LOUDON POLICE ANNUAL D.A.R.E. PIZZA NIGHT WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 RAFFLE TICKETS ON SALE AT 4:30 P.M. (3/$1.00 OR 20/$5.00) – DINNER 5:00 P.M. – 6:30 P.M. ($3.00) RAFFLE STARTS PROMPLY AT 6:30 P.M. FirstName LastName Company item Billy & Sandy Lazos Brookside Pizza I, Pizza @ reduced price/soda/salad Brookside Pizza II, Brookside Pizza III John & Carolyn Carr Ledgeview 2 $35 gift certificates to Ledgeview Gardens Greenhouses Dave Swenson Snap-On Tools Snap on matchbox cars, socks, hats, coffee mugs, outdoor thermometer Doug Cole D.S. Cole & PLANTS Cole’s Gardens Karen Schoonmaker Foxy Hair Care Hair product gift basket Steve Rattee Capitol Fire Protection 2 fire extinguishers John & Susan Cronin Eggshell Restaurant (10) $10 gift certificates – Eggshell Restaurant (10) $10 gift certificates – Lakeside Restaurant (10) $20 gift certificates – Circle Restaurant Huntington Pleasant View Gardens $200 gift certificate for plant product package Family Coca-Cola of Belmont Soda Chris Devol Penny Press Marketing Puzzle books Revonda Associates Financial donation Lin Chiu Kings Chinese (2) $25 gift certificates to Kings Restaurant Cummings Red Roof Inn of Loudon 1 year family pool membership Family Eileen Dylan Burr Patriots football Cummings Glow in the dark basketball Matthew Smith Loudon Garage (8) NH Inspections Ernie & Kris Roberts Meadowledge Apple Orchard (3) gift certificates for gift basket at Meadowledge; (4) gift certificates for ½ bushel PYO apples Gary Tasker Tasker Landscaping $50 gift certificate to Tasker Landscaping Bill Massey Eastern Propane Outdoor fire bowl w/propane tank (and assembly) Art Swenson Swenson Photography Gift certificate to Swenson Photography for family portrait ($50 value) Chief Rick Wright Loudon Fire Department (2) smoke/fire/co alarms Mark Aubrey E.S.M.I. 18 holes of golf for 4 w/cart at Loudon Country Club Jeff & Mary Hardy Body Works 3 mo. Membership at Bodyworks Robert & Karen Mossman $50 gift card to CVS Ed Michniewicz Big Ed's Repair (2) NH State Inspections at Big Ed’s; (1) Check Engine Diagnostic Tony Merullo Sceptre Custom Homes $50 gift card to Lowes Tony Merullo AAM Builders $50 gift card to Lowes William Leombruno Loudon Country Club (2) gift certificates 18 holes golf for 4 at Loudon Country Club Dave Kezar Kezar Automotive TBA William Taranovich North Country Tractor John Deere dump truck; John Deere Roar & Rumble Tractor; John Deere Pink striped knit hat; John Deere bball hat Deborah Foss Brother all in one printer; (2) Alex & Ani bracelets Wayne Thistle Thistle Construction Financial donation Rabih Imad Loudon Mart, LLC Paper products; ice; financial donation Michael Milligan Milligan Foundations Financial donation Roy Merrill (2) $25 gift cards to Ruby Tuesday Jack Nasr Z – 1 Express Financial donation Greg Fillmore Fillmore Industries (2) $25 gift cards to Home Depot Michael Mickey Mulkhey Mike LaBonte Enterprises (2) hula-hoops; kite; r/c helicopter LaBonte & Kim & Melinda Bean K & M Drywall $50 gift card to Makris; 2 qts. Maple Syrup; financial FirstName LastName Company David Heath Florence & Carolyn David Dudley Dudley’s Ice Cream Daniels Route 106 RacePark Hobby Store Joe