Chapter 1 Test STUDY guide

Chapter 1 Test STUDY guide
Directions: Write the following definitions to each vocabulary term. You will need to know each
term in order to apply them on your test. Use your notes, bell work, or book to complete.
Quantitative observation:
Qualitative observation:
Scientific Inquiry/investigation:
Objective reasoning:
Subjective reasoning:
Personal bias:
Cultural bias:
Experimental bias:
Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:
Control Variable:
Practice observation: Determine if each statement is a QUANTITATIVE or QUALITATIVE
The marble has a mass of 2 grams _________________________
There are 12 girls in the class __________________
The dog is very large ____________________________
He is wearing a red shirt _______________________
Practice telling the difference between an inference and observation. Determine if each
statement is an OBSERVATION or INFERENCE (assuming something from what you see).
The girl is smiling so she must have got a good grade on her test _______________________________
There are two whiteboards in the classroom _____________________________
The boy is in the principal’s office. He must be in trouble _________________________________
That teacher is tall __________________________________
Use pages 5-9 and the red titles to help you answer the following question.
List the SKILLS OF SCIENCE (Hint: there are 4 that we focused on)
Use pages 10-13 and the red titles to help you answer the following question.
List the characteristics of SCIENTIFIC THINKING
Use your “Scientific Inquiry Notes” or pages 19-25 to help you answer the following question.
List the steps (in order) of scientific inquiry (my poster states 6/notes have seven)
1. Observation starts the process
Read the story and answer the questions that follow.
Matt wanted to test if the color of flower affected the number of hummingbirds attracted to it. Matt will
test red flowers, white flowers, and yellow flowers. He will see which color flower attracts the most
Hypothesis: IF_____________________________________________________________________________________________________,
then _________________________________________________________________________________________________.
Independent variable:_____________________________________________________________________________________________
Dependent variable: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Controlled variable: (even though it is not mentioned, what should be kept the same?)
What are two ways to record your data?
What are two ways to communicate your data?
Using your study guide and what you have learned, think about the following: What does it mean to think
like a scientist? Write your thoughts on the back of this paper.