RULES OF THE COMPETITION SASMT Tygerberg presents The mission of the Samro Hubert van der Spuy National Music Competition is to offer talented young music learners the opportunity to learn from one another in a competition environment and to compete on a national level. Venue and dates of the competition Hugo Lambrechts Music Centre, Picton Street, Parow, Western Cape. 16 – 20 September 2013 Registration Group A o Any learner up to and including 13 years at the time of the competition may participate. o The entry fee is R150 and is not refundable. Electronic payments: SASMT Tygerberg, ABSA, branch code 502110, account number 1137500210. Please use the participant`s name and surname as reference. Attach proof of payment to entry from. o Participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation. The Group B (ONLY candidates from music development projects) o The age limit for participation is 14 years at the time of the competition. o No entry fees are payable. o Candidates accepted for the competition will receive a travel and accommodation subsidy. Entry forms should reach the following e-mail addresses by Friday 19 April 2013: Requirements and programme Samro Hubert van der Spuy The competition takes place in four categories: Piano, Strings, Woodwind, Brass and Other Instruments (Classical Guitar, Recorder and Percussion) o Five contrasting pieces of at least three style periods are required during the first three rounds. o The first round must include a piece from the Baroque period and the second round must include a piece from the Classical period. Pieces may not be repeated during these rounds. o The maximum duration is ten minutes for the first and second rounds, and fifteen minutes for the third and final rounds. Should a participant exceed the allocated time, he/she may be asked to stop performing. o All repeat signs must be ignored, except in the case of Da Capo. o Should there be no original pieces for instruments other than the piano from these style periods, written representations can be made to present an alternative piece of music. Address your representations to the chairperson of SASMT Tygerberg and include a copy of the work. o Piano concertos or parts thereof are not allowed. However, concertos or parts thereof will be allowed in case of other instruments. o The competition takes place over four rounds. All participants take part in the first two rounds. o A candidate will only be allowed to participate on one instrument. The four rounds o o o o First round: Two contrasting pieces (one Baroque) Second round: Two new contrasting pieces (one Classical) Third round: Two contrasting pieces – one from a previous round and one own choice not yet performed. Final round: A programme of three pieces put together from previous rounds. National Music Competition Entry Form 16 – 20 September 2013 Participating in the competition ENTRY FORM o o o o o Closing date for entries: 19 April 2013. Candidates who performed in the final round in 2012 do not have to play an audition. Previous winners of the first prize may not participate in the same category in the competition. Category winners from Group A and Group B are eligible for any other prize. All rounds are taken in consideration The adjudicators’ decision is final and will be announced at the end of each round. Qualifying Auditions o Qualifying auditions for the competition will take place in Bloemfontein, Durban, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth and Pretoria from the end of May 2013. o All candidates are adjudicated on their standard of playing . o After the closing date for entries, candidates will be notified in writing when, where and how their auditions will take place. o Any two contrasting pieces from the first two rounds must be presented. o Maximum duration: 10 minutes o Participants qualifying for the competition will be notified not later than 30 June 2013.. CANDIDATE: Group A [ ___ ] OR B [ ___ ] Surname ________________________ First name ____________________ Name called by _________________ Date of birth _____________________ Age on 16/09/2013: _______ Instrument __________________________ Parents (Father + mother+ titles) _________________________________________________________________ E-mail address (Father) ______________________________ (Mother) __________________________________ Postal/Home address __________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Postal