Supplemental information: Electrochemical Activation and Inhibition of Neuromuscular Systems through Modulation of Ion Concentrations with Ion-Selective Membranes Yong-Ak Song1,2, Rohat Melik1,2, Amr Rabie3, 4, Ahmed M.S. Ibrahim3, David Moses5, Ara Tan6, *Jongyoon Han1,2 , *Samuel J. Lin3 1Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 2Department of Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 3Divisions of Plastic Surgery and Otolaryngology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 4 Department of Otolaryngology, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt 5 Department 6 of Bioengineering, Rice University, Houston, TX Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, MN * Co-corresponding Authors: Jongyoon Han ( and Samuel J. Lin ( S-1 Strategy to overcome the limited storage capability of ISM The ability of ion-selective membranes to change the ion concentration depends on both the amount of ions adjacent to the nerve and the reservoir capacity of the ISM to store specific ion species. To maximize the amount of ions stored in the ISM, we plan to optimize the geometry of the ISM in terms of width and thickness as well as the amount of ionophores in the ISM. The porosity and the pore size of the ISM are other important parameters to take into consideration. A potential solution to address this issue of limited ion storage capacity in the membrane is designing a stimulation device, where ion-selective membrane material is used as a ‘filter’ rather than ‘storage’ of the particular ion (see Figure S-1). The electrodes on the both side of the membrane can used to ‘pump’ a particular ion species away from the nerve. electrode layer ion-selective membrane + nerve f iber + Ca2+ ions + + ion depletion current id + + + electrode layer Figure S-1. Schematics of the new membrane device S-2 - Experiment with ion-selective pipette tip electrodes In a separate control experiment with a conventional glass pipette tip filled with a Ca 2+ ion-selective membrane at the tip end and a 100mM CaCl2 solution inside the glass pipette (see the experimental setup with a glass pipette tip-based ISM in Figure S-2), we also observed a continuous decrease of the electrical threshold value from 20A to 10A (50% decrease; Figure S-3). As a negative control experiment, we performed the same stimulation test with a plasticized amorphous polymer matrix such as PVC (polyvinyl chloride) membrane in a glass pipette tip without Ca2+ ion-specific ionophore added and confirmed that the electrical threshold value remained the same (see Figure S-4). Slightly above the reduced stimulation threshold, the muscle twitch force amplitude was attenuated by approximately 90%, gradually increasing with increased stimulation current afterwards. This experiment reproduced the same trend of stimulation threshold reduction as in Figure S-5. This observation is a qualitatively different behavior from the common “all-or-none” electrical stimulation characteristics. This result clearly implies that the activity of muscle in terms of force can be controlled with a higher degree of resolution and dynamic range, compared with pure electrical stimulation. We speculate that changing the ion concentration in small axons is more rapid than in large axons due to the smaller size. Therefore, the effect of Ca 2+ ion depletion, which resulted in a graded response, might lower the threshold value of small axons more effectively than that of large axons. Further investigation is required to definitely determine whether our system achieves the graded response by reversing the relative threshold for large and small axons in the nerve fiber. Even under a constant perfusion of Ringer’s solution onto the nerve at the site of stimulation with a flow rate of S-3 0.5L/min, which served to emulate the in vivo ion homeostatic conditions, we could lower the electrical threshold from is = 5.6 to 4.4A (see Figure S-5). With a constant perfusion of Ringer’s solution on the stimulation site with the depletion current turned off, the original nerve excitability state was restored, both in terms of the current stimulation threshold and the characteristically