Information Systems

Top MIS Journals: Missions, Fit
and the Publication Process
MIS Colloquium
September 25, 2009
Management Information Systems
• To help junior faculty and PhD students understand what types of papers to
send to which journals
• Slides include background information on the mission of the journal, number of
articles published, types of papers published, and acceptance rates where
• We need those who have experience publishing with the particular journal to
speak about their experience
• We’ll cover as many of the A+ and A journals as time permits
• So join us on a path of discovery — one that will help you decide where to send
your next paper!
MIS Quarterly
• The editorial objective of the MIS Quarterly is the enhancement and
communication of knowledge concerning the development of IT-based
services, the management of IT resources, and the use, impact, and
economics of IT with managerial, organizational, and societal
implications. Professional issues affecting the IS field as a whole are also in
the purview of the journal.
Number of Articles Published in 2008: 36
Acceptance Rate: 7.5%
Review Process: Peer review, double blind
Editorial Board
MIS Quarterly – Current issue
Issues and Opinions
• Why Break the Habit of a Lifetime? Rethinking the Roles of Intention, Habit, and
Emotion in Continuing Information Technology Use - Ana Ortiz de Guinea and M. Lynne
Research Essays
• Minimizing Method Bias Through Programmatic Research - Andrew Burton-Jones
• Estimating the Effect of Common Method Variance: The Method-Method Pair Technique
with an Illustration from TAM Research - Rajeev Sharma, Philip Yetton, and Jeff
Research Articles
• Web Strategies to Promote Internet Shopping: Is Cultural-Customization Needed? Choon Ling Sia, Kai H. Lim, Kwok Leung, Matthew K. O. Lee, Wayne Wei Huang, and Izak
• The Integrative Framework of Technology Use: An Extension and Test - Sung S. Kim
• Exploring Human Images in Website Design: A Multi-Method Approach - Dianne Cyr,
Milena Head, Hector Larios, and Bin Pan
MIS Quarterly – Current issue
Research Notes
• Investigating User Resistance to Information Systems Implementation: A Status Quo Bias
Perspective - Hee-Woong Kim and Atreyi Kankanhalli
• Response to Jones and Karsten, "Giddens's Structuration Theory and Information Systems
Research - Marshall Scott Poole
• Divided by a Common Language? A Response to Marshall Scott Poole - Matthew R. Jones
and Helena Karsten
Special Issue on Information Systems Offshoring, Part II
• The Evolution of Risk in Information Systems Offshoring: The Impact of Home Country
Risk, Firm Learning, and Competitive Dynamics - Eugene D. Hahn, Jonathan P. Doh, and
Kraiwinee Bunyaratavej
• Offshore Information Systems Project Success: The Role of Social Embeddedness and
Cultural Characteristics - Arun Rai, Likoebe M. Maruping, and Viswanath Venkatesh
Information Systems Research
• Information Systems Research (ISR) seeks to advance knowledge about the
effective and efficient utilization of information technology by individuals,
groups, organizations, society, and nations for the improvement of economic
and social welfare.
• The journal is receptive to a wide variety of phenomena and topics related to
the design, management, use, valuation, and impacts of information
technologies at different levels of analysis (i.e., individuals, groups, firms,
networks, societies, and nations).
Number of Articles Published in 2008: 25
Acceptance Rate: 15%
Review Process: Peer review, double blind
Editorial Board
Information Systems Research - Current Issue
Weighing the Benefits and Costs of Flexibility in Making Software: Toward a Contingency
Theory of the Determinants of Development Process Design-(Research Commentary)
Robert Austin and Lee Devin
Agility From First Principles: Reconstructing the Concept of Agility in Information
Systems Development - Kieran Conboy
A Co-Evolving Systems Approach to the Organization of Agile Software Development
- Xiaofeng Wang and Richard T. Vidgen
Control of Flexible Software Development under Uncertainty
- Michael Harris, Rosann Collins, and Alan Hevner
A Control Theory Perspective on Agile Methodology Use and Changing User Requirements
- Likoebe Maruping, Viswanath Venkatesh, and Ritu Agarwal
Exploring Agility in Distributed Information Systems Development (ISD) Teams: An
Interpretive Study in An Offshoring Context
Saonee Sarker and Suprateek Sarker
Crossing Spatial and Temporal Boudaries in Globally Distributed Projects: A Relational
Model of Coordination Delay
Jonathon Cummings, J. Alberto Espinosa, and Cynthia Pickering
Management Science
• Its scope includes articles that address management issues with tools from
foundational fields such as computer science, economics, mathematics,
operations research, political science, psychology, sociology, and statistics, as
well as cross-functional, multidisciplinary research that reflects the diversity
of the management science professions.
