The best way to find new customers…

GHI Corporate Background
What is SEO?
Why Should I Care About SEO?
How Will SEO Benefit Me?
Who Is Already Benefiting From SEO?
SEM Experience / Success Stories
Pay for Performance
Search Engine Optimization
SEO Engagement Methodology
Organic SEO: Start Position & Finish Line
PPC: Paid Placement
Q &A
Griffith Holdings, Inc.
Helping more than 5,200 clients Connect Smarter™ with their
markets through a customized combination of Internet,
marketing, software, and telecom services.
GHI Companies
GHI Internet Services: interactive media firm
GHI Marketing Services: senior management advisory firm
GHI Telecom Services: telecommunications expense management firm
GHI International Services: incubator for entrepreneurs in developing nations
Automation Technologies Consulting: software consulting firm
Helping Companies Connect Smarter™
Multiple Companies but a Single Focus:
Helping Companies Connect Smarter ™
GHI Milestones
1993 Company Founded, Frank Griffith,
Whirlpool Corporation: Top 10 Management Consulting Firms for Total Quality Award
First International Client, Israeli software firm
Founded GHI Telecom Services,
100th telecom client
First Million Dollar sales year
Founded GHI Internet Services,
First Search Engine Marketing client, National City Bank; 100th GHI Telecom Partner joins
1000th telecom client; 100th internet client; developed first ASP Software Application
Founded GHI Marketing Services,
Four Million Dollar sales year; 200th GHI Telecom Partner joins
500th internet client; 250 Search Engine Optimization Campaigns managed
Founded GHI International with office in Africa,
50th GHI Internet Partner joins; 5,000th GHI client; 500th SEO Campaign delivered
GHI starts up first ecommerce play & purchases international partner
GHI By the Numbers
$4.7 Million in Sales
• 6 companies in 4 industries
• 5,200 Clients Worldwide: Spanning 37 States, 7 Countries, & 3 Continents
• 90+ Products and Services
• Staff: 28 Staff in three countries
• 400+ Partners Worldwide
• 10 Corporate Web Sites
• US Headquarters in Medina, Ohio
• International Headquarters in Nouachott, Mauritania
• International Offices in Monterrey, Mexico and Kampala, Uganda
GHI Recognition & Awards
Weatherhead 100 Award
Entrepreneur of the Year
Small Business of the Year Award
Distinguished Marketing and Sales Award
Who’s Who in Technology Award
Cascade Capital Business Growth Award
GHI Recognition & Awards
Team NEO Success Award
Top 25 Internet Design Firms
Top 30 Largest Telecom Brokers
Telly Award for Film / Video
Total Quality Management Gold Medal Award
Internet Marketing Services
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
What Is SEO?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an empirical, data-driven Internet
marketing process that helps companies position their web properties on page
one of Google, Yahoo, MSN, and AOL … out in front of their competition, for
specific keywords and phrases, that proactively searching buyers / researchers
have already typed into the major search engines for the sole purpose of finding
companies, products, and services to solve their many needs.
SEO is the glue that enables Google to find the best websites for its searching
customers connecting buyers with sellers on the Internet. SEO and Google
work all day long, every day, worldwide, for you, and never stop, never
quit, never complain, and never argue about commissions or performance. They
just keep bringing buyers to sellers.
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
Why Should I Care About SEO?
• The market is shifting from a Nation of Sellers to a Nation of Buyers
• Significant sales channel with unmatched ROI than many traditional sales
channels / methodologies
• Make the fastest growing companies in the world work for you, all day
long, for less than the FTEs healthcare costs for two admin personnel
• It works; It’s inexpensive and has proven ROI; It’s a 24 hour brand
machine working for you all day long, worldwide
But don’t believe me….let’s look at the FACTS
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
Search Engine Facts
It Took…
37 years for radio to reach 50 million users
34 years for the telephone to gain 50 million customers
13 years for television to have 50 million viewers.
It has taken the Internet less than 3 years to reach that same mark.
Now, with an estimated 1.25 billion users online, there is a huge marketing
potential for businesses to market and sell their products and services via the
World Wide Web.
Time to Market is shrinking….Market Opportunity is growing.
