California State Think Tank –IV on Child Abuse & Disability Improving California’s Response to Child Abuse involving Children with Disabilities A gathering of policy makers within the agencies with responsibility and authority over children and child abuse issues, to continue their commitment to make children with disabilities a priority in responding to child abuse. Convened by the CAN DO! Project Child Child Abuse & NeglectAbuse Disabilityand Outreach Project A Grant Project of Arc Riverside Neglect/Disability Outreach Sponsored by the Governor’s Office Of Criminal Justice Planning Children’s Justice Act THINK TANK IV August 22, 2003 Goals of Think Tank IV Meeting Child Abuse and Neglect/Disability Outreach Create an atmosphere of excitement and continued commitment to making California’s response to child abuse involving children with disabilities a model for the nation. Share information from selected presenters on their achievements since June 2002. Provide an update on the accomplishments of the CAN DO Project of Arc Riverside. Review and revise the California State Action Plan on Child Abuse & Disability Review Commitments from last year for progress & barriers to completing those commitments Endorse commitments for 2003-2004. Presentation Elliott Schulman, M.D. Statewide Web Based Reporting System Presentations: Statistics on Child Abuse & Disabilities Bud Wilford, Dept. of Justice, Child Abuse Div. Jeff Johnson, Walter R. MacDonald & Associates BREAK BREAK Action Plan Review History Action Plan Review 1st Think Tank 1997 2nd Think Tank 2001, 3rd 2002 Inter Agency Collaboration Training • • • Clients Training Criminal Justice Service Providers Prevention Policy Commitment Cards • Review Commitment Cards from Think Tank III – Celebrate and Acknowledge achievements – Identify Barriers & Solutions CAN DO Project – Status Report CAN DO Project Goals 1. Convene annual Think Tank & foster InterDisciplinary Collaboration 2. Improve data collection system & create reports from available data 3. Create a Training program & conduct training, offer dissemination capability 4. Program Evaluation with OCJP 5. Build and implement Web-based and Internet resources in support of project objectives ------ Think Tank • CAN/DO! Project Objective Convened the Think Tanks in each year of grant • Developed annual Proceedings Report which was uploaded to project’s WebSite library • Ratification of ’97 Action Plan • Committed to Priorities from Action Plan list • Developed Commitment Cards to specify activities, support for implementation offered and provided to Think Tank members. Provide Inter-Agency support and CAN/DO! Project Objectives technical assistance to state departments and agencies • Created Web Site library to provide agencies with core documents on both child abuse and on disabilities • Consultation to DOJ and Attorney General’s Task Force on Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA) on disability issues • Provided on-site and off-site consultation to OVC in the development of two video tapes on abuse & disability. (SHOW CLIPS) Improve Data Collection System • Developed and published the data report on abuse CAN/DO! Project Objectives of children with disabilities county by county each year. • Developed a detailed report for Los Angeles county. • Continued to identify barriers to effective data collection in spite of improvements. - Recognition of additional disabilities - Barriers in current regulations • Identified opportunity for possible epidemiological study, comparing major California data bases. • Identified data source for California & national child abuse data Provide support for the development CAN/DO! Project Objectives and dissemination of training • Conducted initial and ongoing literature searches, placing findings on the Web. • Provided training programs to various law enforcement, sexual assault and child abuse related audiences. • Conducted training with evaluation piece in concert with LESU training through OCJP • Took pilot training program to other states including New Jersey, Florida, Massachusetts, New York, Missouri, S. Carolina, among others. Conference Outcomes CAN/DO! • Convened 8th & 9th National/International Conferences on Project Objectives Abuse & Disability (2002, 2003) at each: • Approximately 400 attendants representing 31 states and several countries • 77 presenters from throughout the country and Canada & Australia • Major support from OCJP through Wayne Strumpfer, Gillsa Miller, Lisa Fey-Williams and Kirby Everhart • Major support in 2003 from DOJ through Joye Whately & John Gillis • Growing national network of participants and presenters is opening new collaborations in support of California’s efforts …more Conference outcomes • Audio and videotaping of proceedings for later learning and training opportunities, & development of 9th Conference Highlights DVD (SHOW CLIPS) A Treat!! • Dissemination of OVC training videos x2 for each participant • Award program to acknowledge pioneers creating real change for child abuse victims with disabilities Build and Implement Web-based and InternetProject Resources CAN/DO! Objectives Tom Hanna will present our activities and achievements on the Web • • • • Developed Developed Developed Developed system and built Website Listserve active library on-line Conference management CAN DO-Arc Riverside Future Plans •First Responders Curriculum to provide excellence in INTERNET &involving WEBSITE responding to child abuse calls children with disabilities and their families - OCJP •Forensic Interviewing Model Training Video for InDepth Interviews with Individuals with Cognitive and/or Communication Impairments (with Training Guide) OVC (pending) •First On Line Professional Conference on Abuse & Disability May 2004 (OVC with LifeNet & PCNY, grant to Arc Riverside) (pending) More plans…. • Training program for Service Providers throughout California (2005) following Certification from Safe Place OVC Training program. (Individuals with cognitive & other developmental disabilities.) • 10th National/3rd International Conference on Abuse of Children & Adults with Disabilities, Riverside Convention Center, March 2005. • CAN DO Community Building through establishing community Child Abuse and Roundtable Neglect/Disability Outreach State Coordinating Committee – Kirby Everhart Office of the Attorney General – Craig Pierini Department of Mental Health – Michael Borunda State Council on Developmental Disabilities – Tony Anderson California District Attorney’s Association – Kate Killeen CALCASA Project Access – Kecia Bailey Open discussion – Everyone in!! Update & Ratify the California Action Plan Next Steps: Plans and Ideas for Think Tank Members Future Think Tank meetings? Find a way to use the internet and CAN DO project website to further your agency’s goals on child abuse and disability issues Identify one or more activities you can do within your agency to help kids with disabilities who become child abuse victims (index idea cards) Acquire the products that have been developed to date and use them in your own agency conferences and training programs. CAN DO-Arc Riverside Future Plans •First Responders Curriculum to provide excellence in INTERNET &involving WEBSITE responding to child abuse calls children with disabilities and their families - OCJP •Forensic Interviewing Model Training Video for InDepth Interviews with Individuals with Cognitive and/or Communication Impairments (with Training Guide) OVC (pending) •First On Line Professional Conference on Abuse & Disability May 2004 (OVC with LifeNet & PCNY, grant to Arc Riverside) (pending) More plans…. • Training program for Service Providers throughout California (2005) following Certification from Safe Place OVC Training program. (Individuals with cognitive & other developmental disabilities.) • 10th National/3rd International Conference on Abuse of Children & Adults with Disabilities, Riverside Convention Center, March 2005. • CAN DO Community Building through establishing community Let’s stay in contact!!! Website: Visit the site to get core & updated information, check recent news items Join the listserv to give & get consultation and information, submit your information for possible inclusion on the site Email: Together we CAN DO it! Thank you for joining the growing community of individuals and agencies advocating for children with disabilities who become victims of child abuse and/or neglect. The contributions of each individual, when joined together, create a better world for children with disabilities.