'Encountering Conflict'.

Area of Study 2
AOS 2: Creating and Presenting
 This outcome invites you to explore, within a chosen Context,
the interconnection between reading and writing.
 After reading and analysing the work of others, you are
required to produce a range of your own written texts, making
clear, deliberate choices about form, purpose, audience,
language and context.
Your context
You will be required to create and present your own
ideas discussing the context of
This task requires you to develop a deep understanding
of this context and be able to write about it in
interesting and varied ways.
What you will be assessed on
This task is not a text response essay.
Rather, you will be assessed on:
The quality of your ideas about ‘Encountering
The quality of your writing.
How well you respond to the prompt/stimulus
You use the set texts to build your ideas and
provide some direction for your writing.
The prompt
Ensure that you make clear that you are
responding to the prompt.
Explore the wider implications of the prompt, its
relation to the film/texts, focusing on the quality
and originality of your writing.
The prompt is a springboard for your writing, but
you must explore it as your central idea and your
writing should be directed by it.
Using the text
While you shouldn’t rely too heavily on the text,
you need to show a clear understanding of it.
Your writing needs to be “informed” by the text,
which means you can show understanding of the
ideas in it, or explicitly discuss the ideas.
The SAC:
 You will have two periods to complete the SAC.
 You need to write one extended piece (900-1200 words)*.
 You will be given a writing prompt to guide the focus of your
 You will need to include a written explanation about the
purpose, form, language and audience (a proforma will be
 You must write in an expository, persuasive or imaginative
* recommended
What you are being assessed on:
 Understanding and exploration of ideas and /or arguments
relevant to the prompt and the Context
 Use of detail and ideas drawn from the selected text as
appropriate to the task
 Control of selected form, considering the shaping of writing to
suit form, purpose, language and audience
 Complexity and development of ideas in the creation of your
own text/s
 Expressiveness, fluency and coherence of writing
 A written explanation of personal choices, with use of
appropriate metalanguage
Expository Writing
Expository writing explores different aspects
of an idea. It “exposes” an idea
Purpose: to explain; explore; analyse; inform
Forms: a standard essay; news article; research report;
non-fiction book; blog
Language style: often formal; third person, though first
person could be used if it fits the purpose; lots of detail
Persuasive Writing
 Writing that persuades the reader to accept
the writer’s viewpoint
 Purpose: to persuade; argue; rebut; encourage action; inspire; sell
 Form: argumentative essay; letter to the editor; dialogue between
two opposing views; editorial; opinion article, speech
 Language: tone can vary; identifiable arguments with evidence;
clear contention; persuasive language and strategies
Imaginative Writing
 Writing that is fictional that aims to entertain,
describe, reflect, encourage reflection and
 Forms: short story, description, play script, screenplay, novel,
journal or diary
 Language: greatly varied depending on form, structure and
purpose; figurative language; plot conventions; dialogue;
variety of viewpoints
Encountering CONFLICT
Our Context
What does it mean to ‘Encounter
When you hear the word “conflict” what do you
Brainstorm different vocabulary for “conflict”
What is meant by “encountering”? Define
List other synonyms for “encountering”
Why write about “conflict”?
Why do people write about encountering conflict?
What texts can you name that deal with this theme?
(books, poems, plays, films)
What conflicts have been prominent in the world
around you lately?
Different types of conflict
1. Complete the following table:
Types of
How people
Did you consider these factors?
Communication breakdown
Different values/ cultures/religions/race/class/goals
Lack of understanding
Desire for power/wealth/control
Fear of the unknown/difference
Breaking of trust
Unresolved disagreements
Underlying stress, personal tensions
Key Ideas (from Insight)
Conflicts involve a clash of ideas
People’s responses to conflict vary
Conflict occurs between the powerful and the powerless
Conflicts may be difficult to resolve
Conflict can be a catalyst for change