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Document can be sorted by Name or Department using the MSWord Sort Function. Place the cursor in any cell in the table, select Table Tool “Layout”, select
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Demers, Anne
Health Science
& Recreation
Mamary, Edward
Health Science
& Recreation
Roe, Kathleen
Health Science
& Recreation
Ta Park, Van
Health Science
& Recreation
A Follow-up to Exploring Intimate Partner Relationship Issues, Blue Shield of California Foundation, 8/25/117/30/13
Edward M. Mamary. "Developing consumer involvement in rural HIV primary care programmes. ." Article.
(January 2004).
Edward M. Mamary. "Selecting for a diverse public health workforce - community health education MPH
program for admissi ." Article. (January 2004).
Edward M. Mamary. "Upper extremity pain and computer use among engineering graduate students. ." Article.
(January 2004).
Edward M. Mamary. "Promoting self-directed learning for continuing medical education. ." Article. (January
Edward M. Mamary. "Cigarette smoking and the desire to quit among individuals living with HIV." Article.
(January 2002).
Campeonas 2-Assets & Capacity Building, Kaiser Permanente, 8/15/10-8/15/11
Las Flores de la Salud: Expanding the Children's Health Club, Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation, 8/01/117/31/13
Comida Casera, YMCA of Silicon Valley, 10/1/11-8/30/12
McKinley Moves!, Kaiser Permanente, 9/1/11-6/30/12
Capacity Building Initiative (CBI) for Substance Abuse and HIV Prevention Services for At-Risk Racial/Ethnic
Minority Youth, Asian American Recovery Services, 8/22/12-5/31/13
Ta, V.M., Holck, P., & Gee, G.C. (2010). Generational status and family cohesion effects on the receipt of mental
health services among Asian Americans: Findings from the National Latino and Asian American Study.American
Journal of Public Health,100 (1), 115-121.
Hayes, D.K., Ta, V.M., Hurwitz, E., Mitchell, K, & Fuddy, L.J. (epub ahead of print August 4, 2009). Disparities
in self-reported postpartum depression among Asian, Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander women in Hawai‘i:
Pregnancy, Risk, Assessment, and Monitoring System (PRAMS), 2004-2007. Maternal & Child Health Journal.
Zhang W., & Ta, V.M. (2009).Social connections, immigration status, and health among Asian Americans. Social
Science & Medicine, 68(12), 2104-12.
Ta, V. M., & Hayes, D. (epub ahead of print March 26, 2009). Racial Differences in the Association Between
Partner Abuse and Barriers to Prenatal Health Care Among Asian and Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
Women. Maternal & Child Health Journal.
Ta, V.M., Juon, H., Gielen, A.C., Steinwachs, D., McFarlane, E. & Duggan, A. (2009). A longitudinal analysis of
Worthen, Miranda
Health Science
& Recreation
Craig, Richard
Adams, Ericka
Justice Studies
depressive symptoms among at-risk Asian and Pacific Islander women. Community Mental Health Journal, 45(1),
Worthen, M., Moos, R., Ahern, J. ""Iraq and Afghanistan veterans’ experiences living with their parents after
separation from the military." ," Contemporary Family Therapy. Article. Vol. 34. Issue 3. (September 2012).
Worthen, M., McKay, S., Veale, A., Wessells, M.. ""Caring Relationships and Reintegration: lessons from a
participatory action research study in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and northern Uganda" ," Forced Migration Review.
Article. Vol. 40. (September 2012).
Worthen, M.. ""Sex Trafficking or Sex Work: Conceptions of Trafficking Among Anti-Trafficking Organizations
in Nepal." ," Refugee Survey Quarterly. Article. Vol. 30. Issue 3. (2011). pp.87-107.
Worthen, M. ""The Relations Between Traumatic Exposures, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Anger in Male
and Female Veterans." ," Journal of Feminist Family Therapy: An International Forum . Article. Vol. 23. Issue 34. (2011). pp.188-201.
McKay, S., Veale, A., Worthen, M. and Wessells, M.. ""Building Meaningful Participation in (Re)Integration
Among War-Affected Young Mothers in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Northern Uganda." ," Intervention:
International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work and Counseling in Areas of Armed Conflict. Article.
