Populations - Define - How de we describe populations? - Different life strategies…. - How do we know how many there are? Refer to chapter 44 in text. Population; an interacting group of one species – same time, same place. www.thebeehunter.com/idbee.htm www.homosassausa.com www.garymbarton.com/2006_photos6.htm embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/Defect/bacteria.htm Populations: N.B. We are NOT using this word to mean the number of humans in a given area! It is important to have this straight, because we will be talking about “population size”. e.g. a population of coyotes... the size of a population of coyotes... the change in the size of a population of coyotes... NOT “the population of Jacksonville” If we are describing a human population let’s try to identify it as such. Describing populations range - where an organism lives: its distribution. Why is a species, or a population of a species, where it is? Within its range, an organism occupies a specific habitat, or physical environment, and fulfils a given niche within that habitat, (a role; interactions and use of resources). dispersal: range change See also http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/ impacts-adaptation/forests.html Nature on its own is in dynamic equilibrium. These examples are man-caused, (one conjectural), and can cause imbalance. What factors from the previous graphic changed? a pattern of dispersion is the pattern of population density within an organism’s range: clumped: e.g. schools, prides, clustering due to local habitat… ← uniform: territoriality, chemical inhibition, resource distribution… → (These are very close: Contrast with, say, mountain lions.) ↑ random: like windblown seeds, but pretty rare. There are usually reasons to NOT be random. What factors affect the size of a population? What is the affect? What affects the size of a population? What is the affect? natality (birth rate) mortality (death rate) immigration (members moving in) emigration (members moving out) How would each affect the size of a local population? How might each be a result of circumstances? How might each be a reflection of the species? (Note this is not inclusive without your responses.) Population growth can be described by a sigmoid (S-shaped) curve, also called logistic growth. transition phase: resources limiting growth rate. natality +/or immigration dropping, or mortality +/or emigration rising. plateau phase: (carrying capacity, K) population and resources in equilibrium natality + immigration = mortality + emigration exponential phase: “J curve” resources are not limiting: (adequate food, housing, space, etc.) natality + immigration > mortality + emigration N.B. The actual data isn’t so smooth, is it? Why not? Life strategies: adaptations to optimize population success K-selected: Few offspring with high expectation of survival - Good in constant ecosystems (think rain forest) - Much parental investment (protection, nurturing…) - Generally slow-maturing and long-lived - Generally reproducing cyclically - Relatively large organisms e.g. large mammals travel.mongabay.com/uganda/tour/ug5_5241.html r-selected: Lots of offspring with little expectation of survival - Good for variable ecosystems (ex. rain in the desert) - Little parental investment after procreation - Generally fast-maturing and short-lived - Often reproducing only once in a lifetime - relatively small organisms e.g. insects, many fish Frequent environmental disruption of “stable” environments favors these organisms, including weedy plants and pathogens like bacteria and protists. www.mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/.../eggphoto.html www.fao.org/DOCREP/003/T0019E/T0019E04.htm Life strategies: adaptations to optimize population success (cont.) Survivorship Curves Type I, typical of K-selected species, most living to adulthood and dying in old age. Type III, typical of r-selection, most dying early, low percentage reproducing. http://www.bioedonline.org/slides/slide01.cfm?tk=9&tr= Type II, in between, and most organisms are not at extremes. How do we know how many there are? 1. Direct count: aerial surveys, bird counts, direct counting of sedentary organisms in defined habitats. advantages: may get actual numbers disadvantages: not practical for large, mobile, or skittish populations Case in point: share photo of north Atlantic right whales 2. Sampling: generalizations from sampled plots. advantages: applicable to larger test areas disadvantages: subject to sampling errors quadrats: standard frames for randomly selected areas to be sampled. → www.mms.gov/omm/pacific/kids/Tidepool_Math/ph... ← transects: lines or paths through the subject area. Sample counts are taken, along with distance from line. www.osl.gc.ca/sl_monitore/en/stations.html