The Philippines is an incredibly diverse nation in terms of language, religion, ethnicity and also geography. Ethnic and religious fault-lines that run through the country continue to produce a state of constant, low-level civil war between north and south. Early History -The Negritos are believed to have migrated to the Philippines some 30,000 years ago from Borneo, Sumatra, and Malaya. The Malayans followed in successive waves. Read more (click the stars) Possessive Adjective Demonstrative Adjective Interrogative Adjective Indefinite Adjectve Next An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying, or quantifying words. An adjective usually precedes the noun or the pronoun which it modifies. In the following examples, the highlighted words are adjectives: The truck-shaped balloon floated over the treetops. Mrs. Morrison papered her kitchen walls with hideous wall paper. Back Click the arrows A Strong and Beatiful People The country is inhabited by people largely of Malay stock butsub-classified into hundreds of tribes, ethnic groupings, and distinct languages. The colonizers, much to their disgust, could not penetrate the mountain tribes living in the remotest fastness of the Cordilleras nor subdue the “Moros” in the Muslim south, in Sulu,a nd other parts of Mindanao. It is just as well. They havre remained today as our brothers and sisiters who have lived lives, untouched by foreign influences and thus, have retained thier cultural traditions just as they were before the first white man came. Read more One sees in the Filipino a strong and beautiful people. Legend has it that once upon a time, long, long, , ago, there lived a maid and a man who loved each other dearly.. it is said that Malakas and Maganda were born on the same night, at the same hour just the new moon was rising. And thier people, whose loves were ruled by the movements of the sun and the stars and the moon, knew that this strange coincidence had a wondrous meaning. And even as they worshipped the newly-born babaies, thier diviners decreed that Bathala, in his mysterious wisdom, must have meant them for each other. And so it cameto pass that the two kingdoms which were ruled by the parents of Malakas and Maganda held a joint festival to celebrate the double birth. And at this festival, Malakas and Maganda were promised to each other. They would be married after fifteen years. Continue reading However, on the night of their birth, a seer had prophesied that their marriage would not come true because an evil bird sang. So, famine and drought delayed their marriage for three years. Finally, when the night of their wedding had come and both kingdoms were getting ready fot he great feast, fears of war between the two kingdoms, one as strong as the other, did not augur well for the occasion. Malakas came secretly to see Maganda, to tell her about his fears, but that he assured her he loved her and that nothing would ever separate them. Everyone thought they were so right for each other. No other love was more powerful than theirs. Besides, the young and the romantic thought that their marriage was written in the stars. At the marriage festival, the two rajahs, parents of the bride and groom had a confrontation over disputed ancestral lands. There was no wedding. As the two kingdoms separated, Princess Maganda and Prince Malakas were also separated. They couldn’t understand how some old hill could destroy a friendship of many, many years. To Maganda and Malakas, however, their love had grown stronger than it was before, they knew in their hearts they would find a way. One night, when her father was out, Princess Maganda escaped from home and sought out Prince Malakas. Afraid that Maganda might not get another chance to escape, together, they ran away to distant lands. Legend says, they became parents of the first Filipinos. Thier union gave birth to a strong and beautiful people—Malakas at Maganda. Back Next To what racial stock did most of the people of the Phillipines belong? 2. Are there groupings? What are they? 3. Were the colonizers able to subdue these ethnic tribes or cultural communities? Why not? 4. Can you mention some of these communities and the places where they can still be found today? 5. What legend is retold here to account for the first Filipino? Do you know of any other? Share it with the class? 6. Relate the legend to the title of the reading text. 7. What appealed to you most in the story of Malakas and Maganda? Why did it apppeal to you most? 1. Back Not yet, Rizal, not yet. Sleep not in peace: There are a thousand waters to be spanned; there are a thousand mountains to be crossed; there are a thousand crosses to be borne. Continue reading