Monitoring and Evaluating the Poverty Reduction and Social Protection: A Case Study of China Shaohua Chen Development Research Group, World Bank Further reading: Martin Ravallion and Shaohua Chen, "China's (Uneven) Progress against Poverty: An Update," World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, forthcoming Outline • Monitoring and evaluating poverty and inequality in China • China’s poverty line • Evaluating social protection program using household survey data – Urban Dibao – Southwest poverty reduction project 1. Monitoring and evaluating poverty and inequality in China Trend increase in income inequality but more so in some periods 60.00 National without adjustment for cost-of-living difference 50.00 Gini index in % National, with adjustment 40.00 Rural Urban 30.00 Signs of that inequality might be stabilizing at around Gini=47% (42% with COL adjustment) 20.00 10.00 0.00 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 4 Rising inequality between urban and rural areas since mid 1990s Ratio of urban to rural mean income 3.50 Ratio of urban mean income to rural mean income Without any adjustment for cost- 3.00 2.50 2.00 With adjustment for urban-rural costof-living differential and urban/rural 1.50 1.00 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 5 2010 Absolute income inequality, 1978-2009 7.00 (divided by 1990 national mean) Mean income divided by 1990 national mean 6.00 5.00 4.00 Urban 3.00 2.00 National 1.00 Rural 0.00 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 6 The recent signs of a stabilization of inequality are due to rural areas • Rising ratio of urban mean to rural mean + rising urban inequality =>The stabilization is mainly due to rural areas. • Pro-poor policies in rural areas. 40.00 Rural Gini index (%) 35.00 Urban 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 But is this sustainable? There were also signs that inequality was stabilizing in mid-1990s, but not sustained. 7 Nonetheless, China has made huge overall progress against absolute poverty Percentage of population consuming less than various poverty lines 100.00 Headcount index in % 90.00 80.00 $1.25 a day 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 New poverty line 30.00 20.00 Old poverty line 10.00 0.00 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 8 Headcount index in% under $1.25/day 120 Urban and rural poverty incidence 100 Rural 80 60 National 40 Urban 20 0 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 9 2. China’s poverty line -- Overtime comparison -- International comparison China’s poverty lines Yuan/year $/day $/day (2005 prices) (1993 PPP) (2005 PPP) Old official rural poverty line 683 $0.77 $0.63 Rural low income line (2008) 1196 $1.13 $0.97 Comparable rural/urban poverty line (2002) Rural (average) 925 $1.05 $0.85 Urban (average) 1271 $1.44 $0.85 951 $1.08 International poverty line Rural 1361 $1.25 Urban 1865 $1.25 Poverty line – Asia $/person/month in 2005 PPP year Cambodia 2004 China 2002 China 2008 India 2004/05 India 2010 Laos 1997.5 Mongolia 2002.5 Philippines 1988 Thailand 1992 Vietnam 2002 pc_05 75.06 120.78 148.18 84.24 131.48 pl_05 Fitted value 42.8 46.33 25.89 62.96 29.32 31.25 50.34 37.01 32.1 . 80.55 57.88 48.61 134.17 46.02 67.91 243.52 57.58 108.41 81.18 32.52 49.45 Poverty line – Country with Similar PC $/person/month in 2005 PPP year Kyrgyz Republic 2003 Djibouti 2002 Kenya 1997 Cameroon 2001 Cote d'Ivoire 1998 China u 2002 Moldova 2001 Philippines 1988 Lesotho 1994.5 Morocco 1998.5 Armenia 1998.5 pc_05 109.85 111.70 112.80 112.96 117.07 120.78 124.89 134.17 135.84 167.73 174.84 pl_05 Fitted value 60.81 58.51 95.61 59.16 84.71 59.50 69.62 59.61 50.36 60.90 25.89 62.96 60.81 64.65 46.02 67.91 49.37 68.73 55.33 82.66 73.36 85.93 Poverty line – Country with Similar PL $/person/month in 2005 PPP country Senegal Tanzania Benin China u Malawi Burkina Faso Nepal Chad Mozambique Rwanda India Nigeria Bangladesh year pc_05 1991 78.92 2000.5 45.26 1999.5 72.82 2002 120.78 2004.5 31.34 2003 68.54 2003.5 54.55 1995.5 47.04 2002.5 45.52 2000.1 41.33 2004.5 84.24 1985 61.49 2000 