Bohi Bohi Construction Ray & Donna Wilson Ray Brad Victoria Leo & Tina Tresea, George & Shelby David & Tracy Newcomb Smith Emerson Thompson Phillips Mulleavey Young JBI Helicopter Services Smith’s Egg Farm Ed’s Septic Service Northern Design Precast, Inc. Victoria Phillips, CPA Mulleavey Electric IN MEMORY OF KEVIN W. YOUNG Huckins Harry Darlene Dr. Stephanie Trisha MacLauchlan Lamprey Foisy-Mills Brooks Huckleberry Propane & Heating Oils, LLC Harry O- Electrical Corp. TD Banknorth Crossroad Chiropractic Trish’s Hair Chair Jennifer Darlene & Paul Russ & Brenda James Alicia Rob & Melissa Josh & Tammy Batchelder Johnson Pearl Bond Brooks Ackerson Davis A Furry Affair Best Septic Service Russ Pearl Excavation A Corner Barber Shop Alicia’s School of Dance Capitol Yard Works LLC The Smoke Shack Alicia Grimaldi & John Leon Dan Tina White AffirmWater Reardon Aznive Plourde Reardon Builders Dan James John Plourde Rhoads Storrs Marco Marco Bryan F. Plante Plante Caruso Fat Dan’s Ice Cream Rhoads Motor Sports Hilltop Feeds Sam’s Club Hannaford The Masse Family MDP Management Villages of Loudon Concord Sports Center Jean Cooper After Hours Tax Prep Glenn & Francine Jeff Ron Nancy Janice Clave Green Lane Bottcher Sinclair & Family J.L.Green Enterprises Lanes Garage Kris Jody Tripp Hunt Bark Now! Loudon Center Electrical Specialists, LLC Loudon Village Country Store item donation Brookstone e-comfort lap desk & $5 gift certificate towards vehicle oil undercoating (5) $5 gift certificates to Dudley’s Ice Cream $10 gift certificate to 106 RacePark Hobby; army model; Flyzone plane $50 gift card to Walmart; $50 gift card to Petsmart; $50 gift card to Toys R Us $100 gift card to Olympia Sport (3) $25 gift certificate to Smith’s Egg Farm Financial donation 4 tickets to UNH hockey game (Oct/Nov/Dec 2014) Logitech Ultimate Ears 4000 Headphones 2 bicycles $25 gift certificate for Tresea’s decorated cake; chocolate pizza; 3 knittted scarves Annual furnace cleaning; gift certificate for 100 gal of fuel at Huckleberry Heating Oils Financial donation $25 VISA gift card Gift certificate for complete Chiropractic exam w/x-rays Hair product gift basket; $28 gift certificate to Trish’s Hair Chair $50 gift certificate to A Furry Affair Painted slate; painted wooden plate Motorized backhoe; bulldozer; dump truck (2) $25 VISA gift card Gift bucket with doll & 2 shirts $30 ITUNES gift card Gift certificate for SMOKE SHACK backyard BBQ bash for you & 25 friends (2) Affirm water bottles with pouches Financial donation $25 gift card to Brookside Pizza (2) chest protectors; (5) Fox t-shirts; (2) goggles; (2) flipflops; (2) helmets; stickers; elbow pads TBA Motorcycle helmet (2) $25 gift certificates to Hilltop Feeds $25 gift card to Sam’s Club $50 gift card to Hannafords 2 lego sets (8) $25 gift cards to Target (8) $25 gift cards to Target 3 gift certificates to Concord Sports Center (30 minutesbatting cages) George Foreman tabletop grill; digital coin counting bank; IZOD polo shirt (XL) Financial donation (2) $25 gift cards to Tractor Supply Store (4) NH State Inspections to Lane’s Garage $25 gift card to BAM Once upon a Time DVD, Angel candle holder; Seaside Citrus shower gel; Mandarin Blossom