sharp transition between an “all-or-none” force generation. S-4 a) 1. Ion depletion depletion current id ~ 100nA-1µA (subthreshold value) - - - + + + + + + id + + + ++ + K + Ca2+ - + cathode (-) sciatic nerve Ca2+ ion-selective membrane 2. Electrical stimulation stimulus current is conducted into nerve under continuous ion depletion - + is - - + is - f orce transducer + + id + + + ++ + - + muscle I II V V i i: stimulus current isolator V: voltage supply f or ISE Ion depletion depletion current id ~ 100nA-1µA (subthreshold value) K+ ion-selective membrane - - - + + + + + + + + id + K+ + + + + Ca2+ cathode (-) Ion enrichment enrichment current ie ~ 100nA-1µA conducted into nerve + -- + + ++ - + ie + + + + + anode (+) I: location for electrical stimulation under Ca2+ ion depletion II: location for nerve blocking under K+ ion depletion or enrichment b) silver wire between the nerve and the ion-selective membrane f or ion depletion and nerve stimulation sciatic nerve of a f rog gastrocnemius muscle ion-selective membrane at the tip of a pipette (cathode integrated inside tubing) Figure S-2. Functional electrochemical stimulation of a frog’s sciatic nerve using an ion-selective pipette tip. a) Experimental setup for electrochemical stimulation of frog sciatic nerves with ionselective pipette tip. The operation modes for Ca2+ ion-depleted excitation are shown schematically in the inset at position I. Note that the ion depletion current id is at least by one order of magnitude lower than the electrical threshold value is required for electrical stimulation. For nerve signal blocking, a K+ ion-selective electrode is positioned further down from the stimulation site at position II. Both the K+ ion depletion and enrichment modes are shown in the inset schematically. b) A photograph of the experimental setup. S-5 is = 12-20 µA in 1 µA step (stimulus current) id= 1 µA (depletion current) t p= 300 µs (pulse width) f =1 Hz (pulse f requency) Muscle contractile f orce [mN] 10 Stimulation with Ca 2+ ion depletion 8 Stimulation without Ca 2+ ion depletion 6 4 2 0 10 12 14 16 18 20 Stimulus current [A] Figure S-3. Influence of the depletion time on the threshold value. By continuously depleting the Ca2+ ions, the minimum electrical current required to elicit a muscle contraction was lowered from 20 A down to is=10 A at a pulse width of tp=300 s, and a pulse frequency of f=1 Hz (threshold lowered from 20 A to 18 A after td=18 s, 16A after 1 min 11 s, 14A after 4 min 30 s, 10 A after 5 min). At the same time, the muscle twitch amplitude was modulated by almost 90% of the twitch amplitude achieved at 20 A. S-6 a) b) 14µA 14µA 12µA Muscle contractile f orce [mN] Muscle contractile f orce [mN] 12µA 40 30 20 10 40 30 20 10 0 0 0 stimulation time [s] 200 0 stimulation time [s] 200 Threshold value :12.4µA Threshold value :12.2µA Figure S-4. Negative control experiment with a PVC membrane without adding Ca2+ ionophore in the glass pipette tip. a) before ion depletion. b) after ion depletion at id=1µA for t=5 min. For the stimulation, we applied a pulse train of monophasic stimuli starting from an electrical current of is=12A, at a pulse width of tp=1ms and a pulse frequency of f=1 Hz. The threshold value changed only minimally from 12.2 µA to 12.4 µA. S-7 b) 5.6 A (threshold bef ore Ca2+ depletion) 15 5 Stimulus [A] Stimulus [A] a) 5 20 Contractile f orce [mN] 20 Contractile f orce [mN] 4.4 A (threshold af ter Ca2+ ion depletion) 5.6 A 15 15 10 5 0 time [s] dynamic range of control resolution of control 15 10 5 150 0 time [s] 300 Figure S-5. Comparison of excitability a) without and b) with depletion of the Ca2+ ions for 5 min at id = 100nA under a continuous perfusion of Ringer’s solution. The maximum muscle twitch amplitude increased by ~2.5 times at the same stimulus current is=5.6µA after the depletion of Ca2+ ions. For the stimulation, we applied a pulse train of monophasic stimuli starting from an electrical current of is=4 A, at a pulse width of tp=1ms and a pulse frequency of f=1 Hz. The stimulus pulse height was gradually increased in order to characterize the stimuli-force response. S-8 a) b) Threshold: 30 µA, required