Students will be able to:
explain methods used for collecting water, sediment and aquatic organisms.
identify reasons for collecting water and sediment samples.
compare and contrast the characteristics and use of discrete water samplers, integrated water samplers, grab samples and pumps. explain methods used for collecting contaminants and microbes.
utilize guidelines to determine the size of the water sample needed to conduct specific analyses.
demonstrate specified labeling techniques.
describe the different methods of sediment sampling.
categorize aquatic organisms by size.
describe procedures used in sampling phytoplankton/algae, periphyton, zooplankton, and benthic invertebrates.
compare and contrast direct and indirect quantitative analysis with qualitative analysis used to study phytoplankton.
classify periphyton by the substrates they grow on.
compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative analysis used to study periphyton, zooplankton, and benthic invertebrates.
describe procedures used in sampling aquatic vegetation.
explain the importance of diatoms in determining water quality.
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s2
Basic water quality assessment
These slides focus on learning basic field techniques used by limnologists:
Morphometry - estimating critical lake basin measurements
Field Profiles - physical and chemical parameters measured from top to bottom of the water column
Sampling – collecting water, sediments, and aquatic organisms
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s3
Lake sampling
This module contains information about the basic techniques needed to perform a baseline characterization of a lake.
Learn how to collect water, sediment and aquatic organisms from different habitats.
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s4
Lake sampling
Water samples collected for:
major ions
chlorophyll-a, phytoplankton
total suspended solids, turbidity color, organic carbon, biochemical oxygen demand
Iron (Fe) and other metals (special case mercury-
organic contaminants (PCBs, PAHs, pesticides, hydrocarbons)
bacteria (fecal coliforms, E. coli and other pathogens)
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s5
Lake sampling
Sediment samples collected for:
bulk properties nutrients
contaminants (heavy metals, organics) organisms
paleolimnological studies of lake history (fossil algae, zooplankton, insects, pollen)
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s6
Lake sampling
Aquatic Organisms:
Benthos and sediment
Aquatic vegetation
Fish and fish habitat assessment
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s7
Water sampling
Automated water sampling
How much to collect ?
Sample preservation and storage
Where to sample ?
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s8
Water sampling – conventional
Discrete water samplers
Van Dorn, Kemmerer, Go-flow, Niskin and other closing bottles that collect water samples at discrete depths
Integrated water samplers
Tubes that composite water from the surface to a set depth
Grab samples
Dipping a bottle at the water surface
Can provide discrete or integrated samples
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s9
Water sampling – discrete samplers
Uses bottles that have external trip mechanisms that close the bottle at depth.
Requires a carefully metered or measured, nonstretching rope or cable
nylon is notorious for stretching over 10% tightly braided cotton or synthetic “non-stretch” sail rigging lines (<5% stretch) work well
research vessels with winches use steel cable
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s10
Water sampling – devices
Which one to use?
CTD with Rosette
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler
Van Dorn
Updated: 12-14-03
Water sampling - conventional
The closing mechanism on the sampler is triggered by dropping a weight called a messenger down the line
Make sure the line is vertical; attach appropriate weights if it is angled due to currents or boat drift www.wildco.com
Updated: 12-14-03 Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler U3-m8c-s12
Water sampling – integrated samplers
Integrated water samplers:
Used to collect water representing an entire column of depths (e.g., 0 to
2 m) and mix it into one composite sample.
Simple to use and inexpensive to make
Can be made with rigid PVC or flexible tubing
Many state long-term monitoring programs use a 2 meter sampler since this stratum is where most of the algal activity is during the stratified period.
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s13
Water sampling – integrated samplers
Tube is lowered to desired depth
Surface end is capped to allow air pressure to hold the water in the tube
Bottom end of tube is raised, cap removed and sample is allowed to flow out into a bottle or carboy
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s14
Water sampling – grab samples
Sometimes it is OK just to dip a bottle into the water to sample.
Usually, this is the method of choice for collecting contaminants and bacteria (while wearing clean and sterile gloves).
This is a good method to use to sample a surface algal scum.
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s15
Water sampling – pumps
Pump types
Peristaltic pumps
Bilge pumps and submersible pumps are also sometimes used
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler http://www.forestry-suppliers.com
Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s16
Water sampling – pumps
Greater volumes at discrete depths
Shallow lake sampling without disturbing sediments
Samples from depth can be collected with little or no exposure to the atmosphere (i.e., anoxic sample)
Good for trace elements and organics because sample only comes in contact with the tubing (silicone or teflon)
Requires power
Head pressure – pump must be able to overcome hydraulic head to pull up water from depth over the side of the boat.
