English 9 Course Outline

English 9
Course Outline
Mrs. C. Snider - Instructor
Room NW 6
Taking that first step when the
staircase is not in sight!
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Bell Ringer
Select the answer that best completes each question
1. The summer reading book is entitled
a. The Acorn People
b. The Giver
c. Fallen Angels
2. Students in this class must bring the following
materials to class every day.
a. Textbook/ notebook/ pen
b. Notebook / pen
c. Textbook / Notebook
Bell Ringer
3. Students in this class may_______
Never retake a test.
May retake a test once
May retake a test as many times as needed to pass
4. Cell phones and other devices confiscated in this class will be
Returned the next Tuesday following confiscation (after one week)
Returned the same day after school
Returned only to a parent
5. Failure to arrive after 15 minutes of the tardy bell will
result in
a. retract assignment
b. student being marked absent/ parent and parent conference
c. a conference with parent
Essential Vocabulary
 Goal- The purpose toward which a purpose is
 Objective- Something worked toward, a goal
 Strategy- a plan of action
 Cycle of Instruction- instructional strategy
which includes:
bell ringer, directed instruction
guided instruction, independent
practice, and closure
Essential Vocabulary
Bullying- a form of abuse. It involves
repeated acts over time attempting to
create or enforce one person's (or
group's) power over another person (or
group), verbally, physically or cyberally
(through the use of cell phone, e-mail,
Face book,or other such devices.
Essential Vocabulary
 Sexual Harassment- unwanted sexual
advances: unwanted sex-related
behavior toward somebody, e.g. touching
somebody or making suggestive
remarks, especially by somebody with
authority toward a subordinate . This may
also include texting of photos and the use
of other cyber devices that may be
identified as unwanted sexual advance.
Course Goals
 The student will be able to write effective
sentences, paragraphs and essays using
appropriate grammar and vocabulary
 The student will be able to read and
comprehend a variety of literary genres
 The student will be able to engage in
effective oral communication
Course Objectives
 To write complete sentences using appropriate
grammar usage and mechanics
 To identify the modes of writing and produce
final drafts from each mode using the Six Traits
of Writing
 To read short stories and interpret literary
elements with special emphasis on plot, setting
character , point of view , theme, simile ,
metaphor and hyperbole
 To identify correct usage of commonly
confused words/ academic vocabulary
Textbooks (Online)
 Elements of Literature
 Language Network
 Notes will be provided for major objectives(1 copy) student may
download additional copies on their own and from school website)
Students will be required take Cornell notes for minor objectives.
* Textbooks will not be issued. Students will be given a password and
pen number to access the textbook online or student can
download notes from school website. Students who do not have
access to computers can download in the school library before
school, during lunch or after school. Students who are absent can
download notes and other makeup assignments from the school
website as well.
 (1) 21/2 – 3 inch 3 ringed binder
 6 section dividers( objectives/ assignments, journal,
vocabulary, grammar, composition, literature)
 Blue or black ball point pen(assignments turned in
must be in pen or points will be deducted. Major
compositions will not be accepted in pencil !(e.g.
 Correction fluid (optional)
 1 electronic mass storage( may be used for other
 Tissue, sanitizer, and other personal items required for
personal use)
Failure is not an option…
……….But, apathy will not be tolerated!
Instructional Strategies
 Cycle of Instruction (Bell ringer, essential
vocabulary, direct instruction, guided
instruction, independent practice,
 Marzano strategies
 Small group instruction
 Scaffolding
 Cornell Note taking
Tests= 60%
Class work/Homework= 15 %
Composition =10%
Journal writing = 10%
Participation = 5% (bell ringer, quick
writes note take)
 In order to make an A in this class a student must pass
all tests with at least a 90% and turn in at least 90% of
all assignments with 90% accuracy and stay on task
 In order to make a B in this class a student must pass
all tests with at least 80% and turn in at least 80% of all
assignments with 80% accuracy and stay on task daily.
 In order to make a C in this class a student must pass
all test with at least a 70% and turn in at least 70% with
70% accuracy of all assignments and stay on task
Make up policy!
 Every effort will b made to help students to
successfully pass; however, students must take
advantage of the opportunities offered.
 Retesting and makeup tests will be available
on Tuesdays and Thursdays afterschool.
 The highest grade that can be made on a
retest is a 70.
 Do not wait until the end of the quarter to take
make ups for work given at the beginning or
several weeks earlier in the quarter.
Field Trip Policy
 All make up work must be obtained prior to the
field trip and submitted upon return to class.
Failure to adhere to this policy can determine
permission on future field trips.
 Students with poor conduct , failing grades,
excessive absences or tardiness that is not
due to medical reasons will not receive
permission to participate on field trips from the
Classroom Guidelines
Arrive on time in correct uniform, worn properly
Come prepared for class
Move directly into the seat
Raise hand if you wish to be recognized
Complete all assignments and turn in on time
Keep talking to a minimum
Bring no food into the classroom’
Keep cell phones turned off and out of sight
Respect others at all times
All Mobile County Public School System Policies Apply
as it relates to Conduct and Behavior
Individual Conference or reminder
Parent Conference
 Cell phones and other electronic devices are
not permitted . If they are seen or heard they
will be confiscated and turned over to the
nearest administrator for further action.
1st offense = Confiscation( Returned after 1
2nd/3rd offense referral to retract and/ or
 Failure to relinquish the electronic device can
result in automatic suspension.
4 parent note absences
4 unexcused absences
Unlimited doctor’s notes
4 tardies = 1 unexcused absence
 doctor’s notes and parents notes must be
submitted no later than the 3rd day after
return from absence
Tardiness (Arrival to
 Report directly to the auditorium (Mrs. Wallace will not
issue late passes after tardy bell rings.
 Students will sign in and will be escorted to their first
block classes.
 Students who arrive more than fifteen minutes late will
be marked absent for their first block class. (Be mindful
of the policy for tardiness and absences to class. 4
tardies equals an unexcused absence, 4 unexcused
absences can result in a loss of credit)
 In addition absenteeism and tardiness can have legal
repercussions as it related to truancy!!
To Class
 You are tardy once the class room door is closed after the tardy
bell. (If you are more than 15 minutes late you will be marked
absent) Do not beat on the door! I will let you stay outside and
mark you absent after fifteen minutes if you do!!!! Wait until I open
the door!
 Go to the restroom between classes. There are restrooms on
every hall.
 Lockers are not available between every class. Don’t expect to be
able to go to them after every class.
 Do not expect for your absence to be excused unless you bring a
blue slip. Don’t expect your tardiness to be excused if you don’t
have a note from a teacher with a legitimate reason. A teacher
should call if he or she is holding you after class. Understand that
a teacher cannot expect that an absence or tardiness is excusable
just because he or she kept you to complete their class work.
Bullying / Sexual
 Bullying and / or sexual harassment will not be
tolerated on any level
 Bullying in any form , verbal physical or
through the use of technology can result in
suspension or expulsion
 Sexual harassment verbal or physical can
result in suspension or expulsion
 Report any form of abuse to teachers,
counselors, administrators or parents