Family English Coursebook: Listening & Interaction Skills

Unit 6
“What a nice family!”
Lead-in Activity
 Warm-up
 Listening Task
 Real World Listening
 Interaction Link
 Useful Expressions
 Additional Listening
 Homework Conversation
Lead-in Activity
Can you tell me something about your family?
father, mother, sister,
brother, grandfather,
grandmother, cousin,
Part I
Language Points
niece n. 侄女,外甥女
nephew n.侄,外甥
aunt n.姑妈, 伯母, 舅妈, 阿姨,婶娘
uncle n.舅舅,叔伯,姨父,姑父
cousin n.堂兄弟姊妹, 表兄弟姊妹
Culture Note
immediate family and extended family
 The former is the primary family of
mother, father, sister(s) and brother(s).
 The later includes grandparents, aunts,
uncles and so on.
Warm Up
Look at the family tree. How are the people related to
Emily? Write the words in the family tree.
brother husband
cousin uncle
grandfather nephew
sister brother-in-law
father mother
Draw your own family tree and show it to
a partner.
Part II
Listening Task
Language Points
amazing adj.令人惊异的
What an amazing player she is!
crew n. 全体人员(船员,机组人员等);一
Language Point
The expressions “I look like” and “I take after”
are used to talk about family resemblances. “I
look like my grandfather. I take after him.”
People also say, “I have (a physical
characteristic)” to mean “I look like.”
For example, “I have my grandfather’s eyes”
means “My eyes are like my grandfather’s
Another example is “I take after both of my
parents. I have my mother’s eyes and my
father’s nose.”
These are all family pictures of Beth at different ages.
What does she look like in each picture?
First Listening
Number the pictures and write Beth’s age.
1 Beth’s age______
3 Beth’s age______
2 Beth’s age______
5 Beth’s age______
25 #____
6 Beth’s age______
26 #____
4 Beth’s age______
Second Listening
Where are they? Check the correct answer.
1. √ in the bedroom
at her college
√ in their backyard
at their home
√ at the church
in the living room
at school
√ in their yard
at their house
√ at their grandmother’s
at Tiffany’s parents’ house
√ at Phil’s parents’ house
Third Listening
Listen and rewrite the underlined part of each statement.
1. Beth thought it kind of fun to live in the same room with
share a room
her sister. _______________
2. Beth, in the picture with her brother, hadn’t graduated
almost out of
from high school yet. was
3. Beth’ grandma was wonderful and deserved her
admiration. _______________
4. Beth and her father were wearing the same clothes at
her college graduation. _______________
dressed the same
5. Beth is all smiles in the picture, among a group of
people attending her wedding. _______________
the whole crew
6. That summer Beth, together with her sister and
husband, were enjoying some leisure and fun time at
fooling around
Phil’s parents’ house. _______________
1. So, this is me with my sister Tiffany. She was five then,
and I was nine. We’re in our bedroom. We shared a
room. It was kind of fun.
2. This is me with my brother Ted. We are in the front
yard of our house. I was 17 there, almost out of high
school. My brother was only 9. He was a totally cute
kid. Don’t look at my hair there.
3. Oh, here. We were at my grandmother’s house, my
grandma Ella. I love going there. She made the best
cookies. That’s me and my baby sister Ginny. I was 21
then, and she was 3. And my grandma Ella. She was
amazing. She was 95 there!
4. Oh, and here we are in my backyard, a happy day. It’s
my college graduation. That’s me and my dad, Bill.
He’s a professor at the college I went to, so that’s
why we’re dressed the same.
5. Oh, and that’s the whole crew on my wedding day in
front of the church. You won’t remember everyone,
but you can see that’s me in the middle, and of
course my husband, Phil, next to me, Ted and Tiffany
all grown up, Ginny again, and there’s grandma Ella
again. I was 25 when I got married. What a fun
wedding we had.
6. Oh, and this is just me and my sister, Tiffany, and my
husband Phil. We were just fooling around at Phil’s
parents’ house. I think this was the summer after we
got married, so I was like 26 here. I look pretty much
the same as at my wedding, except for my clothes, of
Part III
Real World Listening
Language Points
encounter v./n. 遇见,邂逅:
encounter an old friend on the street
run v. 经营
high-rise adj. 多层建筑的
textile n. 纺织
Eva Stone is the host of a show called World Encounters.
Today’s show is about four families. Here are the countries
Eva visited. Write the countries in the boxes.
Feng China
Eze Nigeria
Martinez Honduras
Abbot Australia
Get The Main Ideas
Write T (true) or F (false).
The Martinez family
T They live on a ranch.
T Doña Maria has three children.
T Doña Maria is the head of the family.
F Doña Maria lives with her daughter’s family.
The Abbot family
T Glenn works in a bank.
F Liz works at the Sydney Opera House.
F Alex and Louise are in college.
T The younger kids love to surf.
Get The Main Ideas
Write T (true) or F (false).
The Feng family
T They live in a house on the Yangzi River.
T Shing travels a lot.
T Mee Jin works at home.
F Mingmei is 9, and Yuan is 6.
The Eze family
T They have a great many relatives.
F Aisha is the father.
T Nneka teaches at a high school.
F The Ezes have three daughters.
Hi, everyone. This is Eva Stone of “World Encounters”. Today’s
“World Encounters” is “World Families”. Let’s go around the
world and look at some different families.
Meet the Maritinez family. They’re from Honduras, in Central
America. They live on a cattle ranch in the countryside. There are
five people living at the ranch. Dona Maria is the mother and the
head of the household. She has a son named Miguel. He lives on
the ranch with his wife, Maria. Miguel and Maria have a son named
Carlos, who’s 12, and a daughter, Gabriella, who is 8. Dona Maria
also has two other children.
Meet the Abbott family, They’re from Sydney, Australia. There
are five people in their family: the father, Glenn, the mother, Liz,
their older daughter, Beth, the son, Alex, and the younger
daughter, Louise. Glenn works at a band in downtown Sydney. Liz
runs a little café near the Sydney Opera House. Alex and Louise
are in high school. They love to surf, and there are so many great
beaches near Sydney! Here are the Abbots, with Glenn’s parents,
Daniel and Ruth, and his aunt Greta.
Meet the Feng family. They live in Shanghai, China, in a high-rise
building, in Puxi along the Yangzi River. Shing, the father, works
for a trading company. He’s very busy. He travels a lot to
Singapore, Hong Kong, and other Asian cities. Meet Jin, the
mother, works at home. She has a home office and does design
work for a textile company. The Fengs have two children, Yuan,
who’s 9, and Mingmei, who’s 6.
Meet the Eze family. They’re from Nigeria. There are many
people in their extended family, but this is the immediate family
that lives together in Lagos. The father is Chuka. He is a doctor at
a hospital. The mother is Nneka. She is a teacher at the high
school nearby. They have two daughters. Chizoba. She is 14 years
old. And Aisha. She’s 12. They are both students.
Well, thanks for joining us today. If you have an idea for “World
Encounters”, please e-mail us.
Oral Practice
Give a brief account of each of the four
Respond to the Ideas
Is your family like the Martinez family, the
Abbot family, the Feng family, or the Eze
family? Why?
Part IV
Interaction Link
Language Points
messy adj.污秽的, 肮脏的, 零乱的, 棘手的
bossy adj. 武断的,专制的
peace-maker 调解者,和事佬
What’s your family like?
1. Everyone’s family is different. What is your family like? Look at
the chart. Read the questions. Write your answers under “Me.”
Who in your family…?
watches a lot of TV?
likes to cook?
is kind of messy?
likes to stay at home?
likes outdoor activities?
is good at telling stories?
Partner 1 Partner2
What’s your family like?
1. Everyone’s family is different. What is your family like? Look at
the chart. Read the questions. Write your answers under “Me.”
Who in your family…?
wears nice clothes?
loves to go shopping?
is always busy?
is easy to get money from?
is the most fun to be
does the washing-up?
Partner 1 Partner2
What’s your family like?
1. Everyone’s family is different. What is your family like? Look at
the chart. Read the questions. Write your answers under “Me.”
Who in your family…?
is bossy?
is the peace-maker?
is a big influence to you?
Partner 1 Partner2
What Do You Take For That?
2. Talk to two classmates. Take turns asking
questions. Fill in the chart.
3. Form groups. Tell your group two things
you learned about each partner.
Is anyone’s family like yours?
Part V
Useful Expressions
Useful Expressions
We’re really close.
We get along pretty well.
There are 4 people in my family.
There are five of us.
We live together.
How old is she?
She’s married to…
Useful Expressions
I’m from an extended family.
I'm from a typical nuclear family with my
parents and me.
I’m the only / the oldest / the middle /
the youngest child in my family.
Part VI
Additional Listening
Additional Listening
How are the people related to Tony?
Lynn is Tony’s ____________.
Ann is Tony’s _____________.
Ellen is Tony’s ____________.
Carla is Tony’s ____________.
Marty is Tony’s ___________.
Lenny is Tony’s ___________.
Evan is Tony’s ____________.
Additional Listening
Tony: Well, I bought some photos of my family with me. I want to show them
to you.
Friend: Wow, you brought lot of photos. Great!
Tony: Here’s the first one.
Friend: Let me see. Oh, what a nice family. Is she your mother?
Tony: Yes, she is my mother.
Friend: And who’s in the second picture?
Tony: Oh, this is my grandmother.
Friend: Does she live with you?
Tony: Yep. She lives with us.
Friend: How about in this picture? Who are the girls?
Tony: Well, the one on the right is Carla – she’s my sister.
Friend: And the one on the left is who?
Tony: Um, that’s Ellen. She’s also my … sister.
Friend: Oh?
Tony: And in this picture, this is Lenny and Marty. They’re my brothers.
Additional Listening
Friend: Wait a minute. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
Tony: Well, it’s a little hard to follow, but I’ll explain. This is my
mother. And this is my mother’s husband, Evan.
Friend: That’s your father?
Tony: No, he’s not my father. My mother and father are divorced.
And, Evan is also divorced.
Friend: Okay.
Tony: And he married my mother last year. He has two children, also,
one boy and one girl. Marty and Ellen. So, actually, Marty is my
stepbrother and Ellen is my stepsister.
Friend: Stepbrother and stepsister?
Tony: Yeah. That means my mother isn’t their mother, but my mother
is married to their father.
Friend: Oh, it’s a little hard to follow.
Tony: Well, it really doesn’t matter now. We all just live together and
we’re a family.
Part VII
My family photos
Work in pairs.
 Describe your family photographs at
different ages.
Expressions for reference
This is my (sister) and …
 We were (at …’s house).
 I was … years old then.
 It is my (birthday / college graduation)…