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s17
Water sampling – automatic samplers
Primarily for stream, estuary and storm water collection
Usually triggered remotely:
Phone call via modem
Precipitation or high flow
Water quality parameter measured with an automated sensor exceeds a preset level
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s18
Water sampling – contaminants - metals
Mercury (Hg) in water
Equipment cannot have metal or rubber components
Containers require special preparation to ensure no
Hg contamination
Clean hands/dirty hands technique
Usually, but not always, tissue and sediment sampling do not require “ultra-clean” techniques
Other priority pollutant metals
Usually, but not always, less stringent protocols than for Hg because problem levels only occur when concentrations in water are much higher than for Hg (see notes)
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s19
Water sampling – contaminants - organic
Organic contaminants
PCB’s, PAH’s, pesticides, etc.
Containers specially cleaned with solvents (hexane, acetone, methanol…)
Glass or teflon bottles in most cases
Aluminum foil, solvent cleaned, for fish tissue
Sediments stored in glass jars using plastic or teflon utensils
Sometimes bake (> 550 o C) glassware to vaporize trace organic chemicals
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s20
Water sampling - contaminants
Clean hands/dirty hands (CH/DH) method should be used for collecting and processing samples vulnerable to trace contamination by metals or trace organic compounds.
CH/DH are required when collecting samples to be analyzed for metals (e.g.,
Hg) and other trace organic contaminants and inorganic elements.
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s21
Water sampling - microbes
Sterile technique:
Containers must be sterilized by autoclaving or with gas used to kill microbes
Take care not to contaminate the container
Water samplers should be swabbed with 70 % alcohol
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s22
Water sampling – microbes
Grab samples taken with sterile containers
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s23
Sampling – how much water do you need?
Depends on the parameters to be analyzed
Chlorophyll and TSS often require the greatest volume (>
Often depends on how productive the system is
Better to be safe and have too much water rather than too little
Also depends on how practical it is to carry out large volumes of water
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s24
Suggested sample volumes chlorophyll
Analyte/ volume table
Volume needed
>500 mLs
TSS total phosphorus total nitrogen anions
Dissolved nutrients
Total and dissolved carbon
Often > 1 L
200 to 500 mLs
~ 100mLs
~60 mLs
~60 mLs color, DOC ~60 mLs
Updated: 12-14-03 Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler U3-m8c-s25
Lake sampling – filling the bottles
Rinse containers with a small amount of sample, discard, then fill with fresh sample
Fill bottles completely to eliminate head space
(unless the bottles are going to be frozen immediately)
If using cubitainers put the cap on loosely, squeeze out all of the air, then tighten the cap
Leave space in bottles that are to be frozen
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s26
Lake sampling – sample bottles
Cubitainers work well for bulk samples that are to be split and processed later in the laboratory.
High density polyethylene wide mouth bottles (60 to 1 L volume) work well for most analytes.
They freeze well, don’t crack and the wide mouth is easy to fill.
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s27
Lake sampling – sample labeling
An unlabeled sample may as well just be dumped down the drain.
Use good labels not masking tape, etc.
Poor labels often fall off when frozen samples are thawed.
Use permanent markers NOT ball point pens, pencils in a pinch
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s28
Lake sampling – sample labeling
A simple sample label with the minimum amount of information needed…
WOW project
Shagawa Lake 7/26/02 1m
Site, date, depth
RAW, frozen
Sample processing and preservation info
Often, much more information may be needed by the laboratory performing your analyses. You will also need to supply a chain of custody form.
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s29
Sediment sampling http://www.fdlrez.org/nr/environmental/water.htm
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s30
Sediment sampling
Commonly used to grab a bottom sediment sample in lakes, estuaries and slower moving rivers
Collect soft sediments (mud and muck) for sieving out benthic organisms and also obtaining bulk sediment characteristics
Common types
Quantitative corers
Box corers
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s31
Sediment sampling – Ekman dredge
Photos of sediment samplers www.wildco.com
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s32
Sediment sampling – Ekman dredge
small, light, easy to trigger by messenger (usually)
stainless steel – usually OK for contaminants
best for muck, soft mud and silt where a relatively undisturbed sample down to 15 cm or more may be collected
most common size = 6 inch cube (15 cm)
not as good for sand; if sediment is compacted, or if much gravel, rocks, or large debris is present, the heavier Peterson or Ponar dredge is preferred
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s33
Sediment sampling – Ekman dredge
This animation of the
Ekman dredge, illustrates the chain of events during use.
