CSC202 Midterm Part I CSC202 Midterm Exam Part I Data Structures Program Pascal’s Triangle In the tenth century, mathematicians studied a triangular integer pattern which became known as Pascal’s Triangle, named after the 17th century mathematician Blaise Pascal. A sample is shown below in the traditional style of a triangle: 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 1 3 6 1 4 1 . . . Pascal’s Triangle has many interesting properties: 1. Each row begins and ends with a 1. 2. Each interior entry is the sum of the two entries immediately above it. For example the entry 6 is the sum of 3 + 3 from the row above it and thte entry 2 is the sum of 1 + 1. In addition, if the rows and entries are numbered in each row beginning with 0, the entry in position k of row n is denoted as C(n,k). For example, the number 6 is in row 4 (remember to start from 0) and position 2 (starting from 0) and can be written C(4,2). This turns out to be the number of ways you can select k items out of n items. Thus C(4,2) is the number of ways you can select 2 items out of 4. Consider the example of four items A, B, C, and D. The number of ways to select two out of the four items is 6: AB, AC, AD, BC, BD, CD The order is unimportant. For example, AB is the same as BA. CSC202 Midterm Exam Part I Page 1 CSC202 Midterm Part I Instructions 1. Design and implement the class PascalTriangle. 1.1. Represent each row in a triangle as a list and the entire triangle as a list of these lists. Example: triangle = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>(); 1.2. Use the class ArrayList for these lists of Integers. 1.3. Use a default size of 12. 1.4. Give your class constructors and at least the method getChoices(n,k) which returns the integer value of C(n,k) 1.5. Other possible methods you may want to consider include getNextRow, getRow, getChoices, getEntry, … 2. Design and implement the class DemoTriangle which demonstrates the class PascalTriangle. 2.1. 2.2. Creates a new Pascal’s Triangle Displays the triangle and a message indicating the size of the triangle Submission Submit your Midterm Part I on our website by 10/11/2014. Your submission should be a zip file named that includes: 1. Your documented .java programs. Use comments to explain what your program is doing as well as the normal Javadoc comments. 2. Pseudocode for your programs. 3. Class diagram for your application. Resources on ArrayList Oracle. Class ArrayList<E>. (2013) Retrieved from Java Code Geeks. Arraylist in Java Example – How to use arraylist. Retrieved from CSC202 Midterm Exam Part I Page 2