• Its interest extends to managerial issues in diverse organizational forms, such
as for-profit and nonprofit firms, private and public sector institutions, and
formal and informal networks of individuals. We welcome theoretical,
empirical, prescriptive, and descriptive contributions.
Number of Articles Published in 2008: 133 (8 in IS)
Acceptance Rate: 9.96%
Review Process: Peer review, double blind
Editorial Board
Management Science - Current Issue
Are We Wise About the Wisdom of Crowds? The Use of Group Judgments in Belief
Revision- Albert E. Mannes
Price-Dependent Profit Sharing as a Channel Coordination Device
Øystein Foros, Kåre P. Hagen, Hans Jarle Kind
Unspanned Stochastic Volatility in Affine Models: Evidence from Eurodollar Futures and
Options- Ruslan Bikbov, Mikhail Chernov
Relative Performance Compensation, Contests, and Dynamic Incentives
- Pablo Casas-Arce, F. Asís Martínez-Jerez
How Interfirm Alliance Announcements Change the Stock Market Valuation of Rivals
- Joanne E. Oxley, Rachelle C. Sampson, Brian S. Silverman Arms Race or Détente?
Product Variety and Endogenous Pricing with Evaluation Costs
J. Miguel Villas-Boas
Optimal Price and Product Quality Decisions in a Distribution Channel
Xiaowei Xu
Responding to Unexpected Overloads in Large-Scale Service Systems
Ohad Perry, Ward Whitt
Journal of Management Information Systems
This journal is intended to provide an integrated view of the entire field of
MIS. It accepts empirical and interpretive submissions that make a significant
novel contribution to the field of management information systems. Such
contributions may present:
experimental, survey-based, or theoretical research of the structure, development, or
utilization of information systems, relevant to the progress of the field;
paradigmatic designs and applications;
analyses of informational policy making in the organizational, national, or international setting;
Investigations of social and economic issues of organizational computing.
Number of Articles Published in 2008: 40
Acceptance Rate: <10%
Review Process: Peer review, double blind
Editorial Board
Journal of Management Information Systems-Current Issue
Special Section: Structure and Complexity in Sociotechnical Systems
Jay NunamakerJr. , Ralph Sprague and Robert O. Briggs
A Meta- Theory for Understanding Information Systems Within Sociotechnical Systems
Robert P. Bostrom , Saurabh Gupta and Dominic Thomas
Decentralization in Wikipedia Governance
Andrea Forte , Vanessa Larco and Amy Bruckman
Engaging Group E-Learning in Virtual Worlds
Katherine Franceschi , Ronald M. Lee , Stelios H. Zanakis and David Hinds
Chaos Theory as a Lens for Interpreting Blogging
Xitong Guo , Douglas R. Vogel , Zhongyun Zhou , Xi Zhang and Huaping Chen
Managing Knowledge in Light of Its Evolution Process: An Empirical Study on Citation Network-Based Patent Classification
Xin Li , Hsinchun Chen , Zhu Zhang , Jiexun Li and Jay NunamakerJr.
The CMC Interactivity Model: How Interactivity Enhances Communication Quality and Process
Satisfaction in Lean-Media Groups
Paul Benjamin Lowry , Nicholas C. RomanoJr. , Jeffrey L. Jenkins and Randy W. Guthrie
Leveraging Crowdsourcing: Activation-Supporting Components for IT-Based Ideas Competition
Jan Marco Leimeister , Michael Huber , Ulrich Bretschneider and Helmut Krcmar
European Journal Of Information Systems
• The European Journal of Information Systems provides a distinctive European
perspective on the theory and practice of information systems for a global
audience. We encourage first rate research articles by academics, but also
case studies and reflective articles by practitioners. We provide a critical view
on technology, development, implementation, strategy, management and
Number of Articles Published in 2008: 52
Acceptance Rate: ?