Vol. 9. Issue 2. (2011). pp.108-124.
Expectations and Elections: How Television Defines Campaign News. Critical Studies in Mass Communication,
March 2000 (Vol. 17, No. 1), pp. 28-44. An earlier version was presented at International Communication
Association annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, May 1999.
Poll-Driven Coverage of the 1988 Presidential Campaign on the CBS Evening News. Presented at Central States
Communication Association annual meeting, Detroit, MI, April 2000. Submitted for consideration to Newspaper
Research Journal, currently in review.
Grice Meets Gallup: The Poll Interview as a Conversation, Public Opinion Quarterly, in review. An earlier
version was presented at Central States Communication Association annual meeting, St. Louis, MO, April 1999.
"Newspapers vs. Internet News: A Comparison of Reader Recall." In process; slated for submission to Journalism
Portrayals and Polls: Does Tone of Media Coverage Depend on Poll Standings? In process; slated for submission
to Journal of Communication.
Adams, E. B. (2012). “‘We are like prey’: How people negotiate a violent community in
Trinidad and Tobago.” Race and Justice 2:4, 274 – 303.
Ullman, S. E., Najdowski, C. J., and Adams, E. B. (2012). “Women, Alcoholics Anonymous and Related Mutal
Aid Groups: Review and Recommendations for Research.” Alcoholics Treatment Quarterly 30:4.
Vera Sanchez, C. G. & Adams, E. B. (2011). “Sacrificed on the altar of public safety: The over policing of Latino
and African American youth.” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 27:3, 322 – 341.
Adams, E., Morales, E, Reyes, K., Schaffner, L. & Traylor, L. (2007, March). “Teaching Transgressing: Film
studies in juvenile detention.” AREA, 4, 28 – 29.
Adams, E. (2007). “Social Structure and Crime in a Twin Island Paradise: A Study of Juvenile Delinquency in
Trinidad and Tobago.” New Challenges in Crime and Justice: From Research to Policy (An edited selection of
Armaline, William
Justice Studies
Baba, Yoko
Justice Studies
De Giorgi, Alessandro
Justice Studies
Harris, Danielle
Justice Studies
papers from the 4th International Conference in Crime an Justice in the Caribbean). Trinidad and Tobago: The
University of the West Indies, St. Augustine.
Human Rights in Our Own Backyard: Injustice and Resistance in the United States (2011, UPenn. Press).
“What Will States Really Do for Us? The Human Rights Enterprise and Pressure from Below” (2009, Societies
Without Borders, 4(3): 430-451).
Works on political economy, critical pedagogy, and transformative education in Accumulation of Freedom:
Writings on Anarchist Economics (2012, AK Press), Contemporary Anarchist Studies (2009, Routledge), and
Academic Repression (2009, AK Press).
Thapa, S., Dulal, H. B. & Baba, Y. 2009. “A Preliminary Study of Intimate Partner Violence Among Nepali
Women in the U.S.” Violence Against Women 15 (2): 206-223.
Baba, Y. & Hebert, C. 2005. “The Effects of Participation in a Cultural Awareness Program on Jail Inmates.”
Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work 30 (3): 91-113.
Baba, Y. & Murray, S.B. 2003. “Spousal Abuse: Vietnamese Children’s Reports of Parental Violence.” Journal of
Sociology and Social Welfare 30 (3): 97-122.
Baba, Y. & Murray, S.B. 2002. “Race and Domestic Violence: A Comparative Study of African American,
Latina, and White Women.” Free Inquiry in Creative Sociology 30 (2):165-175.
De Giorgi, A. (forthcoming 2012). Punishment and political economy. In J. Simon & R. Sparks (eds.) Handbook
of Punishment and Society. London: Sage.
De Giorgi, A. (2010). “Immigration control, post-Fordism, and less eligibility. A materialist critique of the
criminalization of immigrants across Europe”. Punishment & Society, 12, 2: 147-167.
De Giorgi, A. (2006). Re-thinking the Political Economy of Punishment: Perspectives on post-Fordism and Penal
Politics. Aldershot: Ashgate, UK.
