Face and Related Structures Anatomy Orthopedic Assessment III – Head, Spine, and Trunk with Lab PET 5609C Clinical Anatomy Facial Bones: Vomer Inferior Nasal Concha Nasal bone Maxilla Mandible Palatine bone Zygomatic bone Lacrimal bone Hyoid (may or may not be included) "Virgil Can Not Make My Pet Zebra Laugh" Clinical Anatomy Clinical Anatomy Facial Bones: Palatine Bone: Irregular shaped bone posterior to the maxilla Forms part of the nasal cavity, the eye socket, and the hard palate Clinical Anatomy Hyoid Bone: Location – in the human neck Only bone in the skeleton not articulated to any other bone Supported by the muscles of the neck and in turn supports the root of the tongue Shaped like a horseshoe Clinical Anatomy Temporomandibular Joint: (TMJ) Type – Synovial Joint Articulation between mandibular condylar process and temporal bone Articular disc separates the 2 bones Concave on both superior and inferior surfaces allowing for smooth articulation between 2 bones Disc injury – locking/catching with opening and closing of mouth Mandibular condyle glides forward as mouth opens Actions/Purpose: Speaking Mastication Clinical Anatomy Clinical Anatomy Ear: Focuses/converts acoustical energy into an electrical signal for interpretation by brain Parts: External Ear Middle Ear Inner Ear Clinical Anatomy External Ear: Auricle (Pinna): Cartilaginous tissue Acts as a funnel collecting/focusing sound waves into the external auditory meatus to be passed on to middle ear Ear Canal: Tube running from the outer ear to the middle ear Extends from the pinna to the eardrum (26 mm in length and 7 mm in diameter) Clinical Anatomy Middle Ear: Tympanic Membrane – Eardrum: Outer barrier of middle ear Made of thin connective tissue membrane Skin on the outside Mucosa on internal surface Acts as microphone Sound waves strike tympanic membrane causing vibration Vibrations transferred to auditory ossicles (malleus, incus, stapes) Clinical Anatomy Middle Ear: Auditory Ossicles: Malleus Incus Stapes Note: 3 smallest bones in human body Role: Transmit sounds to cochlea Clinical Anatomy Eustachian Tube: Links the pharynx to the middle ear Regulates pressure in middle ear Normally closed Can open (air enters) to equalize the pressure between the middle ear and the atmosphere Pressure equalized – Small Pop Flying/Driving in mountains Yawning/swallowing can pull on muscles in the neck – tube opens Without ET, air could not escape from the ear, isolating the middle ear from atmosphere Ear susceptible to damage Clinical Anatomy Inner Ear: Cochlea and Semicircular Canal Bony structure (coiled shape) – moves (↑, ↓) in response to acoustic signals Semicircular Canal: Fluid filled with thousands of fine hair cells (motion sensors) to detect signal → electrical impulses (Vestibulocochlear Nerve) Balance, Upright posture (head and body) Clinical Anatomy Nose: Nasal cartilage Nostrils: external nasal openings (air enters → inferior, middle and superior concha → pharynx → trachea → lungs) Mucosal Cells: Warms/humidifies cool, dry air Mucus production Clinical Anatomy Throat: Larynx: Contains vocal cords Located between pharynx and trachea Covered superiorly by thyroid cartilage (Adam’s Apple); inferiorly by cricoid cartilage Clinical Anatomy Mouth: Oral Vestibule – anterior most portion of mouth Area from lips to teeth Oral Cavity – past teeth leading to trachea Tongue – skeletal muscle Primary organ of taste Manipulates food (chewing/swallowing) Covered with papillae (small, rough-like projections) and taste buds Clinical Anatomy Teeth Classification and Function: Type Number Function Incisors 4 Cutting Cuspids (canines) 2 Tearing Bicuspids (premolars) 4 Crushing and grinding Molars 6 Crushing and grinding Clinical Anatomy Tooth Anatomy: Root: Anchored by cementum and small ligaments Neck Crown: Dentin Enamel Core of tooth: Pulp chamber Nerves and Blood vessels Clinical Anatomy Muscles of Mastication: Masseter → closes mouth/aids in biting O: Superficial portion: Zygomatic process of maxilla; anterior 2/3 of zygomatic arch. Profundus portion: Posterior 1/3 of zygomatic arch I: Superficial: Inferior ½ of lateral ramus (mandible) Profundus portion: Superior ½ of ramus, coronoid process of mandible N: Trigeminal Muscles of Expression: Muscle Action Origin Insertion Innervation Buccinator Depresses the cheeks Alveolar process of maxilla and mandible Angle of mouth Facial Depressor Anguli Oris Draws angle of mouth downward Oblique line of mandible Angle of mouth Facial Depressor Labii Lowers the Inferioris mouth Oblique line of mandible Lower lip Facial Digastric Opens mouth Inferior border of mandible Superior aspect of hyoid bone Trigeminal Geniohyoid Opens mouth Median ridge of mandible Body of hyoid bone Ansa