Part 1 – Chapter 8 – all sections
Part 2 – Chapter 15 – section 2, 3,
Chapter 16- all sections
Additional Resources ; Upfront magazines, videos, library /research
Assessments: Chapter sections vocabulary & content quizzes
Test 1 – Chapter 8 –January 29th
, Landmark Court Cases Project
Landmark Court Cases Quiz
Test 2 –Chapter 15,16, specific sections-
Supreme Court Assignment
Mock Civil Court case simulation
“ Equal Justice Under the Law “
2/11/2011 4:00:00 PM
* Make a Quizlet / Quia quiz / flashcards on a ring –one of these methods to use to study
Section 1 and 2 o Jurisdiction
Appellate * o Circuit o District Court o Remand o Precedent o Opinion o Magistrate o U.S. Attorneys o U.S. Marshalls
Section 3 and 4 o Judicial Review o Constitutional o Docket o Caseload o brief o Majority Opinion o Concurring Opinion o Dissenting Opinion o Unanimous Opinion o “Stare Decisis o Writ of Certiorari o ** judicial restraint o ** judicial activism
11.02.2011 16:00:00
Organization of our Federal Courts
7 Types of Cases the Federal Courts Hear
Types of Jurisdiction of Federal Courts
Selection of Federal Judges
Other court officials
11.02.2011 16:00:00
Who is Who on the current Supreme Court Bench ?
What President appointed each ?
Are their views liberal, moderate, conservative ?
Additional Supreme Court Justices to know from Ch 8 & videos
John Marshall
Earl Warren
Thurgood Marshall
Warren Burger
William Rehnquist
Sandra Day O’Connor
John Roberts, Chief Justice
Antonian Scalia
Anthony Kennedy
Ruth Bader Ginsberg
Stephen Breyer
Samuel Alito
Sonia Sotomayor
Elena Kagen
Supreme Court
Case Project
1 st Amendment Freedom of Religion cases:
Engle v Vitale 1962 *
Wallace v Jaffree 1985*
West Side Community Schools v Mergens 1990 – strike? *
Santa Fe Independent Schools v Jane Doe 2000 – strike?*
1 st Amendment Freedom of Expression:
Tinker v Des Moines 1969
Board of Education v Pico 1982*
Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier 1982*
Bethel School v Fraser 1987 *
Ward v Rock Against Racism 1989
Reno v ACLU 1997 *
Morse v Frederick 2007*
4 th and 14 th Amendment Rights regarding schools and privacy:
In Re Gault 1967*
Lau v Nichols 1974 *
Goss v Lopez 1975 *
New Jersey v TLO 1984 *
Vernonia v Acton 1995 *
UVA v Virginia 1996
Davis v Monroe 1999 *
Owasso Independent Schools v Falvo 2002 *
Grutter v Bollinger 2003
Jackson v Birmingham Board of Education 2005
Rumsfeld v Forum for Academic Rights 2006
Privacy Rights:
Griswold v Connecticut 1965
Roe v Wade 1973
Planned Parenthood v Casey 1977*
11.02.2011 16:00:00
8 th Amendment – Cruel and Unusual Punishment:
Kent v U.S. 1966 *
Ingraham v Wright 1977 *
DeShaney v Winnebago County Social Services 1989 *
Roper v Simmons 2005*
Safford Middle School v Redding 2009*
Sullivan v Florida with Graham v Florida 2010 *
11.02.2011 16:00:00
11.02.2011 16:00:00
At the beginning of the year, you created a wonderful digital look at “what it means to be an American” and also a “Timeline of your Life”. Many of the freedoms and rights Americans have today are due to the decisions of government and LandMark
Supreme Court decisions. Our Judicial Branch project will examine cases that have had an impact on our lives.
Directions: You will create a two-dimensional illustration of the important facts of a LandMark Supreme Court Case. Your research will include:
A brief background of the case. Explain the situation / event / issue that brought this case to court. Is it a civil or criminal case ? Who are the litigants ( plaintiff / defendant)
What was the court process..which court had original jurisdiction to hear the case ? What was the lower court’s decision, the appellate court’s decision? How did it reach the Supreme Court?
What was the legal /Constitutional Issue ?
Who were the justices on the Supreme Court ? Explain the decisions ( majority, concurring, dissenting)
What is the importance / impact of this case ? Did it change or interpret a “right?” Did it define a new right or power? How? Who does it affect?
Does this case affect our civil liberties, student rights, school rights, juvenile rights etc.
What was the public opinion ? Was there media coverage / editorial cartoons etc
Your project research information will be word processed, then you will show your facts in a creative way to display your information. Your excellent resources will be cited on a notecard taped to the back of your exhibit, with your name and class
period. The title of your case and date it was argued will be clearly shown at the top of your project.
You will have time in class to work on this project. It is due on___________
Step One……Read the directions carefully. A Land Mark Supreme Court case will be assigned to you. Your case is_____________________________________________________
Step Two….Find your court case on line. You can just type in your case or go to a web site;
, or go to
. Read your case carefully, highlight the information you need in order to understand it and bring it to class on Monday, February 28 th for B block classes and Tuesday,
March 1 st for C block classes. Print out enough to understand the case. Look for at least 2 other sources for your case history, impact etc.