De Giorgi, A. (2006). El gobierno de la excedencia. Postfordismo y control de la multitud. Madrid: Traficantes de
Sueños. (Spanish)
De Giorgi, A. (2005). Tolerancia Cero. Estrategias y pràcticas de la sociedad de control. Barcelona: Virus
Editorial. (Spanish)
Desistance from Sexual Offending over the Life Course, The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, 1/25/131/24/14
Harris, D. A., Knight, R. A., Dennison, S., Smallbone, S. (2011). Post release specialization and versatility in
sexual offenders referred for civil commitment, Sexual Abuse: a Journal of Research and Treatment, 23(2), 243259.
Harris, D. A. & Fitton, M. L. (2010). The art of yoga project: a yoga and creative arts curriculum for girls in
custody, International Journal of Yoga Therapy.
Harris, D. A. (2010) “Theories of Female Sexual Offending”. In T.R. Gannon, & F. Cortoni, Female Sexual
Offenders, London: Wiley and Sons.
Harris, D. A., Mazerolle, P., & Knight, R. A. (2009). Understanding male sexual offending: A comparison of
general and specialist theories, Criminal Justice and Behavior, 36(10), 1051-1069.
Herrera, Veronica
Justice Studies
Kil, Sang
Justice Studies
Lee, James
Justice Studies
Harris, D. A., Smallbone, S., Dennison S., & Knight, R. A. (2009). Specialization and versatility in sexual
offenders referred for civil commitment, Journal of Criminal Justice, 37, 37-44.
Herrera, V.M., Wiersma, J., Cleveland, H.H. (2011) Antisocial behavior and relationships: Influences of romantic
partners on continuity of male and female delinquency. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21, 608-618.
Herrera, V.M. & Stuewig, J. (2011) Impact of child maltreatment and domestic violence. In Children Behaving
Badly? Exploring Peer Violence Between Children and Young People. Blackwell Publishing.
Wiersma, J., Cleveland, H.H., Herrera, V.M., & Fischer, J.L. (2010) Intimate partner violence in dating,
cohabitating, and married drinking partnerships. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 72, 360 – 374.
Herrera, V.M., Wiersma, J.D. & Cleveland, H.H., (2008) The influence of individual and partner characteristics
on the perpetration of intimate partner violence in young adult relationships. Journal of Youth and Adolescence,
37, 284-296.
Becker, K., Stuewig, J., Herrera, V.M., & McCloskey, L.A. (2004). A prospective study of fire-setting and animal
cruelty in children: Family influences and adolescent trajectories. Journal of the American Academy of Child &
Adolescent Psychiatry, 47, 905-912.
Kil, Sang Hea, Jennifer Allen, and Zoe Hammer. (2011).“Border Action Network and the Militarization of the
USA-Mexico Border. ” In Our Own Backyard: Human Rights, Injustice, and Resistance in the US . (Eds.
Armaline, William T., D.S. Glasberg, and B. Purkayastha.). Philadelphia, PA: UPenn. Press.
Kil, Sang. (2011) “Immigration and ‘Operations;’ the Militarization (and Medicalization) of the USA-Mexico
Border,” Traversing Transnationalism: The Horizons of Literary and Cultural Studies, Eds. Ronit Frenkel, Pier
Paolo Frassinelli, and David Watson. Rodopi Press (Netherlands).
Kil, Sang Hea, Cecilia Menjívar, and Roxanne Lynne Doty. (2009) “The Border Spectacle: Patriotism, Vigilantes
and Brutalization of the US American Public” Immigration, Crime and Justice. Sociology of Crime, Law, and
Deviance series. Ed. William McDonald. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd (United Kingdom).
Adelman, Madelaine and Sang Hea Kil. (2007). “Dating Conflicts: Rethinking Dating Violence & Youth
Conflict,” Violence Against Women 13 (12); 1296-1318.
Kil, Sang Hea and Cecilia Menjívar. (2006) “The ‘War on the border’: The Criminalization of Immigrants and
Militarization of the USA- Mexico border,” Immigration and Crime: Race, Ethnicity, and Violence, Eds. Ramiro
Martinez Jr. and Abel Valenzuela Jr. New York: New York University Press.
Lee, James Daniel. 2011. Evaluation of Sunday Friends: The Working Alternative to Charity. Report to Sunday
Friends, San José, CA.