code ___________ Telephone: Home ( _____ ) _______________________ Cell number (Father) _______________________________ (Mother) __________________________________ Music teacher ____________________________________ Telephone ( ___ ) ___________________________ Enquiries E-mail address ____________________________________ Cell number _______________________________ Send your enquiries in writing to Kathleen du Plessis or call 021 939 9105 or Hilda Postal/Home address _________________________________________________________________________ Boonzaaier (between 20:00-21:00) on 021 945 3861. _______________________________________________________________________ Postal code _________ Name of Development Project (Only Group B) ____________________________________________________ Prizes for participants o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o First prize: A gold medal and R10 000 Second prize: A silver medal and R6 500 Third prize: A bronze medal and R4 000 Best performance of a South African compositions: R3 000, R2 000, and R1000 Category prizes: R2 000 for each category (Piano, Strings, Woodwinds, Brass and Other instruments) Category prizes for the best development candidate: R500 for each category. 4 Unisa prizes Best performance of a Baroque work in 1st round: R1 500 Best performance of a Classical work in 2nd round: R1 500 Best performance of a Romantic work in 3rd round: R1 500 Most promising candidate of 10 years and younger: R1 500 Most promising development candidate: R1 000 Project prize for the most successful development project: R5 000 All participants in the third round: R800 All participants in the final round: R1 000 Tygerberg prize: R1 000 Did you play in the final round of the competition in 2012? YES [ ____ ] NO [ ____ ] AUDITION CENTRE Please indicate your choice with an x in the appropriate box Bloemfontein [ ] Durban [ ] Pretoria [ ] Port Elizabeth [ ] Cape Town [ ] Other [ ] [20 candidates or more] Declaration of parent / Music Teacher on behalf of the candidate: o I declare that the information provided on the entry form is accurate and complete. Should my child / candidate be accepted as a participant, he/she undertakes to comply with the regulations and conditions for participation and to accept the decisions of the panel of adjudicators. o I hereby grant permission that my child`s / candidate`s performance may be recorded or filmed for possible radio or television broadcasting or for use as required by the adjudicators. I will not claim any compensation for the above. Prizes for teachers o o o o o First-prize winner`s music teacher: R2 000 Second-prize winner`s music teacher: R1 600 Third-prize winner`s music teacher: R1 300 Teacher with the most promising development candidate: R1 000 Tygerberg prize winner`s teacher: R1000 SAMRO HUBERT VAN DER SPUY NATIONAL MUSIC COMPETITION ____________________________________ Signature of parent / guardian / music teacher _________________________ Date PROGRAMME (provide only applicable details) ROUND I COMPOSER PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE TITLE KEY / OPUS ETC *Baroque Classical Romantic Modern SA Composer ROUND 2 Baroque COMPOSER TITLE KEY / OPUS ETC COMPOSER TITLE KEY / OPUS ETC *Classical Romantic Modern SA Composer ROUND 3 Baroque Classical Romantic Modern SA Composer * Compulsory The compilation of the programme is subject to approval. No registration will be accepted if the name of the composer does not appear on the entry form . Signature music teacher _______________________________________ Send the completed entry form, programme and proof of deposit to PROGRAM (voltooi net in lyne waar van toepassing) RONDTE I *Barok TIK- OF DRUKSKRIF ASSEBLIEF KOMPONIS TITEL TOONSOORT / OPUS ENS KOMPONIS TITEL TOONSOORT / OPUS ENS KOMPONIS TITEL TOONSOORT / OPUS ENS Klassiek Romanties Modern SA Komponis RONDTE 2 Barok *Klassiek Romanties Modern SA Komponis RONDTE 3 Barok Klassiek Romanties Modern SA Komponis * Verpligtend Die programsamestelling is onderhewig aan goedkeuring. Geen inskrywing sal aanvaar word indien die naam van die komponis nie op die inskrywingsvorm verskyn nie ____________________________ Handtekening musiekonderwyser/es E-pos die ingevulde inskrywingsvorm en program tesame met depositobewys na REËLS VAN DIE KOMPETISIE SAVMO Tygerberg bied aan Die Missie van die Samro Hubert van der Spuy Nasionale