc.) Confirm Do Not Confirm Comments: 2.13 Sustainability Please confirm that you will abide by the Group’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy (as per Annex E). Confirm Do Not Confirm Comments: 2.14 Disaster Recovery Systems Please confirm that your company’s disaster recovery systems cover the following in full: the continuity of service; delivery of your contractual requirements; the back up of client data; regular testing and reporting of these tests; appropriate staff communication; appropriate communication with and information for clients; and supply chain management (if applicable). Confirm Do Not Confirm If you are unable to confirm the above please provide an explanatory statement. 2.15 Quality Assurance Please provide details of any Quality Assurance certification (e. g, BS/EN/ISO 9000 or equivalent standard) that your company held or any trade or professional associations of which your organisation is a member and provide registration or membership numbers where appropriate. If no accreditation held, please outline the Bidder’s Quality Assurance Policy (maximum 300 words) Enclosed accreditation: Yes No If no accreditation held, please outline the Bidder’s Quality Assurance Policy. 2.16 Equal Opportunities and Non Discrimination SHG_Design Services FA_Annex A – Compliance Response 11 Please confirm that you will abide by the Equal Opportunities statement as per Supporting Information, Section 5. Confirm Do Not Confirm If you are unable to confirm the above please provide an explanatory statement. Item 2.17 is to be completed only by bidders applying for Lot 2 and/ or Lot 1 AND Lot 2. 2.17 Turnover We require that the Bidder has a minimum turnover as follows: Lot Area Lot 2: Campaign Jobs Minimum Turnover (GBP per annum) £250,000 Please state your turnover for each of the last three years below. Year 1 (most recent) Year 2 SHG_Design Services FA_Annex A – Compliance Response Year 3 12 Note to Section 3 This section is applicable to Lot 2: Campaign Jobs only and should be completed only by bidders applying for Lot 2 and/ or Lot 1 AND Lot 2. Section 3. References (Pass/Fail) 3.1 Please provide details of referees for three references. The references must be for three of the organisations you mention in your response to Section 5. Selection Stage Questions (Annex B2 – Quality Response (Lot2). The Group may elect to contact any or all of the given companies for a reference. Your permission to do so will be assumed unless you explicitly state any objections within your ITT response. Please note that references will only be contacted and/ or evaluated if you are Please note that references will only be contacted and/ or evaluated if you are selected within the shortlist for Stage 2 - Award Process (as per Supporting Information, Part 3, Para 2.1.3). If the response from your references is not acceptable, as deemed by the Group alone, you may be dismissed from the process at that stage. Details required Reference 1 Reference 2 Reference 3 Customer Name: Address: Email: Telephone Number: Project Name: Date Awarded: Date Project/ Contract Completed: Tendered value of the Project/ Contract: Final Project/ Contract Sum: Brief description of the project, including services provided and form of contract (Suggested word limit 200 words) SHG_Design Services FA_Annex A – Compliance Response 13 3.2 Reference Assessment One or more of your references will be contacted at random. Your references will be asked the following questions: 1) How do you regard the overall service you receive? 2) Do you feel that your account manager is available and responsive to your needs? 3) Is the material provided by this company user friendly? 4) In your opinion does this company offer good value for money? 5) Do you find that the company provides technical/development solutions to meet your needs? 6) How often do they get your brief ‘right first time’? These will be scored subjectively on the scoring scale used within the ITT. Individual question scores will be provided a score of 0-4: 0 for wholly unsatisfactory/ no answer, 1 for a poor answer, 2 for a satisfactory/ average answer, 3 for a good answer, 4 for an excellent answer. Your Reference check will be deemed as “unfavourable” if you receive from a single reference: o 0 (zero) score for any one question; and o Overall score of 11 or below. SHG_Design Services FA_Annex A – Compliance Response 14 Note to Section 4 This section is applicable to both Lot 1: Ad-Hoc Jobs and Lot 2: Campaign Jobs and must be completed by all bidders. Section 4. Declaration (Pass/Fail) Please note: This application should be signed by the Bidder in person or by a duly authorised partner in the case of a partnership, or by a duly authorised Director or Company Secretary in the case of a limited company and returned with the additional information required. Before returning this form, please ensure that you have answered all the applicable questions in the sections required and enclosed copies of all relevant documents. I/We certify that the information supplied in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. I/We confirm that none of the information provided by the Group in connection with this matter has been or will be used for any purpose other than responding to this document and that without the consent of the Group no such information has been or will be disclosed copied reproduced or distributed or otherwise transferred to any third party. I/We understand that it is a criminal offence punishable by a fine or imprisonment, to give or offer any gift or consideration whatsoever as an inducement or reward to any servant of a public body and that any such action would empower Southern Housing Group to cancel any contracts awarded. I/we accept the terms and conditions contained within this questionnaire. I/we declare that our response has been complied and submitted without collusion and/or comparison of data with any other organisation or company or person. I/we declare that this company and its employees have no personal or business connections or relationships with any Southern Housing Group Ltd employee or Board Members, or where there are such arrangements at present or in the future we shall declare them to the Group immediately upon becoming aware. I am aware that where there is a significant or insurmountable conflict of interest, as determined by the Group, we may not be awarded any contract and/ or our current contract/s may be terminated. Signed: Name: Position in organisation For and on behalf of (name of organisation) Date: SHG_Design Services FA_Annex A – Compliance Response 15