TEMPLATE: Conference Summary Minutes

ARC Chairperson Resource SY 2011-12, updated 08/25/15
Conference Summary Minutes Outline
Annual Review
Purpose of the Meeting: To develop, review, and/or revise the IEP and make placement decisions
Other Possible Purposes: To discuss post-secondary transition needs and/or services
Note: Determine prior to the meeting who will be sharing information and who will be taking minutes
that are part of the “official record.” It is recommended that at least one other ARC member take
additional minutes that might be included in the final version in case the official recorder missed an
important supporting statement.
Sample statements provided are intended to provide some (not all) examples of statements that may be
used on the Conference Summary. They are not intended to be used exactly as worded here but rather as
samples that should be edited to fit the particular student and situation being documented.
The following disclaimer is to be inserted at the end of conference summary notes:
Disclaimer: The service(s), frequency, and duration of IEP services and related services have been
reviewed and agreed upon by the ARC at the current meeting. These minutes represent a standard 5-day
school week, in which your child is present each day. Minutes will be prorated and do not have to be
compensated (made up) in situations when (1) your child is absent from school during the time of their
service time (applies to excused absences, unexcused absences, field trips, school functions, assemblies,
etc.), (2) school is not in session (applies to scheduled closings for holidays, scheduled breaks, closings
due to inclement weather or other situations which warrant district closure, etc.); however, compensatory
services are available when services missed are due to the absence/availability of the service provider
during regular scheduled school days.
Introduction/Roles of ARC Participants and Purpose for Meeting (Record Review Items # 15-#19, #21)
(Sample statement #1) All members of the ARC invited to the meeting were present with introductions
being made for those who had not previously been introduced. The purpose of the meeting was confirmed
to be an annual review to discuss progress and the needed services.
(Sample statement for transition meeting #2) All members of the ARC invited to the meeting were present
with the exception of ___________________ (student’s name). Mrs. _________________ noted that her
son decided he did not want to be pulled out of class to attend the meeting but did share his input with his
mother and special education teacher.
Parent Rights (Record Record Item #29)
(Sample statement) Parents were provided a copy of the procedural safeguards with a verbal explanation
of those rights given by _______________________________. Parents had no questions regarding their
rights at this time but were encouraged to ask anything that might come up during the course of the
Section I: Description of procedures (Record Review Item #24)
Check Student Progress on IEP goals – list under a heading…
Have copy of IEP and progress data available.
Under Section I. Description of Procedures, check all descriptions used as a basis for the ARC’s decisions
(e.g., Academic Performance, Multi-Year Course of Study, ILP, behavior data, etc.)
Other Data:
(Sample statement #1) ______ has been in the primary program for five years.
(Sample statement #2) First Steps providers reviewed previous evaluations and progress.
Section II: Parent Concerns and Input (Record Review Item #46)
Disclaimer: This resource was developed as a guide for ARC Chairpersons in conducting a meeting which includes
compliance documentation. It should not be considered a legally required document.
ARC Chairperson Resource SY 2011-12, updated 08/25/15
(Sample statement #1) Mr. and Mrs. _____________________ reported to the ARC that even though
they were getting a divorce, they would continue to work together in supporting __________________’s
educational needs and supporting the school’s efforts to educate him. They also expressed deep
appreciation for everything the school had done on ____________’s behalf.
(Sample statement #2) Mr. and Mrs. ___________ are concerned about _____ earning enough credits to
graduate with his class since he currently has two low grades in elective classes.
(Sample statement #3) See input from the parent as noted in the minutes. Caution: If you use this
statement, make sure you have included information, concerns, and comments from the parent in the
Section IIID: Individual Education Program developed/reviewed/revised (Record Review Item #25)
Review of IEP
Summary of Progress on current IEP goals and classroom performance.
(Opening sample statement) The ARC reviewed _______’s progress on the annual goals.
(Supporting sample statement #1) According to AIMSweb progress monitoring data, ___________ is
reading ___words per minutes; the benchmark for the end of the year for his grade is ______. His spring
statewide assessment score in reading was _________.
(Supporting sample statement #2) According to checklists and data from Check and Connect,
__________ has been in the program ____days and has achieved the 80% target on ______ days. There
have been ____ office discipline referrals since ______. They were for_____________(e.g., truancy, bus
referral, etc.).