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler http://www.cee.vt.edu/program_areas/environmental/teach/smpr imer/dredges/dredges.html
Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s34
Sediment sampling – Ekman dredge
Sample collection photos
Extruding (sub-coring)
Into the baggie…
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s35
Sediment sampling – Ekman safety
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s36
Sediment sampling – Peterson and Ponar
usually require winches
can sample coarser material than the
Ekman (small woody debris and gravel) photos
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03
Ponar www.wildco.com
Sediment – “quantitative” corer
variety of devices to collect undisturbed cores www.wildco.com
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s38
Sediment sampling – box corers
Used for large lake and oceanographic research
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s39
Sampling aquatic organisms
Learn how to collect water, sediment and aquatic organisms from different habitats.
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s40
Sampling aquatic organisms – algae
Phytoplankton (float freely in the water)
Periphyton (attached to aquatic vegetation, rocks, wood and other substrates)
Benthic algae (grow on the lake bottom/sediments); also sometimes called periphyton www.duluthstreams.org/understanding/algae.html
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler www.cawthron.org.nz/periphyton_image.htm
Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s41
Crustaceans (Cladocerans, copepods)
Protozoans, ciliates
Aquatic insects (e.g., Chaoborus) www.aims.gov.au/pages/research
http://cgee.hamline.edu/see/questions/dp_biosp here/bios_place/dp_bios_place_ocean.htm
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler http://lsda.jsc.nasa.gov/scripts/cf/res ult2.cfm?mis_index=110 photo source: North American Benthological Society
Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s42
Sampling aquatic organisms - benthos
Benthic macroinvertebrates
Aquatic insects (adults and larvae)
Mussels, snails http://www.usask.ca/biology/skabugs/ http://www.usask.ca/biology/skabugs/ http://www.usask.ca/biology/skabugs/ http://www.usask.ca/biology/skabugs/
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler http://www.usask.ca/biology/skabugs/
Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s43
Sampling aquatic organisms
Aquatic macrophytes
Paleolimnology- reconstructing historical biological communities
Algae (usually diatoms)
Benthic invertebrates
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s44
Sampling aquatic organisms
An alternate way of grouping aquatic organisms:
Plankton (open water communities) = phytoplankton and zooplankton
Benthos (bottom communities) = periphyton, benthic macroinvertebrates, aquatic macrophytes
Fish (organisms that go where they choose)
Dead stuff = detritus
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s45
Sampling aquatic organisms – by size
Most plankton sampling techniques are size selective (based on mesh size).
Phytoplankton range in size from 0.2um to > 200 um (from bacteria sized to colonies and filaments easily seen by the human eye).
Zooplankton range from single-celled protozoans,
< 80 um rotifers, to crustaceans and insects (up to millimeters in length).
www.aims.gov.au/pages/re search/hatchery-feeds/hfa-
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s46
Sampling aquatic organisms – by size
Terminology is often confusing
Nannoplankton: < 60
Net plankton: > 80
From Wetzel 2001:
picoplankton: 0.2 to 2.0
ultraplankton : 2 to 20
m microplankton: 20 to 200
m; usually refers to phytoplankton
Macroplankton: > 2mm (2000 um) and up to cm in length
Densities are expressed as:
individuals per unit volume (#/L)
biomass or weight (mg/L)
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s47
Sampling aquatic organisms – by size
Micron Size Plankton Classification
Reference table of sizes ranges
1000 Largest zooplankton and icthyoplankton (larval fish)
Larger zooplankton and icthyoplankton
Large zooplankton and icthyoplankton
Small zooplankton and icthyoplankton
Large microcrustacea
Microcrustacea and most rotifers
Small rotifers
Net phytoplankton and net zooplankton
Large nannoplankton and large diatoms
Small nannoplankton
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s48
Sampling - algae/phytoplankton
Phytoplankton (float freely in the water)
Periphyton (attached to aquatic vegetation, rocks, wood and other substrates)
Benthic algae (grow on the lake bottom/sediments); also sometimes called periphyton
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s49
Sampling - algae/phytoplankton
I. Goals of analysis
Quantitative, direct; biomass, cell density
Quantitative, but indirect; measuring chlorophyll concentration
Qualitative; presence/absence, dominance
II. Sampling
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s50
Sampling - algae/phytoplankton
III. Ancillary information
IV. Preservation methods:
IV. Counting methods:
taxonomic guides counting chambers, slides
V. Monitoring for toxic algae
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s51
Phytoplankton – I. Goals of analysis
Quantitative analysis (direct):
For monitoring and research purposes
Requires a high level of expertise
The cost (~$250/sample) and time involved are usually too high for a typical water quality assessment
Typically surface water (0 m) or a 0-2 m composite is collected for long-term monitoring
(because noxious scums of blue-greens collect in surface water; site of water contact recreation)
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s52
Phytoplankton – I. Goals of analysis
Quantitative analysis (indirect):
such as chlorophyll concentration, provide an excellent index of the total amount of phytoplankton, but not what species are actually present.