Lee, James Daniel, Philip J. Carr and Tiffanie N. Bruch. 2007. “Digging Out of Trouble: Public Archaeology as
Rehabilitation for Juvenile Delinquents.” Journal of Applied Social Science. 1:29-61.
Noble, Kimberly, Nicole T. Flynn, James D. Lee, and David Hilton. 2007. “Predicting Successful College
Experiences: Evidence from a First Year Retention Program.” Journal of College Student Retention: Research,
Theory & Practice. 9:39-60.
Lee, James Daniel. 2005. “Do Girls Change More than Boys? Gender Differences and Similarities in the Impact
of New Relationships on Identities and Behaviors.” Self and Identity. 4: 131-47.
Lee, James Daniel and Elizabeth A. Craft. 2002. “Protecting One’s Self from a Stigmatized Disease . . . Once One
Has It.” Deviant Behavior. 23:267-99.
Lee, Steven
Justice Studies
Perry, Richard
Justice Studies
Shannon, Deric
Justice Studies
Vera Sanchez, Claudio
Justice Studies
Butryn, Ted
Chen, Gong
Lee, SB, Clabaugh, KC, Silva, B, Odigie, KO, Fourney, RM, Stevens, J, Carmody, GR, Coble, MD, Loreille, O,
Scheible, M, Parsons, TJ, Pozder, A, Eisenberg, AJ, Budowle,B, Taha Ahmad, Russell W. Miller, Amy B.
McGuckian, Julie Conover-Sikorsky and Cecelia A. Crouse. 2012. Assessing a novel room temperature DNA
storage medium for forensic biological samples. Forensic Science International: Genetics, Volume 6, Issue 1,
January 2012, Pages 31-40.
Conroy, K and Lee, S. 2012. Optimizing Human Semen Stain Detection Using Fluorescence. American Academy
of Forensic Sciences Proceeding 18: 77-78.
Harris,C, Cardenas, A, Barloewen B, and Lee SB. 2012. Comparing Wearer DNA Sample Collection Methods for
Determining the Best Method for the Recovery of Single Source Profiles. American Academy of Forensic
Sciences Proceeding 18: 85-86.
Lee, SB, CA Crouse, MC Kline. 2010. Optimizing storage and handling of DNA extracts. Forensic Science
Reviews 22:131-144.
Lee, SB. 2006. Forensic DNA testing. In McGraw-Hill 2006 Yearbook of Science and Technology . ISBN
0071462058. McGraw-Hill. 448pp, DOI: 10.1036/0071462058
Helen Ingram, and John Whiteley, and Richard Warren Perry, eds (2008). Water, Place, and Equity. M.I.T. Press.
Richard Perry and Bill Maurer, eds. (2003). Globalization Under Construction: Governmentality, Law, and
Identity. University of Minnesota Press.
Richard Warren Perry, ed. (2000). On City-Spaces and Arts of Government: A Symposium, in PoLAR: Political
and Legal Anthropology Review, Vol. 23, No. 1: 65-137.
Glasberg, Davita Silfen and Deric Shannon. (2011). Political Sociology: Oppression, Resistance, and the State.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
Shannon, Deric, Anthony J. Nocella II, and John Asimakopoulos, eds. (2012). The Accumulation of Freedom:
Writings on Anarchist Economics. Oakland, CA: AK Press.
Shannon, Deric. (2011). “Raising the Curtain: Anarchist Economics, Resistance, and Culture.” Peace Studies
Journal, 4(2): 47-56.
Shannon, Deric. (2012). “Chopping off the Invisible Hand: Internal Problems with Markets and Anarchist
Theory, Strategy, and Vision.” In Shannon, Deric, Anthony J. Nocella, II, and John Asimakopoulos, eds. The
Accumulation of Freedom: Writings on Anarchist Economics. Oakland, CA: AK Press.
Shannon, Deric. (2011). “Food Not Bombs: The Right to Eat.” In Armaline, William T., Davita Silfen Glasberg,
and Bandana Purkayastha, eds. In Our Own Backyard: Human Rights in the US. Philadelphia, PA: UPenn Press.
