Pin : Building Customized Program Analysis Tools with Dynamic

Pin : Building Customized
Program Analysis Tools with
Dynamic Instrumentation
Chi-Keung Luk, Robert Cohn, Robert
Muth, Harish Patil, Artur Klauser, Geoff
Lowney, Steven Wallace, Vijay Janapa
Reddi, Kim Hazelwood
What is Pin ?
Dynamic binary instrumentation system.
JIT compiler.
Pintools for writing instrumentation routines.
Rich API for pintools.
Call-based model of instrumentation.
Design goals
 Application observes same addresses (code/data) and values
 Architecture knowledge not required.
 Manual inlining of instrumentation instructions not required.
 Manual save/restore of architectural state not required.
 Architecture independent API for pintools.
 Optimized instrumentation.
 Handle binaries with mixed code and data.
Handle variable length instructions.
Process attaching/detaching
Support instrumentation at instruction/basic block/routine levels.
System Overview
Instrumentation with Pin
Attach to process using ptrace.
Intercept execution of first/next instruction.
Loop until process terminate or detach from process
Generate new code(trace) for straight-line code sequence
starting from instruction.
Insert calls to instrumentation routines into jitted trace.
Trace stored in code cache and executed.
Branche(s) in trace transfer control back to Pin.
Repeat starting with branch target instruction.
Trace code management
Software based cache:<entryIaddr, entrySct>
entryIaddr : original instruction address of trace entry.
entrySct: static context of trace.
Register bindings.
Recent call sites (call stack).
Two traces are compatible if they have same entryIaddr
and same entrySct or only register binding differences.
JIT generates new trace only if no compatible trace exists
in code cache.
Hash table:<entryIaddr>
Trace entry address.
Trace entry liveness information.
Support for multithreaded applications
Thread local storage for virtual register
Pin steals physical register(%ebx,%r7) as
pointer to spill area.
Application is assumed to be single threaded
until thread-create syscall is intercepted.
Spill area accessed using absolute
addressing for single threaded application.
Optimized Instrumentation
Trace linking
Register re-allocation
X86 eflags liveness analysis
Instruction scheduling
Trace Linking
Branch directly from trace exit to target trace.
Trivial for direct branches but difficult for
indirect branches.
Optimization techniques
Target prediction.
Per indirect jump hashtable.
Function cloning for returns using call stack.
Register re-allocation
Obtain registers for JIT without overwriting
application’s scratch registers.
Interprocedural register allocation.
Register liveness analysis.
Reconciliation of register bindings.
Other instrumentation optimizations
Inline analysis routines
x86 eflags liveness analysis
Avoid call/return to/from bridge routine.
Avoid call/return to/from analysis routine.
Rename caller-save registers, avoid explicit
Avoid save/restore of dead eflags.
Schedule analysis routine to avoid save/restore of
Experimental Evaluation
IA32, EM64T, Itanium, and ARM ports.
Instrumentation optimizations.
Comparison with Valgrind and DynamoRIO.
Performance without instrumentation.
Performance with basic block counting
Sample Pintools
Determine dynamic mix of opcode of execution.
Useful for architectural and compiler comparison
Automated collection and validation of
representative instruction traces.
Questions and Discussions