CTHSS Surgical Technology Programs CERTIFICATE PROGRAM IN SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY COURSE: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Department Head/Instructor Karen V. Dempsey Instructor Office hours Office location Terry J. Kennedy Office phone E-mail Contact hours: (203) 307-4031 Ext 386 or 391 M-F 7:00am-7:50am; 2:30pm-3:00pm; by appointment 229 D karen.dempsey@ct.gov / terry.kennedy@ct.gov Monday – Friday 7:00am – 3:00pm Course Description: This course is designed to introduce the student to language of medicine. This course will provide the student with the ability to break down the medical terms so that they will understand the meaning of the medical terms when they are utilized by the staff in the Operating Room. I. Elements of Medical Terms Desired Outcome The learner will be able to properly identify the parts (suffixes, prefixes, etc.) of medical terms, and correctly write and pronounce medical terms. Performance Objectives 1. Identify, combine, and write prefixes, word roots, and suffixes. 2. Write and pronounce compound words. 3. Combine words by putting prefixes, root words and suffixes together to form a medical term. 4. Identify the way to make medical terms plural when necessary. 5. Create and understand the meaning of compound medical terms. Content Outline 1. A2. Ab3. Ad4. An5. Ante6. Anti7. Brady8. Contra- Medical Terminology I. Rules for medical terminology A. combining word parts B. plural forms C. compound words D. backwards – forward principle II. Elements of a medical term A. prefixes 1 CTHSS Surgical Technology Programs CERTIFICATE PROGRAM IN SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY COURSE: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY 16. –Ist 17. –It is 18. –Ium 19. –Logist 20. –Logy 21. –Lysis 22. –Malacia 23. –Megaly 24. –Oid 25. –Oma 26. –Osis 27. –Pathy 28. –Pexy 29. –Plasty 30. –Ptosis 31. –Rrhage 32. –Rrhagia 33. –Rrhaphy 34. –Rrhea 35. –Sclerosis 36. –Scope 37. –Scopy 38. –Sis 39. –Spasm 40. –Stasis 41. –Stomy 42. –Tome 43. –Tomy 44. -Tripsy 9. Crypt10. Dia11. Dys12. Ecto13. En14. Endo15. Epi16. Eu17. Ex18. Exo19. Hemi20. Hyper21. Hypo22. Inter23. Intra24. Mal25. Para26. Per27. Peri28. Post29. Pre30. Retro31. Semi32. Sub33.Super34. Supra35. TachyB. suffixes 1. –Al 2. –Algia 3. –Cele 4. –Centesis 5. –Ectasia 6. –Ectasis 7. – Ectomy 8. – Edema C. word roots/combining forms 1. forms describing planes & directions of reference a. Anter/o b. Caud/o c. Dist/o d. Dors/o e. Infer/o f. Later/o g. Medi/o h. Poster/o i. Proxim/o j. Super/o k. Ventr/o 9. –Emesis 10. –Gram 11. –Graph 12. –Graphy 13. –Ia 14. –Iasis 15. –Ism 2. forms describing amount or number 2 CTHSS Surgical Technology Programs CERTIFICATE PROGRAM IN SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY COURSE: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY a. Bib. Dic. Monod. Multie. Nullif. Polyg. Primih. Quadi. Quadraj. Tetrak. Tril. Uni- e. Cec/o f. Cheil/o g. Chol/e h. Cholecyst/o i. Col/o j. Colon/o k. Dent/i m. Dent/o n. Doch/o o. Duoden/o p. Enter/o q. Gastr/o r. Gingiv/o s. Gloss/o t. Hepat/o u. Ile/o v. Intestin/o w. Jejun/o x. Lingu/o y. Odont/o z. Or/o aa. Pancreat/o bb. Periton/o 3. forms describing color or description a. Chlor/o b. Cyan/o c. Erythr/o d. Melan/o e. Xanth/o d. medical term components by body system 1. word roots related to digestive system a. An/o b. Append/o c. Appendic/o d. Bil/i cc. Proct/o dd. Rect/o ee. Sial/o ff. Sigmoid/o gg. Stomat/o (14) Pulm/o (15) pulmon/o (16) Rhin/o (17) Thorac/o (18) Trache/o b. Suffixes (1) -Ole (2) -Pnea 2. word roots and suffixes