File - Teacher Resources

Amanda Fronzaglia
Chapter 8 Reading Assignment
Personal Reaction
Why Teach Students How  Taking notes is an
We do give a lot of
to Take Notes?
information to our
essential skill, one that
students and we cannot
has many other subskills
just expect them to
embedded within it.
everything that
 Taking good notes trains
we say.
students not only to pay
attention but what to pay
attention to.
The Benefits for English  Helping students
This is not only a great
Language Learners
organization tool for
organize their thinking
ELL’s, but for all students.
and understanding is
very helpful for ELL.
 There is a relationship
between note-taking and
ELL conceptualizations of
Setting Up Students for  As teachers, we must be
This also teaches students
Successful Notetaking
about neatness and how
responsible to organize
to be responsible.
our lectures in a way that
makes it possible to
create notes.
 Ending the class with a
review enhances
memory and retention
and allows students to
make corrections to their
day’s notes.
Distinguishing Notetaking  Notetaking- students
I never knew there was a
from Note Making
difference between
written notes from a
notetaking and note
lecture or class
 Note making- recording
notes from printed
Process and Product
 Both are required to take I feel that external storage
function would be more
valuable notes.
beneficial to the students
 NOTES (Notetaking,
because it allows the
Observation, Training,
students to review their
and Evaluation Scales).
notes to all the
information to sink in.
Notetaking in English
Student not only should
 Dictoglos- responsible
Teaching Students to
Notetaking in
Note Making In Social
Engaging Students at
Multiple Levels
Using Notes in Class
listening and notetaking
see information but also
hear it as well.
 Gives students the
experience of hearing
and recording English
spoken fluently.
Even though listening is
 Teaches students to
of the 6 language arts,
block out other
teachers always seems to
distractions, which is a
assume that students
necessary skill.
already know how to
 As students learn how to
and will not focus
listen for key phrases,
on teaching this as much.
their notes become more
valuable to them as study
Math is a very cut and dry
 Mathematics is a
subject. If students take
language in and of itself
correct and precise notes,
and that the correct use
they can be very
of terms is vital for
successful at math.
 Give students an
opportunity to use the
target vocabulary from
their working notes.
We must guide our
 Creating a skeletal note
students in everything
structure can help
they do.
students become
effective notetakers and
note makers.
 Guidance becomes
another structure for
students to incorporate
their note making as they
read their text.
Most students are visual
 Students are required to
learners, which makes this
preview any visual aids
extremely important.
on each text page, such as
graphs, charts, pictures,
diagrams, and maps to
their skeletal outline.
 The terms listed above
should be incorporated
in their notes.
Taking notes can be
 Can be used in a
in so many
PowerPoint presentation
Structured Outline
Support Before, During,
and After Activities
Notetaking in Science
as an overview of the
 Students can also review
their notes.
 The combination of the
DNA and computerassisted outlining
ensures that students
move gradually toward
independent skills in
note making.
 Demonstrates the ease
and efficacy of
structuring notes before
reading, during
independent reading of
the text, and in class
 Notetaking to facilitate
safe and mature
 Split-page method.
 Provide students with
options to deal with
awkward and
embarrassing feelings.
 Structured notetaking
facilitates dialogue.
Notetaking and the
 Writing a research report
Research Process
will guide students to
learn more about
something they are
interested in.
 Research process is
identifying possible
research questions.
Learning How to
 Teachers know that
Document Information
practicing what has just
been explained is the key
to understanding.
 Must guide students on
how each type of
resource is documented.
Using a Matrix Format for  A matrix format builds
Notetaking that
Enourages Personal
Response and Dialogue
There are different stages
of note making.
The split-page method is a
great way for students to
organize information and
then write a summary to
connect their notes.
Students must always feel
comfortable to
communicate and this
allows them to do just so
with the privacy that they
Having students write
questions about their
research topic can allow
them to think deeper
about their topic.
There are so many
resources for students to
use and it’s important that
they understand how to
use them.
I prefer the research grid
on the outline format.
 Matrix format
emphasizes the
relationships that exist
across topics.
 Teachers should provide
students with feedback
on their notes.
 Most students do not
have sophisticated
notetaking strategies.
out of all of the notetaking
strategies because of how
detail and laid out it is.
If every student took
notes and reviewed them,
there should be no reason
why more students cannot
be successful.
Summary: Notetaking and note making have been proven to help students do better
on essays and tests. Students who know how to organize and review their notes will
allow them to be more successful in all subject areas.