Cellebration Project (custer)

The “Cell”ebration
Main Idea: Living organisms are made up of millions of tiny parts called
cells. The cells are composed of even smaller parts called organelles. The
function of the organelles is to keep the cell alive. Remember, the
function and structure of cells have one common purpose: to maintain
biological viability!!!! (Translation: Stay alive to reproduce!!)
Mission: Choose your activity, complete it by the due date, and present it
to the class during the week of September 8th.Sign up via class for the
activity of your choice. All projects are due by Friday, September 5 .
1. Be an artist! Create a 3-D model OR a 3-D poster of a plant OR
animal cell. These will be displayed in the Media Center as part of
the CELLS ALIVE! art show.
2. Be a musician! Create a song or a rap or other wordly-wise, beatfriendly offering using vocabulary from the Cells Unit. Please film
your performance for presentation to the class!
3. Be a star! Create a costume and present your Stellar-cellular side to
your class! Your presentation will be filmed!
4. Be a director! And….ACTION! Create a movie about cellular
structures and processes.
Dear Parents,
Welcome to the first fifth grade science project! Your student has
chosen one of the following activities as their project for the Cells and
Microorganisms unit.
1. Be an artist! Create a 3-D model OR a 3-D poster of a plant OR
animal cell. These will be displayed in the Media Center as part
of the CELLS ALIVE! art show.
2. Be a musician! Create a song or a rap or other wordly-wise, beatfriendly offering using vocabulary from the Cells Unit. Please
film your performance for presentation to the class!
3. Be a star! Create a costume and present your Stellar-cellular
side to your class! Your presentation will be filmed!
4. Be a director! And….ACTION! Create a movie about cellular
structures and processes.
By the time you receive this letter, your student has been introduced
to the project, participated in a review of the requirements, and had
the opportunity to ask questions. Your student knows where to find
the requirements and rubrics for each activity - my website!!
Please be aware that 3 days of class time are dedicated to the
completion of this project. One day (Friday, August 22) has already
been used as an instructional/preplanning day. The remaining days
(August 27 & September 3) are scheduled for in-class project work
time, so your student should be prepared to work at school if
necessary. These days should be used for filming, rehearsals,
conferencing and final touches.
Depending on the project your student has chosen, your student may
need a variety of supplies. From my classroom, I will supply pencils,
paper, stapler, scissors, rulers, construction paper, and tape. On the
two work days (08/27) and (09 /3 ), the students will have access to
laptops and desktops. I have one camera that is capable of still
images and movie making. Students that choose the song/rap or
movie projects utilizing my camera will have to sign up for a time in
advance. Please be aware the camera schedule will be in 15 minute
increments, so your student should be ready to film – not still
preparing the song/rap or movie.
Copy of the due dates given to students:
Choose your activity, complete it by the due date, and present it
to the class during the week of September 8th . Sign up via class
for the activity of your choice. All projects are due by Friday,
September 5.
Please circle which activity your student has chosen, sign this letter,
and return it to school. Your student will lose one (1) point from
his/her final project grade for every day this letter is unreturned.
This letter is dated 8-22-14 .
3D Poster/Model
My signature signifies my approval of my student’s chosen project. Our
family is aware of the project requirements and rubrics, the location at
which copies of requirements and rubrics can be found, and the due
date of this project.
Parent Signature:
If you have any questions or concerns, please email Haley Custer at
Haley.Custer@Cherokee.k12.ga.us Thank you for your support and
participation in your student’s academic success!!
3D Art Requirements and Rubric
Your chosen mission is to create 3D art based on an animal or plant cell.
You must include and label the following cellular structures: cytoplasm,
mitochondria, vacuole, chloroplast, cell wall, cell membrane, and nucleus.
Here are two examples to help you:
Cell”ebration 3D Art Project Rubric
(100 – 90 Range)
(89 – 80 Range)
(79 – 71 Range)
(70 – 60 Range)
Your product very clearly shows what you know.
_______ Your product is thorough and completely accurate.
_______ You went above and beyond what was expected of you.
_______ Your final product is neat and organized.
_______ Your spelling and grammar are perfect.
_______ Your product was turned in on time.
Your product clearly shows what you know.
_______ Your information is thorough and highly accurate.
_______ Your spelling and grammar are highly accurate.
_______ Your product shows good effort.
_______ Your product is organized and shows thoughtful ideas.
_______ Your product was turned in on time.
Your product somewhat shows what you know.
_______ Your product is not accurate.
_______ Your product is not neat.
_______ Your spelling and grammar are not accurate.
_______ Your product is unorganized and shows little effort.
_______ Your product was one day late.
Your product is unclear and unorganized..
_______ Your product is brief and has few facts.
_______ Your product is messy and shows no effort.
_______ Your product was two (2) or more days late
_______ You did not turn in a product.
Song/Rap Requirements and Rubric
Your chosen mission is to create, perform and film a song/rap/poem based on an animal or plant
cell – or BOTH!. You must include the following cellular structures: cytoplasm, mitochondria,
vacuole, chloroplast, cell wall, cell membrane, and nucleus. Additionally, you must include at
least five (5) OTHER vocabulary terms from your green folder. Music, singing or rapping is
required. Submit a 1 page paper copy of your lyrics/poem. Here are links to two examples to
help you:
“Cell”ebration Song/Rap Project Rubric
(100 – 90 Range)
(89 – 80 Range)
(79 – 71 Range)
Your product very clearly shows what you know.