related to respiratory system a. Word roots (1) Alveol/o (2) Bronch/o (3) Bronchi/o (4) Bronchiol/o (5) Laryng/o (6) Lob/o (7) Nas/o (8) Ox/o (9) Pharyng/o (10) Phren/o (11) Pleur/o (12) Pneum/o (13) Pneumon/o 3. word roots related to musculoskeletal system a. Ankyl/o b. Arthr/o c. Burs/o d. Calc/i e. Carp/o f. Cervic/o g. Chondr/o h. Claviclu/o i. Coccyg/o j. Cost/o k. Crani/o 3 CTHSS Surgical Technology Programs CERTIFICATE PROGRAM IN SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY COURSE: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY l. Femor/o m. Fibul/o n. Humer/o o. Ili/o p. Ischi/o q. Lumb/o r. Metacarp/o s. metatars/o t. Muscul/o u. My/o v. Myel/o w. Oste/o x. Patell/o y. Pelv/i z. Phalang/o aa. Pub/o bb. Pubic cc. Radi/o dd. Sacr/o ee. Scapul/o ff. Spondyl/o gg. Stern/o hh. Tars/o ii. Ten/o jj. Tend/o kk. Thorac/o ll. Tibi/o mm. Uln/o nn. Vertebr/o p. Ven/o q. Venul/o 5. word roots related to genitourinary & male reproductive systems a. Cyst/o b. Genit/o c. Glomerul/o d. Hydr/o e. Nephr/o f. Orchi/o g. Orchid/o h. Pen/o i. Prostat/o j. Pyel/o k. Ren/o l. Scrot/o m. Semin/o n. Spermat/o o. Test/o p. Testic/o q. Ur/o r. Ureter/o s. Urethr/o t. Urin/o u. Vas/o v. Vesic/o 6. word roots related to female reproductive system a. Amni/o b. Cervic/o c. Colp/o d. Culd/o e. Fet/o f. Gon/o g. Gynec/o h. Hyster/o i. Lapar/o j. Mamm/o k. Mast/o l. Men/o m. Metr/o n. Nat/i o. Oophor/o p. Ovar/o q. Par/o 4. word roots related to cardiovascular system a. Adenoid/o b. Aort/o c. Arteri/o d. arteriol/o e. ather/o f. Hem/a g. Hem/o h. Hemat/a i. Hemat/o j. Lymph/o k. Lymphat/o l. Phleb/o m. Pulmon/o n. Splen/o o. Thromb/o 4 CTHSS Surgical Technology Programs CERTIFICATE PROGRAM IN SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY COURSE: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY r. Salping/o s. Uter/o t. Vagin/o u. Vulv/o 7. word roots related to the eye, (2) Lapar/o (3) Omphal/o (4) Periton/o c. Ear (1) Ot/o d. Other (1) Py/o (2) Lith/o II. Rules for combining forms A. Combining word parts B. Plural forms C. Compound words abdominal wall, ears and others. a. Eye (1) Blephar/o (2) Dacry/o (3) Lacrim/o (4) Ophthalm/o b. Abdominal wall (1) Abdomin/o Course Evaluation: Exams, quizzes, lab practical Course Grade: The course grade for students in Surgical Technology will be weighted according to the following activities and assignments: 10 % Project: This category include broad based assessment of class discussion and participation as well as presentations (Oral or written) and role playing. 10 % Quizzes: This category may include but is not limited to formal assessment which incorporates in class or take home assignments 70% Course Assessments: This includes all forms of testing assessments. All students must achieve a grade of at least 75% on the course assessment. Students who retake the formal assessment will receive an average of the two grades. Make-ups due to absences will follow the policies of both attendance and grading. 10 % Common Assessment: Common assessments given at the end of this course will count 10% of the total grade. All students must achieve a grade of at least 75% on the common assessment. Students who retake the common assessment will receive an average of the two grades. Make-ups due to absences will follow the policies of both attendance and grading. Texts for this Course Medical TerminologySystems ISBN: 978-0-8036-2145-9 Gylys/Wedding Right of Revision Statement: The Eli Whitney Technical School, the Surgical Technology Program, Department Head and instructors reserve the right to revise the syllabus at any time. 5