Website optimization and search engine placement is targetable, trackable,
flexible, interactive, and measurable.
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
Search Engine Facts
Did you know…
Six out of seven sales resulting from search engines originated in the organic search listings
84% of Internet users (107 million Americans) start at a search engine
80% of all first-time visitors to your web site are the direct result of search engine queries
The approximate cost of acquiring a new customer through search is about $8.50, versus $50 for online display ads and
$70 per customer via direct mail
Over 500 million searches are performed every day on the Internet worldwide
Over 5 billion searches are performed per month in the U.S. (55% growth over last year at this time)
High-growth e-commerce sites get 19% of their overall traffic from SEO and 32% from paid search ads
45% of the people who bought online found the website via a search engine
68% of online shoppers distrust an unprofessional web site
People who spend five or more hours per week online average an astounding 71% of their time searching for information
The average web site gets 73% more overall traffic within six months of being optimized
180 million searches performed during primetime vs 3 million on TV … where are the eyeballs
Total Internet spending in 2005 was $143 billion up from $117 billion in 2004 (22% increase, which still represents less
than 1% of retail sales)
Online research (search engines, etc.) influences more than $400 billion in in-store sales, and that figure will
rise to $1.1 trillion by 2012
U.S. Internet access penetration is 64% of households
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
Search Engine Facts
Search engine optimization services ranked #1 promotional strategy used by e-commerce web sites.
-ActivMedia Research, 2005
“97% of Fortune 100 companies has some type of site architecture problem that might give them problems being
found by search engines.”
85% of qualified internet traffic is generated through search engines.
75% of searchers never look further than page 1.
-Georgia Institute of Technology
Users looking for products are far more likely to type the product name into a search engine's search box (28%)
than browse shopping "channels" (5%) or click on ads (4%).
-Jupiter Media Metrix & NPD, March 2006
Web users report searching the Internet (57%) and looking for product information (46%) more often in
an average day than any other activity except email.
-Statistical Research Inc. February 2005
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
Search Facts
Did you know…
The difference between buyers and information searchers:
Consumers view a search result for 1.1 second.
100% view the organic search results.
96% view the top (three) sponsored search results.
35% view the sponsored search results on the right.
Buyers view more search results (10) and take more time to view the results
(11.4 seconds). They also focus on familiar brand names.
Information searchers view fewer search results (8) and spend less time
on a result (9.4 seconds). They pay more attention to content than to brand
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
Search Engine Marketing
We are no longer only a nation of sellers…We are becoming a nation of buyers.
Hunters have become the hunted …
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
How Will SEO Benefit Me?
• Increase sales leads; over time will increase revenues; payback
period is typically less than 3 months for Organic campaigns
and less than 2 weeks for PPC campaigns with typical ROI
numbers exceeding 800%
• Raise brand awareness
• Get positioned above your competitors on the most-visited
web sites
• Attract new markets for your products and services
• Teach you how your markets think
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
Pay for Performance
Search Engine Optimization
GHI’s Pay Per Performance (PfP) service permits clients to pay for
their SEO services as specific benchmark requirements are met.
The PfP service has three fee structures:
1. One Time PPC Setup, Strategic Research and Re-Engineering Fee: $4,000
2. Monthly Flat Fee to run Organic and PPC Campaign Management: $900
3. Monthly PfP Earnings Fee (if performance achieved): Variable*
* nvoiced within one week from months end after client signs off to performance metrics for Rankings, Traffic, Leads, and Sales.
Each benchmark carries a fee based on performance for that
benchmark, with maximum allowable payouts per month.