A cost-effective strategy for many long-term monitoring efforts is to combine chlorophyll data with periodic qualitative community structure estimates.
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s53
Phytoplankton – I. Goals of analysis
Qualitative analysis
Yields presence/absence information
Costs less to analyze
Still requires taxonomic expertise but goals of analysis are often different than quantitative
(i.e., ID to genus level is often enough) or even to Class (blue-greens, diatoms, greens etc.)
Collected as a whole water sample or by plankton net
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s54
Phytoplankton – II. Sampling
Whole water; integrated or grab sample
Nets: mesh size appropriate to analysis goals
10 um mesh will capture most phytoplankton; clogs easily however
Blue-green algal scum can often be sampled by dipping a sample bottle – but is effected by:
time of day wind conditions
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s55
Phytoplankton – II. Sampling
Images of phytoplankton samplers www.wildco.com
Integrated (whole water) sampler http://www.fdlrez.org/nr/environmental/water.htm
Van Dorn (whole water) sampler
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03
Plankton net
Phytoplankton – II. Sampling
Weekly to bi-weekly sampling is necessary to capture the seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton and to quantify abundance and biomass.
Monthly may be adequate to provide an overall picture of the changes occurring in the ice-free growing season when water quality criteria are usually most critical.
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s57
Phytoplankton – III. Ancillary information
The most common estimator of algal biomass
Ideally best to have both chlorophyll and algal community identification
More sophisticated techniques are becoming more available for major algal groups via detailed pigment analysis
Other important data
Note any unusual odors when sampling
Secchi depth and nutrients, silica
Temperature, DO, and light profiles
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s58
Phytoplankton – IV. Sample preservation
Store in airtight glass container
Store in darkness (light sensitive)
Stains starch a dark color which is useful for identifying green alga
Add enough to make 1% solution (~ 0.5 mL to 50 mL sample yields the color of a fine brandy)
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s59
Phytoplankton – IV. Sample preservation
Other preservatives:
acid formalin solution (FAA)
These are known or suspected carcinogens and
OSHA and state regulations for the workplace should be checked before use
Long-term archiving may prove useful to identify trends in species composition or even changes in morphology
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s60
Sampling - periphyton
Periphyton (attached to aquatic vegetation, rocks, wood and other substrates)
Benthic algae (grow on the lake bottom/sediments); also sometimes called periphyton
Photo source: Tahoe Research Group, U California-Davis
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s61
Sampling - periphyton
Periphyton are algae attached to solid substrates; bottom sediment, rocks, twigs, beer cans, VW Beetles
These benthic algae are classified by the substrates that they grow on:
Epilithic- on rock or other non-living substrate
Epiphytic- on plants
Epizoic- on the surface of an animal
Epipelic- on soft organic or silty sediments
Episammonic- on sand
Epirefusic- on garbage in the lake
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s62
Periphyton - sampling
Goals of analysis
biomass, chlorophyll (standing crop) per unit area, species ID, AFDW, organic matter
presence/absence, relative abundance, dominance
Sampling methods
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s63
Periphyton – I. Goals of analysis
Do you want to estimate the actual in situ (i.e., in place) amount of periphyton or do you want a index of how well periphyton might grow at one site relative to another?
In-situ sampling:
remove all the material in a prescribed area
Artificial substrates:
provides easily calculated areal estimates, are cheap, and easy to deploy / retrieve
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s64
Periphyton – II. Sampling methods
Artificial substrates (these are slide holders)
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler
….. and after
Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s65
Periphyton – II. Sampling methods
One way to scrape a known area is to lay a plastic 35 mm slide (film removed) over the rock and scrape off the material within the slide area scrub area =
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s66
Periphyton – II. Sampling methods
Visual of matter taken from a rock
Rocks don’t always look like they have much on them
Nearly all the stuff scrubbed off this rock was organic matter –most of it living algae
S.Loeb and J.Reuter images
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s67
Periphyton – II. Sampling methods
Resulting material from a rock scrub (to the right) containing:
Bacteria as well as algae
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s68
Periphyton – II. Sampling methods
Photos of sampling methods http://www.nmu.edu/wwwedgar/biology/web/Strand/wave%20zone.htm
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s69
Periphyton – III. Preservation methods
Lugols’s iodine can be used if the algae of interest are soft bodied forms (i.e., blue-greens and green algae).
