
Assignment Description
Part 1:
Our team must setup a configuration management, test management, and bug tracking system.
We have to play with these tools, use them, and understand what they can do.
Part 2:
Each team member must develop a program (using Java, C, or C++) that classifies triangles
according to the following specification:
“A program reads three numbers. The three numbers represent the lengths of the sides of a
triangle. The program prints a message that states whether the triangle is scalene, isosceles, or
equilateral, and whether it is a right triangle as well.”
The program should be able to pass a basic sanity test.
Once completed, a copy of the program should be given to teammates.
William Rozzo, Jennie Vongsoasup, and Jonathan Wesel
Summary of Results:
Part 1: All three of us are familiar with Eclipse and Subversion, so we decided to use these tools
as our development GUI and configuration management system. We created a shared code
repository in Google Code: Initially, we were
going to use Bugzilla as our bug tracking and test management system. However, we had
problems installing Bugzilla, so we decided to use Mantis and TestLink instead. We encountered
several difficulties installing and configuring Mantis with our web server.
Part 2: All three of us decided to write our triangle program in Java. Although all of us know
Java, several members of the team have not developed Java programs in a long time.
Additionally, we had to refresh our memories on triangle terminology, such as determining if a
triangle is equilateral, isosceles, scalene, or right. We each created our own programs and posted
our source code in Appendix A of this document. All three programs had varying lines of code
and code complexity.
Significant Findings or Learning
All three of us had difficulty installing Bugzilla, so we decided to use Mantis instead. We had to
install Apache, MySQL, and PHP. It took us several hours (over 8) to install and configure
Mantis for our web server. The main source of difficulty is decided to be an incompatibility with
Mantis/MySQL and the OS of the available webserver. Changing the OS fixed the issues.
Honor pledge
I pledge on my honor that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this
assignment/examination. I further pledge that I have not copied any material from a book, article,
the Internet or any other source except where I have expressly cited the source.
Detailed results
Description of Techniques Used:
For Part 1 of this assignment, we installed Eclipse and Subversion on our local machines. We
created a shared code repository in Google Code:
Figure 1: Eclipse with Subversion installed
After we installed Eclipse and Subversion on our local machines, we attempted to install
Bugzilla on Jon’s web server. We encountered several issues configuring Perl with Bugzilla, so
we tried installing Mantis instead. We also had several problems configuring Mantis with
MySQL, but we were successful with installing and configuring Mantis with our web server after
several painful hours.
Figure 2: Mantis Main Screen
Figure 3: Mantis View Issues page
Figure 4: Mantis Defect Summary Page
For part 2 of this assignment, all three of us created our own Triangle programs using Java. All
three of our programs have varying lines of code and complexity. We conducted sanity tests on
our programs by checking for an isosceles, equilateral, scalene, and right triangles. Our source
code and test results are illustrated in Appendix A and B, respectively.
Assumptions or Constraints Made:
We made the following assumptions for this assignment:
All triangles have three sides and the user must input three sides.
The user can input decimal or integer values only.
The user is only interested in one pass through the program (program does
not restart unless re executed, all previous information/calculations are lost).
A triangle is considered to be a right triangle if it follows the Pythagorean
We must create sanity checks to ensure that a triangle is isosceles,
equilateral, scalene, and/or right.
Our bug tracking system must utilize a database to track defect records.
Description of Data Inputs Used:
For our Triangle programs, we assumed that the user can only input decimal or integer values.
We prompt the user to input three lengths of a triangle. After the user provides his/her input, our
program determines whether the triangle is isosceles, equilateral, scalene, and/or right. We
conducted sanity tests on each of our source code as illustrated in Appendix B of this document.
Explanation of Results:
We were able to successfully install and configure Eclipse, Subversion, and Mantis. Each of us
were able to create three different Triangle programs using Java. All of our programs passed
basic sanity tests that check if the triangle is isosceles, equilateral, scalene, and/or right.
However, several of our programs do not test if a triangle is valid (the sum of the shortest two
sides of a triangle must be greater than the largest side of a triangle). Also, some of our programs
do not check for invalid user input, such as a user inputting a string value. After we finished our
programs, each of us checked our source code into our repository.
