Unit 3 study guide

Name: ___________________________________
Unit 3 Study Guide: Cells and Cellular Processes
Period: _______
Date: ____________
3.1.C.a Recognize all organisms are composed of cells, the fundamental units of structure and function
- Cells are the building blocks of life
- Every living thing is composed of one or more cells (prokaryotes = single cell)
- Cells have different structures depending on their functions (differentiation)
1. What theory states that all living things are made up of cells? _________________________________________
2. Put the following in order from most basic to most complex: Organism, cell, organ, tissue, organ system
1. _____________ 2. _________________ 3. __________________ 4. __________________ 5. _________________
3. Which type of cell would have more mitochondria? Muscle cells or hair cells? Why do you think this is?
4. Which type of cell would have more ribosomes? Muscle cells or hair cells? Why do you think this is?
5. What type of cells have no nucleus?
6. What type of cells have organelles?
3.1.C.b Describe the structure of cell parts found in different types of cells and the functions they that are necessary to the
survival of the cell and organism
Directs all cellular activities and stores DNA
Cell Wall
Provides structure and support in plant cells
Cellular respiration (energy for the cell)
Site of photosynthesis in plant cells
Golgi Complex
Package and ships proteins
Makes proteins
Helps transport materials around the cell
Jelly-like substance that fills the cell
Digest and remove damaged cell material
Storage container (usually for water in plants)
Cell Membrane
Controls what enters and exits cell
Supports the cell structure
6. What is an organelle? _____________________________________________________________________
Use the clues below to figure out what organelle is being described.
7. Little sacs that eat unwanted material ___________________________
8. Bumps that are found on the ER and in the cytoplasm ______________________
9. The skin of the cell _______________________
10. The skeleton of the cell _________________________
11. Holder and protector of DNA _______________________
12. What two organelles are found in plant cells but not in animal cells?
Draw a sketch of a eukaryotic cell with at least FIVE organelles and label them!!
3.2.A.b Compare and contrast the structure and function of cell wall and cell membranes
-Cell membrane found in both plants and animals and consists of a phospholipid bilayer
- Cell membrane controls what substances can enter and exit the cell
-Cell wall is found only in plants and provides structure and support
13. What is the structure below? __________________________
14. What do many of the structures make up? ___________________________
3. What part of the structure comes into contact with water?
4. What part of the structure does not like water?
5. What other structure does a plant have in addition to a cell membrane?
15. Why is the cell membrane important? _________________________________________________________
16. Why is the cell wall important? _______________________________________________________________
17. Which type of cell has BOTH a cell membrane and cell wall? ________________________________________
3.2.F.a Explain the significance of the selectively permeable membrane to the transport of molecules
- Cell membrane allows only certain materials in and out (semi-permeable)
- Larger molecules need proteins to help them cross the cell membrane
- Osmosis: movement of water from high to low concentration (form of passive transport)
- Diffusion: movement of molecules from high to low concentration (form of passive transport)
- Active Transport: movement that requires energy, usually moving from low to high concentration (up the gradient)
or moving very large molecules (endo- and exocytosis)
18. What is the difference between active and passive transport? _____________________________________________
19. What does selectively permeable mean? ______________________________________________________________
20. What are some real-life examples of selectively permeable membranes? ____________________________________
21. What kind of cells have cell membranes? ______________________________________________________________
3.2.F.b Predict the movement of molecules across a selectively permeable membrane (i.e., diffusion, osmosis, active
transport) needed for a cell to maintain homeostasis given concentration gradients and different sizes of molecules
- Goal is for concentration of solute and solvent to be equal on both sides of membrane, using
as little energy as possible
- DRAW A PICTURE to solve prediction problems  label water (not particles!) inside + out, draw arrows showing
how water moves (hypo- in, hyper- out, iso- same)
22. If a cell with 3% concentration of salt is placed in a solution of 8% salt, is the solution hypotonic, hypertonic or
isotonic? Why? Draw a picture and SHOW YOUR WORK!
23. If a cell with 9% concentration of particles is placed in pure water, is the solution hypotonic, hypertonic or isotonic?
Why? Draw a picture and SHOW YOUR WORK!
24. In both examples above what process was taking place? _________________________ Is this an example of active or
passive transport? _______________________ Why?
25. Explain what a concentration gradient is. What is it called when a substance needs to move up the concentration
7.1.D.a Communicate the procedures and results of investigations and explanations through data tables and graphs (bar,
single, and multiple line)
- Line graphs show change over time
- All graphs must contain a title in the following format: Effect of ______(IV)______ on ______(DV)____
- IV and DV must be labeled AND includes units (hours, inches, %, etc)
-Include a key if necessary
Number of Skin
Cells Produced
Number of
Muscle Cells
Hour 1
Hour 2
Hour 3
Hour 4
Hour 5
Hour 6
26. Which type of cells reproduced faster? ____________________________________________________________
27. Why do you think this is? _______________________________________________________________________
28. Which type of cell probably has more mitochondria? Why? ____________________________________________