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
Pay for Performance
Search Engine Optimization
PfP Based on Rankings
• GHI will track 40 separate search terms on a monthly basis
• At the end of each month GHI will deliver a monthly rankings report
• For every search term that ranks at positions 1-3 for Google, Yahoo or MSN, GHI is paid $50 for
that ranking for that engine for that month
• For every search term that ranks at positions 4-10 on Page 1 of Google, Yahoo or MSN, GHI is
paid $25 for that month
• All PfP earnings from Rankings are capped at $500 max per month
Rankings Bonus: If 30 out of 40 terms are on Page 1 for Google, Yahoo and or MSN, GHI
receives a one time bonus of $1,000
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
Pay for Performance
Search Engine Optimization
PfP Based on Traffic
• GHI will run a baseline search engine traffic report in Google Analytics at the end of the first full
month of service
• Each month thereafter we will run a search engine traffic report for the previous full month. For
every percentage point of increased search engine traffic over the previous month, GHI will
receive $10. Example: GHI increases traffic from Google, Yahoo and MSN by 5% between
January and February. We will be paid $50 that month for reaching this traffic benchmark
• All PfP earnings from Traffic are capped at $500 max per month
Traffic Bonus: If within 6-12 months GHI increases traffic by 75% or greater, GHI receives a one
time $1,000 bonus
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
Pay for Performance
Search Engine Optimization
PfP Based on Leads
• At the end of every month GHI will run an analytics report indicating how
many white paper registrations came from either search or from an inbound
link GHI created from directories, social networks, blog sites, etc.; GHI will
receive $5 per registration
• Each registration for any new client-created KPI that originates from
search or GHI created inbound links will pay GHI $5 per registration
• All PfP earnings from Leads are capped at $500 max per month
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
Pay for Performance
Search Engine Optimization
Page 1 Rank
Positions 1 – 3
Positions 4 - 10
$50 / Search
Term / Mo
$25 / Search
Term / Mo
GHI - most
Site Visits
Per % point
increase from
$10 per % Pt.
Increase Over
the Baseline
GHI - some
White Paper
$5 / Registration
Qty or $
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
SEO Experience/Success Stories
Success Stories…
By the numbers…
• First Client 1997: Early Adopter
• Managed more than 650 SEM Campaigns
• Largest Competitive Web Firms in town
Outsource 100% of their SEO Projects
• 200+ SEM Partners worldwide & growing
• SEM represents 60% Internet Revenues
• 7 Staff Members dedicated to SEM
• Tire retailer grew web site traffic 600%; orders into call
center grew 300%
• Online furniture store grew revenues 900% within 24
• Logistics firm attributed 70% growth to internet sales
• Non-profit increased unique visitors from 600,000 to
• Major clothing retailer landed at the top of the Search
Engine results pages in less than 2 months
• Manufacturing client increased sales leads by 1000%
• Distributor client achieved $250,000 in new sales
within 2 months
• Industrial manufacturer of arc furnace electronic devices
generated $1M in internet sales within first 9 months.
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
What our Partners say…
Directly Competitive Web Design Partner …
• “GHI’s SEO Services are flat out better than several nationally acclaimed Internet
Marketing Houses located in California and NYC; I should know, I used those agencies for
my clients and thankfully switched to GHI recently. My clients’ projects are experiencing
better ROI with significantly improved project planning and reporting; GHI is cheaper, and
I doubled my company’s residual income from these services while reducing my clients
expenses by more than 40%. Quite frankly, GHI does not charge enough.”
Directly Competitive Web Design Partner …
• “Within 18 days of signing my GHI VASP Program Contract I generated a 300% return on
my entire VASP investment. I earned 100% of my investment back and generated $3,000
in bottom line profit! My payback period was less than 3 weeks after closing just ONE
web site design and development deal leveraging GHI's International Vendor Program. I
can't imagine the profit and revenue from this program after 3-5 years reselling not just
one web service, but 10, or 20 other products and services. Thank you Pete Radke for
introducing me to this excellent add-on program to my core business."
Make Yesterday’s Work Keep Working for Your Tomorrows™
What our Partners say…
IT Consulting Partner …
• “We have been in partnership with GHI for three years remarketing their
SEM, Email, and Web Design Services; every year we generate more than
$150,000 in revenues wholesaling these services.”
• “We also consume GHI’s SEO Services and as a result have had to hire an
additional inside sales rep to handle the increase of online leads Google and
GHI’s SEO Services generated.”
Marketing Ad Agency Partner …
• “Their telecom solutions have generated more quality, high profit residual
income to our business than any product or service we have ever brought to
the market.”
Make Yesterday’s Work Keep Working for Your Tomorrows™
What our Partners say…
Business Growth Advisor Partner …
• “GHI’s entrepreneurial spirit is embedded in their supportive partnering
infrastructure – flexible to our needs, responsive to our clients, and easy to
work with; not to mention, their products work while providing significant,
profitable margins for my business.”