(Sample statement #3) Ongoing progress data has been collected once a week since the beginning of
school on the annual goals. The data were presented in charts and graphs that indicated
______________ was making steady gains in his ability to calculate multiple digit problems.
Decision regarding need to develop new IEP (Record Review Item #26)
(Sample statement) Based on the progress data reviewed by the ARC, _______ is performing
significantly and consistently below his peers and continues to require special education services in the
area of_____________ in order to benefit from his education program.
Development of IEP: (Record Review Item #46)
Be sure to include parent input regarding IEP.
(Opening sample statement) A draft IEP was presented for discussion by the ARC.
 Present Levels and Special Factors (Record Review Items #33 and #34)
(Sample statement) Using the progress data and input from ARC members who have worked
most closely with ___________, the ARC discussed the present level of performance statements in
the areas of __________________________ as drafted by school personnel, including the
special factors of _____________________. The parent expressed concerns about how
__________’s behavior appears to interfere with his ability to learn. The ARC concluded there
was sufficient evidence from observations to include behavior as a special factor.
Be sure to include Transition Present Level statements for student age 13 years + one day
and older.
Annual Goals, Benchmarks/Short-term objectives, Progress Monitoring (Record Review Item #35)
(Sample statement) Annual goals and short-term objectives were discussed targeting the
identified areas of _________________. The parent noted she wanted an additional benchmark
to address taking turns with peers. Progress will be measured by scoring rubrics, checklists, and
will be shared with the parent on a quarterly basis when the student receives his report card.
Specially Designed Instruction (Record Review Item #36)
Disclaimer: This resource was developed as a guide for ARC Chairpersons in conducting a meeting which includes
compliance documentation. It should not be considered a legally required document.
ARC Chairperson Resource SY 2011-12, updated 08/25/15
(Sample statement #1) The ARC determined that ________________ would need special
individualized instruction in the use of assistive technology as recommended through the
evaluation in order to meet the annual goal in written expression.
(Sample statement #2) The special education teacher presented options for specially designed
instruction that included choral reading of passages and direct instruction in reading. The
committee agreed that these strategies would be most supportive of reading instruction.
Supplementary Aids and Services, Program Modifications, Testing Accommodations
(Record Review Items #39, #40, #41, and #42)
(Sample statement #1) ________________ will have access to additional adult support in the
regular education classroom with modified tests and study guides. The school personnel will have
specialized training in responding to medical conditions related to seizures. The ARC completed
the Accommodations Determination Form to specify appropriate test accommodations for
__________________. The first option for accommodations was the use of assistive technology
to allow __________ to be as independent of adult assistance as possible.
(Sample statement #2) The ARC determined that __________________ is eligible for alternate
assessment; he is able to communicate with words and gestures. Current data indicate that
______________’s cognitive and adaptive performance inhibit his being able to complete the
requirements of the general curriculum with accommodations allowed for the general
state assessment. He will be participating in the non-diploma program. The ARC completed the
Alternate Assessment Determination form, and the parent was given a copy of the Parent Guide.
Least Restrictive Environment (Record Review Item #43)
(Sample statement #1) ________________ will participate in all regular education core content
classes. He will be removed from a general education non-core class for two periods a week
to receive speech services in the resource room.
(Sample statement #2) _______________ will not participate in the general education core
content classes of math, reading, science, and social studies. She will receive instruction for her
core content classes in the resource room.
Special Education and Related Services (Record Review Items #44 and #45)
(Sample statement) ____________________ will primarily receive special education services in
a co-taught classroom for ____________ minutes per day in the area of reading. Services in a
resource room to provide more individual pre-teaching of vocabulary concepts will be provided
for_____ minutes a week.
(Sample statement for related services) In addition to special education services to address
motor deficits, _____________________ will receive occupational therapy for 80 minutes each
month to target the fine motor skills that are impacting his ability to dress himself and other daily
living skills.
Extended School Year Services (Record Review Item #48)
(Sample statement #1) The data reviewed indicate there is no regression on goals during breaks
in instruction.
(Sample statement #2) The data from the current goal for expressive language supports the need
for continued speech services during any break from services that is longer than two weeks.
These ESY services will be provided once a week for 45 minutes per session for six sessions.