64.34 pl_05 Fitted value 19.05 48.12 19.20 37.82 23.57 45.72 25.89 62.96 26.11 37.16 26.27 44.48 26.43 40.55 26.60 38.23 29.54 37.77 30.17 37.23 31.25 50.34 31.38 42.53 31.46 43.33 China has made huge overall progress against poverty cross various PL China: Percentage of population consuming less than various poverty lines, 1981-2008 100.00 90.00 $2.0 a day 80.00 Headcount index in % 70.00 $1.25 a day 60.00 50.00 40.00 New poverty line 30.00 20.00 Old poverty line 10.00 0.00 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 15 Policy implications • China has made huge overall progress against poverty cross wide range of poverty lines (PL); • Compare with the countries at same development level, China’s PL is still low; • As China’s rapid growth continue, new PL will be needed every other years; • It is better to set up several PL for different programs/time frame. 16 3. Evaluating the impacts of poverty reduction and social protection program using household survey data Impact evaluation: key issues • the counterfactual – what will happen without the program; • Selection bias – the participants of poverty reduction or social protection program usually poorer than non participants. 18 Evaluation strategy: Matching/weighting + diff-in-diff • Propensity score matching/weighting: – Matching/weighting on observed initial characteristics likely to jointly influence poor-area targeting and how incomes evolve over time. • Difference-in-difference: – Difference in gains over time between participants and non-participants. – This eliminates any time-invariant bias due to missmatching, selection bias, omitted variables etc 19 Some results from SW poverty reduction project 20 Diff-in-diff estimate of the impact of SWP on household income and consumption 1996 mean in SWP villages 2000 income 971.4 consumption 841.7 saving 129.7 2004 income 971.4 consumption 841.7 saving 129.7 Note: Trimmed sample Gain in SWP project 206.8 67.1 139.7 442.8 345.9 96.8 Gain in non-SWP villages 66.0 70.5 -4.5 387.4 287.7 99.7 Diff-inDiff 140.8 -3.4 144.2 55.4 58.3 -2.8 t-ratio 2.02 -0.07 2.33 0.63 0.87 -0.03 Impacts on income and consumption (alternative estimators) Trimmed sample 2000 Income Consumption Saving 2004 Income Consumption Saving Total sample 2000 Income Consumption Saving 2004 Income Consumption Saving Simple DD t-ratio PS weighted DD t-ratio Kernel matched DD t-ratio 140.817 -3.388 144.218 55.433 58.26 -2.815 2.021 -0.067 2.332 0.626 0.87 -0.034 193.162 -17.662 210.84 53.482 58.535 -5.037 2.751 -0.313 2.921 0.574 0.786 -0.059 179.657 -45.762 225.437 52.741 18.312 34.448 2.512 -0.751 2.757 0.694 0.223 0.415 208.583 21.84 186.755 40.673 20.258 20.427 3.346 0.510 3.141 0.537 0.371 0.303 213.605 -151.054 364.696 -47.159 36.752 -83.874 3.287 -1.180 3.371 -0.423 0.633 -0.705 199.342 -189.569 388.953 -38.636 25.893 -64.486 3.426 -1.427 3.494 -0.304 0.439 -0.515 Income poverty -2 0 2 DD DD impact impact on on headcount headcount index index 2004 -8 -6 -4 2000 2004 -14 -12 -10 2000 350 450 550 650 750 808 950 Poverty lines (Yuan per person per year) Year 2000 Year 2004 1050 1150 Consumption poverty -2 0 2 DD impact on headcount index -8 -6 -4 2000 -14 -12 -10 2004 350 450 550 650 750 808 950 Poverty lines (Yuan per person per year) Year 2000 Year 2004 1050 1150 Some results from China urban Dibao study 25 1 .8 .6 .4 .2 0 0 5 10 15 lnpinc icdf11 inccdf icdf11_d inccdf_d 26 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 Comparison between Beijing and Gansu 0 5 10 15 lnpinc icdf11 icdf62 icdf11_d icdf62_d 27 Lessons we learnt from these studies • Start the monitoring and evaluation as soon as the project start; • Choose as many non participants (comparison group) as possible; • Using existing data whenever if possible and link different data (household surveys, census etc.) together: – reduce the cost – increase the coverage Yunnan: Prefecture poverty incidence <5% 5%-10% 10%-15% 15%-20% 20%-30% >=30% N=126 Yunnan: County poverty incidence <5% 5%-10% 10%-15% 15%-20% 20%-30% >=30% N=126 Township poverty incidence <5% 5%-10% 10%-15% 15%-20% 20%-30% >=30% N=1571