www.science.org.au/nova/053/053print.htm www.coastalplanning.net/.../to_palm_beach.html How do we know how many there are? (cont.) How do we know how many there are? (cont.) 3. Capture-mark-release-recapture: for animals. The name says it all. advantages: good for organisms you may not normally see at all disadvantages: sampling errors, selecting proper parameters (ex. open vs. closed populations), and a lot of effort. the Lincoln index is used to interpret results: pop. size = n1 x n2 n3 n1 = number initially caught, marked, released. n2 = total number caught in second run. n3 = number of marked individuals caught 2nd time. http://web.stclair.k12.il.us/splashd/caprecap.htm www.blackwellpublishing.com/southwood/chapter... An application of monitoring population densities: WILD FISH STOCKS Fish are a potentially renewable resource, if managed properly. In order to be sustainable, you can’t harvest more fish than can be replenished. As fish are caught, their resources become more available, and natality generally goes up accordingly, but Allott book has example of over-harvested fish having their spawning rate fall. In order to set limits on how much can be caught, one has to establish how much is out there, and get people to buy into the limits. How do they monitor fisheries? 1. Capture-tag-release-recapture e.g. used to monitor sea bass around the U.K. (Best for lakes or local, near-coast populations.) ←capture-tag-release… …recapture→ http://www.cefas.co.uk/data/fisheries-information/commercial-species/bass/bass-tagging.aspx monitor fisheries? (cont.) 2. Echolocation: Sonar is used to detect large shoals of fish. Problem – some need to be caught to identify the species. (Usable in open seas, but not for fish swimming at great depth.) www.simrad.com/www/01/NOKBG0240.nsf/AllWeb/13... www.whoi.edu/page.do?pid=10897&i=2041&x=131 monitor fisheries? (cont.) Acronym Scientific Name Native or Not Sacramento splittail SPT Pogonichthys macrolepidotus Native Delta smelt (larval) DS Hypomesus transpacificus Native Yellowfin goby YFG Perca flavescens Native Striped bass SB Morone saxatilis Introduced Inland silverside ISS Menidia beryllina Introduced Common Name 3. Direct catch data e.g. impact of flood-control project in California. (Again, best for narrowlydistributed fisheries.) Species #Capture d Mean Fork Length(mm ) Min Max B ISS 72 70.00 57 96 8/14/2001 B LJM 3 76.00 73 81 8/14/2001 B SFG 1 53.00 53 53 9/11/2001 B ISS 60 71.00 45 86 9/11/2001 B SFG 1 50.00 50 50 10/11/2001 B ISS 384 69.00 0 95 10/11/2001 B MSQ 6 39.00 28 50 11/9/2001 B ISS 690 79.00 50 109 11/9/2001 B MSQ 1 30.00 30 30 12/10/2001 B CRP 1 455.00 455 455 Sample Date Gear Type 8/14/2001 Note that, once again, the most plentiful species is not native. monitor fisheries? (cont.) 4. Reports of commercial catch: features.csmonitor.com/.../ - Actual commercial boats file reports on types, ages, sizes of fish caught, and method used. - Population profiles are constructed, including spawn rates and survivorship curves. - This data is used to project the likely largest maximum sustainable catch for the coming year, and countries set their goals accordingly. At least in theory. Efforts to protect wild fish stocks - Research conducted to validate estimates. - Regulate types of fish caught: restrict take of fish in low densities, ban taking of endangered species - Fishing methods monitored: e.g. catch-all drift nets vs. more selective long-lines size of net mesh to allow small one to escape - Preserves with no fishing e.g. near New Zealand: Catch in surrounds seas up. - Non-fishing periods, as during breeding seasons. - International agencies don’t generally carry punitive authority. - Public pressure and publicity e.g. dolphin netting, Greenpeace Buy-in is the toughest part. How do you convince people that it is in their best interest to protect a resource for use by all? “Tragedy of the Commons” Describe and compare (and contrast!) r-selected vs. K-selected populations. What is a population? Describe three methods for estimating population density. Advantages and disadvantages? Draw and annotate a growth curve. What is the population of Jacksonville? What are the practical and ethical issues involved in marine fisheries management? Come up with a question you could answer using a quadrat sampling method, design the experiment, and do it for the next IB lab. population immigration survivorship curve species emigration type I range population growth type II habitat sigmoid curve type III niche logistic growth direct count dispersal transition phase sampling dynamic equilibrium plateau phase quadrat pattern of dispersion carrying capacity transect clumped K capture-mark-release-recapture uniform exponential phase Lincoln index random K-selected sustainable natality r-selected echolocation mortality