Additional notes regarding students who are Grade 8 or age 13 years plus 1 day:
(Record Review Items #47, #49a-i, #49, and #50)
(Age 13 years + one day)
(Sample statement) _________was invited to the ARC but did not want to attend since he would
miss a test in class. Information was obtained from ________through use of the Transition
Disclaimer: This resource was developed as a guide for ARC Chairpersons in conducting a meeting which includes
compliance documentation. It should not be considered a legally required document.
ARC Chairperson Resource SY 2011-12, updated 08/25/15
Student Survey that ____ completed with his special education teacher. _____ has indicated that
he would like to attend college after high school and eventually be a teacher. His ILP was also
reviewed. ______and his teacher completed his Multi-Year Course of Study to make sure that he
is taking courses that will allow him to enter college. EXPLORE results were also reviewed. He
is below benchmark in reading and will be targeted for assistance through the ______________
(Age 15 years + one day)
(Sample statement) ______ attended the meeting. With assistance from the teacher, he reviewed
his interests as noted on his transition survey, PLAN, and ILP. His postsecondary goal indicates
that he wants to pursue a career in criminal justice which will require an undergraduate degree.
His Multi-Year Course of Study was reviewed and updated to ensure that he was taking the
necessary courses to enter a four year college program. Transition services were also discussed
along with annual goals from his IEP that would assist him in reaching his post secondary goal.
No outside agency was invited to this meeting since he is a sophomore; however, a representative
from the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation may be invited to the next annual review.
Section IIIE: Placement Options (Record Review Item #53)
(Sample statement #1) The ARC first discussed ________________’s placement full time in a regular
education classroom. It was determined that the regular education setting allows for _______________
to have the opportunity to learn from same age/grade peers in order to generalize skills in a natural
setting. ___________ may occasionally be pulled out to a separate setting for pre-teaching concepts, but
this will not be on a daily basis. When calculating how much of the day _______________ will be
removed from the general education classroom setting, it was determined that he will be in a regular
education setting for more than 80% of the day.
(Sample statement #2) The ARC considered full time regular education, but due to the nature of
_________’s reading problem, he will require small group direct reading instruction. The option of part
time general education and part time special education was deemed to be the most appropriate setting to
meet his needs.
(Refer to other LRE Justification Statements document for other examples.)
Section IIIF: Potential Harmful Effects (Record Review Item #52)
Make sure you check one of the two boxes. If there are harmful effects, complete the explanation in the
space provided.
(Sample statement #1) The ARC believes there are no harmful effects from this placement. The setting
allows him to generalize his skills with same-age peers.
(Sample statement #2) Even though __________________ may have difficulty with pacing his
assignments in the general education class, he will have additional time to complete an assignment which
would compensate for this issue.
Section IIIG: Notice of Graduation or Aging Out (Record Review Items #51)
For students beginning at age 15 years + one day or younger, if appropriate.
(Sample statement) Mr. and Mrs. _______________ and ___________ were notified at last year’s
annual review that _______________ will be able to obtain his Certificate of Attainment upon reaching
his IEP goals at the conclusion of this school year. However, since he will not turn 21 years of age until
next January, he may return to school until reaching age 21. Mr. and Mrs. ______________ felt that it
would be in their son’s best interest to return and obtain more work skills.
Section VI: Other Factors Relevant to the Action (Record Review Item #28)
Place a checkmark in one of the two boxes.
(Sample statement for other factors) The ARC discussed possible complications that may arise from
upcoming changes in medication for __________________’s seizure disorder.
Disclaimer: This resource was developed as a guide for ARC Chairpersons in conducting a meeting which includes
compliance documentation. It should not be considered a legally required document.
ARC Chairperson Resource SY 2011-12, updated 08/25/15
Other options rejected: (Record Review Item #27)
(Sample statement #1) No options were discussed that the ARC rejected.
(Sample statement #2) The ARC discussed and determined not to allow the use of a human reader on
assignments since ________ is becoming dependent on a human reader rather than learning to use
(Sample statement #3) The ARC discussed whether _________________ would need to have extended
school year services. The team determined that even though ___________ demonstrates some regression
in the annual goals she has been working on, she is able to recoup those skills within approximately two
weeks after returning to school.
Review the conference summary and obtain signatures. (Record Review Items #15-21, #29)
Disclaimer: This resource was developed as a guide for ARC Chairpersons in conducting a meeting which includes
compliance documentation. It should not be considered a legally required document.