soap & lotion set $50 Gift certificate to BARK NOW Emergency kit FirstName Cathy LastName Miller Glisten LLC Company Rob Andy & Lorraine Scott Lyle Wageling Lyle Plumbing & Heating Wageling Distributors, LLC Hagerty Powerbuilt Electrical Services, LLC Michele Holbrook Michele’s Totally Awesome Gourmet Popcorn Becky Kim Woodward Diane Carol Carol Soule Smith Bev Labrie Burr Pike & Bruce Dawson Barbara Young Scot Flewelling Miles Smith Farm Jay’s Auto & Truck Sales Target Jabil Kennels Walmart Stepping Stone Landscaping Steve Jackson Confectionately Yours Sweet Shop Deb & Rick Dick & Joan Latham Malfait Krazy Kids Pleasant Street Ext Loudon Police NH Motor Speedway AJ Jen & Jayson Dukette Leonard Sissy Lara Beth-Ann Breanne Pickering Sheehy Barrett Mullen Alicha John Shawn Donnie Kathy Barbara James Kay Sue Kingsbury Rymes Jones Marilyn Houghton Follansbee McNeil Doyon Brocious Rebecca Jen Juliana Stuart Mercer Brien 93.3 The Wolf J & J Yolk The Radcliffe Family In Memory of Bob Bottcher L.Y.A.A. Loudon Fire Auxiliary Little Sweet Pea Boutique Speedway Convenience Store American Legion Post 88 Jenks 4 McNeil Song Away Farm ANONYMOUS The Seltzer Family Blessed Be Consignments Sweet Bee Cookies item Gift certificate for Teen Facial and earrings; gift certificate for deep cleansing facial and bag of lotions Kitchen faucet (2) $25 gift cards to Brookside Pizza $50 gift certificate to Kings Restaurant; $50 gift card to Brookside Pizza; $50 gift certificate to Loudon Yankee Store $15 gift certificate to Michele Sweet Shoppe (3) movie night gift bags $40 gift card to Windmill Restaurant $20 gift card to Walmart (4) $25 gift cards to Olive Garden/Longhorns $30 gift card to Miles Smith Farm (8) NH State Inspections $25 gift card to Target 20 lb bag of dog food $50 gift card to Walmart Granite bench; gift certificate for 2 shrubs from Stepping Stone Landscaping (5) $20 gift certificates to Confectionately Yours Sweet Shop; Gift certificate for 5 lbs fresh fudge; 5 lb bucket of candy; large candy bouquet; 2 lb assorted chocolates (2) $20 gift cards to Krazy Kids Financial donation Bowl/measuring cup set (2) 4 tickets to 7/12 Saturday Nationwide race; (4) youth hats; (1) adult hat & shirt; (1) Loud’n Proud hat; 1 Loudon NH Live Free & Race sign; (3) youth t-shirts; 1 Milo doll; 1 NHMS soft soda cooler (2) George Strait tickets May 31, 2014 at Gillette Stadium (2) $20 gift cards to J & J Yolk Latch hook kit; clay pot kit; dartboard; beach toy set; macrame kit; fun basket Avon peach hand lotion set 2 children’s fishing poles (2) knitted scarves (2) LYAA 2014 registrations for soccer or baseball w/ soccer balls Fire extinguisher $20 gift card to Little Sweet Pea Boutique (2) $25 Gulf gas cards Coast guard action set Galileo Thermometer; cardinal painting $50 Gulf gas gift card Doll with homemade clothes $50 VISA gift card (4) gift certificates 1 dozen eggs at Song Away Farm Spa gift basket $25 gift card to TGI Fridays Bug vacuum (3) $10 gift certificates to Blessed Be Simply Tasteful bread mixes & 2 spices Gift certificate for 1 dozen cookies ADDITIONAL THANKS GO TO THE FOLLOWING FOR PROVIDING FINANCIAL DONATIONS FOR D.A.R.E. SCHOLARSHIPS! LOUDON MART, LLC K & M DRYWALL