Musiekkompetisie is om begaafde jong musiekleerders die geleentheid te bied om onder kompetisie omstandighede van mekaar te leer en om op ‘n nasionale vlak mee te ding. Plek en datum van kompetisie Hugo Lambrechts Musieksentrum, Pictonstraat, Parow, Wes-Kaap. 16-20 September 2013 Registrasie Groep A o Enige leerder tot en met 13 jaar tydens kompetisie kan deelneem. o Inskrywingsgeld beloop R150 en is nie terugbetaalbaar nie. Elektroniese betalings: SAVMO Tygerberg, ABSA, takkode 502110, rekeningnommer 1137500210. Gebruik deelnemer se naam en van as verwysing. Stuur bewys van betaling saam met aansoekvorm. o Deelnemers is verantwoordelik vir hul eie reis en verblyf. Groep B ( SLEGS kandidate betrokke by musiekontwikkelingsprojekte) o Die ouderdomsbeperking is 14 jaar tydens die kompetisie. o Geen inskrywingsgelde is betaalbaar nie. o Suksesvolle kandidate tot die kompetisie sal reis- en verblyfsubsidie ontvang. Inskrywingsvorms moet die volgende e-pos adresse teen die sluitingsdatum op Vrydag 19 April 2012 bereik: Vereistes en program Die kompetisie vind in vier kategorieë plaas: Klavier, Strykers, Hout- en Koperblasers en Ander Instrumente (Klassieke Kitaar, Blokfluit en Slagwerk) Vyf werke van kontrasterende aard, en wat minstens drie styltydperke in die eerste drie rondtes verteenwoordig, word vereis. o Die kompetisie vind oor vier rondtes plaas. Alle deelnemers neem aan die eerste twee rondtes deel. o Die eerste rondte moet `n werk uit die Baroktydperk en die tweede rondte moet `n werk uit die Klassieke tydperk insluit. Werke mag nie in hierdie twee rondtes herhaal word nie. o Alle herhalingstekens moet geïgnoreer word, behalwe in die geval van Da Capo. o Die maksimum tydsduur is tien minute vir die eerste en tweede rondte, en vyftien minute vir die derde en finale rondte. Indien `n deelnemer die tydsduur oorskry, kan hy/sy gevra word om sy/haar aanbieding te staak. o Indien daar vir ander instrumente, behalwe klavier, geen oorspronklike werke vir hierdie styltydperke bestaan nie, mag `n skriftelike vertoë gerig word om `n alternatiewe werk aan te bied. Die vertoë moet aan die Voorsitter, SAVMO Tygerberg gerig word en moet `n kopie van die werk insluit. o Klavierkonserte of dele daarvan word nie toegelaat nie. Konserte of dele daarvan word wel vir ander instrumente toegelaat. o Kandidaat word slegs toegelaat om op een instrument deel te neem. Die vier rondtes: O Eerste rondte: Twee kontrasterende werke (een Barok) o Tweede rondte: Twee nuwe kontrasterende werke (een Klassiek) o Derde rondte: Twee kontrasterende werke - enige werk uit `n vorige en `n eie keuse wat nog nie aangebied is nie. o Finale rondte: `n Program van drie werke saamgestel uit vorige rondtes.. Die Samro Hubert van der Spuy Nasionale Musiekkompetisie Inskrywingsvorm 16 – 20 September 2013 Deelname aan die kompetisie o o o o o Vorige wenners van die eerste prys mag nie weer in dieselfde kategorie aan die kompetisie deelneem nie. Kandidate wat in 2012 in die finale rondte gespeel het hoef nie weer `n oudisie te doen nie. Kategoriewenners uit Groep A en Groep B kan vir enige ander prys in aanmerking kom. Alle kandidate word deurgaans op standaard van spel beoordeel. Die beoordelaars se beslissing is finaal en sal na afloop van elke rondte aangekondig word. Kwalifiserende oudisies o Kwalifiserende oudisies vind vanaf einde Mei 2013 in Bloemfontein, Durban, Kaapstad, Port Elizabeth en Pretoria plaas. o Kandidate sal ná afloop van die sluitingsdatum skriftelik in kennis gestel word wanneer, waar en hoe laat hul oudisies plaasvind. o Enige twee kontrasterende werke uit die eerste twee rondtes moet aangebied word. o Maksimum tydsduur: 10 minute o Deelnemers wat kwalifiseer vir die kompetisie sal teen 30 Junie 2013 in kennis gestel word. Navrae SAMRO HUBERT VAN DER SPUY NASIONALE MUSIEKKOMPETISIE INSKRYWINGSVORM Sluitingsdatum vir inskrywings: 19 April 2013 KANDIDAAT: Groep A [___] OF B [___] Van: ________________________ Voornaam________________________Noemnaam _____________________ Geboortedatum: _____________________ Ouderdom op 16/09/2013:______ Instrument ____________________ Ouers (Vader + moeder + titels) __________________________________________________________________ E-posadres: (Vader) _________________________________ (Moeder) __________________________________ Pos/woonadres: _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________Poskode ___________ Telefoon: Huis: ( ) ________________________ Skriftelike navrae kan gestuur word aan Kathleen du Plessis of skakel (021) 939 9105 of Hilda Boonzaaier (tussen 20:00-21:00) by (021) 945 3861. Selnommer (Vader) __________________________________ (Moeder) _________________________________ Pryse vir deelnemers E-posadres: _________________________________________ Selfoon: _________________________________ Musiekonderwyser/es: _______________________________ Telefoon: _________________________________ Pos/woonadres: _______________________________________________________________________________ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Eerste prys: `n Goue medalje en R10 000 Tweede prys: `n Silwermedalje en R6 500 Derde prys: `n Bronsmedalje en R4 000 Die beste uitvoering van `n Suid-Afrikaanse komposisies: R3 000, R2 000 en R1 000 Kategoriepryse: R2 000 vir elke kategorie (Klavier, Strykers, Hout- en Koperblasers en Ander instrumente) Kategoriepryse vir die beste ontwikkelingskandidaat: R500 vir elke kategorie 4 Unisa pryse Beste uitvoering van `n Barokwerk in 1ste rondte – R1 500 Beste uitvoering van `n Klassieke werk in 2de rondte – R1 500 Beste uitvoering van `n Romantiese werk in 3de rondte – R1 500 Mees belowende kandidaat van tien jaar en jonger: R1 500 Mees belowende ontwikkelingskandidaat: R1 000 Projekprys vir mees suksesvolle ontwikkelingsprojek: R5 000 Alle deelnemers in die derde rondte: R800 Alle deelnemers in die finale rondte: R1 000 Tygerberg-prys: R1 000 Pryse vir onderwysers o o o o o Eerstepryswenner se musiekonderwyser: R2 000 Tweedepryswenner se musiekonderwyser: R1 600 Derdepryswenner se musiekonderwyser: R1 300 Onderwyser van die mees belowende ontwikkelingskandidaat: R1 000 Tygerberg-pryswenner se onderwyser: R1000 _________________________________________________________________________Poskode: ___________ Naam van Ontwikkelingsprojek (Slegs Groep B) _____________________________________________________ Het jy in 2011 in die kompetisie se finale rondte gespeel? JA [____] NEE: [____] OUDISIESENTRUM Dui jou keuse met `n X in die toepaslike blokkie aan: Bloemfontein [ ] Durban [ ] Pretoria [ ] Port Elizabeth [ ] Kaapstad [ ] Ander [ ] [20 of meer kandidate] Ouer / Musiekonderwyser/es se verklaring namens die kandidaat:: o Ek verklaar dat die inligting wat in dié inskrywingsvorm verstrek word, korrek en volledig is. Indien my kind/kandidaat as deelnemer aanvaar word, onderneem hy/sy om hom/haar neer te lê by die regulasies en voorwaardes vir deelname, asook die beoordelaarspaneel se beslissing o Ek verleen hiermee toestemming dat my kind/kandidaat se uitvoerings tydens die kompetisie opgeneem of verfilm mag word vir moontlike radio- of televisie-uitsendings of vir die gebruik soos benodig deur die organiseerders. Ek sal geen vergoeding vir bogenoemde eis nie. o Vrywaring: Ek, die ondergetekende, sal nie die organiseerders en borg aanspreeklik hou vir enige verlies, skade, besering of siekte wat my kind/kandidaat gedurende die kompetisie mag ly nie. _____________________________________ Handtekening van ouer / voog / onderwyser/es __________________ Datum PROGRAMME (provide only applicable details) ROUND I COMPOSER PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE TITLE KEY / OPUS ETC *Baroque Classical Romantic Modern SA Composer ROUND 2 Baroque COMPOSER TITLE KEY / OPUS ETC COMPOSER TITLE KEY / OPUS ETC *Classical Romantic Modern SA Composer ROUND 3 Baroque Classical Romantic Modern SA Composer * Compulsory The compilation of the programme is subject to approval. No registration will be accepted if the name of the composer does not appear on the entry form . Signature music teacher _______________________________________ Send the completed entry form, programme and proof of deposit to PROGRAM (voltooi net in lyne waar van toepassi ng) RONDTE I *Barok Klassiek TIK- OF DRUKSKRIF ASSEBLIEF KOMPONIS TITEL TOONSOORT / OPUS ENS KOMPONIS TITEL TOONSOORT / OPUS ENS KOMPONIS TITEL TOONSOORT / OPUS ENS Romanties Modern SA Komponis RONDTE 2 Barok *Klassiek Romanties Modern SA Komponis RONDTE 3 Barok Klassiek Romanties Modern SA Komponis * Verpligtend Die programsamestelling is onderhewig aan goedkeuring. Geen inskrywing sal aanvaar word indien die naam van die komponis nie op die inskrywingsvorm verskyn nie ____________________________ Handtekening musiekonderwyser/es E-pos die ingevulde inskrywingsvorm en program tesame met depositobewys na