Trends and Issues in ICT

Trends and Issues in ICT
By Larey
Focus of Today..
Teaching and learning Secondary School
Mathematics with current and future
Information and Communication Technologies
‘There are a wide range of technologies available for the teaching and learning
of mathematics. In particular, there is an increasing array of electronic
technologies -- devices and software -- from which teachers can choose.
Excellent teachers of mathematics plan the use of technologies in their work
based on their assessment of their suitability and effectiveness in relation to
the mathematics being learnt’
AAMT Standards for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics
in Australian Schools : 2006
ICT and Mathematics Teaching
Journal Article
Key Issues and Trends
Implications for Teaching
Journal Article
Teacher perspectives on integrating ICT into subject
teaching: commitment, constraints, caution, and
change: Sara Hennessy; Kenneth Ruthven; Sue Brindley
– UK Investigation into the integration of ICT into
English, Maths and Science classrooms
– Identifies Issues with ICT Integration
Journal Article
• Key Points
– Commitment
– Constraints
– Caution
– Change
Journal Article
• Strengths
– Comprehensive study conducted by
experienced researchers
– Very relevant
– Informative findings
– Wide research base
Journal Article
• Weaknesses
– UK study
– The study is 5 years old and the
advancements in ICT are very rapid
• Key Points
– Initiative of the University of Cambridge
– Run by experienced Teachers for use by
Teachers and Students
– Offers Rich Mathematical Activities
NRICH Articles
NRICH Problem of the Week
NRICH Search by Topic
• Strengths
– Run by a team of qualified teachers for
students aged 5-19
– Offer tasks that develop mathematical thinking
– Free material for use by Teachers
– Excellent resources: Articles, Games,
• Weaknesses
– UK site, linking to the UK National Curriculum
– Graphics quality
– Lesson Plans will be helpful
Podcast: TI-Nspire
• Key Points
WW: Share and learn about classroom technology
This episode: The TI-Nspire calculator
TI-Nspire Desktop Software
What you create can be saved
Wireless version in beta testing phase
Podcast: TI-Nspire
Podcast: TI-Nspire
• Strengths
– Presented by an in-service teacher
– Practical ideas of how to use the TI-Nspire in
the classroom to enhance Teaching and
– Provides up-to-date information
Podcast: TI-Nspire
• Weaknesses
– Provides only high-level information, not
detailed instructions on how to set up an
investigation or study card
– Information on the computer and handheld
screens not always clear
Video: The Sine Rule
Maths- The Sine Rule when Finding a Side - Key Stage 4
• Key Points
– A step-by-step explanation of the Sine Rule
– Illustrate the concept by going through 3
examples of the application of the Sine Rule
Video: The Sine Rule
Video: The Sine Rule
• Strengths
– Clear step-by-step instructions
– Sound quality excellent
– Very easy to understand
– Visual picture very clear
– Colourful presentation
Video: The Sine Rule
• Weaknesses
– Lacks a real life example of the
application of the Sine Rule
– Suggestion: Add an authentic example
ICT and Mathematics Teaching
• Key Issues
– ICT Professional Development for Teachers
– Teacher Commitment to change
– Support from School Leaders and the School
– Pedagogic and Curriculum Change required
ICT and Mathematics Teaching
• Key Trends
– Web-based Learning
• Interactive learning, Instant feedback
– Graphic Calculators
• Develops conceptual understanding, Investigations,
Study Cards
– Instructional Videos
• Access from home
Implications for Teaching
Have an open mind
Pedagogic change required
Curriculum change required
Use ICT to enhance learning and to
engage with learners
• Encourage high-order thinking through
exploration of mathematical concepts
• Start small and build it up
• Use videos in the classroom to explain certain
concepts and put them into context
• Make use of websites like to
engage learners and encourage high-order
• Encourage students to access Instructional
videos and Podcasts on the Web
More Suggestions
• Use Graphic Calculators technology to set tasks
for students to explore mathematical concepts
• Only use technology when it will enhance
• Set investigation tasks for students utilising
websites like
• ICT Professional Development for Teachers
“Technology: opening minds with a new
set of keys.” Author unknown
Hennessy, Sara , Ruthven, Kenneth and Brindley, Sue(2005) , 'Teacher perspectives
on integrating ICT into subject teaching: commitment, constraints, caution, and
change', Journal of Curriculum Studies, 37: 2, 155 — 192, (Accessed on 18/08/2010)
NRICH Website:
Wired Wednesday Podcast: The TI-Nspire with Tom Reardon,
YouTube Video: Maths- The Sine Rule when Finding a Side - Key Stage 4, (Accessed on 18/08/2010)
AAMT Standards, 2006 Edition,, (Accessed 22/06/2010)