Appendix A
Jennie’s Source Code:
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class Triangle {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("This program determines if a triangle is equilateral,
isosceles, or scalene based on user's input \n");
int[] anArray;
anArray = new int[3];
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
System.out.println("Enter triangle length of side " + i + ": ");
BufferedReader bufferRead = new BufferedReader(new
String side = bufferRead.readLine();
boolean isInteger = Pattern.matches("^\\d*", side);
// Check to see if input is a valid number. If not, keep prompting user to
enter valid number
while (!isInteger)
System.out.println("Invaid triangle length. Please enter a numeric
triangle length for side " + i + ": ");
bufferRead = new BufferedReader(new
side = bufferRead.readLine();
isInteger = Pattern.matches("^\\d*", side);
anArray[i - 1] = Integer.parseInt(side);
String result = "";
// Check if triangle is equilateral, scalene, or isosceles
if (anArray[0] == anArray[1] && anArray[1] == anArray[2] && anArray[0]
== anArray[2])
result = "equilateral";
else if (anArray[0] != anArray[1] && anArray[1] != anArray[2] &&
anArray[0] != anArray[2])
result = "scalene";
result = "isosceles";
// Check if triangle is a right triangle
if (((anArray[0] * anArray[0]) + (anArray[1] * anArray[1]) == (anArray[2] *
anArray[2])) ||
((anArray[1] * anArray[1]) + (anArray[2] * anArray[2]) == (anArray[0] *
anArray[0])) ||
((anArray[0] * anArray[0]) + (anArray[2] * anArray[2]) == (anArray[1] *
result += " and right";
System.out.println("A triangle with lengths " + anArray[0] + ", " + anArray[1]
+ ", and " + anArray[2] + " is " + result);
catch(IOException e)
Will’s Source Code:
* Programmer: Will Rozzo
* Course: SSW 567
* Problem: Triangle Program
“A program reads three numbers. The three numbers represent the
lengths of the sides of a triangle. The program prints a message that
states whether the triangle is scalene, isosceles, or equilateral,
and whether it is a right triangle as well.”
* Class: Triangle
* Description: This is the triangle object. This class is responsible for all
calculations having to do with a triangle. Such as angles,
determining triangle type, and whether the received sides truly
make a valid triangle. This class provides an interface allowing
one to set new side lengths and request updated angles.
public class Triangle
private final int NUM_SIDES = 3;
private double[] sides;
private double[] angles;
private String name;
public Triangle()
sides = new double[NUM_SIDES];
angles = new double[NUM_SIDES];
name = "Invalid";
for(int i=0; i<NUM_SIDES; i++)
sides[i] = 0.0;
angles[i] = 0.0;
public Triangle(double side0, double side1, double side2)
sides = new double[NUM_SIDES];
angles = new double[NUM_SIDES];
setSides(side0, side1, side2);
* Given three side lengths, this method determines what kind
* of triangle the three side lengths make based on how many
* equal sides exist.
private String evaluateTriangleType()
String triangleType = "Invalid Triangle!";
int numEqualSides = getEqualSideCount();
case 1: triangleType = "Scalene";
case 2: triangleType = "Isosceles";
case 3: triangleType = "Equilateral";
default: triangleType = "Invalid Triangle!"; break;
return triangleType;
* Given three sides, this method returns how many of these sides
* are equal (1 meaning none, 2 meaning 2 sides equal, and three
* meaning all sides equal).
private int getEqualSideCount()
int numEqualSides = 1;
double currSide
= 0.0;
for(int i=0; i<sides.length; i++)
currSide = sides[i];
if(numEqualSides < NUM_SIDES)
for(int j=i+1; j<sides.length; j++)
if(currSide == sides[j])
return numEqualSides;
* Knowning only the three side lengths, this method uses the
* law of cosines to determine the three angles.
* c^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2ab*Cos(gamma) == arcCos((c^2 - a^2 - b^2) / -2ab) = gamma
* a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2bc*Cos(alpha) == arcCos((a^2 - b^2 - c^2) / -2bc) = alpha
* b^2 = a^2 + c^2 - 2ac*Cos(beta) == arcCos((b^2 - a^2 - c^2) / -2ac) = beta
private double[] calculateAngles()
double[] angles = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
double gamma = 0.0;
double alpha = 0.0;
double beta = 0.0;
int hypotenuseIndex = getHypotenuseIndex();
double a = 0.0;
double b = 0.0;
double c = sides[hypotenuseIndex];
case 0: a = sides[1]; b = sides[2]; break;
case 1: a = sides[0]; b = sides[2]; break;
case 2: a = sides[0]; b = sides[1]; break;
default: c = sides[0]; a = sides[1]; b = sides[2]; break;
double aSquared = a * a;
double bSquared = b * b;
double cSquared = c * c;
double negTwoAB = -2 * a * b;
double negTwoBC = -2 * b * c;
double negTwoAC = -2 * a * c;
gamma = Math.toDegrees(Math.acos((cSquared - aSquared - bSquared) /
alpha = Math.toDegrees(Math.acos((aSquared - bSquared - cSquared) /
beta = Math.toDegrees(Math.acos((bSquared - aSquared - cSquared) /
angles[0] = gamma;
angles[1] = alpha;
angles[2] = beta;
return angles;
* This method returns the index within the sides array that has the
* greatest length.