Review Process: Peer review, double blind
Editorial Board
European Journal Of Information Systems- Current Issue
Guest Editorial:
• ‘Lots done, more to do': the current state of agile systems development research
Pekka Abrahamsson, Kieran Conboy and Xiaofeng Wang
Original Articles:
• Assessing the relative contribution of the facets of agility to distributed systems development
success: an Analytic Hierarchy Process approach
- Saonee Sarker, Charles L Munson, Suprateek Sarker and Suranjan Chakraborty
Exploring agile values in method configuration- Fredrik Karlsson and Pär Ågerfalk
Simulating mixed agile and plan-based requirements prioritization strategies: proof-ofconcept and practical implications- Daniel Port and Tung Bui
A framework for adapting agile development methodologies
- Lan Cao, Kannan Mohan, Peng Xu and Balasubramaniam Ramesh
Acceptance of software process innovations – the case of extreme programming
- George Mangalaraj, RadhaKanta Mahapatra and Sridhar Nerur
Role of collective ownership and coding standards in coordinating expertise in software
project teams- Likoebe M Maruping, Xiaojun Zhang and Viswanath Venkatesh
• The role of project management in ineffective decision making within Agile software
development projects- John McAvoy and Tom Butler
Journal of The Association Of Information Systems
• The Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), the flagship
research journal of the Association for Information Systems, publishes the
highest quality scholarship in the field of information systems.
• JAIS is inclusive in scope and covers all aspects of Information Systems and
Information Technology. The Journal publishes rigorously developed and
forward looking conceptual and empirical contributions. The Journal
encourages multidisciplinary and nontraditional approaches
Number of Articles Published in 2008: 32
Acceptance Rate: <12%
Review Process: Peer review, double blind
Editorial Board
Journal of The Association Of Information Systems
• Using Social Network Analysis to Analyze Relationships Among IS Journals6
- Greta L. Polites and Richard T. Watson
• Information Flow Impediments in Disaster Relief Supply Chains8
- Jamison M. Day, Iris Junglas, and Leiser Silva
• Using Visual Representations of Data to Enhance Sensemaking in Data
Exploration Tasks2
- Jeff Baker, Donald Jones, and Jim Burkman
• Assessing Scholarly Influence: Using the Hirsch Indices to Reframe the
- Duane Truex, Michael Cuellar, and Hirotoshi Takeda
• Management Implications in Information Systems Research: The Untold Story2
- Neil C. Ramiller and Brian T. Pentland
• Guidelines for Empirical Evaluations of Conceptual Modeling Grammars4
- Andrew Burton-Jones, Yair Wand, and Ron Weber
Information Systems Journal
• The Information Systems Journal (ISJ) is an international journal promoting the
study of information systems. Articles are welcome concerning research,
practice, experience, current issues and debates.
• The ISJ encourages submissions that reflect the wide and interdisciplinary
nature of the subject and articles that integrate technological disciplines with
social, contextual and management issues, based on research using
appropriate research methods.
• Quantitative research papers are also welcome but they need to emphasize
the context of the research and the theoretical and practical implications of
their findings. The ISJ does not publish purely technical papers.
Number of Articles Published in 2008: 32
Acceptance Rate:
Review Process: Peer review, double blind
Editorial Board
Information Systems Journal - Current Issue
• Editorial (p 459-460)
David Avison, Guy Fitzgerald, Philip Powell
Original Articles
• Conflict and identity shape shifting in an online financial community (p 461478) - John Campbell, Gordon Fletcher, Anita Greenhill
• A temporal perspective of the computer game development process (p 479497)- Patrick Stacey, Joe Nandhakumar
• Organizational knowledge transfer through creation, mobilization and
diffusion: a case analysis of InTouch within Schlumberger (p 499-522)
Ashley Braganza, Ray Hackney, Satrijo Tanudjojo
ACM Computing Surveys
• The primary purposes of the ACM Computing Surveys are to present
new specialties and help practitioners and researchers stay abreast of
all areas in the rapidly evolving field of computing.
• The ACM Computing Surveys publishes surveys of and tutorials on areas
of computing research or practice. Contributions should conform to
generally accepted practices for scientific papers with respect to
organization and style.
