WELCOME TO SHAFER ELEMENTARY 3rd Grade Curriculum Night 2015-2016 MR. & MRS. SHAFER LANGUAGE ARTS Your child will be taught Reading and Writing using a balanced literacy approach. This includes: read alouds, mini lessons, guided reading, independent reading, shared writing, and independent writing. The structure for this will be built around a Reading Workshop and Writing Workshop. WORD WORK The goal of word study is to enhance a student’s reading ability, written language, and vocabulary skills. Teaching spelling through word study enables students to not only be able to spell words but to apply and transfer spelling skills to reading and writing, which requires more complex thinking and understanding. LANGUAGE ARTS Big Ideas for 3rd Grade Narrative Study Expository Text Narrative Writing Expository Research Drama/Fables/Myths/ Legends Assessment as a Genre Literary Nonfiction Persuasion Writing About Reading On Going Word Study Poetry SOCIAL STUDIES Students will be creating an interactive notebook to encourage and reinforce their knowledge, concepts, and skills. Big Ideas for 3rd Grade Classroom Community Economics & Entrepreneurs Map Skills Communities (past and present) Landforms Innovators Government & Elections Space Pioneers Early American History Celebrating Cultures MATH Guided Math (students grouped based on data and student needs to extend or enrich). Students who are not being pulled for small group at that time are doing independent work, differentiated math stations, fact fluency or menus. Big Ideas for 3rd Grade Place Value Graphing & Probability Addition & Subtraction Measurement Multiplication & Division Geometry Money Fractions FACT FLUENCY Homework- practice 15 minutes 3 times per week (computer games, apps, flash cards, plus parent resources will be sent home also) One graded assessment at the end of each 9 weeks. The goal is to complete 25 facts in 1 minute 40 seconds. SCIENCE Students will experience hands on exploration to extend and enrich knowledge and vocabulary. Big Ideas for 3rd Grade Health Earth Body Systems Organisms & Environment Physical Properties Solar System Force, Motion, & Energy STAAR INFORMATION Math STAAR May 9, 2016 Reading STAAR May 10, 2016 STAAR are 4 hour timed tests that assess students knowledge. PLANNER/TRACKER Homework information will be written in the planner daily, along with reminders and important information. This is seen as a valuable tool in daily communication between home and school, so please check your child’s planner/tracker daily for information. BIRTHDAYS We look forward to helping your child celebrate their special day with their classmates. This will take place at the end of lunch. We ask that the treat be something that is individually wrapped and/or separated (i.e. cupcakes, cookies, donuts) and store bought. Please send with your child to the nurse’s office to be approved in the morning. Check in with your child’s homeroom teacher to schedule a day to bring in birthday treats. COMMUNICATION We believe that communication between home and school is a vital part of children’s educational success. We look forward to working with you as a team. • • • • • Friday Weekly Email Daily Folder Expectation Card Planner Website EXPECTATION CARD The Expectation Card is used as a means of communicating with parents/guardians about behaviors which need improvement. Teachers will record misbehavior(s) on the school wide Expectation Card. The card will go home in the Daily Folder each day. A mark will be given if the card is not signed and returned the next day. Detentions will be assigned as a consequence when a student receives 7 marks or 5 tardy days. ATTENDANCE Daily attendance is vital to a smooth day and successful year for each child. Students must be seated in their homeroom desk at 8:20am 5 tardies = after school detention Tardies will be recorded on the student’s expectation card CONFERENCES We look forward to meeting with each family to discuss your child’s accomplishments, strengths, and overall progress. We will send home emails for conference signups. You may request a conference with your child’s teacher at any time during the year by contacting them. DISMISSAL Dismissal is at 3:40 p.m. Early dismissal is at 12:40. All changes in transportation must be in writing and received by the office before 3:00. Emails are not accepted. Biker/Walkers will not be released if we are having severe weather at 3:35. Students will be release if it is lightly raining. However, we will not release biker/walker students if it is lighting in the vicinity of Shafer. Parents need to let homeroom teachers know how they would like their child dismissed in case of severe weather. HOMEWORK Each night students are asked to read at least 20 minutes to help build their reading stamina. Please record the reading on the reading log. On Monday, a reading passage will be assigned. Students are asked to show their “work,” and the passage will be due Friday morning. On Monday, Fact fluency and a Math assignment will be given and expected to be worked on nightly and turned in completed Friday morning. On Monday, a Writing/Word Work assignment will be given and will be turned in completed Thursday morning. Homework is due at 8:20 am. Homework delivered to the office after that, is considered late. MONEY All money needs to be sent in an envelope that is labeled with your child’s name, student ID #, the homeroom teacher’s name, and what the money is for (i.e. lunch money, spirit wear, etc.). NURSE Please inform Mrs. Sosa (our wonderful nurse) of any special needs your child has. State law prohibits teachers from giving medications to students at school. All medicines (including cough drops) must be sent to the clinic and administered by the nurse with written permission from the parent. All medications must be in the original container for the nurse to dispense to the student. GRADES AND HOME ACCESS CENTER(HAC) Students will be assessed on 4 grading periods that are each approximately 9 weeks long. Parents are encouraged keep up to date with their child’s progress using the Home Access Center. Parents can see grades, assignments, and test scores. More information can be found at katyisd.org under the parent tab. HAC has an app available that will send updates and notifications. RETEACH/RETEST POLICY Major Test (x2) concepts will be retaught if a child scores below 70%. The child will have the opportunity to retest 1 week later. The scores from both tests will be averaged together. The final grade for the retest will be the average of the 2 grades and it will not exceed 70%. If a student’s retest score is lower than the original test score, the student will not receive a grade lower than the original test grade. SNACKS Students will have snack time at 10:00 a.m. each day. We ask that students bring snacks that are healthy and can be eaten easily. Some examples include fruit, carrot sticks, granola bars, pretzels, goldfish, etc. Snacks that will not be permitted include chips, candy, cookies, etc. Students may bring water bottles to school each day. Please make sure it is labeled with your child’s name. To reduce spills, we ask that the water bottles have sports lids or flip tops. WE HOPE YOU’VE ENJOYED THI S PRES ENTATI ON! WE ARE LOOKI NG FORWARD TO A SHI NI NG YEAR WI TH YOUR SI LVER KNI GHT!