Chapter 16: Government Regulation of Business McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2011 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Market Competition & Social Economic Efficiency • Social economic efficiency • Exists when the goods & services that society desires are produced & consumed with no waste from inefficiency • Two efficiency conditions must be met Productive efficiency Allocative efficiency 16-2 Productive Efficiency • Exists when suppliers produce goods & services at the lowest possible total cost to society • Occurs when firms operate along their expansion paths in both the short-run & long-run 16-3 Allocative Efficiency • Requires businesses to supply optimal amounts of all goods & services demanded by society • And these units must be rationed to individuals who place the highest value on consuming them • Optimal level of output is reached when the MB of another unit to consumers just equals the MC to society of producing another unit • Where P = MC (marginal-cost-pricing) 16-4 Social Economic Efficiency • Achieved by markets in perfectly competitive equilibrium • At the intersection of demand & supply, conditions for productive & allocative efficiency are met • At the market-clearing price, buyers & sellers engage in voluntary exchange that maximizes social surplus 16-5 Efficiency in Perfect Competition (Figure 16.1) 16-6 Market Failure & the Case for Government Intervention • Competitive markets can achieve social economic efficiency without government regulation • But, not all markets are competitive, and even competitive markets can sometimes fail to achieve maximum social surplus • Market failure • When a market fails to achieve social economic efficiency and, consequently, fails to maximize social surplus 16-7 Market Failure & the Case for Government Intervention • Six forms of market failure can undermine economic efficiency: • • • • • • Monopoly power Natural monopoly Negative (& positive) externalities Common property resources Public goods Information problems 16-8 Market Failure & the Case for Government Intervention • Absent market failure, no efficiency argument can be made for government intervention in competitive markets 16-9 Market Power & Public Policy • Firms with market power must price above marginal cost to maximize profit (P > MC) • These firms fail to achieve allocative efficiency, which reduces social surplus Lost surplus is a deadweight loss • Allocative efficiency is lost because the profitmaximizing price does not result in marginalcost-pricing At the profit-maximizing point, MB > MC Resources are underallocated to the industry 16-10 Louisiana White Shrimp Market (Figure 16.2) 16-11 Market Power & Public Policy • When the degree of market power grows high enough, antitrust officials refer to it legally as monopoly power • No clear legal threshold has been established to determine when market power becomes monopoly power 16-12 Promoting Competition Through Antitrust Policy • A high degree of market power (or monopoly power) can arise in three ways: • Actual or attempted monopolization • Price-fixing cartels • Mergers among horizontal competitors 16-13 Promoting Competition Through Antitrust Policy • Firms may be found guilty of actual monopolization only if both of the following conditions are met: • Behavior is judged to be undertaken for the sole purpose of creating monopoly power • Firm successfully achieves high degree of market power • Firms can also be guilty of attempted monopolization 16-14 Natural Monopoly & Market Failure • Natural monopoly • When a single firm can produce total consumer demand for a good or service at a lower long-run total cost than if two or more firms produce total industry output • Long-run costs are subadditive 16-15 Subadditive Costs & Natural Monopoly (Figure 16.3) 16-16 Natural Monopoly & Market Failure • Breaking up a natural monopoly is undesirable • Increasing number of firms drives up total cost & undermines productive efficiency • Under natural monopoly, no single price can establish social economic efficiency 16-17 Regulating Price Under Natural Monopoly (Figure 16.4) 16-18 Natural Monopoly & Market Failure • With economies of scale, marginal-costpricing results in a regulated natural monopoly earning negative economic profit • Two-part pricing is a solution that can meet both efficiency conditions & maximize social surplus 16-19 The Problem of Negative Externality • Externalities • When actions taken by market participants create either benefits or costs that spill over to other members of society • Positive externalities occur when spillover effects are beneficial to society • Negative externalities occur when spillover effects are costly to society 16-20 The Problem of Negative Externality • Externalities undermine allocative efficiency • Market participants rationally choose to ignore the benefits & costs of their actions that spill over to others • Competitive market prices do not capture social benefits or costs that spill over to society 16-21 The Problem of Negative Externality • Managers rationally ignore external costs when making profit-maximizing production decisions • Social cost of production: Social cost = Private cost + External cost or Social cost – Private cost = External cost 16-22 Negative Externality & Allocative Inefficiency (Figure 16.5) 16-23 Pollution as a Negative Externality (Figure 16.6) 16-24 Finding the Optimal Level of Pollution (Figure 16.7) 16-25 Optimal Emission Taxation (Figure 16.8) 16-26 Nonexcludability • Two kinds of market failure caused by nonexcludability: • Common property resources • Public goods 16-27 Common Property Resources • Resources for which property rights are absent or poorly defined • No one can effectively be excluded from such resources • Without government intervention, these resources are generally overexploited & undersupplied 16-28 Public Goods • A public good is nonexcludable & nondepletable • The inability to exclude nonpayers creates a free-rider problem for the private provision of public goods • Even when private firms supply public goods, a deadweight loss can be avoided only if the price of the good is zero 16-29 Information & Market Failure • Market failure may also occur because consumers lack perfect knowledge • Perfect knowledge includes knowledge about product prices, qualities, and any hazards • Market power can emerge because of imperfectly informed consumers 16-30 Information & Market Failure • Consumers may over- or under-estimate quality of goods & services • If they over-value quality, they will demand too much product relative to the allocatively efficient amount • If they under-value quality, they will demand too little 16-31 Imperfect Information on Product Quality (Figure 16.9) 16-32