On job training - Accommodation Services

Week (10)
 It is the responsibility of the management to utilize
available resources to train, qualify, and develop their
 Morale, productivity, and professionalism will
normally be high in those organizations that employ a
sound OJT program.
Overview of training
 Overview of training
 The key to training small groups is preparation,
planning and presentation
 skills. This module looks at all three and then at
evaluation methods to
 improve the “three P’s”.
Identifying training needs
 To identify a training need you must determine the
differences between what people actually do in a
job(current performance) and what people should
do in performing the job.(desired performance)
 Comparing between current performance and
desired performance
Training Process
 There are many reasons why a training need might
 Not know what to do
 Know what to do but do not have the required skill
 Have the skills and knowledge but are not
performing at the standard their organisation
 Not care about work performance
Why is it the best training method?
 On-the-job training (OJT) is one of the best training
methods because it is planned, organized, and
conducted at the employee's worksite.
 OJT will generally be the primary method used for
broadening employee skills and increasing
 It is particularly appropriate for developing proficiency
skills unique to an employee's job
Strategy for training process
 1. Don’t take the need for employee training
 If you do not offer your employees the training they
need to perform their jobs safely, you can be held
liable for negligence.
 The ability of your employees to undertake their jobs
to their full abilities will ultimately benefit the bottom
line of your business
 2. Define the training need
 Be alert as to the need for training within your
organisation. For example:
•Be aware of any plans for expansion or changes in
technology which might require new skills
within the organisation.
•Identify any operating problems, the outcome of
inadequate performance, which would be
corrected by training.
•Use job analysis and performance appraisal to identify
individual training needs.
 3. Prepare yourself for the training session
 Although you may be completely familiar with all
aspects of a given job, it is essential to make
 adequate preparations before attempting to instruct
others. For example, determine how much skill you
want the trainees to acquire by what date; break the
job down into its various components;
 isolate and write down the key points; have the right
equipment and materials ready; and make
 sure the workplace is in order.
 4. Prepare the trainees
 Some employees do not necessarily want to learn;
others may even have a fear of learning.
 Hence, it is essential to put the trainees at ease and to
foster an interest in the task by explaining
 the purpose of the training, what is going to be done
and how the trainees and the organisation will
 benefit from it.
 5. Find out what the trainees already know
 Check on what the employees can already do – you can
then build upon that knowledge. You
 don’t want to waste time teaching employees
something they already know, but you cannot always
 assume that they really know what they say they know.
 6. Present the task step by step
 Explain how, and wherever possible, demonstrate what
has to be done and how. Instruct clearly,
 completely and patiently. Pace your instruction
carefully – one step at a time, and move on to the
 next step when you are sure each employee has
absorbed what has been taught. Emphasise the
 key points. Encourage questions if something is not
 7. Check for understanding
 Having explained the task, let the trainees
demonstrate the job to you, explaining each key point
turn. This is important. Unless they can tell you the
key points as they proceed, you can never be
sure they have grasped the message. If no errors are
made – fine. If an error is made, interrupt
immediately and patiently go over that point.
Continue in this way until you are sure the
employees have mastered the entire process.
 8. Have the trainees practice the skill
 Practice will help to consolidate newly acquired skills.
Under supervision, get the employees to
practice each stage until the required standards of
speed and accuracy are achieved.
progressive approach should be used. That is, when
any two successive stages can be done
separately at the required standard, have the
employees practice them jointly until the desired
standard for both steps is reached. Then the third step
can be added, then the fourth, etc until the
entire task is mastered.
 9. Put the trainees to work
 When you feel sure that the employees have mastered
the skills, put them to work on their own.
Designate to whom they go for help if required. Check
progress frequently, particularly in the early
stages. Retrain wherever necessary and be friendly and
encouraging in your manner. As the
employees become more confident, the need for
coaching should diminish and finally the
necessity to follow up on this task should cease
What makes an effective trainer?
 An effective trainer encourages learning and creates an
environment that facilitates learning. The first step in
conducting any type of training is to develop a sense of
mutual trust and respect.
Effective trainers:
 Effective trainers:
 ➤ Know their subject
 ➤ Draw upon learner’s experience
 ➤ Inform learners of expectations
 ➤ Prepare the session carefully
 ➤ Develop learning materials to encourage learner
 ➤ Sequence information logically
 ➤ Can show how to transfer learning for use in other
 ➤ Are well organised and give clear presentations.
They structure materials and the training so it is easy
to follow and makes sense.
Are effective communicators
➤ Use humour in learning
➤ Provide opportunities for practice
➤ Give and receive appropriate feedback
➤ Can motivate learners through a combination of
resources and activities
➤ Check for understanding
➤ Check learner’s needs have been met
Training Methods
 there are a few different types of training methods:
 Demonstrations
 Role Plays
 Discussions
 Case study
 Field trips
 Assignment, project
 work based learning
 When
planning training
the following
to the session,
example to help with your introduction;
How will you create interest?
Why do they need to know?
What will the session be about?
What will you be covering?
Outcomes What will they achieve?
How will they be assessed?
The body of your training session
 The trainer presents or demonstrates the new skills or
Participants ( trainees) apply or use the new skills and
information in an appropriate activity.
The trainer summarizes the main points
The trainer asks questions to check that participants
understand the new skills
The trainer observes the participants to check that
they can use the new skills.
The conclusion to your training
At the end of the session we sign OFF
O Outcomes
F Feedback
F Future
Outcomes: Review the session outcomes and find out
if they been achieved.
 Feedback : this a two way process, and starts giving
feedback to participants individually and as a group.
 future: Suggest how today’s learning links into future
career options.
Structuring the session
 To help you plan a good introductionG
Get he learner’s attention, interest and
Link with things the learner may already have
O Outcomes of the session
Structure of the session
Stimulate motivation
 There
 are three main styles of learning. Many people prefer
only one learning style, but in different situations will
use a combination of styles. The three
styles are:
➤ Visual
➤ Auditory
➤ Kinesthetic.
Visual Learners
 Visual
 These learners like reading, television and looking at maps,
plans, cartoons, and photos. The training words, “see,
appear, picture, make clear, over view” appeal to them.
They probably have strong spelling and writing skills, may
not talk much, and dislike listening for lengthy periods. In
training, use:
➤ Posters, charts and graphs
➤ Visual displays
➤ Variety of colours and shape
➤ Booklets, brochures and handouts.
 Auditory
 Auditory learners learn by listening. They love to talk,
are attracted to sound and distracted by noise, and
prefer to hear things, rather then read them. In
training, use:
➤ Question and answers
➤ Lectures and stories
➤ Audio tapes
➤ Discussion pairs or groups
➤ Variety in tone, rate, pitch and volume
 Kinesthetic
 These learners learn by doing. They move around a lot,
tap pens and/or shift in their seat. They want lots of
breaks, enjoy games and don’t really like reading. They
remember best by practice. In training use:
➤ Team activities
➤ Hands-on experience
➤ Role plays
➤ Note taking
➤ Emotional discussions.
Use a variety of the techniques listed above to ensure
you cater for all
Principles of adult learning
 Principles of adult learning
 We can summarise the principles of adult learning by using
the following
M meaningful material must be used
A ctive participation should be encouraged
P rimacy and recentcy—people best remember the first
and last things learnt
F eedback is essential
O pportunity for practice must be given to learners
R ewards can be tangible or intangible
M ulti-sensory learning should be used