f or CAP Threshold: 6 µA required f or CAP Figure S-6. Comparison of compound action potentials in standard Ringer’s and Ca2+ ion– depleted Ringer’s solutions. a) Compound action potential of a demyelinated sciatic nerve after 25 min. in Ringer’s solution. b) the same demyelinated nerve in Ringer’s solution with lower Ca2+ ion concentration (0.3mM CaCl2) for 10 min. The electrical threshold value was significantly reduced from is=30 µA down to is=6 µA. S-9 sciatic nerve a) ion-selective membrane cross-sectional view A Epineurium A - force transducer gastrocnemius muscle id + - nerve fibers + id: ion depletion current + ion-selective membrane - sciatic nerve + tripolar electrodes for stimulation b) 18 µA 16 µA Muscle contractile f orce [mN] 4 is =16-30 µA in 0.2 µA step id= 1 µA (depletion current) tp= 1ms f =1 Hz Signal blocking 3 2 Stimulation with Na + ion depletion 1 Stimulation without Na + ion depletion 0 50 100 150 stimulation time [s] Figure S-7. Nerve block caused by Na+ ion depletion using ISMs. a) Experimental setup for a nerve conduction block by Na+ ion depletion. b) After depleting Na+ ions at a constant ion depletion current of id= 1µA (the depletion voltage was 1.4V) for t = 5 min. distal to the site of electrical stimulation, we observed a decreasing muscle twitch force until it became undetectable with the force transducer above is=17.6µA. Even after exceeding the upper limit of electrical stimulus up to is=30 µA, the nerve could not be stimulated electrically. At higher twitch amplitude, ~100mN, significantly higher blocking current ib =50-100 µA was required to initiate a blocking effect. S-10 b) 10 100 Contractile f orce [mN] Contractile f orce [mN] 100 11 A (with K+ ion depletion) 20 Stimulus [A] 10 c) 80 60 40 20 0 time [s] 500 11 A (af ter enriching K+ ions) 20 10 100 reduced amplitude 80 60 40 20 0 time [s] 500 Contractile f orce [mN] 11 A (without K + ion depletion) 20 Stimulus [A] Stimulus [A] a) 80 60 40 complete signal blocking 20 0 time [s] 300 Figure S-8. Effect of K+ ion depletion and enrichment on the signal propagation along the sciatic nerve using K+ ion selective pipette tip. a) before depletion and b) after depleting K+ ions for 5 min. at id = 100 nA on the sciatic nerve. For the stimulation, we applied a pulse train of monophasic stimuli starting from an electrical current of is=10 A, at a pulse width of tp=1ms and a pulse frequency of f=1 Hz. The muscle twitch amplitude was decreased by ~50% at the same stimulus. c) After reversing the polarity and enriching K+ ions for 5 min. at id = 100nA, no response could be obtained even at significantly higher current pulses (is > 18A). This blocking effect, however, was reversible. After applying Ringer’s solution on the stimulation site and waiting for 10 min., the nerve was responsive again. S-11 a) b) 120 4 Conractile f orce [mN] pulse current [A] stimulus current pulses at is =4 A, tp= 300 µs and f=1 Hz 3 2 1 contractile f orce [mN] 0 unfused tetany 30 Tetany was blocked after 4 min. of continuous K+ ion depletion at id =1µA 100 80 60 40 20 20 5 10 6 7 8 9 10 12 Depletion time [min] 0 K+ ion depletion started at t = 5 min. 0 5 10 15 20 [s] Figure S-9. Initiation of a tetany-like muscle contraction by Ca2+ ion depletion and subsequent nerve conduction blocking by K+ ion depletion. a) Continuous depletion of Ca2+ ions at id = 1µA caused a tetany-like muscle twitching. Stimulation created higher mean force at low electrical stimulus current. Controlled depletion time may be required to stay above the finding of tetanic contraction. b) After depleting K+ ions with a K+ ion-selective membrane in a micropipette tip for 4 minutes at id=1 µA, we observed a blocking of the muscle tetanic motion. There was no contractile force measured after 4 min. of continuous K+ ion depletion. This finding may simulate the blockage of unwanted spasticity of the neuromuscular unit in a pathologic state. S-12 a) b) is = 4-20 µA in 0.2 µA step tp= 1ms f =1 Hz 14 µA 12 µA 15.2 µA 12 µA 30 20 with ion concentration modulation without Ion concentration modulation 20 Graded blocking at id=100nA 10 0 50 100 stimulation time [s] Muscle contractile f