private int getHypotenuseIndex()
int hypotenuseIndex = 0;
double hypotenuse = sides[0];
for(int i=1; i<sides.length; i++)
if(sides[i] > hypotenuse)
hypotenuseIndex = i;
return hypotenuseIndex;
* Public Methods
= sides[i];
* The following methods provide an external interface to the
* triangle object.
public boolean isRightTriangle()
boolean right = false;
for(int i=0; i<angles.length; i++)
if((angles[i] >= 90.0) && (angles[i] <= 90.5))
right = true;
return right;
public double[] getSides()
return sides;
public double[] getAngles()
return angles;
public String getName()
return name;
public void setSides(double side0, double side1, double side2)
sides[0] = side0;
sides[1] = side1;
sides[2] = side2;
angles = calculateAngles();
name = evaluateTriangleType();
public boolean isValidTriangle()
boolean valid = false;
double a = sides[0];
double b = sides[1];
double c = sides[2];
if(((a+b)>c) && ((a+c)>b) && ((b+c)>a))
valid = true;
return valid;
* Programmer: Will Rozzo
* Course: SSW 567
* Problem: Triangle Program
“A program reads three numbers. The three numbers represent the
lengths of the sides of a triangle. The program prints a message that
states whether the triangle is scalene, isosceles, or equilateral,
and whether it is a right triangle as well.”
* Class: TriangleEvaluator
* Description: This is the main driver. Parses user input from either the
command line or from prompts. Uses the Triangle class to
generate a triangle based on the data received from the user.
The triangle object is the queried for information which is
then relayed to the user.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class TriangleEvaluator
private final static int NUM_SIDES = 3;
public static void main(String[] args)
Triangle triangle;
int numSidesMissing = 0;
double singleSide = 0.0;
double[] sides
= ParseArgs(args);
double[] angles
= {0.0,0.0,0.0};
String triangleType = "Invalid";
boolean right
= false;
// Determine how many sides we still need to gather from the user
for(int i=0; i<NUM_SIDES; i++)
if(sides[i] == 0.0)
System.out.println("\nTriangle Evaluator\n");
Scanner userInput = new Scanner(;
while(numSidesMissing > 0)
System.out.println("\nPlease enter a triangle side " +
"length ("+numSidesMissing+" remaining):\n");
singleSide = toDouble(;
if(singleSide > 0.0)
sides[NUM_SIDES-numSidesMissing] = singleSide;
System.out.println("Invalid Input!");
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("Invalid Input!");
triangle = new Triangle(sides[0], sides[1], sides[2]);
for(int i=0; i<NUM_SIDES; i++)
System.out.println("Side "+ (i+1) +" = " + sides[i]);
triangleType = triangle.getName();
= triangle.getAngles();
= triangle.isRightTriangle();
for(int i=0; i<NUM_SIDES; i++)
System.out.println("angle "+ (i+1) +" = " + angles[i]);
System.out.println("This is a right "+ triangleType +" triangle");
System.out.println("This is a "+ triangleType +" triangle");
System.out.println("This is NOT a valid triangle");
public static double[] ParseArgs(String[] args)
final String HELP = "-help";
double[] sides
= {0.0,0.0,0.0};
double currSide
= 0.0;
int sideNum
= 0;
int argLength
= args.length;
// User attempted to pass arguments
if(argLength > 0)
for(int i=0; i<argLength; i++)
System.out.println("\n --- HELP --- \n" +
"This program evaluates three triangle
side\n" +
"lengths and prints whether the triange is\n"
"scalene, isosceles, or equilateral. \n" +
"Additionally, it will inform the user
whether\n" +
"or not the triangle is a right triangle.\n\n" +
"Example commands:\n" +
"Triangle -help
: Prints help info.\n" +
"Triangle 1 2 3
: Evaluates the three
arguments as side lengths.\n" +
"Triangle 1 -help 2 3 : Reads three sides
and prints help.\n" +
"Triangle 1 2
arguments, will query the user for the missing side length.\n" +
"Triangle 1
"Triangle 1 2 3 4
: Assumes incomplete
: \"\"\n" +
: Any extra side
lengths are ignored.\n" +
"Triangle a * -
: Any non-integer
arguments are ignored.\n" +
: User will be queried for
all side lengths.\n");
if(sideNum < 3)
