سمینار تغذیه و چاقی ،بیمارستان امام رضا (ع) کرمانشاه 94/8/28 1 Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 22،03،16 مقدمه و 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 2 چاقی 3 پژوهشگران می گویند هزینه ای که چاقی در سطح دنیا بر دوش مردم و دولتها می گذارد به اندازه هزینه سیگار کشیدن و درگیریهای مسلحانه است مطالعات اپیدمیولوژیک نشان می دهند که روند چاقی در دنیا در سالهای اخیر سرعت بسیار زیادی به خود گرفته و در 34سال گذشته از سال 1980تا 2014دو برابر شده است. مساله اضافه وزن در ایران کمکم حالت فراگیر بهخودش گرفته و در این بین آماری که وجود دارد ،زنگ هشدار را به صدا درآورده است. Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 22،03،16 چاقی 4 سازمان بهداشت جهانی چاقی را یکی از مهمترین بیماری های غیر واگیر در حال گسترش تعریف کرده است که ساالنه حدود 10تا 20درصد هزینه های بهداشتی یک کشور را بطور مستقیم و غیر مستقیم درگیر می کند. Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 22،03،16 چاقی 5 صرفنظر از نوع نگاه ما به چاقی بعنوان یک بیماری یا تنها بعنوان یک عامل خطر ،افراد مبتال به اضافه وزن و چاقی با طیف وسیعی از بیماریها و عوارض حاصله روبرو هستند که نیازمند اقدامات تشخیصی و درمانی دقیق و مبتنی بر شواهد علمی خواهند بود تاثیر چاقی بر فعالیت های اجتماعی و شغلی و بطور کلی کیفیت زندگی نیز به نوبه خود بار اقتصادی – اجتماعی آن را می افزاید Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 22،03،16 چاقی 6 امروزه چاقی بعنوان یک معضل اصلی نظام سالمت به موازات دیابت قندی اپیدمی دو قلوی قرن بیست و یکم نام گرفته اند 65درصد جمعیت جهان در کشورهایی زندگی می کنند که افزایش وزن و چاقی بیش از کم وزنی باعث مرگ و میر می گردند ساالنه حدود 2.8میلیون نفر از افراد بالغ دنیا بعلت چاقی دچار مرگ و میر می شوند Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 22،03،16 چاقی 7 افزایش شیوع اضافه وزن و چاقی عالوه بر کشورهای صنعتی بسیاری از کشورهای با در آمد پائین و متوسط جهان را نیز با بار دوگانه بیماریها روبرو نموده است در حالیکه این کشورها هنوز گرفتار مشکالت بیماریهای عفونی و سوء تغذیه می باشند شیوع عوامل خطر بیماریهای غیر واگیر از جمله اضافه وزن و چاقی بخصوص در جمعیت شهر نشین این کشورها رو به تزاید است. Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 22،03،16 چاقی 8 افزایش روند چاقی در کودکان و نو جوانان نیز از نگرانی های ویژه سالمت جامعه محسوب می گردد شیوع اضافه وزن وچاقی در جمعیت باالی 20سال ایران 50تا 70درصد بوده ودر شهر تهران 50درصد افراد اضافه وزن داشته و 15تا 20درصد در مرز چاقی قرار می گیرند چاقی نتیجه یک واکنش پیچیده بین استعداد ژنتیکی‘ محیط زیست و عوامل رفتاری در یک فرد است. مصرف غذا های پر کالری و زندگی کم تحرک مهمترین عامل اپیدمی چاقی در دنیا است. با این وجود بروز و استمرار چاقی چند علیتی بوده و مداخالت برای پیشگیری و درمان آن امیدوار کننده نیستند Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 22،03،16 چاقی 9 انجام پژوهش های بنیادی ،اپیدمیولوژیکی و بالینی جهت پی بردن به عوامل زمینه ساز بروز و استمرار چاقی و شناخت هر چه بیشتر بیمایزایی و مداخالت درمانی مرتبط با چاقی و ارائه راهکارهای مبتنی برشواهد بومی به مسئولین ارائه دهنده خدمات بهداشتی-درمانی کشور به منظور جوابگویی به نیازهای جامعه ،اصالح رفتارها و فراهم نمودن زمینه های سبک سالم زندگی بخصوص در کودکان و نو جوانان تاثیرات قابل توجهی در پیشگیری از بروز چاقی و روند رو به افزایش آن در کشور فراهم می سازد Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 22،03،16 چاقی 10 چنین کنگره ها وسمینارهایی در خصوص پیشگیری و درمان چاقی فرصت مناسبی است تا پژوهشگران جوان، اندیشمندان و اساتید دانشگاه های علوم پزشکی کشور با ارائه نتایج پژوهش های خود در حیطه چاقی ،بحث ،تبادل نظر و هم اندیشی به راهکار های عملی و سودمندی برای مبارزه با این معضل سالمت جامعه دست یافته و نظام ارائه خدمات بهداشتی-درمانی کشور را در این زمینه یاری رسانند Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 22،03،16 چاقی 11 به عقیده پژوهشگران ،اقداماتی جزئی و اندک مفید نیستند و به سلسله اقداماتی نظام مند نیاز است ومقابله با چاقی باید در ابعاد ملی و در سطح دولتها مد نظر قرار گیرد و راه حل معجزه آسایی برای آن وجود ندارد Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 22،03،16 چاقی مطالعات و شواهد زیادی نشان مئ دهند که هنوز دولت های جهان به اهمیت و عوارض چاقی توجه کافی نمی کنند! 12 Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 22،03،16 چاقی روند افزایشی چاقی در بین افراد بالغ و کودکان ایرانی نیز همچون دیگر کشورهای دنیاست که باید برای مقابله با آن برنامه ریزی های الزم پیشگیرانه اعمال شود که جلوگیری از پرخوری و فرهنگسازی در راستای تحرک بدنی و ورزش به ویژه در بین جوانان و نوجوانان از جمله این موارد به شمار می رود 13 Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 22،03،16 چاقی 14 چاقي یك بیماري مزمن است و مثل هر بیماري مزمن دیگري درمان آن نیاز به زمان دارد در درمان چاقي ،هیچگاه عجله نداشته باشید ،یادتان باشد كه رژیم غذایي با كاهش وزن تدریجي عالوه بر اینكه قابل تحملتر است ،عوارضي نداشته ،تقریبا غیر قابل بازگشت ميباشد چاقي با بسیاري از بیماریها چه مستقیم و چه غیرمستقیم ارتباط دارد چاقي باعث كاهش عمر ميشود Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 22،03،16 PEN Package of Essential Noncommunicable (PEN) Disease Interventions for Primary Health Care in Low-Resource Settings WHO 2010-2025 22،03،16 Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 15 IMPLEMENTATION TOOLS PEN CANCER HEART DISEASE AND STROKE DIABETES CHRONIC RESPIRATORY DISEASE 22،03،16 Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 16 Global Monitoring Framework 9 targets for 2025 Physical inactivity 10% reduction Treatment to reduce risk of heart attacks and strokes 50% coverage Diabetes /Obesity 0% increase Harmful use of alcohol 10% reduction Premature mortality From NCD 25% reduction Raised BP 25% reduction Salt/sodium Intake 30% reduction Essential medicines & technologies Tobacco use 30% reduction 22،03،16 Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 80% coverage 17 سند ملی پیشگیری و کنترل بیماریهای غیر واگیر وعوامل خطر در ایران در بازه زمانی 1394تا1404 کمیته و دبیرخانه ملی پیشگیری از بیماریای غیرواگیر اعضاء: وزیر بهداشت معاونین و..... 18 Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 22،03،16 سند ملی پیشگیری و کنترل بیماریهای غیر واگیر وعوامل خطر در ایران در بازه زمانی 1394تا1404 19 اعضای شورای عالی سالمت معاون اول رییس جمهور سخنگوی دولت رییس سازمان محیط زیست وزیر راه و شهرسازی وزیر فرهنگ وزیر نیرو وزیر حهاد کشاورزی رییس سازمان صدا و سیما وزرای آموزش و پرورش ،کشور ،اقتصاد ،صنعت ،ورزش و جوانان ،تعاون کار و بهداشت Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 22،03،16 اهداف و تعهدات جمهوری اسالمی در قالب سند ملی کاهش %20از میزان تحرک بدنی ناکافی کاهش %10از مصرف الکل کاهش %30از مصرف نمک سدیم کاهش %30از شیوع دخانیات کاهش %25از شیوع پرفشاری خون جلوگیری از افزایش چاقی و دیابت جمعیت 20 Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 22،03،16 اهداف و تعهدات جمهوری اسالمی در قالب سند ملی 21 دسترسی %100جمعیت به داروهای مناسب و فن آوری پایه و ضروری برای درمان بیماریهای غیر واگیر کاهش %25از خطر مرگهای زودرس ناشی از بیماریهای غیر واگیر دسترسی حداقل %70مردم به دارو و مشاوره الزم برای پیشگیری از بیماریهای قلبی و عروقی و حمالت عروق مغزی میزان صفر اسیدهای چرب ترانس در روغنهای خوراکی و محصوالت غذایی Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 22،03،16 بیماری های تنفس ی مزمن اختالالت روانی آسیب ها نداشتن فعالیت فیزیکی سرطان دیابت بیماری های قلبي و عروقي رژیم غذایی ناسالم مصرف الکل 22 شرایط و بیماری های غیر واگیر Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah عوامل خطر 22،03،16 شهرستان4 بافت شهرضا نقده مراغه 22،03،16 Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 23 برنامه ملی اصالح سبک زندگی 22،03،16 Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 24 برنامه ملی فعالیت بدنی برای ارتقای سالمت در ایران National Physical Activity Plan for Health Promotion in IR Iran 22،03،16 Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 25 Physical Inactivity in Iran 1390 1388 1387 1386 1385 Gender Age 48.77 49.91 49.88 46.36 40.34 Women 15-64 31.53 28.28 26.60 24.32 21.60 Men 40.09 38.97 38.10 35.21 30.85 All 22،03،16 Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 26 برنامه ملی فعالیت بدنی برای ارتقای سالمت در ایران 27 فعالیت بدنی در کودکان 0تا 4ساله فعالیت بدنی در کودکان 5تا 11ساله فعالیت بدنی درسنین 12تا 17ساله فعالیت بدنی درسنین 18تا 64ساله فعالیت بدنی درسالمندان 65ساله و باالتر Obesity Management conference. Kermanshah 22،03،16 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 28 Obesity Is Caused by Long-Term Positive Energy Balance Fat Stores 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 29 Body Mass Index (BMI) is the global method of determining overweight/obesity BMI = wt/ht² (kg/m²) (lbs/in²)x704.5 At a similar BMI, women have more body fat than men 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 30 Definitions Normal: BMI 18.5 - 24.9 Overweight: 25 -29.9 Obese: >= 30 Class I 30 - 34.9 Class II 35 - 39.9 Class III >= 40 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 