Guest Complaints

Guest Complaints
You have the authority to make customers happy and resolve guest complaints. Front desk people are often the first to
learn of guest complaints. Handling complaints is not pleasant and most guests do not enjoy complaining. However, every
complaint offers us an opportunity to make a customer happy.
Listen with concern and put yourself in the guest's shoes.
o Isolate the guest from the front desk if possible.
o Stay cool and don't argue with the guest. Don't take it personally.
o Take the complaint seriously and show a genuine interest in the problem.
o Use the guest's name frequently.
o Never insult the guest.
o Accept what is said without making excuses, blaming or defending others. Never place blame on other
departments or other associates. The guest's problem may not be your fault but it is your responsibility.
o Take written notes. It shows that you are concerned. It gets the facts and information in writing. And it
forces the guest to slow down while you are writing.
Ask the guest what you can do to solve the problem.
o The guest may offer a solution that is far simpler than you expected. You may have been ready to offer a
free room when all the guest wanted was to inform you of the problem.
o Tell the guest what you can do to fix the problem. Summarize the problem and agree on a solution.
o If a problem cannot be solved, admit it.
Follow up and make sure that the problem got corrected.
o If you have sent housekeeping or maintenance to correct a problem, make sure that the problem was
o Report the entire event, the actions taken and the conclusion; use a Lafayette Hotels Incident Report if
appropriate or record the incident in the Front Desk Logbook.
o Write a note or letter of apology after the incident.
Types of Complaints. Complaints can be divided into four categories:
 Mechanical. Heat/air-conditioning, television, WiFi, plumbing, no hot water, room furnishings,
ice/vending machines, door keys and locks, etc. These complaints may be corrected by:
o Sending the maintenance person to fix the problem.
o Finding and fixing the problem yourself.
o Changing the guest's room.
o Offering the guest a discount (or a free room if it is a serious problem).
 Service related. Slow check-in, slow phone service, room not made up, room dirty, missed
wake up call, ignored requests for supplies, etc. Correct by:
o Resolving the problem. Clean the room, check the phone, give guest an alarm clock so they won't miss their
wake up call, etc.
o Apologize.
o Offer refund, free dinner, free room, etc., as needed.
 Attitude. Rude or inattentive staff members.
o These complaints may be addressed by apologizing or in some cases, offering a discount or
free room.
 Miscellaneous Complaints. Loud parties, noisy rooms, the weather, lack of an indoor pool, no lounge, etc. Resolve
o Apologize if appropriate.
o Move the guest if appropriate.
o Offer discount, breakfast or free room.
Some guests complain as part of their nature and may never be satisfied. We must deal with these guests with extra courtesy.
Most guests, however, only want to feel that someone cares and is listening to their complaints. As a front desk person, you
should listen to complaints with empathy. You have the power to do whatever it takes to solve the guest's problem.