• “Frank is an entrepreneurial dynamo, a technology veteran, and a driven
service provider. His vision as an implementer and distributor of technology
solutions makes him someone you not only want to do business but should
do business with. His services are great and his value is terrific. Don't just
watch what Frank is doing for your business, watch what he is doing with
GHI and you we be a double winner!”
Make Yesterday’s Work Keep Working for Your Tomorrows™
SEM Partial Client List
Charter One Bank
Guardian Industries
American Coffee Services Chico’s
A Schulman
Coldwell Banker
HH Greg
Ashland University
Hoffman Group
AtomicBox Logistics
Computer Sciences
Conrad’s Tire
Auburn Environmental
Bacons Information
Coral Company
Brilliant Learning Centers Ellin LaVar Textures
Calfee, Halter & Griswold Encompix
Callos Companies
Ganaden Bio
Cardinal Commerce
Gerspacher Real Estate
Catan Fashions
Great Lakes Computer
Honeywell Corporation
Interlake Stamping
Martindale Electric
National City Bank
No Child Left Behind
Rick Santorum, US
Greater Medina Chamber Senator
of Commerce
Rocky Outdoor Gear
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
Speith, Bell, McCurdy &
Stanley Proctor
Taft Law
Tape Rental Library
The Coral Company
Time Warner Cable
Tradesman International
Trillium Creek
Vernon Law
Westminster Academy
White Hat Management
Worthington Precision
… Over 650 SEM
Engagements since 1997
10 Things Every Business Should
Ask About Their Web Site
Do we know what keywords searchers are actually using in our markets?
Do we know how many potential customers are searching for our products and services each
Do we know how to differentiate our site from our competitions so searching customers find
us and not them?
Do we have actual page content on our site for all of our products and services?
Do we have Title Tags using effective keywords
Do we know what keywords our competition want to be found on? And why? Are the
focusing on better keywords than we are?
Do we know how many site visitors we get per month?
Do we know how many search engine visitors we get per month; do you know what keywords
customers are using to find us when they visit search engines?
Do we use META Description tags?
Do we have any links coming to our site?
Are we listed in the Yahoo directory and in the Open Directory Project?
Is each page in our site linked to every other page?
Do we have a site map?
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
SEO Engagement Methodology
Define business, target
markets, and products
Define goals and success
Market research
Competitive analysis
Current site analysis
Site architecture consulting
Code development
Site Traffic analysis
Navigation system
Content development
Landing page development
Inbound/outbound link
Content development
New page development
Reporting & strategic
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
Organic SEO: Start Position & Finish Line
Search Term Selection
Current Site Analysis
Who are you? Why does anyone
care? Who are those who care? How
do you reach those who care? How
do you find more who might care?
What are your business objectives?
What return is expected from your
web properties?
What keywords and phrases do
you think describe your business?
What does the market already
know about those terms? What
does the market say are the terms
they use to find your products /
Where does your existing site rank
in comparison to your views and
the views of the marketplace?
Where do your competitors rank?
Why? What is the plan for securing
higher rankings for your site(s)?
Target Market Report
Search Term Analysis and
Recommendations Report / Final
Search Term Report
Baseline Report
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
Organic SEO: Start Position & Finish Line
Code and Content Development
GHI will provide web site code development to optimize each web site page for Search Engine indexing and rank. GHI
may also provide content, navigation system, and site architecture consulting as required.
Action Items Report
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
Organic SEO: Start Position & Finish Line
Code Development
Content Development
Inbound Link Development
GHI maintains the code on your
web site to adhere to Search
Engine ranking specifications and
best practices. Click here for
monthly maintenance action items
GHI helps you develop robust
content that is both valuable to
end users and impacts your
Search Engine rank. Click here
for monthly maintenance action
items list.
GHI helps identify, approach, and
secure effective link partners,
increasing site value and content.
This provides another critical
element for the criteria engines
use to improve site ranking. Click
here for monthly maintenance
action items list.
