Commercial Law GR. A-K: PROF. GAETANO PRESTI; GR. L-Z: PROF. GIUSEPPE RESCIO Group A-K: Prof. Gaetano Presti COURSE AIMS The course is designed to provide students with a solid knowledge of commercial law principles (economic players, business standards and market environment) and of the method of interpretation of the relevant rules. Special attention will be dedicated to clarifying the role of commercial law and its principles in the effective conduct of business, explaining how the various competing interests are balanced. Given the enormous area covered by commercial law, the course will focus on general principles and its primary objective will be to explain the basic underlying principles with particular reference to those that distinguish the area from private law in general. Accordingly, students must have a good knowledge of private law before attending this course. COURSE CONTENT SECTION I The concept of entrepreneur, categories and rules. The reform of bankruptcy and other insolvency proceedings. The firm. Debt securities and dematerialised financial instruments. Companies and partnerships in general. Consortia and other forms of co-operation among entrepreneurs. Partnerships. SECTION II Joint stock companies, limited liability companies, companies limited by shares, European companies, co-operatives, corporate groups, aspects of listed companies and the securities market, mergers and acquisitions. READING LIST For the first section PRESTI-RESCIGNO, Corso di diritto commerciale, Vol. I, Zanichelli, Bologna, (Autumn) 2013, 6th edition, (lessons V to X and sections 2-3 of lesson IV can be skipped). For the second section PRESTI-RESCIGNO, Corso di diritto commerciale, Vol. II, Zanichelli, Bologna, (Autumn) 2013, 6th edition. The two textbooks may also be purchased as a single volume (lessons have the same numbering). In view of increasing legislative developments the students must study on the lastest edition of the textbooks and use an up-to-date version of the Civil Code and main associated laws. In this regard the latest edition by De Nova (Zanichelli) is recommended as is the Codice di diritto commerciale published by Simone. The legislative changes issued during the course will be published on the course's Blackboard page. TEACHING METHOD Lectures, with ppt slides. The material will be published on the course's Blackboard page. ASSESSMENT METHOD Oral examination. NOTES Students must have passed the examination on Principles of Private Law before sitting the exam for this course. The lecturer will use Blackboard to make material available to students and hence the latter are requested to register for the course on Blackboard. Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice board. Group L-Z: Prof. Giuseppe Rescio COURSE AIMS The course is designed to provide students with a solid grounding in commercial law principles (parties, deeds and the contexts) as well as the method of analysis interpretation of the relevant rules. Special attention will be paid to clarifying the role of commercial law and its principles in the effective conduct of business, explaining how the various competing interests are balanced. Given the enormous area covered by commercial law, the course will focus on general principles and its primary objective will be to explain the basic underlying principles with particular reference to those that distinguish the area from private law in general. Accordingly, students must have a good knowledge of private law before doing this course. COURSE CONTENT SECTION I The concept of entrepreneur, and business activities, categories and rules. The reform of bankruptcy and other insolvency proceedings. The business. Credit instruments and dematerialised financial instruments. Companies and partnerships in general. Consortia and other forms of co-operation among entrepreneurs. Partnerships. SECTION II Joint stock companies, limited liability companies, partnerships limited by shares, European companies, co-operatives (aspects); corporate groups, aspects of listed companies and the securities market, mergers and acquisitions. READING LIST AA. VV., Diritto delle imprese. Manuale breve, Giuffré, 2012. AA. VV., Diritto delle società. Manuale breve, Giuffré, 2012. On the lecturer’s webpage at the beginning of the course details will be given of the chapters of the textbooks that can be skipped for exam purposes although it would still be advisable to carefully read them. Students must also use an up-to-date version of the Civil Code and main associated laws. The latest legislative changes will be published on the course's Blackboard page. TEACHING METHOD Lectures, with visual aids. The material will be published on the course's Blackboard page. Check the lecturer’s page for details of tutorials during the course. ASSESSMENT METHOD Oral examination. NOTES Students must have passed the examination on Principles of Private Law before sitting the exam for this course. The lecturer will use Blackboard to make material available to students. Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice board.