Energy Launcher

Energy Launcher
Project #2
Introduction to Transportation
After completing this activity, students will be
 State the differences between Potential and
Kinetic Energy.
 Calculate the amount of force and work your
project has.
 Calculate the height of your arc you used to
succeed in completing the objective
 State the processes involved in creating an
energy launcher.
 Create an energy launcher that will project a
baseball 30 feet forward in the air into a
cardboard box.
Throwing a baseball seems like a pretty
easy thing to do. Have you ever tried to
throw a baseball at a small target before?
With this project you won’t be throwing
the baseball yourself but instead
constructing a project capable of throwing
the baseball into a box 30 feet away. You
could construct a catapult, trebuchet, or
other slingshot type device. Be creative
and have fun.
Potential and Kinetic Energy
What is Potential Energy?
Potential Energy is the same
as stored energy.
Potential and Kinetic Energy
The "stored" energy is held within the
gravitational field. When you lift a heavy object
you exert energy which later will become kinetic
energy when the object is dropped. A lift motor
from a roller coaster exerts potential energy when
lifting the train to the top of the hill. The higher
the train is lifted by the motor the more potential
energy is produced; thus, forming a greater
amount if kinetic energy when the train is
dropped. At the top of the hills the train has a
huge amount of potential energy, but it has very
little kinetic energy.
What is Kinetic Energy?
“Kinetic energy" is the energy
of motion --it's ability to do
What is Kinetic Energy?
The faster the body moves the more
kinetic energy is produced. The greater
the mass and speed of an object the
more kinetic energy there will be. As the
train accelerates down the hill the
potential energy is converted into kinetic
energy. There is very little potential
energy at the bottom of the hill, but there
is a great amount of kinetic energy.
When your Energy Launchers are
latched and on the ground they are
exerting potential energy (energy
with the potential to move), even
though they aren’t moving.
When you release the latching device
your project exerts kinetic energy,
energy in motion.
Calculating Force
Calculate the force applied to the
spring/rubber band in each trial (W
= mg) Use g = 9.8 m/s2 and m
stands for mass in grams
Calculating Power
Power is the rate at which work is
done. It is the work/time ratio.
Mathematically, it is computed using
the following equation.
Calculating Apogee
What is Apogee?
The absolute top position of the ball
being thrown before it starts to come
back down is called an Apogee.
To measure Apogee we need two
things: Tangent Angle and an
approximate distance away from the
object being measured. Usually
Altimeters are for measuring vertical
distances but it will work equally well
in our situation.
First someone will stand 100 feet
away from your project. Once your
project is launched that person will
use the Altimeter to get the tangent
angle. Next we multiply the tangent
angle by the distance away from your
project to get the height that ball
Height of Ball= Tangent angle x
distance away from project
Scrap wood
2 x 4’s
PVC pipe
Materials from home
Supplies from trays
Machines and tools
Each student will design, sketch, and construct their
own Energy Launcher using various materials and
equipment in the Construction Lab. The Sketches are
random ideas of your thoughts but there should be a
minimum of 4. From those 4 sketches select 1, draw it
in detail using a ruler and straight lines (no freehand
drawing). Be sure to include dimensions on your Initial
Drawings. When the project is complete you will be
required to complete the evaluation form and do a Final
Drawing. The Final Drawing compares what your
Energy Launcher ended up looking like (again, no
freehand drawing, use rulers) to what you drew for
your Initial Drawing. Your grade is broken down into 3
parts be sure to see the Evaluation part for further
Your grade for part 1 depends on how close to your
Initial Drawing you constructed your Energy Launcher.
The closer it resembles your Initial Drawing, the better
your grade will be. The more changes you make or
extra pieces you add the lower your grade will be.
There are no partners on this project; each student
must make their own launcher. Part 2 depends on
whether or not the launchers when done are larger
than 16” long x 16” wide x 16” tall when it is set or
smaller than 12” x 12” x 12”. You will be automatically
disqualified and receive a zero if it is larger or smaller
in any or all of these dimensions. Part 3 is that the
launcher must launch a baseball at least 30 feet in a
forward direction and successfully into the cardboard
box at the 30-foot mark.
The projects must be latched or have a latching
mechanism where the students can have the
project on the ground ready to go without them
holding it. The students will then be able to set
off their projects by triggering their latches.
You will not receive credit if you manually pull
back your launcher and let it go. You are not
limited to wood and the materials I have in the
Construction Lab, you can bring in resources
from home. Your project might use elastics, or
a spring, or make it look like a slingshot. Your
energy launcher must have a trigger or device
to set it off or your project will get a zero. A
hook and latch method is good as well as a
dowel rod that you pull out..
On testing day you will be given 3 chances to
complete the objective. You will have ample
time to do this project and testing and
practicing is always allowed. There should be
no excuses as to why your project is not
completed and in working condition. We will be
testing these outside the Blue Doors in the
Construction Lab. You must do all work in
class unless I give you permission to take it
home. Be creative on this project and a nice
design and creative effort will only increase
your grade. Good luck
Brainstorm ideas and sketch 4 of
them onto 2 pieces of paper
Choose a design that you like the
best, draw an initial drawing of it
with dimensions
Use the supplied materials to create
the energy launcher
Finish the energy launcher using a
filler and any color paint you choose
or vinyl
Sketches and Initial Drawings are a separate
grade worth 100 points
There is a final drawing and an reflective
worksheet that counts as a separate grade of
100 points
See Attached Rubric
Remember that there is no fooling around in
the lab
Do Not aim your project at someone and
launch it
Always wear your safety glasses or you will be
removed from class
Project works repeatedly
Project has a latching mechanism
that works repeatedly
100 Points
Project launches a baseball
forwards 30 feet and into the box
Project looks like Initial Drawing
with minimal changes
Student shows above average
Student shows above average
safety skills
Project works sometimes
Project has a latching mechanism
that works sometimes
75 points
Project launches a baseball forwards
30 feet and into the box
Project looks like Initial Drawing
with moderate to minimal changes
Student shows average effort
Student shows average safety skills
Project works sometimes
Project has a latching mechanism
that works sometimes
50 points
Project launches a baseball
forwards less than 30 feet and not
into the box
Project looks like Initial Drawing
with exceptional to moderate
Student shows moderate effort
Student not allowed in class if not
demonstrating proper safety skills
Project does not work
Project does not have latching
0 points
Project doesn’t launch baseball
Project does not look like
drawing at all
Student shows no effort
Student not allowed in class if
not demonstrating proper
safety skills
Lewis S. Mills High School Mission Statement
The mission of Lewis S. Mills High School is to foster
academic excellence, personal growth, and respect for
diversity. Within a safe learning environment, we share
the collective responsibility with students, parents, and
the community to cultivate the skills, knowledge and
attitudes that help our students to realize their full
potential as learners and responsible citizens, and to
experience success beyond high school.
Student Performance Expectations:
1. The LSM graduate comprehends written, visual, and
auditory texts and communicates with clarity in a
variety of modes.
2. The LSM graduate effectively employs critical
thinking in the problem solving process.
3. The LSM graduate demonstrates effective use
of information and technology to enhance
4. The LSM graduate demonstrates knowledge
and skills to improve personal wellness.
5. The LSM graduate acquires and applies
knowledge within and across the curriculum to
develop a global perspective.
6. The LSM graduate is a responsible member of
the community demonstrating respect for self
and others.
7. The LSM graduate demonstrates ethical
behavior and assumes responsibility for his/her
8. The LSM graduate is aware of the importance
of the arts in expressing the human experience.