31 OBESITY According to the WHO, more than two billion people will be overweight by next year and as many as 700 million of them obese Behavioral Disinhibition Can Foster Intentions to Healthy Lifestyle Change by Overcoming Commitment to Past Behavior Bob M. Fennis et al November 11, 2015 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0142489 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 32 Obesity & Mortality - Large epidemiologic studies have evaluated the relationship between obesity and mortality - Greater body mass index (BMI) is associated with increased rate of death from all causes - ↑ BMI (each 5 kg/m2 ( → 30 % ↑ in overall mortality - Only being overweight (BMI ≥ 25) also → ↓ survival 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 33 The scope of overweight/obesity 52% of US adults are overweight or obese! ONE HALF! Prevalence is INCREASING! 30% increase in adults in two decades >80% increase in children/adolescents!!! Second-leading PREVENTABLE cause of death in the US 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 34 Factors contribute to the development of obesity Sedentary lifestyle Lack of information Ill- heath and physical disability Psychological factors such as overeating Social pressures Genetic make – up Endocrine disorder Certain drug treatment Socioeconomic status Weight gain in childhood 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 35 Obesity is associated with increased risk of co-morbid conditions: Hypertension Dyslipidemia Diabetes mellitus Coronary artery dz. Cerebrovascular dz. Gallbladder dz. Sleep apnea Osteoarthritis Gout Cancers OVERALL MORTALITY HIGHER! 22،03،16 Colon Breast Prostate Uterus Cervix Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 36 Obesity Therapy Energy Intake Energy Expenditure Adipose tissue 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 37 AIMS OF TREATMENT OF OBESITY Reduction of weight to within the desirable range Education of the obese individual into a new lifestyle which ensures that the body – weight is maintained at the new level Maintenance of an adequate intake of all nutrients. 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 38 TREATMENT OF OBESITY Those categories of individuals who should be given priority in advice on how to lose weight should include: BMI >30 BMI > 25 who also have other cardiovascular risk factors Those with medical condition that are exacerbated by obesity Those who have an abdominal distribution of fat 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 39 Obesity Treatment Pyramid Surgery Pharmacotherapy Lifestyle Modification Diet 22،03،16 Physical Activity Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 40 LIFESTYLE? The term lifestyle can denote the interests, opinions, behaviors, and behavioral orientations of an individual, group, or culture The way a person lives Lifestyle from Merriam-Webster's Dictionary 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 41 HEALTHY LIFESTYLE? Healthy weight Healthy diet Physically active Stress and anxiety management No smoking Alcohol consumption 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 42 UNHEALTHY LIFESTYLE Unhealthy lifestyle characteristics: Physical inactivity Excess body mass Poor diet Smoking and …. Associated poor health metrics: Dyslipidemia Hyperglycemia Hypertension and … Who will deliver comprehensive healthy lifestyle interventions to combat non-communicable disease? Introducing the healthy lifestyle practitioner discipline. Arena R1, Lavie CJ, Hivert MF, Williams MA, Briggs PD Guazzi M 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 43 EXERCISE AND WEIGHT REDUCTION 420 KJ (100kcal) is expended for walking 1 mile However , if incorporated it into a daily routine , this can become of value 1 mile (1609.34 m) walked every day expends the amount of energy stored in 3 kg adipose tissue over 1 year 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 44 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY (PA) DEFINITION PA is defined as any bodily movement created by skeletal muscles that results in energy expenditure PA includes sports, exercise and other activities such as playing, walking, doing household chores or gardening This broad term means that PA includes almost everything that a person performs