Vera Sanchez, C. G. & Adams E. B. (2011). Sacrificed on the altar of public safety: The policing of Latino and
African American youth. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 27, 322-341
Vera Sanchez, C. G., Rosenbaum D. P. (2011). Racialized policing: Officers’ voices on policing Latino and
African American neighborhoods. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 9, 152-178.
A Qualitative Examination of Knowledge of Doping, and Motivations and/or Deterrents to Dope, Among
American and Canadian, Kinesiology, World Anti-Doping Agency, 9/1/09-9/1/11
Cisar, Craig
Kao, Jim
Megginson, Nancy
Payne, Greg
Reekie, Shirley
Semerjian, Tamar
Shifflett, Bethany
Gong Chen. "Safety education and self-defense (for universities in China). ." Book. (January 2004).
Gong Chen. "Administration of sport and physical education. ." Book Chapter. (January 1999).
Gong Chen. "Mass Fitness. ." Book Chapter. (January 1999).
Gong Chen. "Understanding cultural values in counseling Asian families. ." Book Chapter. (January 1999).
Gong Chen. "A new concept of self-defense. ." Book. (January 1998).
Craig J. Cisar. "Pre-exercise carbohydrate meals: Application of glycemic index. ." Article. (January 1999).
Bay Area Physical Education-Health Project, Regents of the University of California, 7/1/10-6/30/11
Bay Area Physical Education-Health Project, Regents of the University of California, 7/1/11-6/30/12
Bay Area Physical Education-Health Project, Regents of the University of California, 7/1/12-6/30/13
Paralympics Veterans Program at the Timpany Center, United States Olympic Committee, 2/26/10-3/31/11
Paralympics Veterans Program at the Timpany Center, United States Olympic Committee, 10/1/11-9/30/12
Paralympics Veterans Program at the Timpany Center, United States Olympic Committee, 10/1/11-9/30/12
Prime for Life: Expanding Evidence-Based Health Program, The Health Trust, 8/25/11-7/30/13
Paralympics Veterans Program at the Timpany Center, United States Olympic Committee, 10/1/12-9/30/13
Nancy L. Megginson. "A presence on the web. ." Article. (January 2001).
Nancy L. Megginson. "Life after school: A transition for adapted physical educators. ." Article. (January 2001).
Nancy L. Megginson. "Active lifestyle adherence among individuals with and without disabilities. ." Article.
(January 1994).
Stanford Geriatric Education Center, Stanford University, 7/1/11-6/30/12
Stanford Geriatric Education Center, Stanford University, 7/1/12-6/30/13
Shirley H M Reekie. "Succeeding in the tenure and promotion process. ." Article. (January 1995).
Falls Prevention in Santa Clara County, El Camino Hospital, 3/1/13-10/16/13
Health Promotion Partnership, The Health Trust/VMCF, 1/15/11-5/31/13
Silicon Valley Healthy Aging Partnership, The Health Trust/VMCF, 2/01/13-7/31/14
Shifflett, Fortune, Denton (2006) Effects of a Job Shadowing Experience on Writing. Kentucky Journal of
Excellence - online journal.
Fortune, Shifflett, Sibley (2006) A Comparison of Online (High Tech) and Traditional (High Touch) Learning in
Business Communication Courses in Silicon Valley. Published (March/April issue) in the Journal of Education
for Business.
Shifflett, Timm, Kahanov (2002) Sport nutrition knowledge among ATs, coaches, and athletes. Research
Quarterly for Exercise and Sport [Research Note].
Shifflett, Murdach, Meschke, Megginson (2001). A presence on the web. The Physical Educator.
Cachupe, Shifflett, Kahanov, Wughalter (2001). Reliability of Biodex Balance System Measures. Measurement in
Physical Education and Exercise Science.