Cervicalis Levator Anguli Oris Raises each side of mouth Just superior to canine teeth Angle of mouth Facial Muscles of Expression: Muscle Action Origin Insertion Innervation Mentalis Elevates the Incisive fossa Point of the skin of the chin of the mandible mandible Facial Mylohyoid Opens the mouth Inferior border Superior aspect of the mandible of hyoid bone Trigeminal Orbicularis Oris “Puckers” the lips Originates off of the muscles surrounding the mouth Skin Facial surrounding the lips Procerus Wrinkles the nose Lower portion of the nasal bone; Lateral nasal cartilage Lower portion of the forehead between the eyebrow Facial Temporalis Aids in biting Temporal fossa Coronoid process and ramus of mandible Trigeminal Zygomaticus Major Smiling Zygomatic bone Angle of mouth Facial Clinical Anatomy Bell’s Palsy: Inhibition of facial nerve (cranial nerve VII) → inability to control facial muscles (resultant flaccidity) Most common cause of Acute Facial Nerve Paralysis Symptoms: weakness on one side of face, facial droop, pain on affected side, headache, loss of taste Cause: Inflammation of facial nerve (resultant pinching) Infection or Virus A) Demonstrates inability to raise the left eyebrow or generate wrinkles on the left side of forehead; B) Demonstrates difficulty closing the left eye and inability to raise the left corner of mouth; C) Demonstrates drooping at the left corner of mouth and inability to completely close the left eye. These findings are the result of idiopathic peripheral cranial nerve 7 palsy (Bell's palsy). Clinical Evaluation History Involving the Ear: Location of Pain: Activity and MOI: Pressure/pain in middle or inner ear → infection or tympanic membrane rupture Otitis Externa (Swimmer’s Ear) → chronic pain/itching Blunt trauma Slapping blow → tympanic membrane rupture Middle ear infections → URI (inflamed mucus membranes that block eustachian tubes) Other Symptoms: Tinnitus (ringing in ear) Dizziness Clinical Evaluation History Involving the Nose: Location of Pain Onset: Acute Insidious onset: Activity and MOI: Direct blow to nasal bone or cartilage Symptoms: Sinusitis – inflammation of paranasal sinuses URI – acute infection involving nose, sinuses, pharynx or larynx Pain, bleeding Medical History: Past nasal trauma (previous fracture → deformity) Clinical Evaluation History Involving the Throat: Location of Pain: Trauma → anterior throat pain Sore throat → pain deep in neck Onset → acute Activity and MOI: Trauma (struck by ball, bat, elbow) Symptoms: Inability to speak → crushed larynx, respiratory distress Clinical Evaluation History Involving Maxillofacial Injuries: Location of Pain Onset → acute and direct result of trauma Activity and MOI: Nonathletic Injuries → dental caries, Bell’s palsy Trauma (struck by ball, bat, elbow) Other Symptoms: Vision impairment, difficulty with eye movements TMJ impairment Clinical Evaluation Inspection of the Ear: Auricle: Hematoma within Auricle: Contusion/lacerations/avulsion Auricular Hematoma (Cauliflower Ear) Tympanic Membrane: Inspection with Otoscope Shiny, translucent, smooth Suspected disruption/fluid in membrane → refer! Periauricular Area: Battle’s Sign → ecchymosis around mastoid process Basilar skull fracture Clinical Evaluation Inspection of the Nose: Alignment Epistaxis: Light → anterior portion Moderate to Heavy → Posterior Septum and Mucosa: Otoscope or penlight Septum should appear symmetrical/straight Eyes and Face: Raccoon eyes → ecchymosis under eyes Clinical Evaluation Inspection of the Throat: Respiration patterns Thyroid and Cricoid cartilages Any deformity → medical emergency (airway compromised) Clinical Evaluation Inspection of the Face and Jaw: Bleeding Ecchymosis: Symmetry: Periorbital Ecchymosis → fracture to nasal, maxilla, zygomatic bones Any deformity/swelling Muscle tone: Movement of mouth, eyebrows, forehead Clinical Evaluation Inspection of the Oral Cavity: Lips → lacerations Teeth Tongue Lingual Frenulum Ask patient to lift the tongue Gums: Gingivitis → inflammation of gums Clinical Evaluation Palpation: Nasal Bone Nasal Cartilage Zygoma Maxilla TMJ Periauricular Area Palpation: External Ear Teeth Mandible Hyoid Bone Cricoid and Thyroid Cartilage Clinical Evaluation Palpation of TMJ Joint: External palpation: Note any clicking/locking of joint Patient opens/closes mouth Internal palpation: Patient opens/closes mouth Clinical Evaluation Functional Testing: Tests for the Ear: Hearing → Does hearing return quickly? Balance and Dizziness Tests for the Nose: Smell Clinical Evaluation Functional Testing: TMJ involvement: Opening and Closing Mouth Normal → mouth can open wide enough to insert 2 knuckles Inability → Decreased TMJ ROM Malocclusion: Any lateral deviation → misalignment of teeth