physical inactivity is, in contrast, the time spent to do things that do not markedly increase energy expenditure 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 45 Exercise is also beneficial for following reasons Most individuals experience an improved feeling of wellbeing during and after Exercise Resting metabolic rate is increased for a period after Exercise It is difficult to eat and exercise at the same time 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 46 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Physical inactivity is regarded a major public health concern Regular physical activity (PA) has been considered as an important lifestyle modification to improve health and prevent chronic disease Setting the goal at walking 10,000 steps/day as a moderate-intensity form of aerobic PA has been advised to have beneficial health effects in the research and practice areas. 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 47 PHYSICAL INACTIVITY Physical inactivity or sedentarism is regarded as a major public health concern. As a risk factor for chronic diseases, such as obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, several types of cancers, depression, and anxiety, physical inactivity is responsible for more than 2 million deaths annually around the world 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 48 PA RECOMMENDATION ) PA recommendations Walking as a PA recommendation 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 49 The Activity Pyramid Lifestyle activity is at the base of the pyramid because it is something that everyone can do on a regular basis. 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 50 ASUKI STEP STUDY 10,000 Steps per day Reducing weigh, WC, SAD, and %Fat Increasing VO2max Decreasing Sys. And Dia. BP 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 51 PA ASSESSMENT METHODS Subjective techniques: Self reported questionnaires (IPAQ) Interviewer administered questionnaires Mail surveys Diaries Objective techniques: Pedometers Accelerometers heart rate monitors Reference techniques: Doubly labeled water Indirect calorimetry 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 52 ASSESSMENT OF PA The amount of daily Physical activity is very difficult to quantify Typically an increase in weight of 10 kg occurs over a period of perhaps 2 years. This indicates that the individual has a positive energy balance of same 30 – 40 kcal/day This corresponds to an extra energy intake of less than half a sandwich per day or , on the output side , a walk of 15 -30 min / day 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 53 PA AND DIET A decrease in daily food intake of 1000 kcal is easily managed , but this corresponds to about 3h of jogging, an activity which is impossible for most obese patient Physical exercise appears to improve insulin sensitivity without necessary creating a negative energy balance. This is seen as an acute effect after a bout of exercise and lasts for a day or two 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 54 THE IMPACTS OF PA Improved blood pressure Increased HDL Decreased serum triglycerides Increased caloric expenditure Decreased weight 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 55 WEIGHT REDUCTION USING A MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH Exercise without diet intervention seems to cause only minor weight loss usually no more than 1-2 kg Weight reduction program use a multidisciplinary approach. These include dietary energy intake , Exercise , and cognitive and behavioral therapy to promote permanent lifestyle changes 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 56 EXERCISE AND MAINTENANCE OF AFTER WEIGHT LOSSS If counseling is to be effective in increasing an individuals Physical activity great attention must be paid to his or her motivation Exercise prescribed by a therapist is unlikely to be continued for the rest of lifetime 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 57 Adopting an Active Lifestyle Lifestyle activities are the foundation of an active lifestyle Lifestyle activities include activities of daily living and less intense sports and recreational activities Should expend more energy than normally expended at rest 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 