Wilkinson, Susan
Wughalter, Emily
Barnes-Willis, Lou
Goyal, Deepika
Freedman, Marjorie
Nutrition and
Food Science
Bernier, Anthony
School of Library
and Information
Marysville Unified Professional Development Series: Self Defense, Fitness and Dance, Marysville Joint Unified
School District, 12/1/09-3/31/10
Project Northreach 2009-2010, Regents of the University of California, 7/1/09-3/31/10
Los Angeles Unified School District Professional Development, LA Unified School District, 6/2/10-6/18/10
CA Physical Education- Health Project 2009-2011 Statewide Office, Regents of the University of California,
Project NorthReach, Regents of the University of California, 7/1/10-6/30/11
The California Physical Education- Health Project Statewide Office, Regents of the University of California,
The California Physical Education- Health Project Statewide Office, Regents of the University of California,
CA Physical Education- Health Project 2009-2011 Statewide Office, Regents of the University of California,
SJSU Physical Education-Health Project at Long Beach, Regents of the University of California, 7/1/12-6/30/14
Emily H. Wughalter. "Physical activity, physiological and psychomotor performance: A study of variously active
older adu ." Article. (January 2003).
Emily H. Wughalter. "Transgressions and transcendence: Surpassing disciplinary boundaries. ." Article. (January
Emily H. Wughalter. "Reliability of the Biodex Balance System measures. ." Article. (January 2001).
Emily H. Wughalter. "Abstracts. ." Article. (January 2000).
Emily H. Wughalter. "Preface to abstracts. ." Article. (January 2000).
South Bay RN Transition Program, Workforce Institute, 12/1/10-11/30/11
Goyal D, Wang EJ, Shen J, Wong EC, Palaniappan LP. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2012 MayJun;41(3):408-16. doi: 10.1111/j.1552-6909.2012.01352.x. Epub 2012 Apr 26.J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs.
2012 May-Jun;41(3):408-16. doi: 10.1111/j.1552-6909.2012.01352.x. Epub 2012 Apr 26.
Goyal D, Gay C, Lee KA. Womens Health Issues. 2010 Mar-Apr;20(2):96-104. doi: 10.1016/j.whi.2009.11.003.
Epub 2010 Feb 4.
Goyal D, Gay C, Lee K Arch Womens Ment Health. 2009 Aug;12(4):229-37. doi: 10.1007/s00737-009-0070-9.
Epub 2009 Apr 25.
Goyal D, Gay CL, Lee KA J Perinat Neonatal Nurs. 2007 Apr-Jun;21(2):123-9.
Goyal D, Murphy SO, Cohen J. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2006 Jan-Feb;35(1):98-104.
Changing Food Policy in a Faith-Based Organization, Santa Clara County, 8/1/11-8/31/12
Popular Diets: A Scientific Review
Making Space for Young Adults in Public Libraries, Inst of Museum & Library, 12/1/10-11/30/11
Bodart, Joni Richards
School of Library
and Information
Fisher, Bill
School of Library
and Information
Franks, Patricia
School of Library
and Information
Bernier, A. (February 2012). An agenda of praxis for young adult librarianship. Journal of Research on Libraries
and Young Adults 2, no. 2.
Bernier, A.. (April 2011). Representations of youth in local media: Implications for library service Library &
Information Science Research 33, pp. 158-167.
Bernier, A. (September/October 2009). “A space for myself to go:” Early patterns in Small YA spaces. Public
Libraries 48, no. 5, pp. 33-47.
Bernier, A. (Summer 2009). Young adult volunteering in public libraries: Managerial implications. Library
Administration and Management 23 no. 3, pp. 95-112.
Bernier, A. (Summer 2008). California young adult goldrush sets new national standard. Public Library Quarterly
27 no. 3, pp. 202-222.
Bodart, J.R., et. al. (2011). Under the Microscope: Another Look at Previous Michael L. Printz Award Winner.
Common Elements, Committee Interpretations, and Teen Popularity. Journal of Research on Libraries and Young
Bodart, J.R. (2010). Young Adult Authors as Trusted Adults for Disconnected Teens.
Bodart, J.R. More Thin Books: Help for Last-Minute Book Reports. (working title) Under contract, Scarecrow
Publications. Anticipated publication date: 2014.
Bodart, J.R. They scar, they hurt, they steal, they kill: The psychological meaning of human monsters in young
adult literature. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Publications. Anticipated publication date: 2013.
Bodart, J.R. They suck, they bite, they eat, they kill: The psychological meaning of supernatural monsters in
young adult fiction. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Publications, 2011.
Berlin, E. & Fisher, W. (2004). Two thumbs up: A survey of librarian-book reviewers. Library collections,
acquisitions, and technical services, 28(3), 312-334.