orce [mN] Muscle contractile f orce [mN] is = 4-20 µA in 0.2 µA step t p= 1ms f =1 Hz with ion concentration modulation 15 without Ion concentration modulation 10 Complete blocking at id=1µA 5 0 150 100 200 300 stimulation time [s] Figure S-10. Nerve conduction blocking with cation depletion using Nafion membrane. a) On the sciatic nerve, we could measure a decrease of the twitch amplitude by ~80% at the same stimulus. b) After depleting cations for 5 min. at id = 1µA with Nafion membrane, no response could be obtained even at significantly higher current pulses (is > 15.2A). This blocking effect, however, was reversible. After bathing the nerve in a Ringer’s solution and waiting for 10 min., the nerve was responsive again. The configuration of the electrode is shown in Figure S-7a. S-13 20µA 24µA 4µA contractile force [mN] 5 4 3 threshold at 16.8µA 2 1 0 50 100 150 200 Stimulation time [s] Figure S-11. After blocking, the nerve was put into Ringer’s bath for 10 min and became electrically excitable again. An increase of the threshold value from previous is=12.2 µA to 16.8 µA was due to the fact that the nerve was not positioned exactly to the same position after bathing in Ringer’s solution. (stimulation parameters: tp=1ms, f=1Hz) S-14 Estimation of energy expenditure To estimate the energy expenditure of our stimulation device, we analyzed a case with a 50% reduction of the threshold from isb=10µA to isa=5µA. The condition for achieving energy savings would be; 𝑖𝑑 2 𝑅1 𝑡𝑑 + (𝑖𝑠𝑎 )2 𝑅2 𝑡𝑝 ≤ (𝑖𝑠𝑏 )2 𝑅2 𝑡𝑝 id: ion depletion current applied prior to stimulation isa: stimulation current after ion depletion isb: stimulation current before ion depletion R1: electrical resistance of the nerve fiber over 200µm gap between two opposed center electrodes R2: electrical resistance of the nerve fiber over 10mm distance between cathode and anode, R2 >> R1 td: ion depletion time tp: total pulsing time for stimulation If we use id=1µA for td=60s and assume the least optimum case with R1=R2, the total pulsing time tp to reach the energy break-even point is 0.8s. Since we apply a pulse width of 1ms, this scenario means that more than 800 single pulses are required for our ion depletion–based method to be more energy-efficient than the conventional FES. However, if we apply id=100nA for ion depletion which seemed to be sufficient, as shown in Figure 4c, the energy break-even point is already reached after tp = 8ms. Indeed, after 8 single pulses, our method is more energy-efficient that the current FES. In addition, if we further lower down the ion depletion current id to 10nA which is possible due to the small gap distance of 200µm between two opposed microfabricated electrodes (in fact, we could push the gap size even further down by using a S-15 photolithography-based microfabrication technique, to ~5µm, and decrease the ion depletion current id, the break-even point would be reached at tp=80µs. So, even with a shorter pulse width of 300µs, our method would be more energy-efficient than the current FES method. S-16 Imaging of Ca2+ ion concentration modulation We performed direct imaging of the Ca2+ ion concentration change inside the nerve fiber using confocal microscopy and a fluorescent Ca2+ indicator dye, fluo-4 NW, and observed the Ca2+ ion concentration change as a function of ion depletion time id by measuring the fluorescence intensity of the fluorescent dye (see Methods section). First, we immersed a sciatic nerve into a Ca2+ indicator dye solution prepared according to the protocol for non-adherent cells of Molecular Probes inc. for 2 hours prior to imaging and then positioned the nerve between two 10mm long ITO electrodes (see Figure S12a). The gap between the electrodes was 300µm and the cathode was covered with a ~20µm thick Ca2+ ion-selective membrane. The probenecid concentration used was 10mM. Then, we applied ion-depletion current with a source meter (Keithley 2612) between the electrodes for 1-3 min in 1 min intervals and recorded confocal images with a 10x objective from the nerve through the transparent ITO electrodes after each ion depletion time. The confocal imaging started below the ISM in the glass