58 Examples of Lifestyle Activities Washing a car Washing windows or floors Gardening Wheeling self in wheelchair Park farther away in parking lot Social dancing Walk/bike to the store Pushing a stroller Walk breaks at work Take stairs instead of elevators Raking leaves Add in Yard work Walking Count Housework as “activity” 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 59 Advantages of Lifestyle Activity Lifestyle activities can be integrated into your daily routine Relatively easy to perform, therefore they are popular among adults Promotes metabolic fitness 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 60 Occupational Physical Activity In a famous study, bus conductors who regularly climbed stairs to collect tickets from passengers had lower rates of dying than the more sedentary bus drivers after controlling for other risk factors. Walking up and down the stairs made a significant difference in health risks. 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 61 Try Taking the Stairs! A great way to increase daily energy expenditure is by taking the stairs instead of the elevator (or just going up and down the stairs several times during the day for quick breaks). The estimated energy expenditure required to go up and down 1 staircase (15 stairs) is ~ .022 kcal/lb (.0015kcal/lb/stair) Example calculation: Going up and down 4 flights of stair: 120 stairs 22،03،16 150 lb person: .0015 kcal/lb/stair x 150 lb x 120 stairs = 27 kcal 200 lb person: .0015 kcal/lb/stair x 200 lb x 120 stairs = 36 kcal Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 62 : What is a MET? 1 MET = resting energy expenditure 1 MET = 3.5 ml O2 / kg / min 1 MET = 1 kcal / kg / hour 1 MET = 1 Kcal/kg.h = 4.184 kj/kg.h 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 63 Range of Intensities for Lifestyle Physical Activity Activity Level Rest Very Light Light Moderate Hard Very Hard Maximum 22،03،16 MET Level 1 2 - 2.5 2.5 – 4. 2/3 4. 2/3 - 7 7 - 10 10 - 12 12+ Example Resting Typing Normal Walk Brisk Walk Run 5 mph Run 8.5 mph Run 10 mph Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 64 22،03،16 VERY HARD HARD MODERATE LIGHT VERY LIGHT REST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 + MAXIMUM Intensity of Exercise Aerobic Anaerobic Exercise Continuum METS Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 65 Sample Calculations with METS Estimate of calories burned from 1 hour of brisk walking in a 150 pound (70 kg) person walking = 6 METS = 6 kcal / kg / hour 6 kcal / kg / hour x 70 kg = 420 kcal/hour 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 66 General Physical Activity Recommendations “Every healthy adult should accumulate 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity on most, preferably all, days of the week”. Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 67 How Many Steps is Enough? Activity Classification for Pedometer Step Counts in Healthy Adults Table 5, p. 104 Category Steps / day Sedentary < 5000 Low active 5000-7500 Somewhat active 7500-9999 Active 10,000-12,500 Very Active > 12,500+ Source: Based on values from Tudor-Locke, 2004. 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 68 Pedometers Pedometers provide a great way to remind you to get more lifestyle physical activity in your day (self-monitoring). Set step goals based on 1 week of baseline steps (average steps/day) Increase step count by 1,000 to 3,000 steps/day 10,000 steps is NOT for everyone! Accelerometer 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 69 Lifestyle PA: Summary Many advantages to adopting an active lifestyle You can accumulate lifestyle physical activity throughout the day (10-min bouts) to meet the recommendations Many people use pedometers to self-monitor daily activity levels Changes in the environment can promote lifestyle physical activity Also need to consider personal strategies 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 70 How To Achieve Weight Loss 1,000 – 1,200 kcal/day for women and 1,200 – 1,600 kcal/day for men Reducing dietary fat along with carbohydrates can facilitate calorie reduction. Reducing dietary fat alone without reducing calories is not sufficient for weight loss. 