If interested only in diatoms, it may be best to preserve in 70% ethanol.
Freeze sediment samples if they are to be analyzed for surficial chlorophyll.
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 www.urbanrivers.org/web_images/diatoms.gif
Zooplankton - sampling methods
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s71
Goals of analysis
biomass, absolute abundance
presence/absence, relative abundance, dominance
II. Sampling
Frequency iii.
Ancillary information
IV. Preservation methods
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s72
Zooplankton – I. Goals of analysis
Community/ecosystem interactions (food webs)
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s73
Zooplankton – I. Goals of analysis, cont.
Qualitative-presence/absence of different species
Relatively simple qualitative techniques; less expensive
Determining absolute and relative abundance of different species; more expensive and time intensive
Again, as for the algal community, you must assess whether increased effort to obtain more detailed information is worth the time and expense
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s74
Zooplankton – II. sampling methods
Plankton bottles, traps, tubes, pumps and nets
Mesh size: balance between catching smaller organisms such as rotifers without reducing net efficiency too much due to algal clogging because of small mesh size
Vertical net tows are the simplest approach
Collect vertically-integrated samples from the entire water column or use a closing net that can sample a discrete depth stratum (e.g., 5 to 10 m)
Discrete depth samplers (e.g. 10m)
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s75
Zooplankton – II. sampling methods, cont.
Zooplankton distribution varies seasonally, temporally, and spatially in a lake
Widely variable across the lake, inshore vs. offshore and from day to night (diel “dye-eel” variations)
Zooplankton can sometimes avoid nets and traps
Sampling effectiveness may vary for
Crustacea, macrozooplankton, and Rotifera
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s76
Zooplankton – sampling methods
Zooplankton samplers Birge closing net and Wisconsin Net
Simple zoop nets wildco.com
Schindler traps for sampling discrete depths
Aquatic Research Instruments
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s77
Zooplankton – using a net
Nets should be hauled from just above the lake bottom to the lake surface at a constant speed
(about 1 sec per meter or as a rule of thumb, count 1000, 2000 etc., as you pull the net in hand-over-hand).
Information required for quantitative analysis includes:
depth of tow,
mesh size, diameter of net opening
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s78
Zooplankton – using a net
Wash plankton concentrate into a jar/bottle with filtered lake water
Rinse net at least with filtered lake water or by raising and lowering the net
(without introducing new lake water through the mouth)
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s79
Zooplankton – using a net
Nets can sample a large volume of water
Using a Wisconsin net with a small, 13 cm diameter opening for a 0 to 5 m vertical tow: volume ( m
Where d = 0.13 m and z = 5.0 m
volume ( m
0 .
= 0.66 m 3
= 66 liters
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s80
Zooplankton – III. Sample preservation
• Zooplankton samples can be preserved in 95% ethanol or 5% formaldehyde (formalin).
• Animals preserved in formalin sometimes become distorted, which complicates size measurements.
One solution involves the addition of 40 g/L sucrose to the 5% formaldehyde.
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s81
Benthic invertebrates
New Section Photo
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s82
Benthic invertebrates
I. Goals of analysis
Qualitative: presence/absence, relative abundance, dominance, biodiversity
Quantitative: biomass, absolute abundance, biodiversity
II. Sampling
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s83
Benthic invertebrates – Qualitative
Simple, cost-effective
Easily standardized and repeatable
Number of sampling sites should reflect the habitat diversity:
Substrates; bedrock, cobbles, sand, mud, organic debris, rooted macrophytes
Groundwater upwellings, lake inflows and outflows
Different wave exposures
Different types of shoreline vegetation
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s84
Benthic invertebrates – Qualitative
Near shore sampling
Rock pick
Kick and sweep
Activity trap
Off shore sampling
Grab (Ekman sampler)
Nighttime vertical net tow
St Louis Riverwatch http://lakes.chebucto.org/contract.html
Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s85 Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler
Benthic invertebrates - Quantitative
Quantitative sampling
Density expressed as individuals per unit area; biomass per unit area
Sampling methods dependent upon substrate and habitat type
Use cores of known cross-sectional area (usually
5 to10 cm diameter) for soft sediments
Emergence traps
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s86
Benthic invertebrates – II. Sampling cores activity traps dip nets sediment dredges
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s87
Benthic invertebrates – Sampling
Adult emergence traps
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s88
Benthic invertebrates – III. Preservation
10 % formalin
Good for general use but remember that formalin is a carcinogen
Fixes (preserves tissues well)
70 % ethanol
Good preservative but does not fix tissue
Low toxicity to humans
Major disadvantage is that large volumes are required, which can be difficult to carry in the field.
