Fifth Grade Review - OCPS TeacherPress

End of Year Course Exam
30 Multiple Choice
What are the Four Steps of the Feldman Model for
Art Criticism?
Describe, analyze, interpret, and judge
Explain, utilize, hypothesize, and criticize
Describe, analyze, utilize, and criticize
None of the above
Correct Answer: (a) Describe, analyze,
interpret, and judge
Full figures of a man and a woman
standing on a plain, brown floor. A
tan dove with blue tipped wings flies
over the woman’s head. The woman is
wearing a floor-length, ruffled, dark
blue-green skirt.
Which step of the Feldman Model is
being employed ?
a) Analyze
b) Judge
c) Describe
d) Interpret
Correct Answer: (c) Describe
Which of the following questions would you ask
when interpreting a work of art?
a) What kind of balance has the artist used?
b) What is the artist telling us about these two
c) Is it successful because it is realistic?
d) List everything you see in this painting.
Correct Answer: (b) What is the artist
telling us about these two people?
The following is an example of which step of the Feldman
Diego is balanced by the small, busy shape and bright color
of Frida.
a) Judge
b) Describe
c) Interpret
d) Analyze
Correct Answer: (d) Analyze
DescriptionMake a list of the visual qualities of the work that are obvious and immediately
perceived. “What do you see in the artwork”? and “What else”?
Includes content and subject matter in representational works, includes abstract
elements in nonrepresentational pieces.
AnalysisFocus on the formal aspects of elements of art, principles of design, and other
formal considerations: exaggeration, composition etc.
“How does the artist create a center of interest?” How does the use of color
impact the painting?”
InterpretationPropose ideas for possible meaning based on evidence. Viewers project their
emotions/feelings/intentions onto the work. “What do you think it means”?
“What was the artist trying to communicate”? “What clues do you see that
support your ideas”?
JudgmentDiscuss the overall strengths/success/merit of the work. This step is usually used
with mature audiences.
Which of the following is the best
interpretation of this painting?
a) These people are very unhappy
having their portrait painted.
b) This man is a painter and that’s
his daughter.
c) This portrait was painted to
commemorate these people
after they died.
d) This is a wedding portrait.
Correct Answer: (d) This is a wedding
This is an example of what type of
a) Realistic
b) Surrealistic
c) Abstract
d) Cubism
Correct Answer: (c) Abstract
Which of the following is an example of
functional or utilitarian art?
a) Painting
b) Basket
c) Sculpture
d) Print
Correct Answer: (b) Basket
Which non-art content area is this
painting related?
a) Language Arts
b) Social Studies
c) Math
d) Science
Correct Answer: (b) Social Studies
How do artists contribute to society?
a) Raising awareness
b) Beautification
c) Economic Growth
d) All of the above
Correct Answer: (d) All of the above
What does P.I.E. , artists’ purpose mean?
a) Paint, Instruct, Educate
b) Plan, Inform, Entertain
c) Persuade, Inform, Entertain
d) None of the above
Correct Answer: (c) Persuade, Inform,
Which of the following is true of symbolism when
referring to art and culture?
a) The use of symbols
b) meaning and/or manipulation of reality to convey
some sort of message
c) Symbols vary from one culture to another
d) All of the above
Correct Answer: (d) All of the above
Which of the following is disrespectful to another artist
or work of art?
a) Speaking of the artist’s or art’s positive qualities
b) Making disparaging remarks about another artist or
his/hers artwork
c) Spitting and/or touching
d) Both (b) and (c)
Correct Answer: (d) both (b) and (c)
Which Math skills would you use in making
a quilt?
a) Measurement
b) Geometry
c) Shape
d) All of the above
Correct Answer: (d) All of the above
Which vantage point is being utilized in the above work of art?
a) Ants view
b) Eye level
c) Aerial
d) None of the above
Correct Answer: (c) Aerial view
What is this called?
Gray scale
Value scale
Dimension scale
Both (a) and (b)
Correct Answer: (d) Both (a) and (b)
What is this an example
of ?
a) Cross-hatching
b) Shading
c) Hatching
d) Stippling
Correct Answer: (d) Stippling
What is this an example
of ?
a) Contour Drawing
b) Gesture Drawing
c) Observational
d) None of the above
Correct Answer: (b) Gesture Drawing
What is this an example
of ?
a) Symmetrical balance
b) Asymmetrical balance
c) Radial symmetry
d) None of the above
Correct Answer: (b) Asymmetrical
Which are examples of tertiary colors?
a) Red, yellow, blue
b) Green, violet, orange
c) Blue-violet, red-orange, yellow-green
d) Black, gray, white, brown
Correct Answer: (c) Blue-violet, red-orange, yellowgreen
What are the steps in observational drawing?
a) gesture drawing, placement forming, shapes,
proportion-adding, value-showing contrast
b) Drawing, erasing, adding details
c) Tracing, drawing, erasing
d) None of the above
Correct Answer: (a) gesture drawing, placement
forming, shapes, proportion-adding, value-showing
To stretch, pull or twist an image like the
example is
a) Distortion
b) Exaggeration
c) Alienation
d) beautification
Correct Answer: (a) Distortion
Which of the following is an example of safe procedures in
the art room?
a) Allowing clay crumbs to fall on the floor
b) Allowing papers to remain on the floor
c) Clean up spills right away
d) Running with Scissors
Correct Answer: (c) Clean up spills right away
What does this symbol represent? ©
a) It is a company logo
b) Copyrighted material
c) It is someone’s initial
d) None of the above
Correct Answer: (b) Copyrighted material
What skilled media is required of a cartoonist?
a) Sculpture
b) Pottery
c) Drawing
d) Architecture
Correct Answer: (c) Drawing
What skill must a muralist be highly skilled at?
a) Painting
b) Pottery
c) Sculpture
d) Printmaking
Correct Answer: (a) Painting
Which Principle of Design is this an
example of ?
a) Contrast
b) Balance
c) Emphasis
d) Pattern
Correct Answer: (d) Pattern
Which Principle of Design does
this image employ?
a) Movement
b) Rhythm
c) Pattern
d) Contrast
Correct Answer: (d) Contrast
Which Principle of
Design does this image
a) Movement
b) Pattern
c) Emphasis
d) Rhythm
Correct Answer: (c) Emphasis
Three dimensional shapes are:
a) Shapes
b) Forms
c) Sculptures
d) None of the above
Correct Answer: (b) Forms
Bumpy, rough, shiny are various kinds of what Element of
a) Texture
b) Color
c) Form
d) Line
Correct Answer: (a) Texture