currSide = toDouble(args[i]);
if(currSide >= 0)
sides[sideNum] = currSide;
} // end if HELP
} // end for loop
}// End if args exist
return sides;
// Returns 0 if the value was invalid
public static double toDouble(String potentialDbl)
double myDouble = 0.0;
myDouble = Double.parseDouble(potentialDbl);
if(myDouble <= 0.0)
myDouble = 0.0;
catch (NumberFormatException e)
myDouble = 0.0;
return myDouble;
Jon’s Source Code:
public class Triangle {
int a,b,c;
String type;
boolean right;
public Triangle(int x, int y, int z){
a = x;
b = y;
c = z;
type = checkType();
right = checkRight();
private boolean checkRight() {
if(!isValid() || checkType() == "equilateral")
return false;
if((a*a + b*b) == c*c ||
(b*b + c*c) == a*a ||
(a*a + c*c) == b*b)
return true;
return false;
public String getType(){ return type; }
public boolean isRight(){ return right; }
private String checkType(){
return "invalid";
return "equilateral";
return "scalene";
return "isosceles";
private boolean isScalene() {
return a != b &&
a != c &&
b != c;
private boolean isEquilateral() {
return a == b &&
b == c;
private boolean isValid() {
if (a <= 0 || b <= 0 || c <= 0)
return false;
if (a >= b && a >= c)
return a < b + c;
if (b >= a && b >= c)
return b < a + c;
return c < a + b;
public String getDescription() {
return "The triangle is invalid.";
String desc = "The triangle is " + getType() + " and is";
desc += " not";
desc += " a right triangle.";
return desc;
public class TriangleIdentifier {
public static void main(String[] args) {
if(args.length != 3){
System.out.println("TriangleIdentifier requires 3 arguments. \n" +
"Usage: TriangleIndentifier <a> <b>
Triangle t = new Triangle(Integer.parseInt(args[0]),
}catch(NumberFormatException e){
System.out.println("Invalid arguments. Expecting 3 integers.\n" +
"Usage: TriangleIndentifier <a> <b> <c>");
public class SanityCheck {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Triangle invalid = new Triangle(1,2,3);
Triangle isosceles = new Triangle(3,4,4);
Triangle scalene = new Triangle(2,3,4);
Triangle equilateral = new Triangle(3,3,3);
Triangle scaleneright = new Triangle(3,4,5);
System.out.println("Invalid Test (1,2,3): " + invalid.getDescription());
System.out.println("Isosceles Test (3,4,4): " + isosceles.getDescription());
System.out.println("Scalene Test (2,3,4): " + scalene.getDescription());
System.out.println("Equilateral Test (3,3,3): " + equilateral.getDescription());
System.out.println("Scalene Right Test (3,4,5): " + scaleneright.getDescription());
Appendix B
Test Results on Jennie’s Program:
Test case 1: Generate an Equilateral triangle
This program determines if a triangle is equilateral, isosceles, or scalene
based on user's input
Enter triangle length of side 1:
Enter triangle length of side 2:
Enter triangle length of side 3:
A triangle with lengths 4, 4, and 4 is equilateral
Test case 2: Generate a Scalene triangle
This program determines if a triangle is equilateral, isosceles, or scalene
based on user's input
Enter triangle length of side 1:
Enter triangle length of side 2:
Enter triangle length of side 3:
A triangle with lengths 5, 6, and 7 is scalene
Test case 3: Generate an Isosceles triangle
This program determines if a triangle is equilateral, isosceles, or scalene
based on user's input
Enter triangle length of side 1:
Enter triangle length of side 2:
Enter triangle length of side 3:
A triangle with lengths 4, 4, and 5 is isosceles
Test case 4: Generate a Right Triangle
This program determines if a triangle is equilateral, isosceles, or scalene
based on user's input
Enter triangle length of side 1:
Enter triangle length of side 2:
Enter triangle length of side 3:
A triangle with lengths 3, 4, and 5 is scalene and right
Test Results on Will’s Program:
Test case 1: Generate an Equilateral triangle
Test case 2: Generate a Scalene triangle
Test case 3: Generate an Isosceles triangle
Test case 4: Generate a Right Scalene
Test case 5: Generate a Right Isosceles
Test Results on Jon’s Program: