Lecturer Promotion Form 2015-16 *LECTURER PERSONNEL/APPOINTMENT INFORMATION MUST BE ENTERED AS SHOWN IN HR FRONT END* LECTURER: Last Name, First Name & Middle (if applicable) UIN #: UIN # Select Unit Type: Unit Name and (%FTE) I have read the Guidelines for Promotion to Senior Lecturer: Lecturer: Last, First Name & Middle (if applicable) Name (Print) Signature Date Signature Date Papers Prepared by: Last, First Name Name (Print) ENDORSEMENT NON-ENDORSEMENT (COMPLETE FOR APPLICABLE REVIEW LEVELS) Type Name Executive Officer Name and Signature Date Type Name Dean Name and Signature Date Insert additional pages for this section, as needed, following this page, number as the same page # as this page with “A” next to it and so on (e.g. 1A, 1B, 1C). 1 I. STATEMENT OF UNIT NORMS AND CRITERIA FOR PROMOTION TO SENIOR LECTURER Insert additional pages for this section, as needed, following this page, number as the same page # as this page with “A” next to it and so on (e.g. 1A, 1B, 1C). 2 II. ACADEMIC AND EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION Lecturer: Enter Candidate’s Full Name A. # Contract History at UIC *Provide a detailed chronological listing that includes summer appointments. Unit Dates % of Appt. Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 STATEMENT OF LECTURER’S PEDAGOGICAL APPROACH AND ACCOMPISHMENTS Insert a 3 – 5 page (1500 – 3000 word, no smaller than 10 pt font) teaching statement describing the Insert additional pages for this section, as needed, following this page, number as the same page # as this page with “A” next to it and so on (e.g. 1A, 1B, 1C). 3 III. Lecturer’s approach to teaching. The statement should contain a detailed description of the Lecturer’s pedagogical style and accomplishments, including (but not limited to) the following information: concrete examples of what the Lecturer does in the classroom; teaching challenges he or she has faced and how they were overcome; and specific examples of steps the candidate has taken to improve his or her teaching, including responses to feedback or use of campus or other teaching support resources. The statement should also describe the Lecturer’s understanding of how his or her teaching fits into the overall curricular organization of the unit and of UIC, and how it meets the needs of our students. Insert additional pages for this section, as needed, following this page, number as the same page # as this page with “A” next to it and so on (e.g. 1A, 1B, 1C). 4 IV. # TEACHING ABILITY AND PERFORMANCE Courses Taught and Evaluation of Teaching. In chronological order, list courses taught by the Lecturer. "Required" refers to courses that all students must take in order to complete a degree program or specialization, including minors and/or concentrations. “Selective” refers to courses that are on a list of two or more courses from which the student must select one or more in order to complete a degree program or specialization. “Elective” refers to courses that are not required for any degree but which may be used toward elective hours in a degree program. Please explain any missing enrollment or evaluation data at the bottom of the page. Units may use an alternative form for summarizing student evaluations; however, student evaluations must be presented as summarized data. Semester/ Term Course # Course Title Semester Hours Required/ Selective/ Elective *Average Rating ± SD Enrollment (n/N) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 *Average of students’ ratings of the “Overall Teaching Effectiveness” (or equivalent) of the candidate, on a scale of 5 (Excellent) to 1 (Poor). SD = standard deviation; n = number of students who rated the candidate in that course; N = total number of students in that course. Explanations (if needed): Insert additional pages for this section, as needed, following this page, number as the same page # as this page with “A” next to it and so on (e.g. 1A, 1B, 1C). 5 V. ANNUAL REVIEWS Include all annual reviews for the Lecturer in chronological order. Evaluations of overall performance, review of SIT evaluations, and other evidence relevant to the Lecturer’s teaching performance should be considered in each review. Insert additional pages for this section, as needed, following this page, number as the same page # as this page with “A” next to it and so on (e.g. 1A, 1B, 1C). 6 VI. EVALUATION PORTFOLIO 1. Narrative of Student Evaluations Provide a narrative of student evaluations summarizing the information from the SIT evaluations, including both numerical scores and discursive comments. Please attach full SIT scores for selected representative courses. Insert additional pages for this section, as needed, following this page, number as the same page # as this page with “A” next to it and so on (e.g. 1A, 1B, 1C). 