Course Expectations - Cohasset Public Schools

Cohasset High School, Department of Foreign Languages
Spanish – Novice 3 Accelerated
Teacher: Señora Beth Marat
Extra help:
Class website:
as posted, utility (Thurs.), and by appointment
Course description:
 The course thoroughly reviews previously studied material (ie. middle-school curriculum and/or high school Spanish 1 curriculum)
and expands upon this material with more complex explanation, activities, practice, and assessments
 Topics and skills include grammar, vocabulary, cultures of the Spanish-speaking world, listening, speaking, reading, writing
 Binder or notebook with blank paper for homework and class notes and pockets or folder for handouts
 Pens, pencils, colored pencils, white board marker, old clean sock or rag to use as eraser
 Flash drive for projects and internet access for on-line work at home
Text and materials:
 Realidades 2 – Temas 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B
 Selected authentic Spanish language film, video, audio, written documents
Selected websites:
 -- class website including descriptions and links to:
o classwork, homework, supplemental material, practice websites, other relevant links
o on-line, interactive vocabulary flashcards (create your own account)
o practice site created by teachers (username, password provided by teacher)
o on-line gradebook (username, password provided by teacher)
Class Participation and Homework:
 daily class participation is essential and counts in your grade – includes asking/answering questions,
reading aloud, taking notes, staying on task, speaking the target language (Spanish)
 minimize time out of class (bathroom, guidance, nurse) to maximize class participation
 homework is assigned daily - includes packets, on-line practice, vocabulary study, projects, etc.
 nightly homework assignments are worth 10 points each; partially completed homework may
receive 5 points at teacher’s discretion; late homework will not be accepted
Quizzes, Tests, Projects:
 quizzes happen several times a week - vocabulary, grammar, listening, speaking, reading , writing
 tests or projects are assigned at conclusion of each chapter
 final exam takes place at the end of semester (included in term grade)
 grades will be weighted as follows: reading/writing/listening/speaking (20% each) + homework (10%) + class participation (10%)
 check the wikispace to see what you missed and keep up/catch up at home
 homework due on the day of absence is due immediately upon return to school; better yet,
look at the wikispaces and come back with the homework that was assigned during your absence too
 if you are absent the day before a quiz/test, come prepared to take it on the scheduled date
 if you are absent on the day of a quiz/test, be prepared to make it up immediately upon your return
 plan to make up work after school during office hours; any work not made up in a timely manner will earn zero points
Language Lab:
 students and their guardians must sign and abide by the Acceptable Use Policy for the Foreign Language Lab
 violations of the policy will result in consequences such as warning, removal from lab, zero for assignment, detention, etc.