Nomination Form – Property Risk Management Customer Company: Address: Website: Contact name: Job title: Telephone: Email: Broker Company: Address: Contact name: Job title: Telephone: Email: AAI Limited ABN 48 005 297 807 trading as Vero Insurance V8452 15/04/13 A Each nomination is judged against the 11 key principles of Risk Management outlined in AS/NZS ISO31000:2009. Please provide responses to each question. Business overview Please provide an overview of your business that includes: Number of years established and brief company history Private, public or not for profit company Occupation and main activities Company annual turnover ($AUD) Company structure showing risk management responsibilities (attach if necessary) Number of employees Number of sites (Max word count: 200) Please tell us why your nomination is deserving of this award? (Max word count: 200) 2 Key principles of Risk Management outlined in AS/NZS ISO31000:2009 1. Creates and protects value 1.1 Risk management contributes to the demonstrable achievement of objectives and improvement of performance in, for example, human health and safety, security, legal and regulatory compliance, public acceptance, environmental protection, product quality, project management, efficiency in operations, governance and reputation. Do you measure the effect of property risk management on the efficiency of the organisation? Yes No 1.2 1.3 2. 3. 4. How does your property risk management program support the achievement of your organisation’s objectives? (Max word count: 100) How do you balance property risk management with cost? (Max word count: 100) Integral part of all organisational processes Risk management is not a stand-alone activity that is separate from the main activities and processes of the organisation. Risk management is part of the responsibility of management and an integral part of all organisational processes, including strategic planning and all project and change management processes. 2.1 Describe how property risk management activities are incorporated into your business processes and management controls? (Max word count: 100) 2.2 Provide one example of a change to your business where property risk management was a key consideration. (Max word count: 100) Part of decision making Risk management helps decision makers make informed choices, prioritise actions and distinguish among alternative courses of action. 3.1 What is the process for making property risk management decisions within your organisation? (Max word count: 100) 3.2 How is the management team involved in property risk management decisions? (Max word count: 100) Explicitly addresses uncertainty 4.1 Risk management explicitly takes account of uncertainty, the nature of uncertainty and how it can be addressed. Do you have a formal business continuity plan? Yes No 4.2 If so, is this up to date, regularly reviewed and tested? Yes No 4.3 How do you address uncertainty for property risks within your organisation? (Max word count:200) 3 5. Systematic, structured and timely 5.1 A systematic, timely and structured approach to risk management contributes to efficiency and to consistent, comparable and reliable results. Do you have a formalised and documented property risk management program? Yes No 5.2 5.3 6. 7. The inputs to the process of managing risk are based on information sources such as historical data, experience, stakeholder feedback, observation, forecasts and expert judgement. However, decision makers should inform themselves of, and should take into account, any limitations of the data or modelling used or the possibility of divergence amongst experts. 6.1 What sources of property risk management information do you use? (Max word count: 100) 6.2 Provide an example of how you use information to reduce property risk within your organisation. (Max word count: 100) Tailored Risk management is aligned with the organisational external and internal context and risk profile. How has your property risk management program been tailored to address risks specific to your organisation? (Max word count:200) Takes human and cultural factors into account Risk management recognises the capabilities, perceptions and intentions of external and internal people that can facilitate or hinder the achievement of the organisation’s objectives. 8.1 What programs do you have in place for property risk management training and awareness? (Max word count: 100) 8.2 Who are your major internal and external stakeholders? (Max word count: 100) 8.3 9. How do you ensure that your property risk management program is working effectively? (Max word count: 100) Based on the best available information 7.1 8. If so, how is it organised and structured? (Max word count: 100) How do they affect the achievement of your organisation’s objectives? (Max word count: 100) Transparent and inclusive 9.1 Appropriate and timely involvement of stakeholders and, in particular, decision makers at all levels of the organisation ensures that risk management remains relevant and up to date. Involvement also allows stakeholders to be properly represented and to have their views taken into account in determining risk criteria. Is there a procedure for stakeholders to suggest property improvements? Yes No 9.2 How do you engage your stakeholders on matters of property risk management? (Max word count:200) 4 10. Dynamic, iterative and responsive to change 10.1 Risk management continually senses and responds to change. As external and internal events occur, context and knowledge change, monitoring and review of risks take place, new risks emerge, some change and others disappear. Does your company have a formalised and documented system for the management of change? Yes No 10.2 Does your change management policy specifically address property risks? Yes No 10.3 How do you use technology in property risk management? Max word count: 100) 10.4 Provide an example of where a lesson learned has become a catalyst for improvement and or change. Max word count: 100) 11. Facilitates continual improvement of the organisation Organisations should develop and implement strategies to improve their risk management maturity alongside all other aspects of their organisation. 11.1 How are property risk improvements identified, implemented and measured? Max word count: 100) 11.2 What planned changes to property risk management do you intend to make? Max word count: 100) Checklist Before submitting your nomination, please ensure that: RMAdvancer Terms and Conditions are accepted Yes No Company logo has been provided and permission to use logo has been obtained Yes No Word count has not been exceeded Yes No Two images have been provided Yes No 5