Number of Articles Published in 2008: 12
Acceptance Rate:
Review Process: Peer review, double blind
Editorial Board
ACM Transactions
• ACM, the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society, delivers
resources that advance computing as a science and a profession. ACM provides
the computing field's premier Digital Library and serves its members and the
computing profession with leading-edge publications, conferences, and career
Communications of The ACM
• Communications of the ACM magazine as a platform to present and
debate various technology implications, public policies, engineering
challenges, and market trends.
• Communications of the ACM has high quality editorial content and a
steadfast dedication to advancing the arts, sciences, and applications
of information technology.
Number of Articles Published in 2008: 140
Acceptance Rate:
Review Process: Peer review, double blind
Editorial Board
Communications of the AIS
• Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS) is
intended to foster the free flow of ideas within the IS community;
• Its emphasis is on originality, importance, and cogency of ideas; it is
also a vehicle for case studies, survey articles, tutorials, and other
materials of general interest to the IS community
Number of Articles Published in 2008:
Acceptance Rate:
Review Process: Peer review, double blind
Editorial Board
• We seek to provide an accessible, flexible, and timely forum for
information on both well-researched topics and those less common,
perhaps leading-edge topics which may not yet have found their way
into the literature. We welcome the opportunity to publish materials
that are controversial or which may as yet be untested.
• Oldest continuously published MIS journal
Number of Articles Published in 2008: 20
Acceptance Rate: 11%
Review Process: Peer review, double blind
Editorial Board
Decision Support Systems
• Decision Support Systems welcomes contributions on the concepts and
operational basis for Design support systems, techniques for implementing and
evaluating DSSs, DSS experiences, and related studies.
• In treating Design Support Systems topics, manuscripts may delve into, drawon, or expand such diverse areas as artificial intelligence, cognitive science,
computer supported cooperative work, data base management, decision
theory, economics, linguistics, management science, mathematical modeling,
operations management psychology, user interface management systems, and
Number of Articles Published in 2008:
Acceptance Rate: ?
Review Process: Peer review, not blind
Editorial Board
Harvard Business Review
• The goal of Harvard Business Review is to be the source of the best new ideas
for people creating, leading, and transforming business.
• HBR's articles cover a wide range of topics that are relevant to different
industries, management functions, and geographic locations. They focus on
such areas as leadership, organizational change, negotiation, strategy,
operations, marketing, finance, and managing people.
Number of Articles Published in 2008: 110
Acceptance Rate:
Review Process:
Editorial Board
Human-Computer Interaction
• Human-Computer Interaction(HCI) publishes articles that combine
research theory and methods in computer science, cognitive science,
social science, and design. HCI articles are the most extensive, indepth investigations of important research issues in the field.
• HCI also publishes articles with novel perspective and methods. Special
Issues in HCI are definitive collections on critical research areas in the
Number of Articles Published in 2008: 10
Acceptance Rate:
Review Process: Peer review, not blind
Editorial Board
• These publications of IEEE Societies provide the means by which the member
keeps abreast of the advances in specific fields.
• Their mission is to record and disseminate new scientific and technical
information for present and future members of the profession.
Information & Management
• Information & Management serves managers, professionals, database
administrators and senior executives of organizations which design, implement
and manage Information Systems Applications.
• The major aims are:
• To collect and disseminate information on new and advanced developments in the
field of applied information systems;
• To provide material for training and education in administrative data systems;
• To encourage further progress in information systems methodology and applications;
• To cover the range of information system development and usage in their use of
managerial policies, strategies, and activities for business, public administration, and
international organizations;
Number of Articles Published in 2008: 62
Acceptance Rate:
Review Process: Peer review, not blind ?
Editorial Board
Information and Organizations
Information and Organizations seeks
• To publish original scholarly articles on the relationships between information
technologies and social organization.
• To advance established and emerging theoretical arguments through the
publication of papers that review empirical research and provide directions for
future research and theory development. The aim is to provide a forum that
brings together innovative, reflective, and rigorous scholarship.
Number of Articles Published in 2008:
Acceptance Rate:
Review Process: Peer review ?
Editorial Board
Information Systems
• Information Systems publishes articles concerning the design and
implementation of languages, data models, algorithms, software and hardware
for information systems.