Step Three …. During class, find and word process the following information to turn in on Thursday, March 3 rd for a research grade. 35 pts
A brief background of the case. Explain the situation / event / issue that brought this case to court. Is it a civil or criminal case ? Who are the litigants ( plaintiff / defendant)
What was the court process..which court had original jurisdiction to hear the case ? What was the lower court’s decision, the appellate court’s decision? How did it reach the Supreme Court?
What was the legal /Constitutional Issue ?
Who were the justices on the Supreme Court ? Explain the decisions ( majority, concurring, dissenting)
What is the importance / impact of this case ? Did it change or interpret a “right?” Did it define a new right or power? How? Who does it affect?
Does this case affect our civil liberties, student rights, school rights, juvenile rights etc.
What was the public opinion ? Was there media coverage / editorial cartoons etc
Step Four….now, you will show your creative side. (15pts) On the paper provided to you, design your case so that anyone can understand it and it’s impact. Cut up your
information so that it will look like an exhibit. Have at least ONE 2 dimensional object creatively attached to your illustration. Bring all your supplies to class on the Monday we come back from Spring break. Plan to work on it in class.. You will present your court case to our class on
At the beginning of the year, you created a wonderful digital look at “what it means to be an American” and also a “Timeline of your Life”. Many of the freedoms and rights Americans have today are due to the decisions of government and LandMark
Supreme Court decisions. Our Judicial Branch project will examine cases that have had an impact on our lives.
Directions: You will create a two-dimensional illustration of the important facts of a LandMark Supreme Court Case. Your research will include:
A brief background of the case. Explain the situation / event / issue that brought this case to court. Is it a civil or criminal case ? Who are the litigants ( plaintiff / defendant)
What was the court process..which court had original jurisdiction to hear the case ? What was the lower court’s decision, the appellate court’s decision? How did it reach the Supreme Court?
What was the legal /Constitutional Issue ?
Who were the justices on the Supreme Court ? Explain the decisions ( majority, concurring, dissenting)
What is the importance / impact of this case ? Did it change or interpret a “right?” Did it define a new right or power? How? Who does it affect?
Does this case affect our civil liberties, student rights, school rights, juvenile rights etc.
What was the public opinion ? Was there media coverage / editorial cartoons etc
Your project research information will be word processed, then you will show your facts in a creative way to display your information. Your excellent resources will be cited on a notecard taped to the back of your exhibit, with your name and class
period. The title of your case and date it was argued will be clearly shown at the top of your project.
You will have time in class to work on this project. It is due on___________
Step One……Read the directions carefully. A Land Mark Supreme Court case will be assigned to you. Your case is_____________________________________________________
Step Two….Find your court case on line. You can just type in your case or go to a web site;
, or go to
. Read your case carefully, highlight the information you need in order to understand it and bring it to class on Monday, February 28 th for B block classes and Tuesday,
March 1 st for C block classes. Print out enough to understand the case. Look for at least 2 other sources for your case history, impact etc.
Step Three …. During class, find and word process the following information to turn in on Thursday, March 3 rd for a research grade. 35 pts
A brief background of the case. Explain the situation / event / issue that brought this case to court. Is it a civil or criminal case ? Who are the litigants ( plaintiff / defendant)
What was the court process..which court had original jurisdiction to hear the case ? What was the lower court’s decision, the appellate court’s decision? How did it reach the Supreme Court?
What was the legal /Constitutional Issue ?
Who were the justices on the Supreme Court ? Explain the decisions ( majority, concurring, dissenting)
What is the importance / impact of this case ? Did it change or interpret a “right?” Did it define a new right or power? How? Who does it affect?
Does this case affect our civil liberties, student rights, school rights, juvenile rights etc.
What was the public opinion ? Was there media coverage / editorial cartoons etc
Step Four….now, you will show your creative side. (15pts) On the paper provided to you, design your case so that anyone can understand it and it’s impact. Cut up your
information so that it will look like an exhibit. Have at least ONE 2 dimensional object creatively attached to your illustration. Bring all your supplies to class on the Monday we come back from Spring break. Plan to work on it in class.. You will present your court case to our class on
Criminal / Civil/ Juvenile /Cyber Law – Ch 15 sec 2,3 Ch 16 sec 1-3P
* any term we have already learned ***
Ch 15 * Know all of the Chapter’s Amendments
Constitutional Law
Administrative Law
Statutory Law
Writ of Habeas corpus
Bills of Attainder
Ex Post Facto Laws
Grand Jury / Petit jury
Ch 16
Civil Law Criminal Law
Injunction prosecution
Complaint crime
Summons penal code
Respondant –‘answer’ parole
Pleadings mandatory sentencing
Discovery arrest
Settlement “Miranda Rights’
Mediation / Arbitration indictment
Lawsuit arraignment o Plea Bargaining o “victimless crime” o o
“preponderance of the testimony
evidence’ cross examination
plaintiff acquittal o ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’ o capital case
11.02.2011 16:00:00
512 × 436 -
400 × 300 -
11.02.2011 16:00:00
2/11/2011 4:00:00 PM differently in the criminal justice system?
How are juveniles treated
520 × 300 -
* What are some of the causes of juvenile delinquency?
* How are juvenile’s rehabilitated?