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 71 How To Achieve Weight Loss Physical activity is recommended as part of a comprehensive weight loss program because: Contributes to weight loss Improved appetite regulation May decrease abdominal fat Increase cardio-respiratory fitness May help with maintenance of weight loss 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 72 How to Calculate Energy Density Energy Density = Calories/Grams E.G. 150 Calories/100 grams = 1.5 Kcal/g Energy density of 1 – Eat any quantity Limit foods with energy density >2 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 73 “Healthy Obesity” Physically-fit obese patients have LOWER mortality rates than unfit normal-weight persons! Being thin doesn’t guarantee being healthy Being fat doesn’t HAVE to be unhealthy Physical activity and cardiovascular fitness are much more predictive of health than body weight 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 74 Facts on exercise in obesity tx. Exercise alone only leads to slight wt loss, if any, but marked reduction in mortality Adding moderate/vigorous aerobic exercise to dieting slightly increases wt loss Aerobic exercise during wt loss lessens loss of FFM Resistance exercise during wt loss preserves FFM and may help maintain wt loss Any type of exercise helps maintain wt loss, but duration must be 4-10 hours/week Compliance may be better with multiple shortbout sessions Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 22،03،16 75 “A meta-analysis of the past 25 years of weight loss research using diet, exercise, or diet plus exercise intervention.” Average 15-week treatment Diet or Diet-plus-exercise program, produces a weight loss of about 11 kg 22،03،16 Miller WC, Koceja DM, Hamilton EJ. Int J Obs Relat Metab Disord 1998 Aug;22(8):825. Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 76 “The effects of 18 months of intermittent vs. continuous exercise on aerobic capacity, body weight and composition, and metabolic fitness in previously sedentary, moderately obese females.” Two exercise groups: Weight loss: continuous (30 min, 3d/wk, 60-75% VO2max) intermittent (brisk walking 15 min 2x/day, 5d/wk). continuous group: -2.1% intermittent group: none Donnelly JE at al. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2000 May;24(5):566-72. 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 77 What is effect of resistance exercise on weight loss? None Some studies even show weight gain However, there may be some other benefits 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 78 Does aerobic exercise vs. diet alone alter the composition of weight loss? YES Diet alone leads to marked reduction in FFM as well as fat mass 7 of 10 studies: aerobic exercise preserves (FFM) Differences could be related to degree of obesity 22،03،16 Higher BMI --> less FFM lost Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 79 What is the effect of resistance training on body composition? Definitely preserves, and may even increase, FFM Unclear effect on fat mass 3 studies show more fat mass lost w/ Diet + Resistance vs. Diet alone 3 studies show no difference 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 80 * What role does exercise have in weight loss maintenance? An important role Wing RR. Med Sci Sports Exer 1999 Review of literature; 6 studies 22،03،16 4 of 8: significant long term differences favoring diet + exercise Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 81 How much exercise is needed for optimal weight loss maintenance? The more, the better! 210 min/week brisk walking: 40% wt regain 600 min/week brisk walking: 15% retain 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 82 Resistance exercise DURING weight loss may have a role in long-term maintenance. RCT, 20 kids/adolescents, 2 groups, 12 weeks Diet-only Diet + Resistance Exercise Weight loss equal in both groups Fat free mass decreased in diet-only group At one year f/u, wt regain inversely related with fat free mass at 12 wks 22،03،16 Schwingshandl J et al. Obesity Effectand of Lifestyle an individualised Modification training programme during 83 Response of obesity to exercise may have a genetic component. Study of obese patients in France UCP3 gene 22،03،16 Wild C/C genotype: BMI was negatively a/w PA (p=.015). C-->T polymorphism: BMI not a/w PA Otabe S et al. A genetic variation in the 5' flanking region of the UCP3 gene is associated with body mass index in humans in interaction with physical activity. Diabetologia 2000 Feb;43(2):2459. Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 84 Treating Obese patients (there is no one single best method) 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 85 Treating obesity demands a multifaceted approach with chronic monitoring 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 22،03،16 Decreased caloric intake Increased exercise Behavioral modification +/- Pharmacotherapy +/- Surgery Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 86 Goals of treatment Get patients to look like models? Get patients to their ideal body weight? NOT practical usually Get patients to lose 5-10% of body weight? NOT HOPEFULLY Get patients to exercise and reduce their mortality risk? 22،03،16 DEFINITELY! Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 87 Set reasonable expectations Gradually develop regular exercise Gradually develop more healthy eating Shoot for losing 5-10% of body weight first 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 88 1. Decreased caloric intake 500 - 1000 kcal/day less than usual Lose 1-2 lbs/week National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Clinical guidelines on the identification, evaluation, and treatment of overweight and obesity in adults: the evidence report. 1998. 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 89 2. Increased exercise Exercise regularly Need to gradually work up to this Start with brisk walking 10-45 min, 3-5 days/week Work up to 60-80 min, most or all days/week Aim to expend 1,000 - 2,000 kcal/week NHLBI, ACSM 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 90 * What kind of exercise is best for obesity treatment? May be a combination of aerobic AND resistance training 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 91 Counseling patients to increase exercise Use the 5 A’s of counseling: Address the agenda Assess Advise 22،03،16 Personalized exercise recommendations Assist Knowledge, beliefs, concerns, feelings, stage of change Provide support, identify barriers and resources Arrange follow-up Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 92 Example: Counseling a patient in preparation phase Give specific advice on Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type of exercise (FITT) 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 93 FITT Formula for Lifestyle Physical Activity Threshold of Training: Frequency: most/all days of week Intensity: 55-90% of max heart rate Time: 30-80 minutes Gradually work up to this Start with brisk walking 10 min, 3-5 days/week Work up to 60-80 min, most or all days/week Type: aerobic, resistance NHLBI, ACSM 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 94 Follow-up after initial counseling See patient two weeks later and every month Ask about progress Ask about barriers Encourage! Discuss remedies Weigh patient Follow cholesterol, blood sugar, BP, etc. 15 ،18 نوامبر Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 95 3. Behavioral Modification Self-monitoring Stimulus control Body image and self-esteem counseling Stress management Social support 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 96 CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Obesity CBT is a common type of mental health counseling (psychotherapy) CBT helps you become aware of inaccurate or negative thinking CBT may use relaxation techniques as well as strategies to maintain a positive attitude. Studies have found that patients with CBT tend to become more active and do exercise It can be an effective tool to help anyone learn how to better manage stressful life situations 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 97 Behavior modification strategies, extended treatment, and physical activity are excellent predictors of weight loss during treatment. Foreyt JP, Goodrick GK. Evidence for success of behavior modification in weight loss and control. Annals of Internal Medicine 1993;119:698-701. 