Chapter 6 Lesson 2 Study Guide

8th Grade
Chapter 6 Lesson 2
Name __________________
1 Proprietorship
2. Superior Council
3. land grant
4. Mississippi Bubble
5. slave
6 plantation
7 Code Noir
1 What is the difference between a proprietorship colony and a royal colony?
2. What were the reasons Crozat wanted Louisiana?
3. What were Cadillac’s problems?
4. Compare Cadillac’s good decisions and his bad decisions.
5. Why was St. Denis a good choice to command Fort Jean Baptiste?
6. What ways did Cadillac use the environment to support the economy of
7. Describe St. Denis leadership qualities.
8. What products did the French and Spanish trade?
9. Why did the death of King Louis XIV end Cadillac’s control of Louisiana?
10. How were the leadership styles of Crozat and Law similar?
11. Why did Law believe the Germans would come to live in Louisiana?
12. Why did Bienville want people from other countries to settle in Louisiana?
13. What happens when stock holders sell large amounts of stock at the same
14. Why was the collapse of the Company called the Mississippi Bubble?
15. What happened to John Law when the Mississippi Bubble burst?
16. What happened to the Company of the Indies?
17. What did Louisiana need to succeed?
18. What was the effect of the French desire for more land?
19. What was the result of the Natchez uprising?
8th Grade
Chapter 6 Lesson 2
1, Proprietorship – a system that gave an individual a charter or contract to
operate a colony like a business
2. Superior Council – a group existing during the French colonial period that was
in charge of judicial matters and was presided over by the commissary
3. land grant – a parcel of land given to the directors of the Company of the West
under the condition that they bring settlers to the colony
4. Mississippi Bubble – the collapse of the French investment company; the
Company of the West
5. slave – a person who is bound to a life of services to others and who is
considered property
6 plantation – a large estate or farm
7 Code Noir – a set of laws governing the conduct of the slaves during the French
Colonial Period. The purpose was to protect the slaves as property (food,
clothing, shelter, and health care) Slaves could not be forced to work on
Sundays and were taught the Catholic religion. The slaves could not carry a
gun except when hunting and they could not gather in large crowds.
1, What is the difference between a proprietorship colony and a royal colony?
In a royal colony the King or Queen has complete control, in a proprietorship
the King or Queen appoints someone to have control of the colony and
operate it like a business
2. What were the reasons Crozat wanted Louisiana?
He wanted to find silver and gold to make money
3. What were Cadillac’s problems?
He made mistakes as a leader, he threatened the Indians when he refused
to smoke the calumet, he was rude to the colonists, and he had conflicts
with other government officials
4. Compare Cadillac’s good decisions and his bad decisions.
He organized the colony, set up the Superior Council, he was the first to
suggest to sell tobacco and indigo, and he understood that good colonists
were needed.
5. Why was St. Denis a good choice to command Fort Jean Baptiste?
He knew the area, he knew the Caddo Indians and improved his knowledge
of Indian languages, he knew both cultures of Paris and Canada, and he
had great frontier skills
6. What ways did Cadillac use the environment to support the economy of
He wanted to tame the buffalo in order to clip their wool, and he wanted
to sell tobacco and indigo
7. Describe St. Denis leadership qualities.
Since he knew about different cultures, he was able to negotiate with the
Spanish in order to trade with them.
8. What products did the French and Spanish trade?
They traded ammunition, powder, knives, mirrors, and brandy in order to get
horses, cattle, animal hides, and silver. The Spanish wanted medicine and
the French wanted Spanish silver
9. Why did the death of King Louis XIV end Cadillac’s control of Louisiana?
When Louis the XIV died, royal support for the colony ended
10. How were the leadership styles of Crozat and Law similar?
They both wanted to make money
11. Why did Law believe the Germans would come to live in Louisiana?
They were fighting for power and they were struggling to survive and
they wanted a better life.
12. Why did Bienville want people from other countries to settle in Louisiana?
He needed an adequate army, dependable people, and an export crop. The
people France were sending were criminals and did not want to work
13. What happens when stock holders sell large amounts of stock at the same
The stock loses its value
14. Why was the collapse of the Company called the Mississippi Bubble?
The Company was located near the Mississippi River. The price of the
shares kept increasing like an inflatable balloon, and the company could
not pay back its investors.
15. What happened to John Law when the Mississippi Bubble burst?
He had to flee to Paris in disgrace because people wanted their money and
he had no way to give it to them
16. What happened to the Company of the Indies?
They were given a new agreement to remain in charge of the colony
17. What did Louisiana need to succeed?
More colonists and an export crop
18. What was the effect of the French desire for more land?
Governor Perier saw the forests were full of materials needed in France
such as resin, tar, and wood. However the land was home to the Indians and
they were not going to allow the French to take their forests from them, and
they attacked the French Fort Rosalie called the Natchez uprising 250
colonists were killed
19. What was the result of the Natchez uprising?
Governor Perier sent soldiers to destroy the Natchez tribe, settlers did not
stay in the area and lost the tobacco farms, the colony could not make a
profit, in 1731 the Company of the Indies gave Louisiana back to the king.