Subject areas include data management issues as presented in the principal
international database conferences (e.g. ACM SIGMOD, ACM PODS, VLDB and
EDBT) as well as data-related issues from the fields of data mining,
information retrieval, natural language processing, internet data management,
visual and audio information systems, scientific computing, and organizational
Number of Articles Published in 2008: 33
Acceptance Rate:
Review Process: Peer review, ?
Editorial Board
Information Technology and People
• Information technology and people (ITP) is constantly innovative in its
approach, settings and topics. It is progressively international in its scope of
authors, readers and research settings and has always been interdisciplinary
and open to multiple methods and views for exploring the intricate and
complex relationship between technology and social forms.
Number of Articles Published in 2008: 20
Acceptance Rate: 16.8
Review Process: ?
Editorial Board
International Journal of Electronic Commerce
Electronic commerce is the sharing of business information, maintaining
business relationships, and conducting business transactions by digital means
over telecommunications networks. The Journal accepts empirical and
interpretive submissions that make a significant novel contribution to this
field. Such contributions may present :
Experimental, theoretical, or survey-based research, relevant to the progress of electronic
Paradigmatic designs and applications
Investigation of organizational, societal, and international issues of electronic commerce
Number of Articles Published in 2008: 20
Acceptance Rate:
Review Process: Peer review
Editorial Board
Journal of Database Management
• The Journal of Database Management (JDM) publishes original research on all
aspects of database management, systems analysis and design, and software
• The primary mission of JDM is to be instrumental in the improvement and
development of theory and practice related to information technology and
management of information resources. The journal is targeted at both
academic researchers and practicing IT professionals.
Number of Articles Published in 2008: 19
Acceptance Rate:
Review Process: Peer review, double blind
Editorial Board
Journal of Information Technology
• The aim of the Journal of Information Technology (JIT) is to provide
academically robust papers, research, critical reviews and opinions on the
organizational, social and management issues associated with significant
information-based technologies.
• JIT focuses on new research addressing technology and the management of IT,
including strategy, change, infrastructure, human resources, sourcing, system
development and implementation, communications, technology developments,
technology futures, national policies and standards.
• The journal will publish work from all disciplinary, theoretical and
methodological perspectives.
Number of Articles Published in 2008:
Acceptance Rate:
Review Process: Peer review
Editorial Board
Journal of Strategic Information Systems
• The Journal of Strategic Information Systems focuses on the management,
business and organizational issues associated with the introduction and
utilization of information systems as a strategic tool, and considers these
issues in a global context.
• The emphasis is on the incorporation of IT into organizations' strategic
thinking, strategy alignment and management of change issues.
Number of Articles Published in 2008: 16
Acceptance Rate:
Review Process: Peer review
Editorial Board
Journal of the ACM
• The Journal of the ACM (JACM) aims to provide coverage of the most
significant work going on in computer science, broadly construed. Publishes
original research papers of lasting value in computer science. To be accepted,
a paper must be judged to be truly outstanding in its field and to be of interest
to a wide audience. They are particularly interested in work at the
boundaries, both the boundaries of sub disciplines of computer science and the
boundaries between computer science and other fields.
• Number of Articles Published in 2008:
• Acceptance Rate:
• Review Process:
• Editorial Board
MISQ Executive
• MISQ Executive (MISQE) invites authors to submit papers based on in-depth
research that provide rich stories, unique insights, and useful conceptual
frameworks for information systems practice. target audience includes both
practitioners and researchers -- so that MISQE can stimulate ongoing
discussions at the intersection of research and practice -- but the primary
focus is research that is immediately relevant and useful for practice.
Number of Articles Published in 2008: 16
Acceptance Rate:
Review Process: Peer review
Editorial Board
Sloan Management Review
• MIT Sloan Management Review aims to be the most trusted source of useful
and innovative ideas for business leaders, in print and online.
• The journal bridges the gap between management research and practice,
evaluating and reporting on new research to help readers identify and
understand significant trends in management
• Sloan Management Review seeks manuscripts that offer new research and
insights about important management topics.
Number of Articles Published in 2008:
Acceptance Rate: 20%
Review Process: Peer review
Editorial Board