7 VI. EVALUATION PORTFOLIO 2. Peer Evaluation of Lecturer Teaching Insert all annual, or more frequent if available (minimum of 4), signed peer evaluations of Lecturer’s teaching activities in chronological order. At least one of the peer evaluations included in the packet must be from a tenure-track faculty member, and efforts should be made to have the courses chosen for evaluation reflect the variety of courses taught by the Lecturer. Insert additional pages for this section, as needed, following this page, number as the same page # as this page with “A” next to it and so on (e.g. 1A, 1B, 1C). 8 VI. EVALUATION PORTFOLIO 3. Syllabi Include representative syllabi for the various courses taught by the Lecturer in chronological order. Specify the syllabi developed by the Lecturer with an asterisk (*) in front of the start of the listing. Insert additional pages for this section, as needed, following this page, number as the same page # as this page with “A” next to it and so on (e.g. 1A, 1B, 1C). 9 VI. EVALUATION PORTFOLIO 4. Evidence of Excellence in Teaching a. List all teaching awards and honors, if any, in chronological order. Please indicate the nature of and criteria for recognition as well as the dates of awards. Check here if none b. Provide examples of student outcomes (e.g., student awards, publications, performance on common exams, performance at the next level, major student projects, etc.). Insert additional pages for this section, as needed, following this page, number as the same page # as this page with “A” next to it and so on (e.g. 1A, 1B, 1C). 10 VI. EVALUATION PORTFOLIO 5. Additional Materials (Optional) The following materials are optional for College review, but may be required by individual units. Even if not required by the unit they may be included for consideration. a. Please include any other materials related to Lecturer duties not specified elsewhere in the packet. Check here if none Insert additional pages for this section, as needed, following this page, number as the same page # as this page with “A” next to it and so on (e.g. 1A, 1B, 1C). 11 VI. EVALUATION PORTFOLIO 6. Additional Materials (Optional) The following materials are optional for College review, but may be required by individual units. Even if not required by the unit they may be included for consideration. b. List and describe any curricular, pedagogical, or teaching innovations and contributions made by the Lecturer. Please fit on one page; no smaller than 10 pt font. Check here if none Insert additional pages for this section, as needed, following this page, number as the same page # as this page with “A” next to it and so on (e.g. 1A, 1B, 1C). 12 VI. EVALUATION PORTFOLIO 5. Additional Materials (Optional) The following materials are optional for College review, but may be required by individual units. Even if not required by the unit they may be included for consideration. c. Lecturer’s statement of service and/or research contributions. Please fit on one page; no smaller than 10 point font. Check here if none Insert additional pages for this section, as needed, following this page, number as the same page # as this page with “A” next to it and so on (e.g. 1A, 1B, 1C). 13 VII. SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE REVIEWS Unit Committee Review: * Give a figure (“0”, if appropriate) in each of the six categories* Total # of Members YES NO Name of Chair: ABSTAIN ABSENT Signature: NOT ELIGIBLE** Date: LAS Executive Committee Review: * Give a figure (“0”, if appropriate) in each of the six categories* Total # of Members Name of Chair: YES NO ABSTAIN Signature: ABSENT NOT ELIGIBLE** Date: ** Explain briefly why members were “Not Eligible” to vote for each level: Insert additional pages, as needed, following this page, number as the same page # as this page with “A” next to it and so on (e.g. 1A, 1B, 1C). 14 VIII. C. STATEMENT WITH RECOMMENDATION FROM THE UNIT EXECTUIVE OFFICER Lecturer: Last Name, First Name & Middle (if applicable) Date: dd/mm/yyyy Select Unit Type: Unit Name and (%FTE) I support the proposed promotion to Senior Lecturer for the reasons detailed below I do not support the proposed promotion to Senior Lecturer for the reasons detailed below JUSTIFICATION FOR RECOMMENDATION This statement should refer to unit criteria for promotion and include specific reasons for the recommendation, including information about teaching challenges faced by the Lecturer (including any student complaints) and how they were overcome as well as descriptions of the Lecturer’s particular strengths and contributions to the unit. The statement should also address split votes at the unit level. Insert additional pages as needed following this page, number as the same page # as this page with “A” next to it and so on (e.g. 1A, 1B, 1C). 15