_______ Your use of music and/or singing was delivered in an understandable, highly
professional manner.
_______ You went above and beyond what was expected of you.
_______ Your final product is at least two (2) minutes in length.
_______ Your spelling and grammar are perfect on your paper copy.
_______ Your product accurately incorporates the required fifteen (15) vocabulary
_______ Your product was turned in on time.
Your project clearly shows what you know.
_______. Your use of music and/or singing was delivered in a somewhat
understandable, somewhat professional manner.
_______ Your product shows good effort.
_______ Your final product is one (1) to two (2) minutes.
_______ Your spelling and grammar are highly accurate on your paper copy.
_______ Your product somewhat accurately incorporates the required fifteen (15)
vocabulary terms.
_______ Your product was turned in on time.
Your product somewhat shows what you know.
_______ Your product has little music, singing or rapping and/or an unprofessional
delivery that is difficult to understand.
_______ Your product is unorganized and shows little effort.
_______ Your final product is less than one (1) minute in length.
_______ Your spelling and grammar are not accurate on your paper copy.
_______ Your product has fewer than fifteen (15) of the required vocabulary terms.
_______ Your product is inaccurate.
_______ Your product was turned in one (1) day late.
(70 – 60 Range)
Your product is unclear and unorganized.
_______ You did not complete a paper copy.
_______ Your product shows no effort.
_______ Your product was two (2) or more days late
_______ You did not turn in a product.
Cell Costume Requirements and Rubric
Your chosen mission is to design and create a costume that represents an
animal or plant cell. Your costume should accurately represent the
following organelles and cell structures: cytoplasm, mitochondria,
vacuole, chloroplast, cell wall, cell membrane and nucleus. Submit a one
(1) page paper summary of your costume and its characteristics.
“Cell”ebration Cell Costume Project Rubric
(100 – 90 Range)
(89 – 80 Range)
(79 – 71 Range)
(70 – 60 Range)
Your product very clearly shows what you know.
_______ Your product is thorough and completely accurate.
_______ Your product has many well-attached, multi-textured representations.
_______ Your product makes good use of multiple materials.
_______ Your product was modeled and presented in class in a professional manner..
_______ Your spelling and grammar are perfect on your paper copy.
_______ Your product was turned in on time.
Your product clearly shows what you know.
_______ Your information is thorough and highly accurate.
_______ Your product has some not well-attached p-arts or lacks texture differences.
_______ Your product makes use of mostly the same materials.
_______ Your product was effectively modeled and presented in class.
_______ Your spelling and grammar are highly accurate on your paper copy.
_______ Your product was turned in on time.
Your product somewhat shows what you know.
_______ Your product is not accurate and shows little effort.
_______ Your product does not appear well-planned, and the textures do not match the
_______ Your product does not make use of multiple materials.
_______ Your product was modeled and presented in class.
_______ Your spelling and grammar are not accurate on your paper copy.
_______ Your product was one (1) day late.
Your product is unclear and unorganized.
_______ Your product is not well-planned and is falling apart.
_______ Your costume makes use of only one type of material.
_______ Your product is messy and shows no effort.
_______ Your product was not modeled or not presented in class.
_______ Your product was two (2) or more days late
_______ You did not turn in a product.
“Cell”ular Movie Requirements and Rubric
Your chosen mission is to write, direct and act in a movie about cells and
their organelles. You must include the following cellular structures and
their definitions: cytoplasm, mitochondria, vacuole, chloroplast, cell wall,
cell membrane, and nucleus. Additionally, you must include at least five
(5) OTHER vocabulary terms from your green folder. Submit your script
via a paper copy.
“Cell”ular Movie Project Rubric
(100 – 90 Range)
(89 – 80 Range)
(79 – 71 Range)
_______ Your product very clearly shows what you know.
_______ Your use of writing and acting was delivered in an understandable, highly
professional manner.
_______ You went above and beyond what was expected of you.
_______ Your final product is at least two (2) minutes in length.
_______ Your spelling and grammar are perfect on your paper copy.
_______ Your product accurately incorporates the required fifteen (15) vocabulary
_______ Your product was turned in on time.
_______ Your project clearly shows what you know.
_______. Your use of writing and acting was delivered in a somewhat understandable,
somewhat professional manner.
_______ Your product shows good effort.
_______ Your final product is one (1) to two (2) minutes.
_______ Your spelling and grammar are highly accurate on your paper copy.
_______ Your product somewhat accurately incorporates the required fifteen (15)
vocabulary terms.
_______ Your product was turned in on time.
_______ Your product somewhat shows what you know.
_______ Your product has poor quality writing or acting and/or an unprofessional
delivery that is difficult to understand.
_______ Your product is unorganized and shows little effort.
(70 – 60 Range)
_______ Your final product is less than one (1) minute in length.
_______ Your spelling and grammar are not accurate on your paper copy.
_______ Your product has fewer than fifteen (15) of the required vocabulary terms.
_______ Your product is inaccurate.
_______ Your product was turned in one (1) day late.
_______ Your product is unclear and unorganized.
_______ You did not complete a paper copy.
_______ Your product shows no effort.
_______ Your product was two (2) or more days late
_______ You did not turn in a product.