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 98 Self-monitoring One of the MOST HELPFUL TOOLS IN OBESITY MANAGEMENT Observation and recording of behaviors Total calorie intake, fat grams consumed, food groups used, situations that promote overeating, amount/intensity of exercise, weight, body composition, etc. Provides patient objective feedback so improvements can be made 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 99 Stimulus control Identifying and modifying the environmental cues that are a/w overeating and inactivity Laying workout clothes on bed to increase likelihood of exercise the next AM Eating only at kitchen table Avoiding situations where overeating common 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 100 Body image and self-esteem counseling Many obese pts have poor self-esteem Many have unrealistic wt loss expectations Negative thoughts lead to poor compliance Ideal body wt vs. 5-10% Distorted body image 22،03،16 20% of obese pts won’t exercise because they feel too fat Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 101 Stress management Stress is a primary predictor of relapse and overeating Management techniques are VERY effective in obesity treatment Refer to mental health professionals if not skilled yourself 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 102 Social support Those with it have more success Friends Family Community-based groups Health clubs, education courses, Weight Watchers Church-related activities 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 103 4. Pharmacological therapy Candidates: BMI 27-29.9 and + risk factor BMI >=30 Never use as sole therapy!! Poor effectiveness Poor long-term maintenance of wt loss Agents approved by FDA for long-term use 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 104 Sibutramine (Meridia) Blocks reuptake of norepi and serotonin Appetite suppressant, ? thermogenic Proven efficacy, even at one year of tx Improves TC, LDL, TG, HbA1c Side-effects: Headache, elevated BP, insomnia, constipation, dry mouth Cost: $80/month 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 105 Orlistat (Xenical) Decreases fat absorption by inhibiting lipase in intestine (not absorbed) Proven efficacy, even long-term Improves TC, LDL, TG, HbA1c, glucose) Side-effects mostly GI: Oily spotting, flatus, fecal urgency/incontinence Worse after fat ingestion; can lead to less fat eaten Multi-vit with A/D/E/K recommended Cost: $110/month 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 106 5. Surgery for obesity For high-risk patients who have failed nonsurgical therapy BMI 35-39.9 w/ RF’s BMI >= 40 Produces longest wt loss maintenance of all treatment methods Significantly decreases mortality rate Techniques: vertical gastric banding, gastric bypass 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 107 Summary of treatment based on BMI and risk BMI 25-30, no RF: advise wt loss BMI 27-29.9, >= 2 RF: treat, +/- meds BMI 30-35: treat, +/- meds BMI 35-39.9, no RF: treat, +/- meds BMI 35-39.9, + RF: treat; +/- meds; consider surgery BMI >= 40: treat; +/- meds; consider surgery 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 108 Facts on exercise in obesity tx. Exercise alone only leads to slight weight loss, if any, but marked reduction in mortality. Adding moderate/vigorous aerobic exercise to dieting increases weight loss. Aerobic exercise during weight loss lessens loss of FFM. Resistance exercise during weight loss preserves FFM and may help maintain wt loss. Any type of exercise helps maintain weight loss, but duration must be 4-10 hours/week. Compliance may be better with multiple shortbout sessions. Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 109 22،03،16 Review pearls 22،03،16 BMI > 30 defines obesity Risk-stratify patients based on co-morbidity Combined treatment with exercise, diet and behavior modification is most effective Set a reasonable goal of 5-10% wt loss Start exercise slowly; emphasize benefits even if it doesn’t result in wt loss Follow-up frequently and monitor Consider meds/surgery for high-risk patients Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 110 Conclusion: Obesity is an increasing problem Fitness is very important Exercise and diet must be combined weight loss strategies are not treatment Exercise alone is important for reduction in mortality 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 111 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! 22،03،16 Obesity and Lifestyle Modification 112