CIS 1300 – Web Design Software Services

The Internet
An Overview
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
Michael J. Losacco
• Internet Services
– World Wide Web
– E-mail
– File Transfer
– Newsgroups
– Message Board
– Chat
– Instant Messaging
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
• Origination
– ARPANET — Networking Project by Pentagon
• Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)
– Became Functional September 1969
– Renamed Internet in the Late 1980s
– World Wide Web Proposed In 1989
• Tim Berners-Lee
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
• Control
– Public, Cooperative, & Independent Network
– Internal Structure
• Public & Private Organizations
• Telephone, Cable, & Satellite Companies
• Governments
– World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
• Oversees Research, Sets Standards & Guidelines
• Tim Berners-Lee, Director
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
Internet Mechanics
• Access Providers
– ISP (Internet Service Provider)
– OSP (Online Service Provider)
• Member-only Features
– Wireless
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
Internet Mechanics
• Addressing
– IP (Internet Protocol) Address
• Identifies Each Device Connected to Internet
• Unique Number
– 2.7/3.7 Billion Used
» Run Out in 2012
– IPv6 = 3.4 x 1038 v. 232
– Domain Name
• Text Version of IP Address
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
Internet Mechanics
• Addressing
– TLD (Top Level Domain)
• Identifies Type of Organization
• ccTLD
– Two-letter Country Code Outside US
• ICANN Assigns & Controls TLDs
– DNS (Domain Name System)
• DNS Server
– Translates Domain Name to IP Address
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
World Wide Web
• Collection of Electronic Documents
– Worldwide
• Each Document is Called a Web Page
– Contains Text, Graphics, Sound, Video
– Contains Links to Other Pages
• Web Site
– Collection of Related Web Pages
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
World Wide Web
• Web 2.0
– Allow Users to Modify Site Content
– Way for Users to Share Personal Info
– Have User Application Software Built into Site
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
World Wide Web
• Web Browser
– Program that Allows You to View Web Pages
• Internet Explorer
– Spent $1.25 B
• Netscape
• Mozilla
– Firefox
• Safari
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
World Wide Web
• Web Addressing
– URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
• Unique Address for Page Located on Web Server
protocol name
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
World Wide Web
• Site Types
– Standard
– Portal
• Search, News, Weather, Reference, Shopping
– Blog (Web Log)
• Informal Journal / Diary Posts
• Reflect Interest & Opinion of Author
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
World Wide Web
• Site Types
– Wiki
• Collaborative Site
• Users Create, Add, Modify, Delete Content
– Content Aggregator
• Gathers, Organizes, Distributes Content
• RSS (Really Simple Syndication)
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
World Wide Web
• Multimedia
– Graphics
– Audio
• MP3, WAV
– Compression to 1/10 Original Size
• Streaming
– Transfers Data in Continuous & Even Flow
• Podcast
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
World Wide Web
• Multimedia
– Video
• Vodcast
– VR (Virtual Reality)
• Second Life, There
– Avatar
– Plug-in
• Programs that Extend Browser Capability
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
Other Internet Services
• E-Commerce
– Shopping Cart
• Collect Purchases
– Online Auction
– Paypal
• Online Payment Service
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
Other Internet Services
• E-mail
– Transmission of Messages Over Internet
• Messages May Include Attachments
– Files, Graphics, Audio, Video
– Virus
– Volume
• 1.4 Billion Active Accounts Worldwide
• 183 Billion E-mails Sent Daily in 2006
Radicati Group 10/06
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
Other Internet Services
• FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
– Allows Upload / Download of Files
• Files Located on FTP Servers
• Use FTP Client Program to Access
• Mailing List
– Topical E-mail Discussion Group
– You Must Subscribe to a Mailing List
• E-mail Sent to Listserv
• Listserv Distributes E-mail to All Subscribers
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
Other Internet Services
• Newsgroup
– Users Conduct Written Topical Discussions
• 65,000+ Topics
– Stored on News Server
– Usenet
• Entire Collection of Newsgroups
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
Other Internet Services
• Newsgroup
– User Sends Message to Newsgroup
• AKA Article
– Others in Newsgroup Read / Reply
• AKA Thread
– Read with Newsreader Program
– FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
• Find Out What is Appropriate for Newsgroup
• Same Questions do not Need Repeated Answers
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
Other Internet Services
• Message Board
– AKA Discussion Board
– Web-based Version of Newsgroup
– Newsreader not Required
• Chat
– Real-time Typed Conversation
• Discuss Topics of Interest
– Chat Room
• Location on Server that Permits Discussion
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
Other Internet Services
• Instant Messaging (IM)
– Real-time Typed Conversation
– Indicate Who You Would Like to Speak With
• AKA Buddy List
– Notifies When One or More People Online
– Exchange Messages or Files
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
Other Internet Services
• Internet Telephony (VoIP)
– Voice Communication Over Internet
– Replaces Standard Telephone Service
• Vonage
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
• Code of Behavior
– Emoticons & Smileys
• :-)
– 13-year-old Commits Suicide (10/06)
• Fake MySpace Profile Created to Start Relationship
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
• Flaming
– 58% Have Been Flamed Online
• 40% More than Once
– 53% Have Flamed Others Online
• 33% More than Once
– 35% Have Been Threatened Online
• 20% More than Once
– 58% Have Not Told Parents or Adult
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software
• Flaming
– 15 % Receive Unwanted Sexual Communication
• During Past Year
• Included
– Solicitations for Sex
– Conversations About Sex
– Questions About Bra Size
» Or Other Personal Sexual Information
Internet Solutions for Kids
CIS 1300 – Web Design Software