Document 1:
A-Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish priest and astronomer
P- Polish, Copernicus` BookOn the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres, 1543.
P- book dedicated to Pope Paul III
A-the pope, priests, mathematicians, and people in general
R- dedicated to the Pope because of his importance and love of science
T-It didn`t seek to avoid criticism S-Mathematicians will agree that the book is supportive of the
A: John Calvin
P: 1554
P: A French Protestant theologian wrote book about Moses
A: Anyone who reads the book Commentaries on the First Book of Moses (Genesis)
R: John Calvin writes about how Moses wrote in a popular style things where people with
common sense can understand, but astronomers investigate it through science
T: Astronomy is an art that can be used to find the wisdom of the human mind can comprehend
S: Astronomy and Science is a way to figure out and understand things and that God cannot
stop them
Doc 3
A: Giovanni Ciampoli
P: Galileo is a Italian mathematician and natural philosopher.
A: Galileo
R: To urge deference to authorities in the church to stop critics from imputing false claims to
Galileo's work.
T: Ciampoli is trying to defend Galileo philosophy due to the fact that there are many rumors
that him.
S: To support Galileo's work.
Document 4
Author - Francis Bacon, English philosopher of science
Place and time - 1620
Prior Knowledge - none
Audience - Anyone reading The Great Instauration
Reason - inform the reader on what the true goal of science is
The main idea - true goal of science
Significance - Scientific growth is being encouraged
- Kyle Guieb
Document 5
A – Marin Mersenne, a French monk and natural philosopher
P – France, 1635
P – Occurred in a century when philosophers are highly interested in scientific studies
A – Letter to his noble patron
R – He wants to prove that his findings were accurate even if other people disagree
T – He bases his results from Galileo, and indicates that his experiments were repeated more
than 30 times, and some more than 100 times
S – Scientific belief with experiments and evidence challenges the works and statements of
A= Martin Mersenne, French monk and natural philosopher
P= 1635
P= N/A
A= His noble patron
R= Martin worte this to have his science experiments confirmed to his noble patron
T= "Know however, that you will not find a single word which is not rue in my experiments,
which many times confrim those of the great Galileo."
S= Martin wnats his book published with all the experiments hes done 30-100 times, the
confirmation with Galileo, and other reliable witnesses.
Document 7:
A: Thomas Hobbes
P: 1668
A: anyone
R: to talk about the political and social events
T: discoveries affected the rulers
S: to explain the different views and perspectives
Document 7
A= Thomas Hobbes
P= Leviathan, 1668
P= He was an English philosopher
A= To anyone
R= The reason was to talk about the social and politicalevents.
T= The discoveries affected the rulers.
S= To explain the different views of things andperspectives.
Document 9
A-Margaret Cavendish, English natural philosopher
P-England, 1666
P-Natural philosophy is the study of the sciences.
A-reader Observations of Experimental Philosophy
R-Demonstrate the complete “disregard of the female sex” in the study of science
T-Women are restricted from studying science because of their gender.
S-During this time period, science was a study that some women were fawn of but were
restricted from studying it because they were female; discriminating them from attending
schools of science
Document 9 APPARTS
A- Margaret Cavendish, English natural philosopher
P- 1666
P- English natural philosopher
A- everyone
R- she would set up her own school of natural philosophy if women were allowed to
T- women are not allowed to establish their own school of natural philosophy
S- women weren't allowed to do certain things
Doc 10
A Unknown
P 1671
P Its a drawing showing Louis XIV's visit to theFrench Royal Academy.
A Anyone
R To commemorate Louis the XIV's
T Louis the XIV's in the French Royal Academy
S The knowledgeable people in the French Academy amongLouis XIV's
A: Jean Baptiste Colbert
P: French finance minister
A: n/a
R: to persuade
T: establishing acadamies
S: Acadamiespromote benifits to the state
Document 12
A: Gottfried Leibniz
P: Germany, 1675
P: "New System of Nature"
A: Anyone
R: It is a philosophy about God
T: " God governs minds as a Prince governs his subjects..." shows that he thinks that God
controls every human.
S: God controls everyone's mind and he cares about them. Also each mind has a specific role in
their life.