Fisher, W. (2003). Now you see it; now you don't: The elusive nature of electronic information. Library
collection, acquisitions, and technical services, 27(4), 463-472.
Edwards, E. & Fisher, W. (2003). Trust, teamwork, and tokenism: Another perspective on diversity in libraries.
Library administration & management, 17(1), 21-27.
Fisher, W. (2003). The electronic resources librarian position: A public services phenomenon? Library
collections, acquisitions, and technical services, 27(1), 3-17.
Fisher, W. (2001). Impact of organizational structure on acquisitions and collection development. Library
collections, acquisitions, and technical services, 25(4), 409-414.
New Challenges New Solutions: How Government Agencies can Effectively Manage Records Created Using
New Social Media Tools, International Business Machines, 2/1/10-7/31/10
Franks, P C and Oliver, G Virtual Internships: Opportunities for Experiential Learning and International
Collaboration in Digital Curation Curricula. Paper delivered at the World Library and Information Congress:
77th IFLA General Conference and Assembly, August13-18, 2011, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
ARMA International. (2011). Implications of Web-based, Collaborative Technologies in Records Management:
An American National Standard (ANSI/ARMA 18-2011). Overland Park, KS: ARMA International. [Served as
Team Lead on for this Standards Document]
Hagar, Christine
School of Library
and Information
Hansen, Debra
School of Library
and Information
Liu, Geoffrey
School of Library
and Information
Loertscher, David
School of Library
and Information
Franks, P., Hatala, J., Rossi, M., and Semple M.(2011). Is your avatar ethical? Online-course tools that are
methods for student identity and verification. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 39(2), 181-191.
Franks, P. (2010). How Federal Agencies Can Effectively Manage Records Created Using New Social Media
Tools. Washington, DC: IBM Center for the Business of Government.
Franks, P. C. (Pending). Impact of Web 2.0 on the records manager. In IRMA Annual 2009, Records
Management Association of Australia, pending publication.
Hagar, C. (Ed.) (2012). Crisis information management: Communication and technologies. Oxford, UK: Chandos
Hagar, C. (2012). Information needs and seeking during the UK 2001 Foot-and-mouth disease crisis. In C. Hagar
(Ed.) Crisis information management: Communication and technologies. Oxford, UK: Chandos Publishing.
Hagar, C. (2010). What can we learn from farmers' information needs and seeking during the UK foot-and-mouth
disease crisis? Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 15 (4), 38-44.
Hagar, C. (2010). Whom do you trust? Information seeking during the U.K. foot and mouth crisis. Library &
Archival Security, 23 (1), 3-18.
Hagar, C. (2010). (Guest editor). Crisis informatics. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and
Technology. Special Issue June/ July 2010.
Hansen, D. (2004, Spring). Professionalizing library education, the California connection: James Gillis, Everett
Perry, and Joseph Daniels. Library Trends, 52(4), 963-987.
Hansen, D. (2000, Spring). A lion in the hennery: Charles F. Lummis and the Los Angeles Public Library, 19051910. Vitae Scholasticae, 10, 5-33.
Hansen, D., Gracy, K. & Irvin, S. (1999, Fall). At the pleasure of the board: Women librarians and the Los
Angeles Public Library. Libraries & Culture 34, 311-346.
Liu, G. (Forthcoming). Spontaneous group decision making in distributed collaborative learning: A quantitative
exploratory study. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design.
Liu, G., & Huo, Y. (2012). Information behaviors of Chinese K-12 physical education teachers: A survey study.
Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science (in English), 5(1), 15-33.
Liu, G. (2012). Distributed collaborative learning in online LIS education: A curricular analysis. Issues in
Information Science and Information Technology, 9, 135-147.
Liu, G., & Chong, S. (2011). Metacognition & conceptual drifting in interactive information retrieval: An
exploratory field study. In Proceedings of the 74th ASIS&T Annual Meeting, vol. 48. October 3-12, 2011. New
Orleans, LA.
Liu, G. (2010). Spontaneous group decision making in distributed collaborative learning: Toward a new research
direction. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 6(1), 279-296.
Loertscher, D. (2006). Super teaching: 15 think models for instructional improvement in college courses, online
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