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s89
Aquatic vegetation
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s90
Aquatic vegetation
Visual assessment
Census transects (point and quadrant)
Aerial surveys
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler
AW Research
Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s91
Aquatic vegetation
Aquatic plant survey methods vary, depending on the objectives of the study.
Surveying for a particular species (e.g., an exotic species)
Creating a plant community map
Conducted as part of a general fish and wildlife habitat survey
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s92
Aquatic vegetation
Survey techniques must account for the three growth types:
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s93
Aquatic vegetation
Plant survey:
Surface survey – uses a boat and trained observer to survey the littoral zone
Divers can produce similar but more thorough results
Aerial survey – works well for looking for wetland species like purple loosestrife or floating species but doesn’t work well for submerged species.
Satellite imagery is potentially well-suited for aquatic plant surveys in lakes and wetlands and current research shows promise
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s94
Aquatic vegetation
Satellite image of
Swan Lake, MN
UM researchers are determining the effectiveness of this technique
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s95
Aquatic vegetation
Developing a map of the aquatic plant community
Surface survey
Quick but not very accurate if the water is turbid
Sample regularly at different depths
A weighted plant rake (rake on a rope) can used as a sampling tool
Plants are marked on a map as they are identified http://www.state.ma.us/dem/programs/lakepond/
Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s96 Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler
Aquatic vegetation
Here is a graph showing the % cover of several aquatic plant species in Lake
Independence (MN).
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s97
Aquatic vegetation
Here is a presence/ absence map from
Lake Okeechobee.
This type of map is useful in tracking the spread of exotic species from year to year.
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s98
Aquatic vegetation
Quantifying aquatic plants
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s99
New section - fish image
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s100
Image of large fyke net
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s101
Netting fish - photo
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s102
Lab investigation photo
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s103
Photos of microscopic images
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s104
Paleolimnology is the study of past freshwater, saline, and brackish environments
In some cases, the history of the water body itself is important, but typically information is used in a wider geographical and ecological context
These clues can often result in quantitative and qualitative reconstructions of important lake chemistry and biology
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s105
Paleolimnology – diatoms
Diatoms are powerful indicators of water quality
There are hundreds of species in all aquatic habitats
They respond quickly and integratively to environmental gradients
Diatoms are the most used group of algae used in bioassessment
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s106
Paleolimnology – diatoms
A sediment core is collected
The fossils, geological, and chemical signals that are preserved in the core are the clues to revealing the ecological history of the lake and the surrounding landscape.
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s107
Paleolimnology – diatoms
The core is essentially sliced into slabs (1 to 4 cm) that represent different historic time periods.
The sub-samples are dated using 210 Pb and other isotope methods to determine the age and sediment accumulation rates over the past hundreds of years.
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s108
Paleolimnology – diatoms
Graphical representation
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s109
Profiling techniques
New section – image of profiling techniques
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s110
Physical and chemical profiles – Ex. 1
Grindstone Lake
Temp gradient sharpest from
No really sharp gradients in
DO where it drops to critical levels
Conclusion: You might sample every meter to ~ 8 –
10 m to characterize the thermocline. Then sample at
2 or even 5 m intervals to save time without losing much information.
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler
Updated: 12-14-03
Physical and chemical profiles – Ex. 2
West Upper Lake
Temp gradient sharpest from
DO also sharp from 10 -
11m,dropping to zero.
Conclusion: sample every meter to ~12m to characterize the thermocline and “oxycline.”
Then sample at 2 m intervals to save time without losing information.
* DO is already zero at 13m and temp is decreasing near linearly
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s112
Physical and chemical profiles – Ex. 3
Sampling interval decisions become more important when you’re on a deep lake (>50 m) where time at a site is important.
Lake Mead is 150 m deep
Lake Washington is > 65 m
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s113
Physical and chemical profiles – Ex. 3
Profile of lake Washington
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s114
Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: 12-14-03 U3-m8c-s115