substrate (z=0 µm) and z height was increased at an interval of 6.17µm toward the nerve specimen. For the analysis of intensity values, we used ImageJ software and averaged the intensity values over the entire area of ISM (cathode) in each image. As shown in Figure S-12b, the fluorescence intensity decreased gradually as a function of ion depletion time td in the nerve fiber (80µm ≤ z ≤300µm), while the fluorescence intensity inside the ~20µm thick membrane (z =60-80µm) increased due to a storage of ions in the pores of the membrane. A typical frog’s sciatic nerve has a diameter of ~1mm, and fluorescence intensity signal could be detected up to z=300µm. As the comparison of two confocal images taken at z=111µm before and after ion depletion shows in Figure S-17 S-12c, Ca2+ ion was depleted around the axons after td=3 min depletion at id=1µA. A fast confocal imaging of Ca2+ ion concentration near ISM during electrical stimulation would potentially reveal more information about the role of Ca2+ ion for electrical stimulation. a) sciatic nerve ITO electrode covered with ISM ITO electrode + - z confocal microscope Fluorescence Intensity (A. U.) b) ISM Nerve 160 140 Ca2+ ion enrichment in ISM 120 100 Series1 td=0 min 80 Series2 td=1 min, id=1µA Ca2+ ion depletion in nerve fiber 60 40 Series3 td=2 min, id=1µA Series4 td=3 min, id=1µA 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 z height (µm) c) I II II I 50 µm Confocal image before ion depletion (td=0, z=117µm) Confocal image after ion depletion at id=1µA for td=3 min (z=117µm) Figure S-12. Confocal imaging of the sciatic nerve before and after Ca2+ ion depletion. a) Experimental setup for confocal imaging of a frog’s sciatic nerve using transparent ITO electrodes with z height starting just below the glass substrate. b) Measurement of the fluorescence intensity with Ca2+ ion reporter dye showed a gradual depletion of Ca2+ ions in the sciatic nerve bundle when ion depletion current id =1µA was applied from td=0 to 3 min (z > 80µm). In the membrane with a thickness of ~20µm (z=60-80 µm), however, the fluorescence S-18 intensity increased due to the stored Ca2+ ions in the membrane. c) The areas marked with circles I and II show the ion depletion through ISM. The confocal image taken at z=117µm showed a decreased fluorescence intensity of Ca2+ reporter dye around the axons after applying ion depletion current id=1µA for 3 min. S-19 Preparation of nerves and gastrocnemius muscles The frog was handled along the middle abdominal area for transport to the workspace and was beheaded with scissors. The frog’s central nervous system was obliterated by inserting a pithing needle along the spinal cord. Using forceps and dissecting scissors, the visceral area of the frog was dissected for the sciatic nerve. The nerve could be found emerging from the vertebral column as two spindles of creamy, white-colored cylinders with one on each side of the column. Portions of the upper torso of the frog were then removed along with the other organs and the lower region of the frog was deskinned. With blunt-tip forceps, a length of thread was inserted to secure one of the two sciatic nerves. The surrounding tissues and short branches were dissected further to free the nerve. To dissect the nerve along the hip and thigh areas, an incision was made along the frog’s dorsal area to allow passage of the nerve from the abdominal to the dorsal side of the frog. After exposing the nerve along these areas, the nerve was dissected down through the thigh just above the knee joint. The same procedure was employed in dissecting the other sciatic nerve. During experiments, the nerves were kept moist with Amphibian Ringer’s solution (Connecticut Valley Biological Supply) for preservation. For experiments, we preserved the epineurium and perineurium around each nerve. To measure contractile force, we tied a ligature around the lower part of the gastrocnemius muscle and dissected the muscle away from the foot leaving as much of the Achilles tendon as possible. Next, we removed the muscle by dissecting the superior portion of the knee joint with the sciatic nerve attached to the muscle. S-20