Heading/Subheading Main Points Comments Getting it Down: Making and Taking Notes Across the Curriculum Why Teach Students How to Take Notes Benefits for ELL’s Setting Up Students for Successful Note-Taking Distinguishing between note-taking from note making Process and product functions Notetaking In English: Teaching students to listen Note-taking In Mathematics: Teaching students to use an outline framework Note-taking was a given, something that all students should do We don’t need to teach students to take notes; they come to us knowing this already The key is to identify for students why their notes can be useful for them later There is a relationship between notetaking and ELL’s conceptualizations of content Educators also have a responsibility to organize their lectures in ways that make it possible to create notes Introduce the sequence of topics and concepts for the day’s class Way to organize Detailed information should be presented visually as well as verbally Note-Taking - student’s written notes from a lecture of class discussions. Note-Making – recording notes from printed materials Better note-takers generally do better in school and specific types of note-taking produce better results Process function is recording the notes Product function is reviewing notes later Both are required to create valuable notes Listen to a read aloud Asks them to listen to the same text, read two more times aloud Students must take notes on what they hear so they can recreate the text as accurately as possible Students pair up and share what they have written and attempt to add more to their notes Two pairs join and the four collaborate to recreate the text verbatim Provide an outline or format students can use to take notes Notes can be the most important skill for students to get more out of their classes. Note-taking is just as important to our students, but can be more helpful to students who are struggling to comprehend the language and content Students can take notes, but we need to develop their skills so they can deviate the important information from irrelevant information We have to know the difference in the two, because they are two very different skills. However, both of these skills are needed for student achievement I really like this strategy, because taking notes are very difficult in English. This section speaks volumes to me, because with this being my concentration area and I will take all the help I can get. I Note Making in Social Studies: Use technology and Note-taking: Engaging students at multiple levels Using Notes in Class Structured Outline Support Before, During, and After Activities Note-Taking in Science Note-Taking that encourages personal response and dialogue Note-taking in Electives: Note-taking and the Research Process Outline framework helps students understand the internal connections within the content Directed Note-taking Activity is process to note-taking that includes three instructional principles 1. Split-page method 2. Self-questioning strategy 3. Pearson’s model Computer-assisted outlining allows for multiple additions, modifications, and deletions Preview any visual aids on each page Add pertinent bulleted info to their skeleton outline Lists all of the italicized and boldface terms in the vocab section of their notebooks Use skeleton outline in a power point presentation as she gives the students an overview of the chapter Posing questions based on the main ideas of the bulleted outline Hope for a deeper level of thinking than that required when students simply memorize facts Guide thinking by the questions being written on the chart paper Demonstrate to students the ease and efficacy of structuring notes Monitor their involvement and comprehension Combination of Directed Note-Taking Activity and computer-assisted outlining Use note-taking to facilitate safe and mature discussions Split-page method or Cornell Structured note-taking not only gives students a chance to categorize important information, but also provides them with options to deal with awkward and embarrassing feelings Allows students to react privately to sensitive material before they pose a question or enter into a class discussion Explaining what research is will have my students take notes in my class, so outlines will be the approach I use to prepare my students. Social studies are the content area where notes are utilized most. So it is nice to have some different techniques other than paper and pencil Note taking is always difficult to do, but these strategies are more ammunition to make it less difficult. As I said earlier, notes will be a vital part of my classroom, so these methods are another tool in my tool-bag. Introduce key steps: research, sources of information, bibliography, research questions, research grid, and paraphrase Give students the chance to choose what they want to investigate about their subject Learning How to Document Practicing what has been explained is the Information Sources key to understanding Groups of students take turns at each station as they practice recording each resource in the correct fashions Using a Matrix format for note-taking Matrix format for note-taking Builds on the outline format Matrix format emphasizes the relationships that exist across topics Conclusion: Taking notes is a strategy that will be a necessity for students for many years to come. Students who understand notetaking and note making do better on tests and exams. The problem is most students do not have sophisticated note-taking strategies. We need to assist and help students develop note-taking skills, and we need to let them know when they are understanding it and when they are not. Taking notes will hopefully help students develop study skills.