Quarterly Maintenance Report
Quarterly Maintenance Report
Quarterly Maintenance Report
Reporting: Quarterly Maintenance Reports will provide action items, site information, and ranking statistics, which track the rankings of
your web properties in the major Search Engines. GHI will collaborate quarterly to discuss SEO Plan progress, engine dynamics and
trends, changing product lines, and company needs adjusting our SEO Plan as needed.
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
Organic SEO: Start Position & Finish Line
Landing Page Development
Content Development
GHI analyzes your web site log files
to determine where your traffic
originates, how visitors arrive at
your site, where they come from,
and how they navigate through your
site. We also analyze existing
landing pages to determine their
effectiveness and their role in future
conversion campaigns.
GHI creates new pages within
your web properties for Search
Engine Optimization, Pay Per
Click, email or offline marketing
GHI optimizes your new and
existing landing pages for optimal
search engine rank, and continue
to build new content into your web
site to increase the number of
potential landing pages that can
exist from our SEO efforts.
Site Traffic Analysis
Action Items Report
Action Items Report
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
PPC: Paid Placement
• Complement to Natural SEO
– PPC becoming increasingly important component as more SE’s
attempt to create additional revenue channels
• More visibility / prominence
• Positions above Natural placements
• Immediate placement
• Real time tracking & reporting
• Negative: Costly in relation to SEO and prices keep increasing
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
Quick Start PPC™ advertising services connect you with new
customers at the precise moment when they are looking for your
products or services. Your ads reach more than 80% of Internet
users. And Quick Start PPP™ results are immediate and easy to
justify on any budget.
Pay Per Performance motivates and rewards GHI to produce an
effective mix of PPC campaigns, PPC ads, landing pages and
analytic tools to generate specific actions named “conversions” .
What does Quick Start PPP™ include?
Quick Start PPP™ is for demanding PPC campaigns that
require sophisticated management, with proactive
recommendations, and analysis. Quick Start PPP™ includes the
Review and Setup Account Structure
Setup Unlimited Campaigns, Ad Groups, Ads and Keywords
Geographic and Language Preferences
Seasonal and Time of Day Preferences
Monthly Ad Optimization
A-B Split Performance Monitoring
Dynamic Keyword Insertion
Optimize Ad text
Monthly Keyword Management and Expansion up to 1000 Keywords
Bid Placement
Set position preferences
Keyword research and expansion
Monthly Campaign Performance Reporting
Reporting and management to maximize Conversions, Click Thru Rates, and Impressions
Bid Management to Minimize costs
Set improvement goals and action plans
PPC: Keys to Success
• Test keywords, engines, and copy to maximize performance
• Optimize placements real-time and establish campaign “rules” –
maximum position, time of day targeting, etc.
• What keywords are just generating ‘visits’ and what keywords are
generating actual requests/leads?
• Are there any traffic-generating keywords in the current list that are
being missed?
• Is it always necessary to secure top placement in Yahoo? Are you
generating similar ROI at lower position or through natural SEO
placements that are not pay-per-click based?
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
Organic and Pay Per Click
Search Engine Marketing Comparative Matrix
Keywords Target
Geographic Target
Time frame of rank
Growing a tree
Launching a rocket
20 Keywords
Unlimited Keywords
Four Lines
Purchased or Auctioned
Rely on Google
Flexible, Full Control
Always are there and changing
Maintenance Stage Action Items
Title tag development
Dynamic page re-development
META Description/Keywords tag development
Site map development
ALT attribute development
Micro-site development
Page header content
Search term analysis and recommendations
Page content recommendations and
Competitive analysis
Pay per click ad development
Specific page development
Pay per click landing page analysis
Inbound / outbound linking strategies
Pay per click budgeting and budget
Inbound link development
Traffic pattern analysis
Internet partnership development
Site statistics
Submitted and listed in DMOZ, Jayde, and other relevant major
Landing page management/development
Submitted and listed in relevant industry
Business intelligence identifying navigational
Site ranking reporting
Internal linking structure improvements
Site traffic reporting
META revisit tag development
Site sales data collection and processing
The best way to find new customers…
is to simply let them find you!™
Pete Radke, VP, Client Services
Pete Kever, Co-Founder & Principal
Aaron Powell, Consultant
Frank Griffith, CEO
330-723-3136 x 4777